Hello from Junior Achievement of New York!
Junior Achievement of New York
has Something to be Thankful For...

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."

Brian Tracy - TV Host

Joe Peri
Joseph A. Peri, president - JA New York



This Thanksgiving, as we prepare to gather together with our families and friends to express our gratitude and appreciation for the good in our lives, the challenging economic landscape and the financial struggles of friends and loved ones help us to bring into focus the things that truly matter.

Thanksgiving provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon and give thanks for lessons learned, blessings received and opportunities present ahead of us.  Here at Junior Achievement of New York we take pause to express our appreciation to you - our loyal community of volunteers, partners and supporters who make it possible for us to pursue our vision and mission with passion and purpose: to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.

We give thanks for your incredible achievement of service on behalf of NYC and Long Island students. You continue to amaze us with your ability to step up and commit your time, resources and treasure to ensure the economic stability and strength of future generations. Your dedication and passion reminds us that we all - regardless of circumstances - have something of value to offer to the world. We recognize how lucky we are to have your support and we look forward to continuing our work with you to make a difference in the lives of NYC and Long Island students.

Have a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Joseph A. Peri, president
Junior Achievement of New York

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