Dear Direct Marketer,
Welcome to this week's Direct Marketing Update. In this issue, you'll learn more secrets to increasing response and profits.
Plus we continue our series that shows you how to stop the bleeding from shopping cart abandonment on the web.
Part 2 of a 3-part series
In the last issue I told you that the #1 costly and common blunder for B2B and B2C direct mail marketing is a poorly constructed offer.
Click here to read Blunder #1 Let's take a look at 3 more costly and common direct mail blunders. Blunder #2 The second major blunder is not having a quality mailing list
Many marketers don't conduct a list audit properly. You must consistently analyze your list for performance. New lists, updated lists and revised lists are often overlooked by marketers. Another common mailing list error is using a compiled vs. a direct response list. Direct response lists are 3 to 4 times more responsive. If you only use a compiled list, you're losing out on higher response rates even though the size of the mailing list may be larger than a direct response list.
This is because a compiled list consists of data aggregated from various sources such as multiple directories. A direct response list is composed of prospects who have previously responded to a direct mail offer. They are highly direct mail responsive.
Click here to contact my list consultant for a FREE list audit Blunder #3 Not having direct response copy Direct response copy is what makes direct mail really work. The difference between great response and mediocre response is the difference between copy that captures readers' interest and pulls them through to the offer, and copy that "just lies there," (i.e., doesn't motivate).
In past issues, we've covered what constitutes great direct response copy. It's not advertising copy. It's not editorial copy. Direct response copy is the use of words that are personal, conversational and turn features into benefits. It's sales psychology in print.
Click here to read my article: 18 Secrets for Grabbing Readers with Just the Right Words
Blunder #4 Lack of direct response art So many direct response mail pieces are destroyed because the art violates direct response art rules. Quality direct response art doesn't win art awards, doesn't draw attention to itself. It's basically invisible because what it does is utilize the science of eye direction. Direct response art guides the eye towards the copy to help ensure the words get read. This specific type of art has its own set of direct response rules to avoid common depressants like reverse type, using sans serif type in print, and choosing a font size that's too small. I'll complete this list of common blunders in our next issue. In the meantime, you may find the following article very helpful in practicing direct response art tips for your print direct mail.
Answer to Last Week's Test: Which Headline Pulled Best? |
Before you read this week's quiz (further below in this issue), here's the answer to last week's test:
Which of these headlines pulled best?
#1) 52 Ways to Win, Where Everybody Else Loses
#2) 52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Your Life
#3) 52 Thoughts To Change Your Life
Reader response:
52 Thoughts To Change Your Life is my choice for the most responded to headline. Reason is that it's not a hard sell and takes a gentler and more conversational/natural approach to getting your attention rather than the typical bold and brash approach that most in-your-face marketers take.
Publisher's response:
Great analysis, but much of direct marketing is counterintuitive.
According to the test analytics, headline #2 was the winner, pulling more response than #1 by 24%. Here are some reasons why this may have happened.
Headline #1. Although many profess a "dog eat dog" persona, few actually practice it. Used here, "win" is not quantified and specific enough. Win at what? Win a race; win a contest...the reader can't be sure.
Headline #2. "Little things" has a nice and gentle ring to it. Who doesn't want the little things to easily add up and make life better? A good copy trick here is combining two opposites (little and big) to bring closure to a situation. Closure is psychologically compelling. Opposites placed near each other are offsetting and curious. Headline #3. Not as powerful and perhaps too vague. A stronger copy example is more specific as in "52 Thoughts To Change Your Life in 30 Days Or Less." |
Web Strategy: Stopping Shopping Cart Insanity |
I began this series by telling you that--next to reader engagement on your homepage--eliminating shopping cart abandonment is the second most important aspect of your web marketing.
Another major way to stop shopping cart abandonment is to recognize that people do not respond to impersonal technology. They respond to persuasive copy. It's direct response copy within your shopping cart that will help not only to stop shopping cart abandonment, but probably help upsell and cross-sell additional products and services. If you're generating a lead for B2B or consumer, and your prospect is filling out your lead-generation form, he or she should see copy that:
- Emphasizes the great FREE bonus report that's available as an immediate download
- Reassures "no risk," "no cost" or "no obligation"
- Reinforces the major benefits mentioned in your earlier copy
- Gives reasons why to respond now, don't wait
Stirring your prospect's self-interest and curiosity are primary human needs that are essential to any lead-generation process. And yet most shopping carts are devoid of any copy that's going to stop a prospect from having second thoughts, get cold feet and decide to postpone or even abort the lead-generation request. The same situation happens with B2B or B2C direct sales but even more so because here you're asking for a financial commitment. The more you follow direct response copywriting and art tactics, the more ROI you'll make from your shopping cart.
Here are two shopping carts I recently created for clients. Take a look at the copy reinforcement.
Go through your shopping cart now. Is it rich in persuasive direct response copy? Does it align yourself with the core beliefs and values of your prospect? Or is it poor--with no copy that makes me want to make a buy decision?
Take control of your shopping cart. Email if you'd like me to give your shopping cart a FREE, 5-minute critique.
Copy Tip: Imagine Your Headlines Increasing Your Response 300% |
 In order to succeed in direct marketing, good copywriting is the single most important skill you can learn, followed by a genuine understanding of human nature. When you combine the two, you'll begin to use certain words in the English language that guide and trigger your prospects' emotions, feelings, memories and imagination in order to pull them into your copy and persuade them to buy your product. One of those words is: Imagine. Starting a headline with the word "imagine" plays the emotional card, which equals good copy. Here are two headlines that hit the right emotional chord to spark interest...then continue building on it.
- Imagine yourself on an island with no worries and all the money and time in the world
- Imagine traveling first class to 5-star hotels in countries where you'll be treated like a king or queen
"Imagine" headlines are you-oriented and evoke curiosity.
Here is an "Imagine" headline I wrote for The Motley Fool.
- Imagine raking in 58.84% average returns over 3 years when the S&P 500 is pulling 18.01%. Subscribers to Motley Fool Stock Advisor have done exactly that.
Here is an example of a B2B "Imagine" headline:
- Imagine walking into the office tomorrow and being told that 30% less of your time will be spent dealing with employee headaches
See if you can use these "imagine" headline starters to create your own.
- Imagine for a second that...
- Imagine images of...
- Imagine the day has come that you...
- Imagine what would happen if...
- Imagine what you could accomplish if...
- Imagine feeling totally...
- Imagine yourself back in...
- Imagine if there were no...
- Imagine, for just a minute, that...
The right headline has been shown to increase response up to 300%. |
Testing Corner: Do Web Videos Help or Hurt Response? |
Recently Marketing Experiments partnered with a consumer credit counseling service to optimize its website subscription sign-up process.
A radical redesign tested the additions of prominent text and video testimonials to the buy process. (Note: Navigational, copy and graphic changes were also made, so it's not a pure test.)
The testimonials were placed in close proximity to the final step in the order process, clicking "Submit."
Which testimonial format was most effective?
A. No testimonials
B. Text testimonials
C. Video testimonials
Both text and video testimonial usages helped raise conversions to their landing pages; one by 25%; the other by 201%.
In the example above, it was a short video testimonial added to the webpage sidebar that upped the consumer credit counseling service's conversion rate by 201%.
Why do you think the video pulled best? Email me at I'll address your feedback in our next issue.
1. Hold our "common blunders" articles as a checklist against your current direct mail campaign--are you making these mistakes? Eradicate them immediately and see your response soar.
2. Never miss out on the lastest industry trends and case studies on what's working in the marketplace. Subscribe to the industry-leading digest Direct Response and keep current. Please call us now at 310-212-5727 and tell our representative you'd like to subscribe to Direct Response.
3. When was the last time you audited--really analyzed--your list for peak performance? Email me at if you need help.
4. Click here to read the insightful article on our tested, proven V.I.V.A.™ direct marketing system. It's a must-read article for every direct marketer and business owner looking to boost their response rates.
5. Click the Forward to a Friend button in the upper-right corner to pass on this Direct Marketing Update to interested friends and business associates.
That's it for this week's edition of Direct Marketing Update. I hope that you'll keep an eye open for my next issue, as I have so much more exciting direct marketing information to share with you.
 Craig A. Huey President Creative Direct Marketing Group Email: Phone: 310-212-5727
Click here to visit the Direct Response Library. You'll find numerous articles from past issues of my Direct Response newsletters that provide even more valuable direct marketing help.
CDMG Inc Home Page/Case Studies/Direct Response Library/Contact Craig/Direct Response Newsletter/Direct Marketing Update Archives
This direct marketing newsletter has been prepared by and is the property of Creative Direct Marketing Group, Inc. The information contained herein has been carefully compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All photos and graphics are used by permission of their creators. Reproduction or electronic transmission of information contained in this report in whole or in part without attribution is strictly prohibited.
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About Craig Huey:
CDMG, Inc. president and founder Craig Huey is internationally recognized for consulting with a wide variety of businesses--small, medium and large.
His straightforward advice works with turning entrepreneurs into millionaires and ideas into even larger fortunes for the multibillion-dollar corporation.
He is accredited with generating more leads and orders than any other direct marketer in the nation.
Craig is a worldwide authority in ROI-pulling direct response. He is also a leading consultant in copywriting, Internet strategies and profit- improvement systems. Craig's articles appear in publications such as Inc., AdAge, Sales & Marketing Management Magazine, The Los Angeles Business Journal, Direct and others.
In addition to publishing Direct Marketing Update and the industry newsletter, Direct Response, Mr. Huey is president of Creative Direct Marketing Group, a full-service direct response advertising agency, as well as InfoMat, a postal and email list brokerage and management company.
Email Craig at
Meet Craig Huey in Person
In August and September, Craig will be traveling to these cities:
Washington, DC
San Francisco
He'd love to meet you. Or stop by and say hello anytime you're in Los Angeles.
Take the opportunity to up your ROI with a FREE custom critique of one of your marketing pieces from the world's #1 authority on accountable advertising. Talk to Deb at 310-212-5727 Ext. 117 and she'll set you up. |
Marketers have questions...Craig has answers!
Why would you say that September will be a profitable month to mail this year in light of the imminent economic crash, bank crises and impending Black Flu that could be fatal to millions of Americans?
Great question. Historically September is the second best time of the year to mail for B2B and consumer sales. So what if our society falls apart? Would it destroy response? Probably so. Natural disasters, attempted presidential assassinations, U.S. spaceships or airlines blowing up, all of these create distractions that lower response. The economy and consumer confidence do not have to be great for September to be good. In the last seven recessions, September has comparatively stayed second best. But if there were a sudden national crisis, or an event to draw away from normal rational thinking, September will not be the second best month of the year to mail. --Craig
P.S. Is there a marketing lesson here? I'm convinced there is...make yourself more accessible to your customers, make yourself known through unbeatable direct response marketing, back that up with caring, efficient and friendly customer service and you become practically unstoppable.
Find Prospects Fast
The fastest way to get your prospects to buy what you're selling is to market to a ready-made list with the names of perfectly targeted prospects.
You know your product, and at InfoMat, we know the niche that needs it.
Because we're a customized list broker, we have access to little-known mailing lists that you've probably never heard of.
We uncover highly responsive quality mailing lists on a daily basis.
For more than 35 years, we've been advising large and small companies on how to find, test and use niche email and postal mailing lists to reach buying prospects.
If you love doubling or tripling your profits as much as we do, why not pick up the phone right now and call Tina Fonteno at 310-212-5944 Ext. 150 or click here to contact us. We can help make the next quarter your best one ever.
Income without Lifting a Finger

"InfoMat's list team is the best! I've worked with them since 1984. At first I had my list managed by someone else. When I switched, they more than quadrupled my income. I'm delighted with their ability to generate income!" --Dr. Bruce West Publisher, Health Alert InfoMat, Inc. Quality Lists for Maximum Profitability |
5-minute Changes to Skyrocket Your Sales
Direct Marketing Tip #42:
Use Illustrations to Help Sell
As a rule, when an illustration reinforces an offer, the illustration caption copy should be about the offer--not about the illustration.
Wherever there is text, make it direct response copy.
Product shots showing merchandise in actual use rather than inactive make twice the impression.
Quote of the Week
"If you are to touch your prospect's pocketbook, you must first touch his heart."
--Profitable Direct Marketing |
101 Direct Marketing Tips from the Direct Response Archive
7 Proven Secrets for Getting Your Mail Delivered
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Never miss new breakthrough strategies and tactics, critical marketing trends, the latest in testing results and case studies you can emulate. Get them in one quick, digestible read.
Join the league of direct marketers who stay ahead of the curve with a subscription to Direct Response, which is Direct Marketing Update's in-depth sister publication.
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As a Direct Marketing Update subscriber, you're eligible to save $15 on a new subscription, plus get up to 2 FREE Special Reports. For more details, click here! |
Call Craig Huey now at 310-212-5727 or email to discuss how he and his team of marketing professionals can create direct marketing copy that will work for your next campaign.
Let Craig Supercharge Your Results!
For more than 25 years Craig has worked for over 400 companies of every conceivable:
Marketing challenge
Here are just a few of the clients Craig has helped.
Group 3 Electronics
SurfControl, Inc.
The Weather Channel
Baby Lulu
Chevron Oil
Hooked on Phonics
True Religion Jeans
Health and Wellness Blue Cross Catalog
Health Alert
Metagenics, Inc.
Sun Chlorella
Charisma Magazine
Agora Publishing
Philips Publishing
The Hollywood Reporter
VNU Publishing
Barry Kaye Associates
The Motley Fool
Standard & Poor's
VectorVest, Inc.
Biola University
Athletes in Action Jews for Jesus
Save Proposition 13 Stop Forced Busing
...and in all these direct marketing media:
Direct Mail
Intelligence Digest
Teens & Tweens News
The Dines Letter Wall Street Digest
Paid Search
Constitution Mining
Retirement Watch
The CHEAP Investor
Downey Savings
Mommie Helen's Bakery
South Bay Back
Spectrum Holdings
TV/Infomercials/Viral Videos
Dr. Bruce West
Fawn's Secret Stock
Citizens Committee for a
Strong National Defense Variel Health Spas
Education Connection
Reagan for President
Saturday Night Singles
Sun Wellness
Reach Craig Huey now at 310-212-5727 or to discuss how he and his team of marketing professionals can create the same profit-exploding results that will work for your next campaign. | |