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Jan. 2011

from the Director:

Rick Hindman

Rick Hindman 

Assist Consumers  

Make a New Year's Resolution to Form a Long-Term Care Plan


Because It's a Fact: 70 percent of us will need some type of long-term care in our lifetime. 

  • Will Medicare or private insurance pay for in-home care for my mother if she becomes ill or disabled?
  • What is an advance directive?
  • Do I need long-term care insurance?
  • Should I get a reverse mortgage?
  • What programs are available in my community to help me stay active and healthy?

These are important questions that should be answered as part of the long-term care planning process. 

Whether you're exploring options for yourself or an aging loved one, a free Long-term Care Consultation from The Area Agency on Aging 8 will help you get answers to these questions and more.

Planning ahead for long-term health care needs can reduce stress and ensure that personal choices are observed and that financial resources are put to best use.

Planning ahead is never easy, but skilled staff at the Area Agency on Aging 8 can help you explore your options and develop a care plan.

A professional long-term care assessment consultant will meet with clients for a free in-home evaluation of their current situation and future options. AAA8 staff will explain services available, discuss eligibility requirements and financial resources required, and help determine their needs and wishes.

Contact AAA8 at 1-800-331-2644 and ask for a free Long-Term Care Planning Kit and personal assessment today!

AAA8 Regional Advisory Council (RAC) 2011 Meeting Dates  


January 28

March 25

May 27 

July 29

September 23

November 18

Choices Expo


   Save the Date for Choices Expo 2011: Nov. 9!

ULTCSUnified Long-term Care System Workgroup Submits Recommendations

Plan drives a long-term care system that controls Medicaid spending, is based on choice

Ohio's Unified Long-term Care System (ULTCS) Workgroup submitted 26 recommendations to Governor Ted Strickland, Governor-elect John Kasich and members of the General Assembly in December. The workgroup's report suggests ways the state can create a flexible budget for Ohio's long-term services and supports, such as PASSPORT and other Medicaid waiver programs, and provides cost-effective solutions to budgeting for the future long-term care service needs of Ohioans.

"Medicaid spending now consumes 40 percent of the state budget," said Barbara E. Riley, director of the Department of Aging and chair of the workgroup. "The elderly and adults with disabilities make up 20 percent of those on Medicaid, yet account for 68 percent of costs, including 70 percent of Ohio's nursing facility care. The workgroup's recommendations will position Ohio to better address the needs of the growing number of baby boomers and adults with disabilities while reining in Medicaid spending."

The workgroup's 26 recommendations, to be implemented in the FY 2012-13 biennium, fall into five categories: balance and funding, eligibility, integration and care management, service array and workforce.

Balance and funding: Because it costs about one-third as much as similar care in an institutional setting, serving more consumers in home- and community-based services (HCBS) settings can save taxpayer dollars. The balance and funding recommendations include changing consumer distribution between institutional and HCBS, from 60 percent institutional and 40 percent HCBS in 2007 for adults with physical or cognitive disabilities, age 60 and older, to a 50/50 distribution. For adults age 59 and younger, the workgroup recommends a 40/60 distribution (40% institutional and 60% HCBS); in 2007, this was 50/50. Once these goals are reached, the workgroup plans to recommend new distributions that will put Ohio on track to reaching the national average.

Eligibility: Ohio should apply the expanded Home First concepts of imminent risk of nursing facility placement to the Ohio Home Care waiver, as well as apply the eligibility criteria and logic that currently are used in the PASSPORT waiver to Assisted Living waiver applications, allowing quicker delivery of needed services. Other recommendations include expanding the role of the area agencies on aging as lead agencies in Aging and Disability Resource Networks (ADRNs); helping individuals with mental illness to relocate from nursing facilities to community settings and establishing appropriate reimbursement rates for long-term care providers to ensure sustained quality of care for all consumers.

Integration and care management: Provider, case manager and consumer education about the requirements for Medicare, Medicaid and other programs will ensure that program benefits are used to the fullest extent and will aid in program integration and care management. Agency partnerships and long-term care consultants in medical facilities can help adults who need long-term care supports and services. ADRNs can help integrate medical and long-term care services by expanding access to information, assistance and long-term care consultations. In addition, shared consumers need to be identified to support service coordination.

Service array: The workgroup developed recommendations about services to support HCBS such as discharge planning, transportation, access to housing, service coordination, consumer direction and telehealth.

Workforce: Also recommended was the creation of a Direct Service Workforce Consortium to develop a strategy to link resources, programs, data and direct service workers with potential long-term care service and support provider employers.

Ohio's Unified Long-term Care System Workgroup was created by the General Assembly and Governor Strickland in H.B. 119, and has been working for four years to re-engineer the state's long-term care system into one that controls Medicaid spending and is based on choice, not funding streams. The workgroup consists of consumer advocates, providers and state policymakers. In 2008, the workgroup unanimously approved more than 120 recommendations, many of which have been implemented.

Since the formation of the ULTCS Workgroup, Ohio has made great strides in establishing a unified long-term care system that is based on consumer choice. The report containing the 26 recommendations also summarizes these accomplishments and serves as Ohio's compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court Olmstead ruling.

The full text of the report is available on the Ohio Department of Aging website

SE Ohio ADRNSoutheast Ohio Aging & Disability Resource Network Conversation Continues


A variety of regional partners serving the aging and disability arenas gathered for another conversation about moving the SE Ohio Regional Aging & Disability Resource Network concept forward.

The model will help establish a working collaboration through the Aging and Disability Resource Network (ADRN). The concept of a cooperative is being investigated, the cooperative could then support the Network of Care resource as well as other advocacy and cooperative purchasing tools.
The next ADRN Conversation meeting will be Jan. 20 from 9:30 a.m. - noon at Buckeye Hills (1400 Pike St. in Marietta). Call 1-800-331-2644 to RSVP.

To learn more, visit these ADRN resources:

ADRN Technical Assistance Center

ADRN Technical Assistance Center - Ohio Page  


Purchasing Cooperative

Annual Program Recognizes Region's Caregiver & Project Lifesaver Partners

In December, the AAA8 Caregiver Program recognized a variety of key regional partners and caregivers. The annual event takes time to note those who give of themselves to support others as well as partners in the region's Project Lifesaver program.


Susan Fee 

The keynote speaker was Susan Fee, a professional 

Clinical Counselor who shared tips for caregivers and providers on caring for self while caring for others. 

Susan speaks nationally on topics related to professional communication, conflict resolution, relationships, mental heath, and parenting.







"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others...cannot keep it from themselves" - James M. Barrie
{Scenes from the Event}

Sam CookSam Cook Retires
The staff and Executive Committee members paid special tribute and gave thanks to long-time Buckeye Hills-HVRDD Executive Board Member and Treasurer Sam Cook of Washington County in December as he retires from 12 years of service to Buckeye Hills and its Area Agency on Aging. Shown with Sam (center) is from left, Misty Casto, Executive Director and Board President Ron Moore.

A Publication of Buckeye Hills Area Agency on Aging Serving Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Noble, Perry & Washington Counties

AAA8 Staff Resources:
Executive Director: Misty Casto
Asst. Exec. Dir. & AAA8 Director: Rick Hindman
Home Care Director: Jane Skeen, LSW
Programs Manager: Cathy Ash, LSW
Communications Director: Gwynn Stewart
PO Box 370 Reno, OH  45773  1-800-331-2644