Switching Tracks - Aha Moments 
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An aha moment changes our view of the world in an instant, and compels us to do things differently from that day on.  

  You're More Important Than You Think

Everyday Leadership 


In this short video, Drew Dudley tells us of his Aha moment when he came to realize that leadership is not so much about changing the world --- but, more about changing one person --- and the unconscious ways we create aha moments for others. A simple idea, but not a small one.


As business people we can learn from Dudley's story.


First; there are no ordinary moments --- sometimes, there's even an A-Ha moment. Have you ever thought about how much you influence people in your life --- in your business? For the good --- and, for the bad? Leadership is not a characteristic reserved for people in important positions. As long as you make leadership something that is bigger than you --- something beyond you --- something as big as changing the world --- you give yourself the excuse not to expect it from yourself or other people.


Second; often, it is the unexpected that creates the aha moment for others, including our customers. Sometimes it's unconscious --- we aren't aware of our impact, as in this Drew Dudley video. But often it is consciously zigging while others zag. Show how you, your company, your product or service are different in unexpectedly desired ways. Read more about this in our download.



Drew Dudley - Everyday Leadership
Drew Dudley - Everyday Leadership

332,973+  views 
TED.com is one of our 
highly recommended resources 
for challenging our thinking.

March 13, 2012

We are growth experts. We specialize in creating aha moments that enable you to out-think and out-execute your competition, and surpass them.


Listen to what your customers say they need and want, but watch what they do. The "do" often out weighs what they say. 
Don't accept: 
"The customer is always right". 

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