Tobacco Junction Newsletter
TJ's Cigar Lounge   
Temple  Gatesville  McGregor
January 1, 2011
Dear ,Tobacco Junction strives everyday to bring you choices.  In today's market it is increasingly difficult to find someone in the tobacco business who is local and has the same interests that you do.  Here at Tobacco Junction we have a passion for Premium Cigars, Pipes,  tobacco's and all the accoutrements that go with that passion.
This newsletter will keep you informed as to what we are up to and bring you information on new products, events, and legislative updates that affect our passion for Fine Tobaccos.
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Procigar Festival 2011

Discover the taste of the Caribbean at the Procigar Festival 2011

The Procigar Festival is a truly unique and memorable experience, unmatched in the cigar industry. Entertaining activities take our guests on an enchanted journey through the Dominican Republic full of premium smokes, golf, cigar factory tours, seminars, flavorful local cuisine, contagious dance and music, unbelievable beaches and so much more. 

Starting in the illustrious Casa de Campo on the Dominican Republic's southeast coast, La Romana, our guests will have the opportunity to relax at the beach under a warm sunshine, play at the legendary Pete Dyes' Teeth of the Dog golf course, visit Tabacalera de Garc�a Cigar Factory and an array of many other activities offered at this gorgeous resort.  

The fun continues one step further in the heart of the Cigar Country, Santiago de los Caballeros, about 160 miles from, La Romana, for a diversity of options to choose from, including cigar factory tours to General Cigar, Davidoff, Matasa, La Aurora and Tabaquisa, beer & rum factory tours, city tours, merengue lessons, seminars, sail on a catamaran along the north coast, play a round of golf or just relax in the tropical scenery breezes of the Puerto Plata beach.

By night, all guests will gather for spectacular dinners, premium drinks, wonderful local cuisine, cheerful dance and warm Dominican hospitality that will captivate all your senses.

Procigar will host this year's Silent Charity Donations on every dinner in Santiago to benefit the Voluntariado de Jesus con los Ni�os (Non - Profit organization for ill children) and the Hospicio San Vicente de Paul (retirement home for low income elders). A raffle of special products will be made at the Final Dinner among the participants of these donations.


            Cigar Lounge Etiquette

I can vividly recall walking into Nat Sherman's in New York City for the first time - the sights, the smells, the people. I remember being hesitant, not because I was fearful, but because I wasn't sure of the norms in a cigar shop or lounge.  While I've made more than a few visits to cigar stores since, it still can be a bit tricky to feel out the vibe in any given place.  Add to that the difficulties with some states and provinces allowing smoking in cigar lounges and others not.  So I was pleased to come across this list of 11 universal points of etiquette for entering a cigar lounge or shop.  While you should be able to tell if smoking is OK in a given lounge/shop, it doesn't hurt to ask first. This list is meant for smoking-approved lounges, but much of the thoughts carry over. 

1. Don't be a "conversation snatcher"
If you walk into a lounge where a conversation is taking place, don't try to change it. You can wait for an appropriate time to weigh in and participate, but there's nothing worse than a newcomer who disrupts a discussion about politics or the economy with some unrelated remark about the Mets' bullpen.

2. Mine's better
Cigar smoking is a matter of taste - whether you prefer an Avo Campanero or a cognac-dipped novelty stick. "Real" cigar smokers may not touch the latter, but not everyone chooses to be "real." And, why should they? Realize that people gravitate to what they like, with cigars or anything else. Leave room for those around you to enjoy what they choose.

3. Know your audience
When I asked the guys around me about cigar etiquette, two gave variations of "keep it clean." Sitting down and regaling the crowd with the previous night's sexual conquests in lurid detail, for example, may not be appropriate. If you float a controversial topic and it doesn't resonate, let it go. Trying to force it will not work in your favor. Likewise, if you find a crowd comparing their evenings in a way that doesn't sit well with you, realize that you're the outsider - and that this crowd may not be the right one for you.

4. Talk on the phone ... somewhere else
Cell phones are now a part of life. Given enough people and enough time, you're bound to hear a few of them ring. Answering the phone isn't a big deal, just have the decency to take your call away from the lounge. Move to the back of the store, or step outside for a minute.

5. Don't tell people how to smoke
Cigar smokers have their habits - right or wrong. You'll irritate the hell out of somebody by telling him he cuts his cigar too low, shouldn't bite the cap or isn't lighting his cigar appropriately. Some are open to the advice, others not. If you decide to become a cigar educator, be ready for a chilly reception.

6. Buy from the shop where you're smoking
This shouldn't even need to be said, but there's always an element that shows no respect for the establishment. Retailers don't have great profit margins, and when you bring a cigar into a shop from the outside, you are taking money from the store. If you like having a place to smoke, support it.

7. Let the staff members do their jobs
Cigar shops are social centers, and this does include the staff. You can't help but get to know your "cigar guy," or "cigar gal" and you'll come to enjoy talking to them. But, when the smoke shop's employees are with customers, unloading boxes or otherwise working, let them be. The first priority is the job, and you need to respect that.

8. Be aware of the line behind you
A good tobacconist won't rush you or show impatience, so don't challenge him to try. If you don't know what you want, stand out of the way while you look around - especially if there's a line forming behind you. Nothing is worse than hearing, "I came in last year and bought a cigar, do you remember what it was?" if you see a waiting crowd behind you, let them take care of their purchases while you find your way through the maze.

9. Don't take over the TV

The TV's are there for everyone's enjoyment.  It is just bad manners to start changing the channels when the lounge has several patrons in it.  If you really want to watch something ask the employees and they will make sure that it is ok to change the station with the other customers.

10. The lounge is for Luxury Tobacco users

The primary function of the lounge is a place for Cigar and Pipe smokers to relax.  No, I really do not care if someone smokes cigarettes and sits in the lounge area, but when the lounge is crowded, please move to the bar area.
11. Have fun
The lounge is there for your enjoyment.  In order for everyone to have a good time manners is the word of the day.  I think we have proven that having a good time comes in many forms, enjoying a good cigar or pipe is one of the better ones.

Geography and Climate  

While tobacco is grown as far north as Canada and as far south as New Zealand, the greatest cigar tobacco growing region on earth is located between the Tropic of Cancer (23.5˚ North of the Equator) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5˚ South of the Equator).




Costa Rica


Known for its extraordinary ecosystems, volcanoes, and tropical forests, Costa Rica has emerged over the last decade as a boutique grower of premium cigar leaf.  While the country produces some premium filler and binder tobacco, dark and maduro wrapper leaf from Costa Rica is becoming a popular substitute for Brazilian, Mexican, and Broadleaf varietals.



Honduras is regarded as an ideal place to grow Cuban and Connecticut seed varietals for premium cigars.  In the southeastern part of Honduras, just north of the Nicaraguan border, lies the most significant premium cigar tobacco producing region in the country;  the town of Danli and the Jamastran Valley, both in the province of El Paraiso.  These areas are the epicenter of cigar production as well as a primary growing region for the country's best tobacco.  Since the 1960s cigar makers have been likening the Jamastran Valley to Pinar Del Rio, and judging from the full-bodied tobacco they grow, there are many similarities.  Today, Connecticut shade-grown and corojo shade-grown tobaccos are cultivated extensively throughout the region.   In addition, Honduras also produces very large amounts of Cuban seed sun-grown filler tobaccos which are found in hundreds of brands today.  Honduran premium cigar tobacco production is of high quality, dynamic, and consistently improving.



In the San Andreas Valley, southeast of the port city of Veracruz, and nestled between volcanoes and a large lake, is the heart of Mexican cigar country.  While some Mexican cigars have had a less than spectacular reputation, it belies the fact that many premium and famous brands use Mexican fillers and wrappers in their blends.  Soil in the San Andreas Valley is extraordinarily rich and produces a distinctive tasting tobacco.  Until 1996, when tobacco import duties were dropped, Mexico produced primarily Puros, which consumers either loved or hated.  Regardless of personal preference, Mexican tobaccos are distinctive and satisfy a special niche in the marketplace.  The most famous of Mexican cigar tobaccos is San Andreas Negro, like Connecticut Broadleaf,

San Andreas Negro lends itself to binder and maduro wrapper production.  This varietal is a tough leaf that can withstand the extra fermentation required to produce a maduro.  Other varietals such as Mexican-Sumatra are also successfully grown in the San Andreas Valley.



Since the 1960s, Nicaragua has had many political difficulties which have disrupted and inhibited cigar tobacco production.  But, over the last decade it has proven itself capable of producing some of the most rich, spicy, aromatic, and complex tobacco in the world.  In the northern part of the country, not far from the Honduran border, are the towns of Esteli and Condega.  Esteli is home to the majority of Nicaraguan cigar production, but both towns are surrounded by volcanic soil and fertile land that produces lush fields of Cuban seed tobacco.  Northeast of Esteli and Condega, lies the Jalapa Valley.  Like so many locations in the world of cigars, Jalapa is remote and difficult to get to.  But the land is fertile and produces tobacco of extraordinary quality.  If the last decade is any indication of the potential for Nicaraguan cigar tobacco, then our palates have a lot to be excited for.


 We serve Arbuckle coffee in McGregor and sell the beans as well, if you need them grinded just say so!

In addition to the distinct coffee from around the world, we offer flavored coffee such as chocolate hazelnut, cappuccino, amaretto, cinnamon orange, hazelnut, mudslide, irish cream and others.

We also offer a selection of hot tea for those who wish.  The Numi teas are of the highest quality and will make your evenings here the most relaxing you have had in a long time...
Gaming at TJ's Cigar Lounge
Texas Hold'em, dominoes, chess

The lounge area is great for those who wish to play cards or other games.  We  have tables, a poker template if needed, and so forth. 

Pipe Corner
Just a quick thought...
Cigar smoking and pipe smoking have several things in common, and not in common.   Pipe smoking is more about the ritual, coupled with the enjoyment.  We hope to bring just a few hints about how to enjoy a pipe here.



Some years after the introduction of the meerschaum pipe, smokers began to realize that the best material for pipe bowls was wood-of a very special kind. Clay, porcelain; and meerschaum, despite their admirable qualities, were too fragile; metal pipes, while sturdy, heated rapidly and were too heavy. Pipes carved from cherry- and willow-wood, however, met with little success. The creation of the ideal pipe, the universal pipe, had to await the discovery of the briar wood.

The introduction of briar wood as pipe material was quite accidental. It was linked to the cult of hero worship which sprang up shortly after the death in 1821 of the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. One of those who glorified the emperor's memory was a French pipe maker, who decided to honor his hero by making a pilgrimage to the Mediterranean island of Corsica, Napoleon's birthplace.

Being a passionate smoker, the pipe maker took one of his most beautiful meerschaum pipes with him. In an unlucky moment, however, he broke the bowl of his pipe, and was left without means of smoking. Fortunately, in that same Corsican village there lived a farmer known for his skill in carving. The Frenchman promptly commissioned the farmer to carve a new pipe for him out of any suitable wood.

The farmer soon presented the pipe maker with an attractive pipe, made of a hard, close-grained, pale golden wood. The pipe had so many fine qualities that its owner brought back to France several specimens of the wood from which it was made-the burl of the tree-heath, or bruyere, as it is called in French. Eventually the name "bruyere" was anglicized, first into "bruyer," then "brier," and later, "briar wood."

Enthusiastic over his discovery, the pipe maker brought his briar wood samples to St. Claude, a small French town from whose factory he usually bought his wooden pipe stems. This town, located in a remote valley of the Jura mountains, had a remarkable history as a center of wood-carving.

The craft had been introduced to St. Claude during the Middle Ages by monks, to while away the long winter months when heavy mountain snowfalls kept both people and livestock indoors. At the great Abbey, the center of the medieval settlement, the monks carved rosaries, crucifixes, and ordinary household goods out of boxwood, which grew abundantly in the neighborhood. The peasants began to imitate the monks, and wood-carving soon became the chief occupation of the inhabitants. The former monastery grew into a thriving town; its ancient Abbey church became a cathedral.

The French pipe manufacturer asked the clever craftsmen of St. Claude to try their hand at the new material by carving out some pipe bowls. The artisans soon found that the briar wood presented some problems; the wood had to pass through a complex seasoning process before it could be fashioned into satisfactory pipes. Also, the knotted and gnarled briar burls were all different, and contained many flaws. It took a good deal of experience to learn to make the proper cuts so as to carve the blocks to advantage.


Despite these difficulties, the briar wood pipe industry developed and took hold in St. Claude, eventually dwarfing all the other carved goods manufactured in that town. A century after the discovery of the briar root, 5,000 inhabitants of St. Claude were busy turning out some 30,000,000 pipes a year. Thus the broken meerschaum pipe bowl in Corsica led to the foundation of a new and thriving business. Briar pipe making spread from France to England and then to America, and the briar root quickly eclipsed all other pipe materials.

Pipe Repair Reference 
Tobacco Junction



Solid Spanish Cedar

 We now have solid spanish cedar lockers for lease at the lounge.  These have the same water source as the main cigar humidor and maintains a constant humidification level.  Each locker has its own key and is 20 inches deep to accommodate larger items. 


Contact one of our store employees for an inspection or to answer any questions you may have.


 Small Lockers:                      Larger Lockers:

 $25 per month                      $35 per month

 $125 per 6 months                $185 per 6 months

 $225 per 12 months              $345 per 12 months


Gran Habano

New in the Humidor, Gran Habano in Connecticut, Habano, Corojo, and the AZTECA.  The Corojo Triumph #8 is a 66 ring guage...the largest in the humidor!

Tobacco Junction is a family owned business here in Texas and has been here since 1997.  It is always a pleasure to visit with everyone, if you have any questions or concerns please ask for me personally, I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
David Livingston     [email protected] 
Temple 254-773-3103     Gatesville 254-248-0068     McGregor 254-840-4477
If you want to celebrate your Birthday with a Cigar we can help!  Just show us your ID and we will give you a Cigar with a retail value up to $5.00, or take five dollars off your favorite Cigar....ENJOY!
Offer subject to change or cancellation at any time.