WESH Spotlights Newsletter |
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WESH Spotlights Editors
Simin Dadparvar, MD
Associate Editor:
Leilani Doty, PhD
Managing Editor:
Kate Marlys
We welcome your articles, tips, suggestions about professional resources; information
about jobs and opportunities. Submit to or contact anytime:
Simin Dadparvar,MD
sdadparvar@aol.com |
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wear it to the Summit!
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Issue: Vol 5, No. 5 | Spring/2012 |
President's Message |
"What is Leadership?"
I have had a very exciting year as President of WESH. 
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the enthusiastic, hard-working team that has worked with me over the past year, both our board of directors and our committee members. Transforming the organization from SELAM (Society for Executive Leadership and Academic Medicine) to WESH (Women Executives in Science and Healthcare) has been a demanding but gratifying experience.
I hope all of you will join me at the Spring Executive Leadership Summit in Philadelphia scheduled for May 4th through the 6th, 2012. Further details about the content of the program are included in this issue, but it is safe to say that this will be an exciting three days. Look forward to networking, great conversations, and skill building!
In thinking about leadership, I recently ran across "Six Traits of Great Leaders" at ink.com*. The six traits resonate with me and my experience as President of WESH. Great leaders:
- Surround themselves with smart people
- Demand accountability
- Understand the power of "thank you"
- Truly inspire others
- Are engaged in their surroundings
- Seek out positive energy
It is critical in developing any initiative to have a diverse and "smart" team. Any initiative involves multiple stake holders. A diverse team can help align stakeholders and bring everyone together to execute the vision. It allows the leader to focus and delegate appropriately.
Accountabilityis important in any initiative. Demanding a return on investment (having a strong "business sense") is important for showing your value as a leader. In this age of increasing financial constraint, one needs to set benchmarks or outcome measures at the outset of the initiative and then hold team members accountable for delivering the steps in your action plan.
Showing appreciation or saying "thank you" is often overlooked. Whether it's a public "thank you" or a private personal note, attention to "thank you" is important. The culture of the academic medical center is to constructively criticize presentations, publications, and other academic products. Thus, showing your appreciation for work done by others sustains your workforce and moves the project forward.
Inspiring others requires developing a vision and a stick-to-it-iveness about delivering on that vision as the project moves forward. Truly innovative leaders are able to see beyond the day-to-day operations and envision how they want things to operate in the future.
Engagement in one's surroundings is an important part of connectedness. More and more faculty are recognizing the importance of social capital and that is one of the great values of WESH. WESH helps you to connect with like-minded women in leadership positions across the country and across multiple disciplines. Connectedness within your institution allows you to engage stakeholders, understand the culture, and leverage your constituencies. This includes an ability to think outside the box and to marshal the important elements of the project as you move forward.
Enthusiasm and conveying a positive energy are important to the success of the leader. Success relies on a positive energy. It means investing in the vision and believing that your vision of the future can happen. Complaints and being negative do not engender good will among the people you want to impress.
As I close this year, I am excited about the future. Elizabeth Travis, PhD, will be your next President, 2012-2013, and has exciting plans for the growth of the organization.
Yours sincerely,
Elisabeth J. Shakin Kunkel, MD
President, WESH
*Reference: Bazadona, D. 6 Traits of great leaders. LIVE CONNECTION, 2012 May 2. Comments were posted on ink.com by Damian Bazadona, the founder of Situation Interactive, a digital marketing agency. Potential topics at ink.com include but are not limited to:
Spring Executive Leadership Summit | Spring Executive Leadership Summit: Renew and Redirect
Dates: May 4 - 6, 2012
Loews Hotel
Philadelphia, PA
Helpful Links:
Meet the Speakers!
Registration Form
Schedule of Events
Sponsorship Prospectus
Silent Auction Donation Form
Online Registration |
What is WESH? |
We have decided to rebrand our organization with a new name and new web look. Why? The decision relates to our history. We started as SELAM (Society for Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine) in 1998 when the organization was founded as a 501(c)3 corporation by Drs. Ponjola Coney, Nancy Hardt, and Deborah German. Originally as stated in the Articles of Incorporation (1998) the organization was:
"... committed to the advancement and promotion of women to executive positions in academic medicine and allied health professions through programs that enhance professional and career development and provide networking and mentoring opportunities. The society will support programs designed and dedicated to developing leadership and management skills for individuals interested in careers in academic medicine and allied health professions and will promote collaboration and networking among its members and other organizations that share common goals."
Many of the original members were graduates of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program. Similarity in the names SELAM and ELAM and overlap in membership between SELAM and ELAM by nonmembers and members led to confusion over the years regarding the differences between the two organizations. We wanted to better delineate what we do from other leadership programs and organizations and we wanted to make our resources more widely available to women in leadership positions in healthcare and the sciences. We always have invited women in leadership and the men who support them to join our ranks. Our consensus was that the message was not getting out to a wide enough audience.
In July, 2011, the SELAM Board of Directors met for a weekend of Strategic Planning. New name choices included words that we thought were important and relevant to our members: Executive, Leadership, Women, Healthcare, Science, Medicine, Network, Advancing, and others. We used Scrabble (game) tiles to come up with new name choices and new acronyms. After many acronyms and web searches, WESH (Women Executives in Science and Healthcare) was born. Rebranding ourselves began shortly thereafter.
We are revising our bylaws, our website, and our publications to reflect our new identity. A new logo with new colors was chosen after much discussion and review. The most consistent comment was "No pink please!"
Finally, our Spring Executive Leadership Summit was launched. The program will include inaugural WESH programming on current topics which we feel are relevant and important to women in leadership and the men who support them.
Please join us in center city Philadelphia at the Loews Hotel, May 4-6, 2012, for Renew and Redirect, a program for women in leadership and the men who support them!
Elisabeth J.S. Kunkel, MD
President, WESH (Women Executives in Science and Healthcare)
WESH New Website |
Have you heard?!?
The new WESH website will fire up in May.....stay tuned for more information!
Leadership Pearls |
Leaders: Office Walls Reveal Truths First impressions are so important. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the visuals in your office probably reveal truths about who you are and what you value, no matter what your personal mission statement and professional goals profess. The same rings true for the setting of an organization - framed documents and pictures, trophies, and other office displays may confirm or contradict the formally declared vision, mission, goals, and strategic plans. So when you enter a person's office for the first time for that important job interview or when you chair the search committee to interview candidates for the position of dean, vice president, president, or corporate head of your institution, plan ahead. You should consider going several minutes before the designated time of the interview appointment to look around at the office site for the interview. What do you see that teaches you immediately about the organization and person in that office? What you see in the setting gives a critical impression about the true values of the executive in that office, the staff, the search committee, and often the whole organization. For example, if you as a candidate have an appointment with the President of the organization, are there magazines in the reception area and office of the President that reflect only annual reports, research accomplishments, or other high-power topics? Do the covers of the magazines predominately show images of sports and the high scorers of football, basketball, soccer, etc.?
The "I love me wall(s)"
As you look in the office setting, does each picture on the walls show the President of this organization shaking hands with__________(Pick one: U.S. President, state legislators, Congresspersons, the governor, or other VIPs throughout the country such as the Director of the National Institutes of Health or a director of a national foundation, Hollywood actors, an international leader, etc.)? Are all the pictures on the walls of the reception area or the inner office featuring the President of the organization with only one framed photo of the family and one other of a favorite pet behind the President's desk? Such a display of pictures are signs of an "I love me wall' in an "I love me office".
Are there numerous pictures showing the President of the organization with national and international leaders in a leisure activity such as__________(Pick one: boating, fishing, skiing, golf, tennis, pool, etc.). These images decorate a "What I love wall".
Next to the display of the President at multiple photo opportunities, are the office walls covered with the President's diplomas and certificates recognizing accomplishments and excellence?
Are there also similarly inscribed: crystal awards, ceramic paper weights, vases, silver platters, and plaques on the walls, bookcases, file cabinets, etc.? This setting is a strong example of an "I love me office" with "I love me walls". In other words, while the pictures and documents sum up the C.V. and interests of the President, each displayed document, picture, and memento stress the sole importance of the President in the institution.
The "I love you wall(s)"
On the other hand, if there is a paucity of or no pictures of the President and if the walls, side tables, coffee tables, bookcases, etc. carry pictures of everyone else from the organization receiving or giving awards, participating in town-gown activities, working with global groups in various academic, corporate or service projects, and featuring different people from the community, state or around the world, this setting reflects a different focus. This setting may point to admiration of people throughout the organization, in other words an "I love you office" with "I love you walls".
Essentially, the displayed documents, pictures, and mementos emphasize the importance of people and activities throughout the organization. Such an environment portrays a broad image of individuals, partnerships, and teams involved with different people, in different activities, and encompassing a variety of local and global settings, all highly valued by the organization. However, when there are no pictures that include the President or other executive leaders, the walls lack examples showing good working relationships among leaders and other members of the organization.
Note, if the "I love you walls" feature primarily one or two other people, those visuals may send a message of s/hero worship. If most of the pictures overstate the role of the boss, a viewer may wonder about a strong effort to impress that boss, in other words, an "I love my BOSS!" wall.
A Mélange
When there is a mélange of "I love me walls" with "I love you walls", the result portrays an integrated, multi-faceted setting with leaders and other members of the organization in a variety of roles and relationships. The visual displays in the office setting, not only on the walls, desk, tables, and bookcases, but also on computer screens, Ipods, etc. and social/business network apps such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., provide evidence of a person's openness and welcome of diversity. In an "I'm OK, you're OK" kind of way, there is a concrete visual track record that leaders, colleagues and support staff and their activities are valued at the organization.
The mélange of journals, magazines, pictures, and evidence of accomplishments in a setting verifies commitment of a leader and the organization to diversity in people, ideas, and projects. The mélange demonstrates collaboration, discovery, and creative paths to success of the people and the institution. And more in tune with values, a mélange confirms a mission statement and goals that reach out to make life better for others, not just the administrative leader at the helm of the institution.
In Summary: What does your office space or computer/Ipod screen display about you and what you value? What does the décor of your institution project about its values? Does your office space have "I love me walls" or "I love you walls"? Or, does your office space and the setting of your institution provide a mélange of strong, clear exemplars, in other words,"Come, connect and collaborate with us walls"?
By: Leilani Doty, PhD
Director, University of Florida Cognitive and Memory Disorder Clinics
Gainesville, FL
WESH, Communications Chair
Early career faculty time management challenges: The role of the Leaders |
"...it is mainly through the control of time that academic power is exercised." - Pierre Bourdieu
As a leader in an academic unit (director of a research group or training grant, division chief, department chair, or dean) you have a responsibility to help your faculty succeed. You know the basics: mentoring for research, teaching, and general career development, support for grant and manuscript preparation, and provision of "start-up" (laboratories and other resources) so that research gets off to a good start. Hopefully your institution and/or professional society offers programs to which you can send your early career faculty to enhance skill building in these areas, as well as the "softer" skills of people management, negotiation, and so on.
You may not think that you have a role in helping your faculty use their time more effectively.
You should think again.
In my conversations with faculty members around the country, "too much to do" is a major source of stress. Although life in academic medicine has always been busy, the pressures these days are particularly intense. You know the effect that, for example, current dwindling of funding and constricted hospital budgets have on everyone. Based on a survey of early career academic medical center faculty, Bellini and colleagues(1) reported 21 workplace "stresses" identified by the group. Forty percent were time-related issues. Nearly 80% of the group felt stressed by both lack of work-life balance and "too many time pressures," and nearly 70% were already concerned about burnout. Some of the specific issues will sound familiar:
● too much paperwork,
● not enough time for research and other academic pursuits and
● lack of control over how time was spent.
I believe that senior colleagues, and especially leaders, have a responsibility to attend to these issues. Faculty members who have a clear idea of what they should do, and effective processes for getting that work done will be more likely to succeed, and this success contributes to the success of the unit and institution.
When I began work on this article, my idea was to offer the typical sort of "self-help" advice along the lines of "Seven easy steps an academic leader can take to ensure good faculty time management among..." -- but I soon realized that the issues are too complex for facile solutions.
Here is a nutshell message: simply telling someone to be more efficient does not work.
Now for the long version...
Click here to read the rest of Dr. Susan Johnson's article.
By: Susan R. Johnson, MD
University Ombudsperson
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Epidemiology
University of Iowa
GWIMS News | le Subheading
The AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) has a lot of exciting things going on this spring! To learn more about their recent Call for Abstracts for the 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting in November as well as the Call for 2012 GWIMS Award Nominations, visit: https://www.aamc.org/members/gwims/
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 5 p.m. EST. Click 2012 GWIMS Call for Abstracts to learn more about the poster session and application process.
Please note that the AAMC GWIMS Steering Committee invites the submission of abstracts for consideration for the GWIMS/Council of Deans (COD) Poster Session and Reception at the 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 4 (6-8 p.m.) in San Francisco, Calif.
The theme of this year's Annual Meeting is Innovation, and thus, the GWIMS Steering Committee is seeking submissions that describe innovative programs, policies, projects, practices or research that address "Advocating to Improve the Workplace for Everyone" Potential topics include but are not limited to:
Family Friendly Work Environments
* Tenure pause policy
* Maternity/paternity policies
* Childcare facilities * Part-time faculty
Increasing Cultural Competence
* Search committee bias training
Focus on Underrepresented Groups in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences * Training for diversity and inclusion
GWIMSWatch, the quarterly electronic newsletter, is moving in a new direction! Each seasonal issue will now be theme based. As always, we invite members to submit short pieces,quotes, or pictures to be included in the newsletter. We encourage you to review the schedule of themes as well as the deadlines to submit content.
Issue |
Theme |
Deadline to Submit Content | | |
Summer 2012 |
Recruitment & Retention |
June 11, 2012 |
Fall 2012 |
Awards & Recognition |
September 5, 2012 |
Winter 2013 |
Gender Equity |
December 10, 2012 |
Why should you submit content?
GWIMSWatch has an audience of over 300 people! Consider GWIMSWatch as a vehicle for gaining national visibility about achievements and issues that are important to you.
To submit content, email Liz Coakley, M.A., Director of Women in Medicine and Science at ecoakley@aamc.org
Save the date!
For those interested in advancing research and research training, please join research deans, deans of clinical research, graduate deans, MD.- PhD directors, postdoctoral program directors, and training administrators Sept. 20-22, 2012, in Nashville, Tenn. for the 2012 GREAT Group and GRAND Joint Annual Meeting.
Program materials for the meeting will be available in early June at www.aamc.org/meetings.
For more information please contactIrena Tartakovsky, itartakovsky@aamc.org
Visit the Wing of Zock!
AAMC is pleased to announce the launch of its new blog, WingOfZock.org. Designed especially for medical schools and teaching hospitals, the site allows faculty, residents, students, and administrators at institutions across the country to share and discuss new strategies and initiatives to transform the nation's health care system. The site, which attracted more than 1,400 page views on its first day, will feature posts on patient safety and engagement, care delivery innovations, quality, payment reform, technology, and many other topics that affect the treatment of patients and the education of tomorrow's doctors.
Visitors to the site can share their ideas in the Comment sections. It's also a great place to share your own success stories. If you'd like to contribute a post about something going on at your organization, email your idea to Managing Editor Jennifer Salopek at jsalopek@aamc.org.
Visit WingOfZock.org and sign up to receive updates by email. Follow us on Twitter @wingofzock.
AAMC Updates |
For Updates on the following click here to read all of the articles listed below.
- Nominate Your Colleagues for AAMC Awards.
- Opportunity of Possible Interest - Emergency Medicine/Pediatric Emergency Medicine K12 Research Program
- Offices and Roles Related to Equity - The AAMC Staff is interested in hearing from those institutions that have offices or roles related to equity in place.
- Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar
- New AAMC Video: Dr. Darrell Kirch Makes the Case for the Transformation of Academic Medicine.
- Nominations for the 2012 AAMC Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Development Awards!
- A Call for Interprofessional Submissions
WESH Spring Leadership Silent Auction - Calling All Supporters |
Ladies and Gents! This is your opportunity to support WESH by either making a cash donation to support WESH programming or by providing something wonderful for the Spring Leadership Summit's Silent Auction.
Again this year, the Development Committee is looking for amazing items for the Summit's silent auction! Displayed alongside your donated items will be a biosketch of each donor (this allows for improved networking and new attendees to get to know WESH members and leadership)!
And, we are looking for a sponsor for this year's Summits' Raffle item! Last year we had a Red Door Spa package, complete with an extended relaxing massage and a private bottle of champagne! Email Sandra K. Willsie (sandra.willsie@gmail.com if you wish to be the Raffle item donor) or Kate Marlys (kmarlys@fernley.com).
Already donated for this year's auction, WESH's Development Committee has received:
- A 3-day weekend on Martha's Vineyard (Lindsey Grossman's timeshare)!
- 1.5 hour private, Presidential Executive Career Consultation. The lucky winner will be coached on how to refine his/her vision and to strategize about negotiating next steps up the professional ladder! (President Elisabeth Kunkel)
- A Spa Gift Certificate! (Sandra Willsie)
- $300 to White Flower Farm! (Joan M. Lakoski, PhD)
- Lovely Jewelry & Purses (Sara Jo Grethlein, MD,WESH Program Chair)
- ONE WEEK at a 1 bedroom timeshare (Kris Lohr,MD,Editor,WESH Leadership Journal)
- A Pearl Bracelet (Pamela Zarkowski, JD, MPH)
- Stained Glass Panel, jewelry, one hour career counseling, and more! (Sharon P.Turner DDS, JD)
These are just some of the wonderful items we have received so far, and we know the bidding will be HOT for these and other items.
As you know, WESH membership dues are not adequate for all of the wonderful programming that WESH has in the pipeline and wants to offer to you, our members. Please look into your hearts and donate LOTS of special items for the Silent Auction!! This is one of our most successful fund raisers! And do it now!! This newsletter contains links for the forms to donate cash OR special items. Please take action today!!
Best regards,
Simin Dadparvar and Sandra Willsie
Co-Chairs, WESH Development Committee
Please donate one or more creative packages for
WESH's 2012 Spring Leadership Summit
Silent Auction
This will be a tax deductible donation for you and all proceeds will go to help support WESH programming!
This represents a win-win for both you and WESH!!
WESH Auction donation - What do you need to do??
- Purchase one or more books, funky or classic pieces of jewelry, handbags, overnight bags, or donate a time-share (think outside the box and get creative!) Last year we had wonderful items including but not limited to designer wallets; handbags; brief cases; books; jewelry; time-shares; photographs; antique items; bookends; etc!!
- Consider putting a few items together to help 'your donated package' sell. An example might be an overnight bag including hand cream or other travel essentials.
- Prepare a short bio about yourself (the donor) and provide a description of your donated package (template for this is attached). Send to Kate Marlys kmarlys@fernley.com no later than April 3025, 2012.
- Bring the package with you to the Summit OR, alternatively, if you are not able to come to the summit, mail the package to Kate at 100 N. 20th Street 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 to arrive no later than April 30, 2012. On the other hand, IF you have a friend/colleague who is attending the Summit, you may ask them to bring the package to the Summit for you!
- Complete the information about your donation, including the retail value. This amount will be recognized by WESH with a letter sent to you on WESH letterhead acknowledging your tax deductible donation.
With Greatest Appreciation |
With Greatest Appreciation for: WESH Institutional Members We truly appreciate the WESH membership of several academic institutions. Institutional membership provides academic health care and science institutions and other organizations ways to partner with and support the activities of WESH. Included in this type of membership are opportunities to introduce promising leaders, especially women leaders, within their own organization to the WESH network and WESH programs to develop stellar leadership skills.
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Women Faculty Programs
- Elizabeth L. Travis, PhD, FASTRO
Join Our: WESH Lifetime Members
Honors and accolades are due the highly respected and growing pool of WESH Lifetime Members. We encourage you to join them and to recognize high achieving women at your institution with an Award of a WESH Lifetime Membership.
WESH Lifetime Members shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to run for office. An Active WESH Membership may convert to a Lifetime membership upon application to and approval from the WESH Board of Directors and a one-time payment of the Lifetime Dues ($2,500). Learn more about how you may join this growing pool of highly productive leaders at www.weshleadership.org ; email wesh@fernley.com or phone:215-564-3484, ext. 2208.
Current Honor Roll of WESH Lifetime Members:
Roberta E. Sonnino, MD, FACS, FAAP, Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs and Associate Provost for Medical Affairs, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI.
Elizabeth L. "Liz" Travis, PhD, FASTRO, Associate Vice President, Women Faculty Programs, The Provost's Office, and the Mattie Allen Fair Professor in Cancer Research, Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology and Pulmonary Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX.
Cheryl Lyn Walker, PhD, Professor, Molecular Carcinogenesis, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Professor and Director, Texas A&M Health Science Center Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Houston, TX.
Leilani Doty, PhD, Director, University of Florida Cognitive & Memory Disorder Clinics, Department of Neurology, McKnight Brain Institute, Gainesville, FL
Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, SCM, School of Medicine and Public Health, Boston University
Kristene K. Guglinzza, MD, Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch
Susan M. Essock, PhD, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons |
Employment Opportunities |
Please see the attached memorandum from AAMC President Dr. Darrell Kirch regarding the search for a new editor of Academic Medicine.
Click here to learn more
Located in the outstanding community of Royal Oak, Michigan is seeking a
Chair of Psychiatry.
Click here to learn more
The Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology & Biotechnology at Brown University announces the opening of a faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2012.
Click here to learn more
The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) is conducting a search for an Assistant Vice President of Assessment Programs (AVP, AP) and as someone who may know of qualified candidates we wish to bring this position to your attention.
Click here to learn more
Spotlights Quotes |
You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind."
--Irish proverb
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."
--Henry David Thoreau, American author and poet
Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
--Bernice Johnson Reagon, American singer, composer, scholar and social activist
Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top ups."
--Peter Davies, British composer and conductor
Opportunities are seldom labeled."
--John A. Shedd, American author and professor
Knowledge is the only instrument of production that is not subject to the law of diminishing returns."
- John Maurice Clark,
American economist
Have no fear of perfection -- you'll never reach it."
--Salvador Dali, Spanish painter
To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful."
--Edward R. Murrow, American broadcast journalist
If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you, you have not found your place."
--Orison Swett Marden, American writer
A man of courage flees forward in the midst of new things."
--Jacques Maritain, French philosopher
If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all."
--Michelangelo, Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet and engineer
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does."
--Josh Billings,
Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."
--Charles F. Kettering, American inventor
Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail."
--Charles F. Kettering, American inventor
People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year."
--Peter Drucker, Austrian-American writer and management consultant
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore."
--André Gide, French author
American |