Full Moon Wombyn's Coyolxauhqui Circle
Thursday, March 8th (9pm) at Not a Cornfield/Los Angeles State Park
1245 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Luna Ride will be riding to the Circle: Meet up time: 7:00pm at Montebello Park: 115 S. Taylor Ave., Montebello, CA, 90640. Riding out:7:30. Headed to Not A Cornfield for Full Moon Circle at 9pm.
Event Page
"Rites of Passage" ART EXHIBITS featuring a group show of intergenerational wombyn artists
March 10-17th
at Self Help Graphics & Art
1300 E. First Street
Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033
March 19th-April 6th
Corazon del Pueblo
2003 E. First Street
Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033
 Event Page "Tlakatiliztli" A film by Madres de Anahuak *Film Screening and Platica* Saturday, March 17th (7pm)
Self Help Graphics & Art
1300 E. First Street
Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033
Donations accepted at the door
TLAKATILIZTLI is a 50-minute grassroots documentary that chronicles the experience of 24 wombyn in the 'hoods of Los Angeles. After the film, there will be a presentation by Ixchel Midwifery on maintaining healthy, strong pregnancies and preventing preterm labor. The presentation will be followed with a dialogue/platica about birth, menarche and sisterhood in our communities led by las Madres de Anahuak. Event Page
Sunday, March 18th, 2012 (11-6pm)
Homeboy Industries/Homegirl Cafe 130 W. Bruno Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
All women vendors of art, jewelry, crafts, etc. 11-12pm: Yoga with Hilda 'Nrgy' Gonzalez 11-6pm: Mujer Mercadito featuring wombyn artisans & vendors 12-2pm: Mujercita Moontime Workshop for young women 9-18yrs. and their mothers, grandmothers.
*PLEASE RSVP to mujeresdemaizart@yahoo.com*
2-4pm: Moontime Workshop for adult wombyn
4-6pm: Moontime Session with Dr. Elena Esparza (Cost for session)

Event Page COMIDA EN LA COMUNIDAD: Healing from the Inside Out *a hands-on workshop on healthy food ways*
Friday March 23rd (6pm) at Eastside Cafe 5469 Huntington Drive North Los Angeles (El Sereno), CA 90032
Workshop presentation & food prep by
Cinthya Guillen, Viva La Vida, Live Foods for Life & Hilda 'Nrgy' Gonzalez

Event Page MDM in Collaboration with Ovarian Psyco Cycles & Proyecto Jardin A Ride & Workshop"Confronting Street Harassment"
Sunday, March 25th
Meeting time: 12:30pm
Ride Out: 1pm at East L.A. Civic Center 4837 E. 3rd Street East Los Angeles, CA 90022 Ride Ending at Proyecto Jardin for 2pm workshop @ Proyecto Jardin 1718 Bridge Street, East Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033
Workshop facilitated
by Sofia Castrejon-Teodoro Event Page
POETRY NIGHT Friday, March 30th (7pm)
at Self Help Graphics & Art 1300 E. First Street Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033 featuring Iuri Lara, Jenuine Poetess, Gloria Alvarez, Pam Ward, Kris Braggs, Luivette Ruso, and more. *open mic* DJ Pan Dulce and Fe sharing floetry from her upcoming EP/CD "Ten Fe" Event Page
A Dialogue on Sexism and Patriarchy in the Movement Sunday, April 1st (1pm)
Salon de la Plaza 1866 E. First Street, East Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), CA 90033 Challenging Patriarchy & Fleshing Feminism in Movement Organizing. A beginning dialogue regarding sexism, gender politics and issues within movement organizing as well as sharing of resources and ways to begin to not only challenge patriarchy but also flesh out & embody women of color feminism and create spaces of healing and empowerment of all peoples. 
Event Page |