In This Issue
Holiday greetings
Pet Photos with Santa
Presents for Pets
Holiday pet safety
Onyx's Happy Tail
Calendar of Events
Quick Links
Holiday greetings from EHS 

Bella before and after
Two days before Christmas 2008, Bella huddled under a warm car in Escondido. She was 1 year old and weighed only 15 pounds, far from the 50 pounds she would weigh if she had a kinder life. She was alone, cold and starving.  A Good Samaritan noticed a white tuft of fur poking from under the car and was shocked at what he found. He frantically called the Escondido Humane Society and stayed by her side, comforting her, until a Humane Officer arrived at the scene.

Bella, named for her beauty despite her shocking condition, was gently scooped up by our Humane Officer and rushed to the Escondido Humane Society. EHS medical staff, working for hours, stabilized her as best they could. Even with medical intervention, Bella was not expected to survive. A caring Humane Society foster home was located, with the understanding that the best we may offer her was medical care to ease her pain, tenderness, companionship, and a warm, safe bed so Bella will at least know some love in her short life. She would not be alone again, especially on Christmas.

Bella survived the night. And the next. She made it through the holidays. Bella often laid curled up on a blanket on the couch, gently nuzzling her foster family and eating a spoonful of special food every hour. She ate, and ate ... and ate, gaining 15 pounds in less than four weeks. Soon, she started trotting along the yard and playing. She quickly learned about tennis balls ... how to make them bounce, how to fetch, and how to jump in the air for the sheer fun of it. She approached people for affection and praise. She gave even more love back.

When her foster mom went back to work after New Year's, she took Bella to doggy daycare so she could continue to receive round-the-clock care. It was on her first day there that Bella would find her forever family, who fell in love with her at first sight. Her family came to see her every day until she was strong enough to go home. Bella is now living near the beach with her family, including a black Lab brother, and they never leave each other's side.

We hope that Bella does not remember the first year of her life.  We hope that she does not even remember us. As her new family celebrates their first holidays together, we wish for Bella - and all animals - to only know the life they deserve, the life that is now hers.

Bella is one of 5,000 homeless, neglected and abused animals who come to the doors of the Escondido Humane Society each year, and one among the 155,000 more we protect in our community. Every day, for every animal, we are here, faithfully devoted to giving them the life they deserve. No matter their age, their health, or their intensive needs, we welcome all homeless animals in our area, offering them shelter, safety, medical care and love. Our door is always open.

For animals like Bella, we are often their very last hope. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, they don't give up on us. Nor do you give up on them. You have faith that you can make a difference for animals, however big or small. Donors, volunteers and adopters like you don't simply give up on animals because it's easier to walk away. You know it's worth it. You know they deserve it. And through your support to the Escondido Humane Society, one by one, we give these precious animals the life they deserve.

Please support the Escondido Humane Society this holiday season so we can continue our lifesaving work. Every animal, every day, deserves a safe place to call home.  They depend on all of us. And we depend on you. They don't ask for much, and every bit makes a difference. For animals like Bella, it's the difference of a brand new life.

Wishing you and yours a holiday season filled with love, joy, and faith.
Make a tax-deductibe, secure gift online.
Santa is coming to town early 
Pet Photos with Santa and Holiday Boutique is Dec. 5

Pet Photos with Santa 2008
Santa himself will be making a special stop at the Escondido Humane Society to bring good tidings and cheer to animals in need.
Whether naughty or nice, all pets can meet Santa and have their photo taken with him. For a $10 donation to EHS animals, you will receive a keepsake 4x6 photo; for an additional $10, you can get a CD with the digital file, just in time to create holiday cards with the entire family.
Those who don't have pets of their own but still want to bring joy to homeless animals can stop by the Holiday Boutique and bake sale, where gourmet gifts for dogs and cats and homemade presents for people and pets alike will be available.

Pet Photos with Santa and Holiday Boutique is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Escondido Humane Society, 3450 E. Valley Parkway. Appointments can be made by calling (760) 888-2235, but walk-ins (and wag-ins!) are welcome.
EHS is collecting Presents for Pets 
Help us make their holidays - and lives - better
During this season of caring and giving, the Escondido Humane Society is asking everyone to remember those less fortunate pets who don't have families to call their own during the holidays. This time of year is about togetherness and love, and so many animals at our shelter will be spending it alone.
As you gather with friends and families this season, consider including homeless animals in your holiday giving by participating in our Presents for Pets food and toy drive. You can bring joy and love to homeless pets by dropping off new or gently used toys, food, blankets, towels and more in designated bins in the Adoptions Center and Animal Control lobbies at the shelter, 3450 E. Valley Parkway, during the entire month of December.
Visit our Web site to view our wish list; monetary donations can be made online by clicking here.
We and the animals thank you for your kindness and generosity!
Keep your pets safe during the holidays 
These tips will show you how
Holiday dogOf course you want to include your four-legged friends in your holiday festivities, but as you celebrate this holiday season, be sure to keep you pets safe and happy with the following tips:
Securely anchor your Christmas tree so it doesn't tip and fall. Also be careful that your pets don't drink the tree water, which may contain fertilizers and bacteria.

Sparkly tinsel may be fun for your cats to bat around, but it could be dangerous if they swallow it. Make sure it's out of their reach, and if they do play with it don't let them ingest it.

Make sure to keep your pets away from the table and unattended plates of food, and be sure to secure the lids on garbage cans.

If you are stuffing your pets' stockings with toys, be sure to choose gifts that are safe. Stick with toys that are indestructible or designed to be safely digestible.

Holly, when ingested, can cause pets to suffer nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Mistletoe can cause gastrointestinal upset and cardiovascular problems. And many varieties of lilies can cause kidney failure in cats if ingested. Opt for just-as-jolly artificial plants made from silk or plastic, or choose a pet-safe bouquet.

Keep wires, batteries and glass or plastic ornaments out of paws' reach.

Give your pet his or her own quiet space to retreat to during holiday parties.

As you count down to the New Year, remember that celebratory fireworks can frighten pets. Make sure they are secured in your home, provide ambient noise like a radio or TV, and be sure they are microchipped and wearing proper ID in case they get loose.
During the winter, some cats sleep under the hoods of cars to keep warm. Before starting your car, bang loudly on the hood to give the cat a chance to escape.
Source: ASPCA
Onyx's Happy Tail 
As told by his new family
Onyx Happy TailOnyx is an amazing kitty! He is the perfect addition to the family and exactly what we were looking for. He is so sweet and loving and loves being pet by people of all ages. He is great with other cats, and dogs, too!
He is also very playful and loves having the space to run around and be crazy. He especially loves playing with the laser pointer. His favorite thing to do is eat as well as chew on your hair while sleeping. He is always purring or kneading on a blanket. We love him!

December Calendar of Events 

Dec. 5: Pet Photos with Santa and Holiday Boutique, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Dec. 5: Foster outreach at Kahoots Rancho Bernardo

Dec. 9: Volunteer orientation, 5-7 p.m.

Dec. 12: Adoption outreach at Kahoots, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve, EHS closes at noon for the holiday

Dec. 25: Merry Christmas! EHS closed for the holiday 
Wishing you and your furry friends a wonderful month and happy holidays!
With wags and purrs,
The Escondido Humane Society