RT Library News www.rtlibrary.org 973-627-2344 Vol 6, Issue 10 rockawaytwplibrary@rtlibrary.org October 2012 |
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Hibernia Branch: Come One! Come All! | All are invited to the Hibernia Grand Re-Opening Ceremony to be held on Sunday, October 21 from 2 to 4 pm. Join us for this momentous occasion. Speakers include Congressman Rodney Freylinghuysen, Mayor Mike Dachisen and Historical Architect Margaret Hickey. Refreshments will be served.
Pardon Our Appearance... HVAC Renovation |
On or about October 15, construction on the Main Library's heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) project will begin. Phase One will include installing a gas line, putting two new HVAC units on the roof, and constructing the descending ducts. At various times our side parking lot and parts of our collection will not be accessible. There will be some noise during this phase, and we ask for your patience while we make the library a more comfortable environment in which to work and study, learn and enjoy. |
This Is Halloween! Teen 'Scape Events this October

Halloween is lurking just around the corner... Won't you join us for these evening events?
Monster Cookie Dough Pops
On Wednesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm, teens in grades 6-12 can learn to make cookie dough pops and turn them into spiders, mummies and eyeballs in time for Halloween. At Rockaway Township Library in the Teen 'Scape area.
Teen Halloween Party
Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to a Halloween Party on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:00 pm at Rockaway Township Library. Wear a costume and celebrate Halloween. We'll have music, games, and lots of food. Enjoy a quivering heart and monkey brains. Registration is required. To register, stop in, call 973-627-2344 or email darlene.steinhart@rtlibrary.org
Thrilling Travel Tales and Terrifying Trivia @ Your Library! |

Join us for thrills and chills as your library serves up a spooky series of October events!
First, creep on in for Haunted Transportation, on Thursday, October 18 at 7:00 pm. You'll hear about the ghostly results of Eastern Airlines Flight 401 and phantom planes from Wales to Ohio to Pennsylvania. L'Aura Hladik, founder and director of the NJ Ghost Hunters Society, will share these haunting tales through photos, audio and video clips. And you thought security was a nightmare at the airport!
Looking for more information on New Jersey hauntings? See the results of some NJGHS investigations here.
Then, on Tuesday, October 30 at 7:00 pm, it's Spooky Trivia. Our ghostly host, Alex Tretiak, will present a fearsome set of questions in a one-night competition. Thrill-seekers, brilliant mad scientists, monster movie mavens and all other challengers can compete for prizes. Contestants must be 18 or older to play, but spectators of all ages are encouraged to attend!
Screenwriting 101 | Working on the perfect screenplay? Have the perfect idea for a movie? On Tuesday, October 16 at 7 pm, learn how to hone your skill in Screenwriting 101! Join Rockaway Township resident and screenwriter Keith Armonaitis to learn how to get started writing your first screenplay or script. At this event you will learn about
-The three act structure -Character arcs -The "beat sheet" -How to take your idea and flesh it out to movie length
Please contact the library to register for this special event.
Can't wait to get started? Check out these excellent books from your library!
808.23 DUN Genre Screenwriting: How to Write Popular Screenplays That Sell by Stephen V. Duncan.
YA 808.23 HAM Screenwriting for Teens: The 100 Principles of Scriptwriting Every Budding Writer Must Know by Christina Hamlett.
808.23 SNY Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need by Blake Snyder.
808.23 MCK Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee.