Sharing a calendar means giving other Trumba account holders permission to view and possibly edit, email, or publish a calendar that you created.
You can control permission level for each person with whom you share.
In the Trumba Connect editing environment, the people you share with see the shared calendar in their "Other Calendars" lists.

How to share a calendar
Step 1:
Display the calendar that you want to share by clicking the calendar's name in the calendar list. Click the Share button above the calendar.
Step 2:
On the Sharing page, select or type the email addresses of the people or contact groups with whom you want to share the calendar.
If you already have email addresses in your Trumba Address Book, you see those addresses listed under Select from address book. Select the contacts or contact groups with whom you want to share.
Click Add to Shared List.
If you have no email addresses in your Address Book, under Enter email addresses, type or paste the addresses for the people with whom you want to share the calendar.
Click Add to Shared List.
Step 3:
The email addresses appear on the right under This Calendar Is Shared With.

Note: If you are sharing with a group, all group members will have the same permission with the exception of editors. To change the group membership, click Edit this group. Any changes you make affect this group in all the contexts where you use it.
Step 4:
Set the sharing permission for each person or for the group you're sharing with by selecting the permission you want from the drop-down list.

Step 5:
If you set permission to any level with the exception of can view events, select the check boxes to the left of the affected email addresses or groups. At the top of the sharing list, select Save Changes.
Step 6:
Click the Return button or link to return to the calendar you just shared.