The Pawhaus Pet Boutique
The Pawhaus Pet Boutique Newsletter
December 2009
In This Issue
Featured Article - Holiday Hazard
Featured Designer - Burberry
Sign up for the Birthday Club
Check our Monday Madness Sales for December
Woofs Your Sign? Sagiterrierus the Sagittarius

Featured Article - Holiday Hazards for your Pets

Holiday Hazards'Tis the season to be jolly, and your pets want to celebrate as much as you do. They can't wait for the turkeys, hams, desserts, decorations, parties, and, best of all, the Christmas tree. All of these holiday items and events can cause problems or even be dangerous for your pet.   Read More...

Feature Toys - Nina Ottosson

Nina OttossonInactivity is just as important as activity, i.e. the dog has to learn to lie still and be able to relax when you tell it to do so.
Brain exercises with these activity toys/games are suitable for all dogs, young or old, big or small. The activity time that fits most dogs is approximately 15 minutes at a time, shorter for puppies. The dog-activating toys are also recommended by veterinarians when the dog for various reasons is not allowed, or cannot move freely due to illness etc. Dog psychologists and instructors also use these games in their courses and training sessions.
We are extremely excited to be carrying the Nina Ottosson Interactive puzzles and toys at the Pawhaus Pet Boutique!  Check out more details about the products we have and their benefits HERE.

Featured Designer - Burberry

Imported from London - Burberry's iconic Check pattern
items are manufactured by the makers of Burberry pet apparel for Romy & Jacob. These items are labelled signature Romy & Jacob and are available at the Pawhaus Pet Boutique (exclusive in Calgary!)

Birthday Club

Don't forget you can join the Pawhaus Pet Boutique Birthday Club and get a special gift from us on your pets big day!
Just update your subscription fill out the information of your pets name and birth month.
Monday Madness
Mark your calendars! Here are the "Monday Madness" deals for December:

Dec 7:  5% off everything in the store!

Dec 14: 10% off everything in the store!

Dec 21: 15% off everything in the store!

Dec 28: 20% off everything in the store!

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Apply now to start earning a little extra money for your business, Rescue or yourself!
Our affiliate program is pretty simple, you earn 15% that any visitor that you bring to the site buys.
Fill out the form on this PAGE to sign-up and bookmark this page to log back into your account to check on sales status, payment information and to get links to add to your blog or website. 

Woofs Your Sign?

Sagiterrierus the Sagittarius

Sagiterrierus the Sagittarius
(Nov 22 to Dec 21)
Pawhaus Pet Boutique proudly introduces Dogoscopes - a line of astrology inspired charms and pet ID tags! The front of each charm features a colorful, whimsical character covered with a clear epoxy coating for exceptional durability. Packaging comes complete with doggie horoscope and list of personality characteristics unique to your furry friend's astrology sign.

To order one for your Scorpupio (also available with personal engraving) Click Here.
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Save 15% 
This month only - Use the code:  PAWHAUSNEWS to receive your discount.   Want to share the love?  Send the code to your friends and family! 
Offer Expires: December 31, 2009