First International Eco-Theological Symposium
"Renew it. Do it. Green the Scene!"
Bethany-Newton United Church, June 1-5, 2012

Christians and other faiths are becoming increasingly aware of the connection between sustainable eco-systems and God's promise for eternal life. Yet because of human resource consumption, earth's eco-systems are no longer able to sustain themselves and the species dependent on them. If we trust in God's promise, we must live sustainably.

This conference seeks to engage theology with key ecological concerns from a variety of religious traditions and spiritual perspectives. We are interested in multi-disciplinary exchanges and insights, with a focus on faith-based and scientific approaches to ecological problems and challenges. The emphasis is on a sustainable ecological future. The conference will be a blend of learning and discussion.

Participants are invited to submit proposals on one of the following topics:
  • Climate change and climate justice
  • Biodiversity and land degradation
  • Water, oceans and energy
  • Sustainable communities
In talking circles, participants will have 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. 

Please send a proposal of not more than one page or 250 words by Tuesday, February 28 to: 

Linda Turner, Program Chair, "Renew it. Do it. Green the scene!"
14853-60th Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 1R8; [email protected]

Email is preferred. Please include your name, your institutional affiliation, as well as updated contact information. If your proposal is selected, you will be contacted with further guidelines.

For more information & registration, please visit