BH Masthead

  A Publication of Buckeye Hills-HVRDD February 2010  
Ohio December
Unemployment Rates

Ohio's unemployment rate was 10.9 percent in December, up from 10.6 percent in November. In December 2008, the state jobless rate was 7.4 percent.
In the BH-HVRDD region, there were five counties above 14% and six counties with rates above the Ohio rate.

Rates in the region:
Athens: 9.2%  
Hocking: 12.1%
Meigs: 15.8% 
Monroe: 14.3%
Morgan: 17.5%
Noble: 16.2%
Perry: 14.3%
Washington: 10% 

Ohio receives $6 million for worker training
Published on Jan 22
Beacon Journal

The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded Ohio $6 million in ARRA grants for what is called green job training, with a special emphasis on communities affected by the auto industry. 

The Governor's Workforce Policy Advisory Board applied for the money in October. Ohio received the maximum amount.

The grants are to make it possible to enroll 1,600 Ohioans in training, with a focus on dislocated workers, veterans, women, minorities and Appalachian residents.  Ohio's already-existing job training and education infrastructure will be used to administer the grants.

Ohio Job Ready Sites Grant Assistance Announced 
The Ohio Job Ready Sites application for grant assistance is now available for download on the Ohio Department of Development's website.  Here is the direct link to the webpage. 
Please note the following important items: 
The Ohio Job Ready Sites application is due to the District Public Works Integrating Committees no later than 4:00PM on April 1, 2010Late applications will not be accepted.
Review the private, for profit entities and the grant experience and existence waivers on the website.  If you require a waiver, you must turn them into the Ohio Department of Development no later than 5:00PM on February 16, 2010. 
Communication during the competitive grant cycle is limited to written correspondence only.  Questions must be submitted to the "E-mail Us" link found on website under the Resources section.  Your question and the Ohio Department of Development's response will be posted to the "Frequently Asked Questions" document on the website.  This ensures that all entities have access to the same information.
The Ohio Job Ready Sites Guidelines and Due Diligence Checklist are available at the ODOD website and the BH-HVRDD site.
EPA Seeks Applications for Environmental Community Grants

EPA is making $2 million available to reduce pollution at the
local level through the Community Action for a Renewed Environment
(CARE) program. CARE is a community-based program that works with county and local governments, tribes, non-profit organizations and universities
to help the public understand and reduce toxic risks from numerous
Since 2005, the grants have reached 68 communities in 34
states and territories. A recent evaluation by the National Academy of
Public Administration (NAPA) recognized the CARE program as a solid tested framework for engaging communities and other stakeholders.

EPA will award CARE cooperative agreements in two levels. Level I awards range from $75,000 to $100,000 and will help establish community-based
partnerships to develop local environmental priorities. Level II awards, ranging from $150,000 to $300,000 each, will support communities that
have established broad-based partnerships, have identified the priority toxic risks in the community, and are prepared to measure results, implement risk-reduction activities and become self-sustaining.

Applications for the CARE grants are due March 9, 2010. EPA will conduct
three Webcasts to answer questions from prospective applicants about the
application process on Feb. 2, 23, and 26 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
eastern time.

Click here for more information.

 Shaffer Appointed As GOA Assistant Director


ShafferLisa Patt-McDaniel, Director of the Ohio Department of Development, and Fred Deel, Director of Development's Governor's Office of Appalachia, announced the appointment of Chris Shaffer as the office's new Assistant Director.

"Chris has a strong command of the unique opportunities that exist in Appalachian Ohio," Patt-McDaniel said. "Chris will work closely with local, state and federal partners in the office's meaningful effort to promote growth and development in Ohio's Appalachian communities."

Shaffer, 30, was appointed by Ohio Governor Ted Strickland to his prior position as Operations Manager in the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.  In that capacity, Shaffer assisted the director with budget management, Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping, project management, outreach and community engagement.


"I look forward to working with Chris to support economic, educational, and community prosperity throughout Ohio's Appalachian region," Deel said. "Our work with partners both federal and local strengthens the quality of life for Ohio's Appalachian communities."


Shaffer, a native of southern Ohio, is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. Shaffer is also a combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He earned his Masters of Business Administration in 2009 from Ohio Dominican University. Shaffer is married to the former Amy Martin of Waverly, Ohio. The couple has one infant daughter, Quinn Maria.

Contact Information: Chris Shaffer
77 South High Street, 24th Floor
P.O. Box 1001 Columbus, OH 43216-1001
614.644.9228  email:

ARC Updates Web Site

Check out The Appalachian Region Commission's (ARC) new and improved website.  It is located at the same address:

Bob HickeyEDA's Bob Hickey Retires
The Executive Directors from Ohio's Appalachian Local Development Districts celebrated with Bob Hickey on the occasion of his retirement from The Economic Development Administration (EDA) Chicago Regional Office as the Ohio Representative in January. Shown from left are: John Getchey of Eastgate; Bob Hickey, EDA; John Hemmings, OVRDC; 
Greg DiDonato, OMEGA District; and Misty Casto and Rick Hindman of Buckeye Hills.
Site SelectionOhio's State of the States Overview: As seen in Site Selection Magazine (Jan. 2010)
Did You Know?
- Ohio has more than 600 aerospace companies employing about 66,000 people.
- Ohio is one of 12 states with a "large and growing" clean energy economy. Its annual clean energy job growth from 1998 to 2007 was 0.85 percent.
- Ohio's corporation franchise tax expired Oct. 15, 2009, as part of a tax reform package.
- Companies within Ohio are within a day's drive of 62% of all U.S. manufacturing facilities and within 600 miles of 59.5% of the U.S. population.
Connecting @ppalachia Broadband Update
Connecting AppalachiaThe region received definitive news from Tom Reid related to the Connecting Appalachia $188 million proposal submitted for federal funding by The Southern Ohio Healthcare Network that Connecting Appalachia will not receive funding in Round 1 of the ARRA federal funding program. This plan included 34 counties from Clermont to Columbiana including 11 of the state's poorest.There are already plans underway to prepare the Round 2 application due March 15.

Foreclosure Prevention Assistance Available to Help $ave Homes

Money HouseBehind on the mortgage? Received a letter from the lender? Do not wait for foreclosure; resources are available to help prevent home foreclosures.

With support from a Foreclosure Prevention grant, the Buckeye Hills Housing Program is offering limited cash assistance to help residents of Monroe, Morgan, Noble and Washington Counties save their homes from foreclosure. To qualify for the foreclosure prevention program, homeowners must meet county-specific income guidelines.

Buckeye Hills Housing Coordinator Joe Gage administers the Foreclosure Prevention Assistance Grant provided through the Ohio Department of Development.

"With support from this grant, we want to help homeowners BEFORE they get to the point of foreclosure," said Gage. "For residents who qualify, they may be eligible to have up to three months of their mortgage paid. This program may help keep folks from foreclosure if they call soon enough - at the point when they get their first letter from the lender."


To be eligible, homeowners must live in Monroe, Morgan, Noble or Washington Counties, and meet income guidelines of (50 percent) area median income at the time of entry into the program. Call the Buckeye Hills Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-331-2644 or visit for more details.

Around the District:
Hocking County: Clean Ohio Grant Awarded
Hocking County will receive more than $600,000 to clean the former General Clay property with funds from the Clean Ohio Revitalization program. The 10-acre property is located across from the Hocking County Fairgrounds in Logan. The project includes removing asbestos, remediating impacted soils and demolishing buildings. The county is providing over $225,000 in matching funds for the site to make it ready for commercial or industrial development.
SchuermanMonroe County: Woodsfield Appoints New Village Administrator
Woodsfield Village Council named Rick Schuerman as the new village administrator in January. Schuerman has been the Monroe County Emergency Management Agency Coordinator for 14 years.  
Washington County: Thermo Fisher Scientific Receives Grant
The Ohio Dept. of Development has committed $190,000 in Rapid Outreach grants to subsidize new equipment costs for Thermo Fisher Scientific. The project will help create 116 new, full-time positions and retain 480 previously at-risk jobs. State funds are only 16% of the project costs. Thermo Fisher is a manufacturer of specialty cold storage equipment as well as bio-safe cabinets and specialty ovens.

Area Agency on Aging to Host "Extra Help" Medicare Savings Information & Application Events 
Medicare "Extra Help" Can save seniors an average of $3,900 annually.
In economic times like these, every dollar counts. Estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 a year, there may be "Extra Help" for prescription drug plan costs especially for senior citizens who have limited income and resources. In the eight county Area Agency on Aging 8 region, it is estimated that there are nearly 3,000 seniors eligible for the program not taking advantage of the savings - this leaves approximately $11.4 million of benefits untapped.
Anyone who has Medicare can get Medicare prescription drug coverage. some with limited incomes and resources are also eligible for "Extra Help" with the costs of monthly premiums, annual deductibles and prescription co-payments for a Medicare plan.

The Buckeye Hills Area Agency on Aging 8 (AAA8) has more details on this "Extra Help" as well as other programs that may assist those who are 60+ with limited resources.
AAA8 will host a series of "Extra Help" Medicare Savings Information and application events.
  • Athens: Feb. 11 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) 
    Coolville Clinic - 25716 Wilson St. - Call 740-667-3134 for an appt.
  • Monroe: Feb. 18 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)
    The Office of Dr. Jay Seidler, D.O. - Main St. Woodsfield
    Call 740-472-0712 for an appointment.
joined hearts Ohio Department of Aging Names AAA8 Region Joined Hearts in Giving Honorees
 Joined Hearts in Giving honors long-married Ohioans who share a commitment to volunteerism. Eligible couples have been married at least 40 years and at least one of the spouses must be age 60 or older. Couples are honored by the Ohio Department of Aging and the First Lady of Ohio at at a reception held in observance of Valentine's Day at the Governor's residence in Columbus.
Allen and Elizabeth (Libby) Brokaw, Marietta
Mr. & Mrs. Brokaw have been married 50 years. Allen served 10 years as a member of the board of directors at Marietta Memorial Health Systems. He is president of the Washington County Family & Children First Council, serving at risk infants and youth, as well as president of the Autism Center of Southeast Ohio, which provides residential housing, support and respite for autistic children up to age 14 and their families. He is chairman of the grants review committee for the Sisters of Saint Joseph Charitable Foundation and served as a member of the Washington County Ohio State University Extension advisory board. For three years, Libby has been the volunteer parish nurse for Gilman United Methodist Church and is the current chair of the health ministry team. She is a 13-year member of the Community Health Council Access Task Force, where she is working to establish a free clinic for the uninsured in Washington County. Libby has served and led various organizations, such as the Washington County Community Health Council, the Sisters of St Joseph Charitable Foundation, the O'Neill Senior Center board and the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Ministry Council. She also volunteers with the Washington County American Red Cross board and the Washington County American Cancer Society (ACS) advisory board.
Aaron and Charlene Miller, Beallsville
Mr. & Mrs. Miller, married for 52 years, are long-time volunteers with Zion United Methodist Church. Aaron has served on the board of trustees and been an office holder for more than 15 years. Charlene has held the position of treasurer/secretary and was a charter member, having served for more than 40 years. They serve together in the American Blonde d'Aquitaine Cattle Association, where Aaron has been on the board of directors for 15 years and was recently elected vice president. They recently hosted the Association's annual fall meeting at their farm in Monroe County. For two years, Aaron and Charlene also have been involved with Team Monroe, a local development partnership of Monroe County residents. Aaron is a charter member of the board of trustees and serves as the chair of the tourism committee, helping to start an Ohio River Museum. Charlene also serves on the tourism and river museum committees, as well as the Monroe County Business Incubator Committee. Aaron is currently vice president of the Monroe County Farm Bureau. For 22 years, Charlene has been a member of the Woodsfield Garden Club and has served as treasurer/secretary.
Contact Us
Buckeye Hills is organized as a voluntary organization of local government political subdivisions to foster cooperative efforts in regional planning, and implementing of regional plans and programs. Share your success stories and let us assist with your development needs - 740-374-9436. 

Misty Casto - Buckeye Hills Executive Director
Rick Hindman - Buckeye Hills Assistant Executive Director & Area Agency on Aging Director
Melissa Zoller - Development Director
Doug Dye - Fiscal Director 
Gwynn Stewart- Communications Director