Last year I was the proud recipient of the 2010 Embers Community Entrepreneur Award. I was walking to the stage wondering if I was really living this moment or was it just another dream. I was so proudly wearing a beautiful suit given to me by the Dress for Success in Vancouver a few months before the night of the awards. Some of the comments were: "Wow! You look so great! Awesome suit! Looks so professional!" Yes, I was that night Dressed for Success; because beyond the fancy suit I was wearing, I was dressed with the encouragement of the inspiring team at Dress for Success Vancouver who supported me as a woman, walking the rewarding journey of reclaiming myself.
These are some of the learnings I have experienced in being supported at Dress for Success Vancouver. This is what Dress for Success Vancouver means to me:
D etermination to succeed
R esearch and planning my strategies
E nhance my knowledge through education and awareness
S elf-esteem nurturing
S trength-based goal setting
F lexible to make self-adjustments at any stage of goal achievement
O pportunities to grow in every experience
R esilience and wisdom from adversity
S eeking wellness and practicing self-care
U niqueness and inner beauty to be rejoiced every moment of my life
C ommunity-based program extending support to all women facing life challenges
C ritical thinking as a master tool for evaluation and open mind for change
E mpathy to build those subtle and glorious ties among each other
S trong commitment to take pleasure in learning, teaching and sponsoring life skills
S tand against women oppression and abuse
I would like to thank my agency for introducing me to the Professional Women's Group. The PWG is a great community program operated by Dress for Success to support women to achieve self-identified goals in their careers and in life.
Every meeting is a celebration of women in partnership working together to promote professional development and networking aimed to sustain rewarding growth in any stage of achieving our goals. It is a fabulous time to enjoy the generosity of our mentors sharing their knowledge and experience with the group; a time for developing strategic planning in our journey to independence; rejoice and nurture our strengths; and, above all, be part of the group where we experience this empowering sense of belonging: a group where we all DRESS FOR SUCCESS.