Looking for a marketing edge?
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Please hold while I advertise...

If the dawning of a new decade has got you thinking about how you communicate with your customers, and indeed, whether they ARE actually listening, here's some food for those thoughts.

Have you previously stuck to traditional advertising vehicles like tv, print and radio?

Wondering whether there might be another way to set yourself apart from the competition?

As usual, here at RMS, we've got all the answers.

Maybe NOT when it comes to Trivial Pursuit but definitely when it comes to advertising!

We've just negotiated some hot new deals for our clients with a couple of local outfits.

First up is Message Box which targets your customers while they are waiting on hold.

That's right... Time to stop playing them the radio which afterall, could include promos for your competition!

Message Box is a professional, locally-based business with voice and production talent coming out of Perth.

And the second opportunity we've got for you is new to Bunbury. It's the chance to advertise on tv screens mounted in taxi headrets.

Talk about a captured market!

If you want to know more about any of these opportunities, drop us a return email or give us a buzz on 9792 5944.