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our New Features
- Trumba supports Single Sign-On
- Find and add images with new search tool

Support Topics
- Create a mobile web site & app
- Display calendars in hidden section of a web page
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Trumba Supports Single Sign-On
Trumba now supports Single Sign-On (SSO) using the SAML 2.0 standard protocol. If supported by your organization, Trumba SSO allows Trumba users to sign into Trumba using their existing organization's (corporate, university, etc.) account instead of having to sign in with a separate Trumba username and password.This provides a more secure environment and reduces account administration tasks.
With SSO you can sign into your Trumba account automatically using your organization's SAML Identity Provider. Trumba publishers and editors can access their Trumba accounts through one standard sign-in process. Each Trumba account holder can use the same URL to directly access their individual account.
Configuring Trumba accounts for SSO is easily done by selecting Administer Accounts after logging in to Trumba, and selecting the Setup Single Sign-On button. You will first need to gather the Entity ID, SAML Metadata, and Sign-in Email Source from your SAML 2.0 identity provider software.
For more information and additional instructions on how to set up SSO in Trumba, see the SSO help topic or contact Support at support@corp.trumba.com.
Easily find and add images to events and objects using new search tool
Trumba's new image search feature lets you quickly find an image by name so that you can easily add it to an event or custom object. This is particularly helpful for customers with a large number of existing images already saved and listed in the Images table.
To add an existing image to an event or object using search, open the Add Event or Add New [Object] Value form, then click the search icon located to the right of the image field.
In the Find Image by Name field, start typing any part of the image name, which will dynamically bring up a list of image matches as you type.
Select the image you want, then click OK.
Image search works best when you give images meaningful display names at the time you initially upload or link to them, which makes them easier to find and reuse.
For more information and instructions on how to add and rename images, see the image search help topic or contact contact Support at support@corp.trumba.com.
Quest Community Newspapers & City of Brisbane share calendars to provide comprehensive regional events listings
Quest Community Newspapers use Trumba to publish several event websites and share calendars and events with the City of Brisbane, providing comprehensive event information for residents and visitors to numerous regions throughout Queensland, Australia. Visitors to Quest's Courier Mail website can select from among eight regions, each of which has an events link that when selected displays a filtered view for that region, such as Brisbane Central's event calendar.
Visitors to Courier Mail's What's On calendar sites can use Trumba's customizable filter tool to select among fifteen geographical regions to learn about events taking place in their area. Trumba's filtering allows site visitors to further select from 25 event types (such as Arts and Culture, Festivals, Classes, Fitness and more) and five age ranges to quickly find events of interest.Quest also uses Trumba's featured events to highlight sponsored event listings, which include photos and customized event details.
Quest's events calendars include a simple instruction for site visitors on how to use the calendar. Next to this is a Datefinder, links to add events to personal calendars, and a link to Trumba's event submission form page.
Courier Mail also provides a mobile calendar optimized for viewing their Trumba event calendars on smart phones and other mobile devices. Creating Trumba event calendars for display on mobile devices typically requires just a few simple steps, which are described in our new new help topic on optimizing your calendar for mobile. To view Courier Mail's mobile calendar from your mobile device go to http://m.couriermail.com.au/life/whatson/events.

For more information about Trumba Connect contact Sales.
Top Support Topics
Creating a mobile website
After you have published your Trumba calendar on your website you might also want to create a mobile version of your events calendar so that your calendar information displays optimally on smart phones and other mobile devices. It usually requires just a few simple steps to optimize your calendar for a mobile website. We have added a new help topic that provides detailed instructions to help you do this.
The University of Tampa created a mobile site for their event calendar, which you can view from your mobile device at

Clicking on an event in the University of Tampa mobile calendar brings you to the event detail:
You can also make your calendar data available through a mobile application. To learn how to publish your events in a mobile app our help topic also explains how you can do this.
Displaying calendars in hidden sections of a web page
Occasionally you might find that your calendar is not visible when viewers select a tab, drop-down, or other section of a web page. To display a calendar in a section of a page that is hidden when the page first loads you can follow these steps:
- Use a call to the $Trumba.addSpud() method to load the calendar spud when a viewer first displays the hidden section. For example, in the case of a tab control, use an event handler to make the call.
- Provide the ID of the
div (the tab, drop-down, or other section) that contains the spud by including the spudId argument in the $Trumba.addSpud() method.
Client Services
Did you know that Trumba offers Client Services for consulting and implementation?
The best practice when getting started with Trumba is to build a clean calendar architecture from the beginning to avoid possible headaches as your calendar grows.
Our Client Services team will work with you on designing your calendar structure. They can also work with you on new features like Custom Fields, Custom Event Types and Featured Events.
These services are offered to both new and existing Trumba customers for only $150.00 per hour. For those of you looking for more training on Trumba, contact Sales and they will help you come up with a package that meets your needs.
Visit Trumba at HighEdWeb & ALA Midwinter Conferences
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Trumba will be exhibiting at two upcoming conferences, the HighEdWeb conference October 7-10, 2012 in Milwaukee, WI, and the American Library Assocation's Midwinter Meeting January 25-29, 2013 in Seattle, WA. We will be providing demos and information about new features. We hope to see some of our higher ed and library customers at these events. Stop by our booth and say hello.
For more information about Trumba Connect contact Sales. |