360 Fitness Newsletter
Month of February 2011
In This Issue
The Group Fitness Corner
Team Member Spotlight
Exercise And Inflammatory Disease
Member Spotlight
Low-Carb Dieters Rejoice!
Fitness Challenge Of The Week
NOTICE To Members Billed Monthly
Quick Links
facebook link

360�  Group Fitness:  Positive, Professional, Personalized 

We have loved having so many of you in the Group Fitness Studio with us this month.  New faces and old friends have helped us get off to a great start this New Year.  Thank you!

 Group Fitness Classes that work around your schedule....


We are 100% committed to helping you reach your fitness goals.  If you haven't already, be sure to grab a Group Fitness schedule.  Start your day off with an early or mid morning workout or join us over lunch for a calorie burning lunch hour.  If you prefer to work out in the evening, we have a full line up of classes that help take off the stress of the day and provide for a great way to get fit!

Be sure to check out some of the new classes being offered (like Knock It Out!, Step it Up!, Hip Hop Hustle, and Zumba Toning), but be sure to keep coming to some of your "old" favorites too. 

There is truly something for everyone!




If you have seen some cute kids rockin' out in the Group Fitness studio, you have seen all the fun our ZumbAtomic Fitness classes can be.  This program designed to let kids ages 4-12 max out on fun and fitness all at the same time has been a huge success!

Watch for more information in weeks to come to make sure your kids or someone you love gets involved in this fitness craze that kids are wild about.   

See you in the Studio! 


Peace, Love, Fitness



 Tanya Peterson,

Group Fitness Director
Team Member Spotlight
Name/Position:  Stephanie Derfus, Personal Trainer/Instructor
Married to Johnny Derfus with 3 children, Daniel (17), Luke (15), and Lea (10).
Favorite exercise (or body part to train)/Group Class (to instruct):
Shoulders, Core and More & Silver Sneakers
How long have you been part of the 360 Team?:
8 months
Watching movies, reading, and Yoga
Favorite "cheat food":
Coconut cream pie
What keeps you motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle? How does working out regularly impact your life?
What motivates me is the desire to have more energy for myself and others and to be strong physically and mentally.  I also think it's important to stay healthy as a precaution to help avoid physical problems as we age.  There are many benefits I've seen in my life from working out - I have more energy (endurance), feel stronger and have more mental clarity and a feeling of well-being.   
What attracted you to the fitness industry, and why do you enjoy it?
The main reason I was inspired to enter the fitness industry was the desire to help people feel  their best.  I believe the way to do that is through a complete fitness regime.  Another motivator for me originated (unfortunately) from something negative.  I have seen quite a few family members and friends who have chosen the sedentary lifestyle.  They have many health issues (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, difficulty breathing, sleep apnea, etc., not to mention dependency on medication to treat these issues) as a result of their lack of movement.  On the flip side, I have seen many people who have almost completely overcome a majority of these health issues by incorporating exercise into their daily lives.  I feel led to educate and help people before they see these signs of poor health, and to help those who do have unhealthy lifestyles turn their lives around and feel the best they can feel.



February was named after the ancient Roman festival of purification Februa. With that in mind, let us continue onwards in our quest for a renewal of energy, life, and peace of mind!


The dreary weather puts an obstacle in our way. The cold makes it easy to stay in bed; the rain makes it easy to avoid the extra couple miles to the gym. You MUST overcome... You MUST!


The journey to self-improvement is arduous and foreboding, but it is only through perseverance and steadfast determination that we will achieve purification and rebirth. The old shell of indiscipline and complacency will be washed away, and our new armor of enduring drive and motivation will lead us to greater accomplishments and ever-higher peaks.


Thirty-two days into the new year... We find the temptation to stray from our New Year's Promises stronger than ever.


You MUST overcome... You MUST!


Love yourself, your family, and friends enough to resist the urge to stray, to falter, to let up on the reins. Keep your fitness and lifestyle improvement promises to your loved ones and yourself. They deserve it; you deserve it.

Exercise And Inflammatory Disease
rheumatoid x-ray

Here is a great read particularly useful to those who are afflicted or have friends and family who may be afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It really shines a light on the benefits of physical activity for those whose movement has been severely impeded by inflammatory disease. Please, take the time to read this highly-referenced article thoroughly. We hope it illuminates the benefits of physical activity well!

"Great progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiology of target organ damage in inflammatory diseases, such as the changes that lead to joint destruction in RA, skin damage in systemic sclerosis, or visceral organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus. However, few clinicians understand the profound effects of chronic inflammation on metabolism, body composition, and function. These changes, while driven by the immune system, occur in parallel to the joint damage but often are ignored because they are clinically silent, without pain or other cardinal symptoms. As a result, treatment, although properly focused on the target organs, fails to address the "collateral damage" done to muscle, which leads to weakness, dysfunction, and loss of independence. There is a growing body of literature that shows that exercise can reverse many of the effects of chronic inflammation on muscle, and often have direct benefits on joint function as well. A major challenge for the future is translating this new-found understanding into routine clinical practice..." Read On


Roubenoff, R. (2003), Exercise and inflammatory disease. Arthritis Care & Research, 49: 263-266. doi: 10.1002/art.11008

Member Spotlight 

Sheri Satterwhite 


Sheri Satterwhite 



Single with no children.



Risk Management.


Favorite exercise/Group Class:

Walking and weight training (with Mike C.)


How long have you been part of the 360 Family?:

Since it opened. (Note: Sheri previously trained with Michael Prince before he opened 360 Fitness. You go, Sheri!)



Playing golf and reading.


Favorite "cheat food":

A good ol' hamburger and french fries!


What keeps you motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle? How does working out regularly impact your life?

In order to keep my weight in check and my energy levels as high as possible. A Wellness Program at work is part of my job responsibility, and it is important that I set a good example for my co-workers. Plus, I simply don't function well when I don't workout!


Low-Carb Dieters Rejoice!

 Omelette Ingredients


The incredible, edible egg is a lifesaver for low-carb dieters. To keep things interesting, we have included one of our favorite recipes for omelettes! This low-carb, moderate fat, high-protein meal is a great way to start off your day! Who said diet food had to be boring?


Ingredients (Minus extra condiments):
- 6 whole eggs
- 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 1/2 cup sliced bell peppers
- 1 cup sliced mushrooms (Portabella mushrooms work well)
- 1 cup sliced onions
- 2 oz. smoked ham (Boar's Head brand is a 360 favorite)

1. Beat eggs in small bowl with fork or wire whisk until yolks and whites are well mixed. Add shredded cheddar cheese, chopped mushrooms, onions, bell papers, and small slices of smoked ham (or deli-style turkey) to whisked eggs.


2. Heat skillet over to medium heat using low-calorie cooking spray or 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. 


3. Quickly pour eggs into skillet. While rapidly sliding skillet back and forth over heat, quickly stir eggs with a fork to spread them continuously over the bottom of the skillet as they thicken. When they are thickened, let stand over heat a few seconds to lightly brown bottom of omelette. Do not overcook... the omelette will continue to cook after being folded. Sprinkle with cheese.


4. Tilt skillet and run a spatula under edge of omelette, then jerk skillet sharply to loosen omelette from bottom of skillet. Fold portion of omelette nearest you just to center. Allow for a portion of the omelette to slide up side of skillet. Turn omelette onto warm plate, flipping folded portion of omelette over so far side is on bottom. Tuck sides of omelette under if desired. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and additional cheese if desired. Serves 2 adults.


Ingredient Note:
For added flavor, top with low-impact condiments such as salsa or pico de gallo.

Nutrition Facts:
- Eggs (per 1): 6g Protein, 0g Carbs, 5g Fat
- Cheddar Cheese (shredded, 1 cup): 28g Protein, 1g Carbs, 37g Fat
- Bell Peppers (sliced, 1/2 cup): 1g Protein, 7g Carbs, 0g Fat
- Mushrooms (sliced, 1 cup): 2g Protein, 4g Carbs, 0g Fat
- Onions (sliced, 1 cup): 2g Protein, 15g Carbs, 0g Fat
- Ham (2 oz): 11g Protein, 1g Carbs, 5g Fat

Fitness Challenge Of The Week

Are you looking for a CHALLENGING and FUN workout? Our Personal Trainers will be offering their favorite weightlifting, cardio, and plyometric workouts for you to try!

Here is a sleeve-bustin' work-out from Sales Manager, Chris Savoie!:

  • 5-10 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
  • 2 sets of 20 side dumbell raises with 5-10lbs.
  • 2 sets of 20 bicep dumbell curls with 5-20lbs, depending on your strength level.
  • 2 sets of overhead dumbell tricep extensions with 5-20lbs, depending on your strength level.

Routine (Ex. 4x12 means 4 sets of 12 repetitions) :
  • Olympic Straight Bar Curls 3x12-15
  • Preacher Curls with EZ Bar 3x12-15
  • Hammer Dumbell Curls 3x12-15
  • Straight Bar Tricep Push-Downs 3x12-15
  • Close-grip Barbell Bench Press 3x12-15
  • Narrow-grip Dips With Weight (if possible) 3x15-20
  • Try not to let your biceps cramp up while drinking your post-workout protein shake.
  • Enjoy the look of your new and improved "guns"!
NOTICE To Members Billed Monthly 

The majority of our new members are billed on a bi-weekly basis. In order to complete the transition to a new billing system (which has been in the works for over a year) we must switch ALL members who are currently drafted to the new bi-weekly schedule.

Beginning in March, all members who are currently billed on a monthly basis will be moved to bi-weekly billing. The amount you pay for monthly dues will NOT change! The monthly payment will be split into two equal bi-weekly payments. Nothing else will change regarding your dues. You may still add drinks and supplements to your account, as usual.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to stop by the front desk while you're in the club or give us a call at 903-561-7360.

See you in the club!

Mike and Melinda Prince
360 Fitness