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Ranch Foods Direct Customer Newsletter  

September 2011

"How firm we stand and plant our feet upon our land determines the strength of our children's heartbeats." - Alaskan Native Polly Koutchak      



 CLICK HERE for a full schedule of Local Food Week events listed on the Peak to Plains Alliance website. 

Kurtis Ketchum 



BONNIE SIMON teaches hot-bath canning on Sat., Sept. 17.


DONNA ROSS teaches easy ricotta cheese-making on Sat., Sept. 24.


RFD classes are $15, which includes a $10 gift certificate. 


Bonus recipe:



Donna's fresh-made dill ricotta tastes incredible and is wonderful in many dishes, including this one. (She'll walk you through the steps to make it at a class on Sept. 24 at 1 p.m.) Great with grilled Copper River salmon (now back in season and back in the store) or with luscious sun-ripened locally-grown tomatoes (ditto.)  


Make a simple tart crust (or buy a refrigerated pre-made pie crust.)


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Whisk in a small bowl 1 1/2 T. olive oil and one garlic clove, pressed. In separate bowl, mix well the following: 

2 oz. sxxxx

2 oz. softened cream cheese

1/2 c. soft ricotta cheese 

1 tsp. of the garlic olive oil

1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper


Toss 2 cups fresh cherry tomatoes (mix colors if you want) with the remaining garlic olive oil.  


Butter a cookie sheet to prevent sticking. Roll out or place disc of dough on sheet. (You can also use parchment paper to keep it from sticking if you prefer.)

Spread ricotta mix on the dough, leaving a one-inch border around the edges.

Top with tomatoes and 1-2 T. basil leaves. (I also sprinkled diced bacon on top.)  


Fold borders of the crust in toward the center to create a rustic hand-made tart shape. Brush top of folded dough with one beaten egg, or a little melted butter. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes, until hot and bubbly and all ingredients are done. Cool for 5 minutes before serving. Can be served hot, at room temp or cold from the fridge.


Sept Recipes 1

More Sept recipes


Willie Nelson's music plays in the background as he teams up with Chipotle on a short video promoting sustainable agriculture... CLICK HERE to watch the video on Mike Callicrate's No Bull Food News Blog. Ranch Foods Direct supplies sustainably produced beef to all Chipotle locations in Colorado Springs and Pueblo.


Want Real Meat?


Find special offers all over town  

by viewing Ranch Foods Direct's interactive restaurant map (or use the smart-phone QR code, below.)


Restaurant Map Code 




There's still time to vote for Her Story Cafe food truck, now a candidate for season three of the Food Network's Great Food Truck Race.  CLICK HERE to vote! Owner Liz Rosenbaum buys all of her meats from Ranch Foods Direct and makes soups from scratch at the Gotta Love It Kitchen in Colorado Springs. "I know where my food comes from, so I can be confident about providing people with healthy, fresh food," she says. Go Liz and Alice! (Just a reminder, Alice is the truck's name.)


Liz truck  


Colorado Springs Local Food Week, Sept. 17-24. Ranch Foods Direct will be hosting classes on canning and cheese making and offering burgers for sale in conjunction with movie night at Care and Share Food Bank.    


Just remember...

Every week is local food week at Ranch Foods Direct!  


 Visit Ranch Foods Direct online for daily-weekly-monthly specials.


The SauceNEW IN STORE: Fresh pastries from Old German Bakery are crusty, nutty, sweetened with honey and dipped in chocolate! Or try the "pastry ships," filled with hazelnut/almond cream and topped with a cherry, for $1.39 each. Made in Colorado Springs, The Sauce is an all-natural frozen tomato sauce with no sugar, preservatives, flavorings or colorings added.  


Check the website for a list of restaurants serving Callicrate Beef.  


 Find Ranch Foods Direct products at the Denver Urban Homesteading Farmers Market. The indoor farmers market is open Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (They take credit cards for your convenience.) 


Keep up with RFD on Facebook. Follow owner Mike Callicrate on Twitter: @MikeCallicrate 


Ranch Foods Direct Natural Meat Market
2901 N. El Paso, Colorado Springs 80907
Retail Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


(719) 473-2306 or 1-866-866-6328
Shop online:

 For Home Service option, CLICK HERE.