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Get the Word Out                                                                                            Quarterly Newsletter 2009 

In This Issue

 Data Center Update 
Welcome to our Premier Edition!
Greetings Loyal Trumba member,

Welcome to our first Trumba Newsletter. Inside, you will find helpful information, tips, tricks and more.

Because Trumba is a Software as a Service Solution all you have to do is  sit back and relax while we take care of all of the updates and maintenance for you.

We regularly release new features and updates so be sure to visit the Trumba "What's New" Blog. You can take advantage of many of these features as part of your subscription service. The blog can be subscribed to via e mail, iCal or RSS.

We wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous summer season!

-Your Trumba Team

"Relaunching our online calendar with Trumba Connect provices our visitors with a dynamic, interactive way to stay informed about events important to them. The installation was easy to master and now we have a powerful tool to differentiate our site from competitors."

Matt Hennie



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July 6, 2009
Dear Trumba Customer,
As you are aware, the Trumba service was unavailable due to a major power outage on Friday, July 3rd.   This power outage occurred due to an electrical fire in Seattle's Fisher Plaza which houses TV and radio stations along with the Internap data center where the Trumba servers are housed.  Although the data center boasts redundant electrical power with backup generators, the fire occurred in a critical area that blocked power from both normal service and backup generators.
Power was restored early Saturday morning using backup generators that were wired to bypass the affected equipment.  At this time, the facility continues to be powered by these backup generators while the primary power infrastructure is repaired.  No further outage is expected as the primary system is brought back on line.
The following are links to various articles about the fire:
Seattle Times, Tech Flash, King5 News
We sincerely regret the difficulties this outage has caused.  We want to ensure you that Trumba is committed to providing high quality service and that we will take the lessons learned from this event to improve our systems and procedures to prevent future outages. 
The Internap data center we use has been touted as a state of the art facility with redundant systems that ensure a high level of service.  As Friday's event illustrates, things can always go wrong.  In order to mitigate the risk of future incidents, Trumba is committing to establishing a backup data center at an alternate location that would take over in case of an outage such as this.  This enhancement will take some time to implement but we will keep you apprised of our progress over time.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.
Dan Signature
Dan Hickman
Trumba Corporation

QuestionsTop Support Question 
 What does it mean to share a calendar?
Sharing a calendar means giving other Trumba account holders permission to view and possibly edit, email, or publish a calendar that you created.

You can control permission level for each person with whom you share.

In the Trumba Connect editing environment, the people you share with see the shared calendar in their "Other Calendars"  lists.

other calendars

How to share a calendar
Step 1:
Display the calendar that you want to share by clicking the calendar's name in the calendar list.  Click   the Share button above the calendar.

Step 2:
On the Sharing page, select or type the email addresses of the people or contact groups with whom you want to share the calendar. 

If you already have email addresses in your Trumba Address Book, you see those addresses listed under Select from address book. Select the contacts or contact groups with whom you want to share.

Click Add to Shared List.

If you have no email addresses in your Address Book, under Enter email addresses, type or paste the addresses for the people with whom you want to share the calendar.

Click Add to Shared List.
Step 3:
The email addresses appear on the right under This Calendar Is Shared With.


Note:  If you are sharing with a group, all group members will have the same permission with the exception of editors. To change the group membership, click Edit this group. Any changes you make affect this group in all the contexts where you use it.

Step 4:
Set the sharing permission for each person or for the group you're sharing with by selecting the permission you want from the drop-down list.

shared option

Step 5:
If you set permission to any level with the exception of can view events, select the check boxes to the left of the affected email addresses or groups. At the top of the sharing list, select Save Changes.
Step 6:
Click the Return button or link to return to the calendar you just shared.

TipsTips & Tricks
 Send us your tips and tricks!
Send us your Trumba tips and tricks and we will put them in future newsletters. sales
Did you know that you can use the photo upcoming promotions spud to promote your events even though you may not be using images?
This spud allows you to select any custom field to display. While all promotion spuds are fully customizable, the Photo Upcoming Spud provides more customizable options. Click here to learn more about promotion spuds.
soundEvent Submission Feature
Did you know that Trumba offers an event submission feature that allows you to create event submission forms that you can embed in your website?
This feature will allow your visitors to submit their events to your web site calendar. You can approve the events before they are posted to your web site calendar or have the submitted events automatically post.

Many of our customers use the event submission feature to allow site visitors to submit events to their calendars. The advantage of allowing your site visitors to submit events is more calendar content and your visitors become more connected to your community.
The event submission feature is an optional feature and is a one time fee of $1,000.00. 
To find out more details, contact sales
soundClient Services
Did you know that Trumba offers Client Services for consulting and implementation?
The best practice when getting started with Trumba is to build a clean calendar architecture from the beginning to avoid possible headaches as your calendar grows. 
Our Client Services team will work with you on designing your calendar structure. They can also work with you on new features like Custom Fields, Custom Event Types and Featured Events.
For those of you looking for more training on Trumba, contact sales and they will help you come up with a package that meets your needs. These services are offered to both new and existing Trumba customers for only $150.00 per hour.