A crucial part of the success of Cycle the WAVE are the male volunteers that make ride day possible. From fixing flat tires to assisting riders, ride day would not be possible without them. To thank our male volunteers we wanted to share a few of our favorite quotes from them:
"I found a very determined rider struggling up the back side of Lakemont who turned down our offer for a ride and said she came this far and she is going to finish. So I went home got my bike and a gu pack for her and rode the rest of the way with her. We got caught in the torrential downpour as we rode down Newport Way to the finish. She kept trucking on and I'm sure forgot about it once she crossed the finish line with all of the fanfare. She told me that she has been fighting breast cancer and she made a bet with her doctor that she could finish the WAVE 62 miler."
-Marty Goodman, Lakemont Cycling Club
"The ladies again were so glad we were out there. I love supporting this ride."
-Mark Allison, Lakemont Cycling Club
"The most impactful part of the day for me occurred at Rest Stop 3. A lady was out walking and stopped by the rest stop. She was asking questions about the ride. And then she said that Eastside Domestic Violence had saved her. She started to cry and thanked us for our efforts. She doesn't bike but wants to volunteer at one of the rest stops next year."
-Randy Halter, Lakemont Cycling Club Volunteer
"I loved the smiles on all the riders!"
-David Mezera, Lakemont Cycling Club