Upcoming Events
Thursday, Nov 24
Thanksgiving Day service, 10:30 AM. Potluck
Saturday, Nov 26
Acolyte Training, 11:30 AM ~ 12 Noon (lunch with Fr. Tinh)
Sunday, Nov 27
(1 Advent)
Stewardship Sunday
Sunday, Dec 4,
Bishop Visitation, 3 PM -- Baptism and Confirmation
Saturday, Dec 10
Vietnamese Christmas Star making, 10 AM
Sunday, Dec. 11
Annual Meeting after church
Tuesday, Dec. 13
Commissions, 6:30 PM
Vestry, 7:30 PM
Wednesday, Dec 14
Blue Christmas Service, 7:30 PM
Friday, Dec. 16
Girlscouts lock-in/ Erin Dubas' Troop
Boyscouts Court of Honor, 6:30 PM
Saturday, Dec. 17
Fund-raising Event to help the poor in Indonesia, 1 PM ~ 3 PM
Sunday, Dec 18
Greening the church
Saturday, Dec 24
Christmas Eve
Children's service,
6:30 PM
Music, 7:00 PM
Holy Eucharist, 7:30 PM
Sunday, Dec 25
Christmas Day Service, 10:30 AM
Sunday, Jan 1
Service of Carols and Lessons
New Year's Day Celebration after church, potluck.
Sunday, Jan 8
St. Pat's children present "The Fourth Wise Man"
Degreen the church
Saturday, Jan 14
Vestry Retreat (snow day: Jan 21) at Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, Alexandria, 9 AM -2 PM
Sunday, Jan 22
Tết Celebration, after church, potluck & talent show!
Friday, Jan 27
Children of Uganda event, 7:30 PM
Sunday, Jan 29
Odeon Concert, 4 PM
24 Thomas H. Wetrich
25 Kiet Samuel Tran
4 Irene Graham
5 Robert Aronstein
5 Jennifer Moya
6 Jean Pierre Chanu
10 Winnie Lebo
11 Graham Parvinkarimi
14 Lois Cascella
15 Laurie Los
15 Moi Phan
16 Jean DuBro
18 Jackson DuBro
25 Amelia Nicholson
28 Paul Los
30 Patricia Phan
31 Trang Diep
31 Chon Kim Huynh
Our Prayer List
We remember in our prayer:
Margaret Mills, Jim Owens, William Yale, Laura Đoàn, Bob Aronstein, Kari Boeskov, Mary Anne Bogie, Mary Carper, Thomas Cascella, Marie Cosimano, Hai Dang Do, Jane Chapman, Tim Clary, Dorothy Connelly, John Davis, Donald DeVaughn, Michael Dickinson, Loretta Dougherty, Ingrid Eckstrand, The Edsall Family, Archie Ellis, Mary Farmer, The Faubion Family, Nance Finegan, Luis Garay, Thomas Garner, Anne Goodwin, Jean Graham, Nick Giuliani, Canedo Guillermo, Katherine Hafele, Anne & Thomas Edsall, Margaret Ellis Harris, Bill and Betty Henderson, Sheila Henderson, Eldon Paul Henry, Alek Hensley, Leslie Hogan, Cindy Hogman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Michael Horn, Virginia Hughes, Angelina Jansen, Lindsay Johns, Gray and Bob Johnson, Jamie Kaplon, Robert Kelley, Quinn Kimball, Jeffry King, The Kontess Family, Susan Lawrence, Bau Le, Timothy Livingood, Joe Magrogan, Colleen Mavrikas, Michael Mills, Evelyn Morgan, Que Nguyen, Chick Nixon, Keslie Nolan, Olive Oliver, Gary Owens, Irene Pierce, Joann Piper, Faith Poole, William Ross, Molly Saviola, Nora Searle, Bill Sitler, Irene Skowron, Karine Simpkin, Brian Smith, Josh Smithers, Candi Stewart, Barbara Stefl, Kara Stryker, The Strysko Family, Walter Sushko, Steven Talbert, George Thomas, Clara Torres, George Torres, Michael Weekes, The Westfall Family, Paula Wiech, Meredith Wiech, Donna Wolfe, Peter Kosutic, Chris, Tasha, Mark Zimpel
We pray for all US personnel serving overseas, especially Garway Thomas and Cate Johnson.
Note: If you have a loved one or friend who needs prayer please call the church and leave a message at 703-532-5656, or write to Tinh+ at
stpats3241@gmail.com or call him at 703-405-9571. Also, should a name need be removed from the list, please let Tinh+ know promptly, and give the reason.
Saint Patrick's Ministers
The Ministers of Saint Patrick's Church are the People of this Parish
supported by
The Reverend
Tinh Trang Huynh, Vicar
Mr. Toua Vang,
Seminarian Assistant
Ms. Mariko Hiller,
Music Director
Ms. Rachel Burgess,
Nursery Care
We serve our Lord as part of the Diocese of Virginia
led by
our chief pastors
The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop
The Rt. Rev.
David Colin Jones,
Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick,
Assistant Bishop
The Vision of St. Patrick's
Saint Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care, called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim Christ's love to the world.
About St. Patrick's Church
| Saint Patrick's was founded in 1953 as a mission church from the Falls Church. The congregation met for the first time on January 3, 1954 in the cafeteria of the Graham Road School. The building was completed in 1956. Members of St. Pat's have been known for their involvement in outreach ministries since the very early days of the parish. In 1995, Saint Patrick's became an Anglo-Vietnamese church, and has become more and more multicultural. Some of us say that St. Pat's is like a window through which we can see God's love. Other parishioners suggest St. Pat's is a "safe haven" for all who seek peace, a quiet place for those who want to find rest. Many in the congregation mention caring is what makes St. Patrick's special to them. Our vision statement reflects what we are in our hearts: St. Patrick's Episcopal Church is a community of care called to be Christ-centered and multicultural in worship, Christian education and action to proclaim Christ's love to the world."
Saint Patrick's
You are invited to visit our website. Please click here .
Previous Issues of the Epistle | Please click here to read the archived issues of the Epistle.
St. Patrick's Organized for Missions and Ministry
Vestry Committee: Senior Warden: Tom Auld; Junior Warden: Vivian Benjamin; Registrar: Winnie Lebo; Treasurer: Kathy Oliver; Other members of the Vestry: Victoria Kennedy, Jocelyne Miller, Pierre Chanu, Chris Nicholson.
Altar Guild: Lucille Selby; Bell Choir: Mariko Hiller; Church Office: Lois Cascella; Offering Counters: Bob Cascella; Youth Ministry: Maggie Spinelli; Region VIII Representative: Felix Spinelli; Diocesan Council Delegate: Amelia Nicholson; St. Margaret's Circle: Ann Nelson; Telephone Chain: Alice King; Ushers: Bill Houston; Odeon Chamber Music Series: Mariko Hiller; Westlawn Elementary School: Winnie Lebo; Falls Church Community Services: Catherine Dubas; Hypothermia Shelter Program: Felix Spinelli; Church Women United: Amelia Nicholson. The Epistle Newsletter Editors: Winnie Lebo and Cindy Rhoad.
Join Our List | |
Happy Thanksgiving!
By Patricia Phan
.Parish Notes
- There will be Acolyte Training on this Saturday, November 26th, at 11:30 AM, with Fr. Tinh. All youth and parents are invited to attend. We'll have lunch at 12:45 PM. Please let Fr. Tinh know that you are planning to come.
- This Sunday is our Stewardship Sunday. The Stewardship Letter and 2012 Pledge Cards will be mailed during next week. Speakers on Saint Patrick's ministries, on the four Sundays of November, are Nancy Burch, Winnie Lebo, Elisabeth Nguyen and Bobby Dubas. This Sunday will be Bobby's turn to speak.
- Liturgical Notes. This Sunday, November 27th, will be the First Sunday of Advent. As we begin a new liturgical year, we remind ourselves of the beauty of silence in worship. The rubrics in our Episcopal Prayer Book call for silence at various moments in the flow of liturgy. Customarily, worshipers in the Episcopal Church bow to the cross, kneel and pray as they enter the sanctuary. Please promptly take a seat and observe silence before the service starts. If you wish to carry on a conversation with someone at that time, please do so in the narthex. During worship, please reserve applause to those offering music for the announcement time. Thank you. Tinh+
- Bishop Gulick will visit St. Patrick's on Sunday, December 4th, at 3:00 PM. Worship services will not be held in the morning of that Sunday. Please bring food, if you can, for the reception following the service. Your prayers are requested for the following candidates: Sophia Ellis, for baptism; Erin Dubas, for confirmation; and Karla Tsai, for baptism and confirmation.
- This year's annual meeting will be held on Sunday, December 11th, after church. There will not be an election of vestry members, since all of the incumbents have not yet finished their terms.
- St. Patrick's Children's Schedule of Activities for the Christmas Season - 2011 . Saturday, December 10: Star Making from 10 AM to noon, followed by a "bring your own sack lunch" (and a dozen cookies to share for hot chocolate and cookies after caroling--below). At 1 PM we will have a discussion session/activities for the children about Christmas (Fr. Tinh and Lois Cascella will lead the discussion). We will also sing carols and have hot chocolate and cookies. . Christmas Eve: There will be a Children's Service at 6:30 PM, and then the children will sing two carols at 7 PM before the 7:30 PM service. The practice times for these carols will be held in Sunday School on Nov. 20th, Nov. 27th, Dec. 11th, and Dec. 18th.
. January 8: The children will present "The Fourth Wise Man" during the Sunday service. Practices will be held on Jan. 2nd, 12:30 to 2:00 (a Monday which is a Federal holiday and a school holiday), and on Jan. 7th from 12:30 to 2:30 (a Saturday; this rehearsal/dress rehearsal will conclude with a pizza party).
Please consider helping with the following tasks:
- assign costumes - create props - help children practice lines - help organize pizza party on Jan. 7th - create an invitation that children can hand out/send to friends, neighbors and family members - assist on Sun., Jan. 8th for the Sunday morning presentation. We can use your help!! If you have any questions or concerns, or are able to help out, please contact Maggie Spinelli (703-241-5637). These activities are intended for the kids to have fun and also learn more about the Christmas season.
- On Saturday, December 17th, there will be a fund-raising event at Saint Patrick's to help victims of the tsunami and the poor in Indonesia. The event is organized by Mr. Tyler Fox, Assistant to Bishop Jones and Bishop Gulick. The program will include Indonesian food and traditional music, and will be from 1 PM to 3 PM. Tickets: $25.00 per person. All are invited to attend. For further information and RSVP, please contact Tyler at 703-824-1325. - Westlawn Elementary School has approached us to ask if we would be interested in helping them out in two areas of need. First, and most important to them, is a supply of underwear and sweatpants in sizes appropriate for children, boys and girls, from Kindergarten through third or fourth grade. The counselors keep a supply of these items on hand for those children who have bathroom accidents. The children keep the underwear, but the sweatpants are to be laundered and returned to school. Due to the severe budget cuts, money that the school used to put aside to keep the "clothes closet" filled has disappeared and the need is great. The second area of need is for stocking caps and gloves/mittens. The counselors were wondering if we might be able to help out with the caps and gloves. If we are willing to help, we could either get the clothing ourselves, or provide the school with the funds and the counselors would do the shopping. Checks should be made payable to Saint Patrick's, earmarked "Westlawn Clothing," and placed in the alms basin during worship, or mailed to St. Patrick's Church, 3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042. Thank you. - Christmas Flowers. You are invited to offer flowers at Christmas, in thanksgiving for God's blessings or in memory of your loved ones. Please send $10.00 to the church with a note stating your name, the names of those remembered, and/or the blessings to be mentioned. You may also email your request to Fr. Tinh at stpats3241@gmail.com, or to Ann Nelson at ann_garrard@msn.com, and put your check in the mail. Checks should be made payable to Saint Patrick's Altar Guild, earmarked "Christmas Flowers," and mailed to St. Patrick's Church, 3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042. Deadline: Monday, December 19, 2011.
6th & 7th Grade Weekend at Shrine Mont, Nov. 11-13
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A Trip to Shrine Mont -- An Amazing Experience
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By Harriette Benjamin
Our Alexander Benjamin, a 6th Grader at Stonewall Middle School, had the opportunity to join his peers within the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia to participate in the 6th and 7th Grade Weekend event at Shrine Mont November 11th - 13th. I had the singular opportunity of spending the weekend with the youths at Shrine Mont as chaperone for Alexander - with Vivian my husband as our designated driver, and three-year old Jorden in tow - a total of two and a half chaperones!
It was a great experience especially for the kids who got to spend a lot of time with their peers, making new friends, participating in fun activities whilst learning new songs and praying together! The PYMers were awesome exhibiting great leadership of the groups whilst getting the kids actively involved and engaged all the time.
Chaperoning was very spiritually rewarding coupled with the satisfaction that we stood out as role models for the kids. It was really a joy to work with other chaperones providing very valuable oversight throughout the weekend.
The climax of the weekend was the celebration of the Eucharist in a truly contemporary form with our new friends on Sunday. It was a spirit filled service. We got to sing songs we learnt during the first two days of the weekend. The young boys and girls were full of energy, prancing around and acting out the songs as they were led by the spirit. On the flip side, it was sad to see the parting moments with their friends at the end of it all. You could see that they hated to go, because they had had so much fun during the weekend that they never wanted it all to come to an end.
My biggest motivation was little Jorden, who on Saturday afternoon took the long hike to the cross at the top of the mountain! Vivian had Jorden - fast asleep and so peaceful - on his shoulder when I saw them coming towards "Virginia House". What I found out amazed me.... They had both walked the trail to the wooden cross, and Jorden, except for the last 5 minutes or so, actually hiked all the way up the mountain himself. I imagined those tiny legs climbing up the mountain, pursuing the cross - forty-five minutes from the base of the mountain - with "childlike faith"! Amazing!
When I was done with one of my chaperone duties manning the prayer / cheer station, I decided I would also make the trip, to experience the serenity of God's presence in the mountains and the splendor of His creation - the birds chirping, the wind blowing against the leaves and trees...., on the way to the cross! The trail seemed to get steeper as I made the ascent until it got to a point where I almost turned back. Then it dawned upon me that Jesus walked this path for me and for you on His arduous journey to Calvary, only that the path He trod was steeper, longer and He also carried His cross! This realization gave a whole new meaning to my walk and I started looking out anxiously for 'The Cross' thanking God for the opportunity to re-enact His infamous walk! I also pictured Jorden, with his little legs going up the mountain, chatting away. ".....and a little child shall lead them!" I continued to press on - embarrassed, and motivated at the same time - saying to myself, "if Jorden can do this at three, then I will or, better still, I must! Just the thought of my little challenge brought smiles to my face and carried me all the way to the foot of 'The Cross' at the crest of the mountain one step at a time, where I just sat down, gazed upon His face and praised Him.......!
I thank Jorden for being my inspiration. He might not understand this now, but I am sure he will one day.
Beneath the cross at Shrine Mont: Rest for a tiresome soul.
Last Sunday's Sermon -- given by Seminarian Toua Vang
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Christ The King -- Matthew 25:31-46
In the Gospel that we just heard today, our Lord speaks of his final coming in glory. He will come as king of kings and Lord of Lords, "...all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will gather before him, and he will separate people one from another..." Jesus is the Lord and King. In the Nicene Creed we say, "He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end." God's glory is with us all the time, here and now. I have already shared with some of you the glory of God that my family has received or experienced. To me, God's glory is revealed each time I recall the miracles that happened in my life.
It was some time in the rainy season of 1969, when my family was fleeing from danger. We walked for days in the thick jungles of Northeastern Laos, near the Ho Chi Minh Trail. One morning we reached an open field, where hay was four feet tall. As we walked in a single line, a pheasant rooster flew chirping loudly, cutting in front of us. My father then signaled us to lay down on the ground soundlessly. About one minute later, a North Vietnamese communist soldier passed by us, carrying a bamboo log on his shoulder and singing in Vietnamese as he went down to the creek on the other side of the hay field, to fetch water. There we all laid down on the ground until dark. Rain came heavily in the evening, and my father led us into the jungle. The rain provided us with cover, so that the communists would not see us, and by morning rain water would have erased our tracks.
We continued our walk for many more days. One early morning, my father decided to lead us down an old path, and we intended to walk for an entire day. It was cloudy and we all were tired. After a short rest, I felt excited and I asked my father to let me walk ahead of everyone else. My older brother, Hnia, followed me. We walked and talked softly. Before long, we saw a small snake curling on the path, sticking out its tongue at me. When my father and the rest of the family caught up with us, we pointed at the snake on the path. He offered a short prayer, saying that if this was a coincidence that we came across the snake, then, please God let it leave us and we would be able to pass through; yet if there was going to be danger ahead, then, please God let it stop us a second time. The snake sled off the path to the right, but then it came back curling in the middle of the path a few feet away from us, and it did the same thing again. My father then told us to withdraw and stay low. A couple of minutes later, another Vietnamese communist soldier, also carrying a bamboo log on his shoulder, walked as he sang, on a nearby path that crossed ours. Perhaps he was on his way to fetch water, with the bamboo he had. This time, instead of staying put, as he got farther down the mountain slope, we quickly moved into the jungle. Our journey then continued for weeks with no food to eat. We ate certain kinds of green plants and leaves. Everyone was hungry and exhausted. My father decided that we move both in day light and in darkness. In one very dark night, we walked slowly in a single line. Each person grasped the back of the person in front. I was on my father's back this night. All the insects and animals were quiet at around midnight. The rain had stopped and the breeze was gentle. My father led the way, with my mother following behind him, and her hand held one of my legs. My mother whispered to my father, asking him to stop and listen. He stopped, and everyone stopped. We listened. The sound was like that of a deer calling. At first, it sounded like the deer call came from under our feet. My parents listened more carefully, and finally realized that the sound was way down from the bottom of a very high cliff. All in a sudden, my father realized that we were just a couple of yards away from a cliff. We could have fallen down there to our death. My father then led us to the left and we inched our way down the mountain side. By day break we reached a stream at the bottom of the slope, and from there we entered our safe haven.
During this 26-day walking journey, we experienced God's grace and glory three times with our own eyes and ears. God knew us and God was with us all the time. For me, God's glory is seen in God's help and protection. Thanks Be to God. Brothers and sisters, we do not foresee our future, but we know for sure about the end of life and God's glory. We do not know when it will happen and how it will take place, but we are always prepared should it take place.
When Christ comes in glory as king and judge, He will mark the victory of God over all evils. All that is good will prevail, and God's kingdom will be endless. God will judge humankind based on how we live our lives -- in our thoughts, words, and deeds, toward God and our neighbors. Whatever we do to others, our Lord Jesus Christ takes as having been done to Him. In the Gospel, Jesus says, "...just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." As Christians, we believe that our lives are being evaluated and will be evaluated at the final day. Also, we may choose to live our lives based on our faith because eternity ahead of us depends on how we live our lives. Serving others is not the only thing we Christians should completely focus on. We can strive to know and love Christ more in reading Scriptures, in daily praying, and in receiving the Eucharist. We are called to repent and turn to God. God will forgive our sins because God is a loving and forgiving God. Just as we know for sure that there will be the final day when Christ will come in glory to judge the living and the dead, let's make the very best of our daily lives. We have options, but we may choose to follow Jesus and do God's will, for God is gracious and glorious. God in all of his glory will give credit where credit is due, for God knows us by name and God is everywhere. God is with us now; in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, and even on the moon -everywhere we are. God's glory is in His goodness to us. Amen.
Community Notes
| | - A diocesan-wide young adult trip to Haiti is scheduled for March 30-April 6, 2012. Participants will build relationships with other young adults in Gonaives, Haiti, and will help support an English-speaking workshop and the construction of classrooms for a local school. Learn more and submit an application online.
- The 217th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia will take place January 26-28, 2012 in Reston. Pre-Council Open Hearings will take place on January 14 at All Saints', Richmond.
- Hypothermia Shelter Program. As we gather with families and friends to give thanks this week, we remember those less fortunate among us and we are committed to reaching out to them and to all those in need in our community. We have a community plan to prevent and end homelessness and we are now turning our attention to the county's targeted hypothermia program. Beginning today, faith communities, in partnership with nonprofit organizations and the county, will open hypothermia centers for single adults who need shelter during cold winter nights. Last year during the 2010-2011 winter season, the collaborative effort of winter seasonal programs, including the Hypothermia Prevention Program, served 1,026 unduplicated guests at all of the sites as well as moved 17 clients into permanent housing. There were no hypothermia-related deaths reported during the 2010-2011 winter season. This year, we have already had our first snowfall and the partners opened their shelters to "no turn-away" status on Nov. 1. All the partners care deeply for everyone in our community and we are moving forward to provide hypothermia prevention services, as we have over the past years. Working within longstanding county policies, and food, safety, fire, and building codes, we are working collaboratively to provide shelter and food and to ensure the safety of individuals who are homeless this winter. Although some of the administrative work is still ongoing and final inspections are not yet completed, people will be housed and fed in our community this winter, keeping people alive who otherwise would be at great risk. "The Fairfax County community leads the region in a comprehensive approach to ending homelessness, and we won't turn our back on our community now," stated Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova. "We truly appreciate the efforts of the faith community and nonprofits to give of their own time, facilities and resources, especially at such a busy holiday time. We all have the same goal - to protect everyone this winter." "The county is providing support from many agencies, focusing staff, resources and funding on this effort," said Dean H. Klein, director of the Fairfax County Office to Prevent and End Homelessness. "We want to reassure everyone that we will take the actions needed to ensure the hypothermia centers open safely, and we appreciate this kind assistance from our community. During this holiday week, we encourage additional faith communities to step forward and volunteer their facilities to provide direct services to persons in need during the winter months. " In 2007, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors adopted a goal to end homelessness in 10 years. The Board adopted a community developed Implementation Plan the following year. Since then a Governing Board and a small county office were established to coordinate efforts among all the partners. Now, Fairfax County is leading the fight against homelessness, working with a community-wide team of government, business, philanthropic, nonprofit and faith community members. Volunteers and additional church facilities are still needed for the hypothermia program. For further information on the Hypothermia Prevention Program, please contact Debbie Scaggs at debbie.scaggs@fairfaxcounty.gov. Go online for more information about efforts to prevent and end homelessness. Baileys Crossroads Community Shelter Is in need of local faith based communities to partner with in this monumental task of keeping our most variable population safe this winter.
If your faith community is willing to open its doors, or if participating faith communities can pick up additional days,
Feel free to contact:
Tin Tức Sinh Hoạt
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- Ngày thứ bảy tuần nầy, Nov. 26, lúc 11:30 AM, Mục Sư Tỉnh sẽ huấn luyện acolytes. Tất cả các thiếu niên và phụ huynh được mời tham dự. Sau giờ huấn luyện mọi người sẽ ăn trưa với nhau. Xin cho Mục Sưbiết quư vị và các em có đến được hay không.
- Năm nay, ngày 27 tháng 11 sẽ là Chúa Nhật Dâng Hiến tại Nhà Thờ chúng ta. Vào mỗi sáng Chúa Nhật, tại giờ thông cáo, một tín hữu sẽ lên tŕnh bầy trước Hội Thánh về một mục vụ của nhà thờ, để mọi người đều biết trong năm qua nhà thờ đă thực hiện được những điều ǵ. Nhà Thờ sẽ gởi thư cổ động dâng hiến đến gia đ́nh các tín hữu trong tuần lễ sau ngày nói trên.
- Giám Mục Ted Gulick sẽ thăm Nhà Thờ chúng ta vào ngày Chúa Nhật, 4 tháng 12, lúc 3 giờ chiều. Hôm ấy sẽ không có lễ buổi sáng. Xin quư vị mang theo thức ăn cho bữa potluck. Xin cầu nguyện cho các ứng viên sau đây: Sophia Ellis và Karla Tsai (Báp Tem), Erin Dubas và Karla Tsai (Xác Nhận Niềm Tin).
- Buổi họp thường niên của Hội Thánh sẽ được tổ chức sau lễ ngày Chúa Nhật, 11 tháng 12. Năm nay chúng ta sẽ không bầu thành viên mới cho Ban Chấp Hành v́ không có vị nào trong Ban măn nhiệm.
- Vào ngày thứ bảy, 17 tháng 12, tại Nhà Thờ Thánh Patrick sẽ có một bữa tiệc gây quỹ giúp người nghèo và nạn nhân sóng thần ở Nam Dương. Chương tŕnh gồm nhạc và thức ăn Nam Dương, do ông Tyler Fox, phụ tá các giám mục Jones và Gulick, tổ chức. Vé: $25.00 một người. Tất cả mọi người ở Nhà Thờ Thánh Patrick được mời tham dự.
- Về Truyền Thống Giữ Yên Lặng. Chúa Nhật tuần nầy, 27 tháng 11, là Chúa Nhật đầu tiên của mùa Trông Đợi, chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu một năm mới trong lịch thờ phượng. Nhân dịp nầy chúng ta nhắc nhau về cái đẹp của sự yên lặng trong nhà thờ. Trong các nghi thức của Sách Lễ có những chỗ ấn định phút yên lặng. Theo tục lệ của Hội Thánh, khi bước vào thánh đường các tín hữu cúi đầu chào thánh giá, và quỳ xuống cầu nguyện. Trước giờ lễ xin quư vị vào chỗ ngồi và giữ yên lặng. Nếu cần nói chuyện với ai, xin mời họ ra pḥng ngoài để nói. Trong giờ lễ, xin đừng vỗ tay cho ai đàn hát, v́ điều đó không hiệp lễ. Chúng ta chỉ vỗ tay trong giờ thông cáo sau khi lễ chấm dứt. Xin cám ơn quư vị. - Mục Sư Tỉnh.
- Vào Mùa Giáng Sinh sẽ có các sinh hoạt sau đây tại Nhà Thờ Thánh Patrick:
. Làm lồng đèn ngôi sao: ngày thứ bảy, 10 tháng 12. Mỗi người tự mang lunch theo.
. Đêm Giáng Sinh, 24 tháng 12: Lễ Giáng Sinh cho các em nhỏ: 6:30 PM; Chương Tŕnh Nhạc Giáng Sinh, 7:00 PM; Lễ Giáng Sinh cho Hội Thánh, 7:30 PM.
. Chúa Nhật, 8 tháng 1, năm 2012: Thiếu Nhi diễn kịch "Vua Thứ Tư," trong lễ thờ phượng. (các em sẽ tập kịch vào ngày 2 tháng 1 (12:30 PM - 2:00 PM) và ngày 7 tháng 1 (12:30 PM - 2:00 PM)
- Trường Tiểu Học Westlawn Elementary School cần quần áo lót và quần dự pḥng cho các em trong tuổi từ mẫu giáo đến lớp 4. Quư vị counselor để sẵn pḥng khi các em gặp chuyện bất trắc. V́ kinh tế khó khăn hiện nay, ngân sách nhà trường bị cắt giảm nên có khi không đủ cung ứng. Do đó các counselor hỏi nhà thờ chúng ta có thể giúp được không. Họ cu~ng cần mu~ len và găng tay cho các em.
Quư vị có thể mua những món trên và mang đến nhà thờ. Quư vị cu~ng có thể viết chi phiếu cho Saint Patrick's, đề vào hàng memo "Westlawn Clothing" và đặt chi phiếu vào dĩa tiền dâng, hoặc gởi về địa chỉ của nhà thờ: 3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042.
- Dâng Hoa vào dịp Giáng Sinh. Nếu quư vị muốn dâng hoa cho Lễ Giáng Sinh, để tưởng nhớ người thân hay tạ ơn Chúa về những ơn lành trong năm, xin gởi cho Ban Tế Tự $10.00, với vài gịng ghi tên của ḿnh, tên người thân và/hoặc lư do cảm tạ. Quư vị có thể gởi điện thư cho Mục Sư Tỉnh, stpats3241@gmail.com, hay cho bà Ann Nelson, ann_garrard@msn.com, rồi gởi chi phiếu sau cho nhà thờ qua bưu điện. Chi phiếu xin đề trả cho Saint Patrick's Altar Guild, với chữ "Christmas Flowers" ở hàng "Memo," gởi về nhà thờ ở địa chỉ: 3241 Brush Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042. Hạn chót: thứ hai, 19 tháng 12, 2011.
Bài Giảng -- Ông Toua Vang, Chủng Sinh
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Chúa Nhật Đức Kitô Vua -- Ngày 20 tháng 11, 2011
Kinh Văn: Ma-thi-ơ 25:31-46
Trong Phúc Âm chúng ta đọc hôm nay, Chúa phán về ngày Chúa đến trong vinh quang. Ngài sẽ là Vua muôn vua, Chúa muôn Chúa: "... các thiên thần sẽ ở chung quanh, và Ngài sẽ ngự trên ngai vinh hiển, và sẽ chia người ta ra hai phia..." Đức Giêsu là Chúa, và là Vua.
Bài tín điều Ni-xê đọc trong lễ có câu: "Ngài sẽ đến trong vinh quang để phán xét kẻ sống và kẻ chết, và nước Ngài không hề tàn." Sự vinh quang của Đức Chúa Trời luôn luôn ở với chúng ta, ngay bây giờ.
Tôi đă từng chia xẻ với một vài người trong Hội Thánh về gia đ́nh tôi nếm trải sự vinh quang của Chúa. Đối với tôi, sự vinh quang ấy hiển hiện mỗi khi hồi tưởng những phép lạ trong đời ḿnh.
Mùa mưa 1969, gia đ́nh cha tôi chạy loạn, đi bộ nhiều ngày trong vùng đông-bắc Lào, gần đường ṃn Hồ Chí Minh. Vào một buổi sáng chúng tôi tới một cánh đồng cỏ khô cao quá đầu. Lối đi hẹp, chúng tôi đi hàng dọc. Th́nh ĺnh có một con gà rừng bay tới chận lối, kêu oang oác. Cha tôi ra dấu biểu nằm xuống núp trong cỏ rậm. Khoảng một phút sau, có một người lính cộng sản ở phía bên kia cánh đồng, vừa đi vừa hát tiếng Việt, vác khúc tre trên vai đi lấy nước. Chúng tôi nằm yên lặng tại chỗ cho đến chiều. Tối đến có cơn mưa lớn, cha tôi dẫn cả nhà vào rừng. Mưa đă che khuất chúng tôi khỏi tầm mắt của cộng quân, và xóa đi vết chân của chúng tôi.
Hôm sau chúng tôi lại tiếp đi. Một buổi sáng kia, cha tôi quyết định dẫn vợ con đi trên một lối ṃn bỏ hoang, và sẽ đi trọn ngày. Hôm đó trời có nhiều mây, và ai cu~ng mệt mỏi. Sau khi dừng chân một hồi, tôi lên tinh thần, xin cha cho đi trước. Tôi dẫn đầu, anh tôi, tên là Hnia theo sau. Chúng tôi đi nhanh, vừa đi vừa nói khẽ với nhau. Th́nh ĺnh tôi thấy một con rắn nhỏ trên đường. Chúng tôi dừng lại. Nó quấn ḿnh và thè lưỡi nh́n tôi. Khi cha tôi và những người khác bắt kịp, tôi chỉ cho họ thấy con rắn. Cha tôi liền cầu nguyện rằng nếu đây chỉ là chuyện t́nh cờ th́ xin Chúa khiến con rắn đi chỗ khác, song nếu là điềm chẳng lành th́ xin cho nó trở lại ngay chỗ cu~, chận đường lần thứ hai.
Con rắn ḅ ra khỏi lối ṃn về phía tay phải, song nó lại trở lại y chỗ cu~, nh́n chúng tôi và thè cái lưỡi nó ra. Cha tôi liền ra lệnh rút vào bụi rậm ẩn núp. Khoảng hai phút sau, một người bộ đội xuất hiện trên một lối ṃn khác chắn ngang phía trước, vừa đi vừa hát tiếng Việt, trên vai cu~ng có một khúc tre lớn, chắc là đi lấy nước. Lần nầy chúng tôi không nằm yên tại chỗ như lần trước. Ngay khi người đó khuất bóng về phía khe nước chúng tôi lẩn vào rừng sâu. Chúng tôi đi cả tuần mà không có ǵ ăn, ngoài mấy thứ rau dại và lá rừng. Ai cu~ng mệt và đói. Cha tôi quyết định di chuyển cả ngày lẫn đêm để đến nơi an toàn.
Trong một đêm tối mịt, chúng tôi sắp hàng một lần bước. Cha tôi cơng tôi, c̣n mẹ và các anh chị theo sau th́ người nọ nắm lưng áo người kia để theo. Mưa đă ngừng và có cơn gió thoảng. Tới nửa đêm th́ giun dế và chim muông đă bặt hơi. Cha tôi dẫn đường, và mẹ tôi theo sát phía sau nắm lấy chân tôi. Một lát, tôi nghe mẹ tôi th́ thầm, biểu cha tôi lắng nghe. Ông dừng lại, nghe tiếng ǵ giống như tiếng mấy con nai gọi nhau. Mới đầu tưởng là tiếng đó ngay ở dưới chân ḿnh. Cha mẹ tôi nghe kỹ hơn. Hóa ra, đó là tiếng nai kêu từ dưới vực thẳm, mà chúng tôi đang ở ngay bờ vực thẳm ấy. Chỉ một chút xíu nữa là cả nhà rơi xuống vực mà chết. Cha tôi liền dẫn gia đ́nh quẹo về phía trái, rồi từ đó chúng tôi lần bước theo triền núi mà đi xuống. Khi b́nh minh ló dạng th́ chúng tôi xuống đến chân núi, và t́m đến nơi an trú.
Trong cuộc hành tŕnh 26 ngày ấy chúng tôi đă nếm trải ân phúc và sự vinh quang của Chúa, mắt thấy, tai nghe. Đức Chúa Trời đă biết chúng tôi và Ngài hằng ở với chúng tôi. Tôi đă nh́n thấy sự vinh quang của Chúa trong sự phù hộ và che chở của Ngài. Tạ ơn Chúa.
Thưa quư ông bà anh chị em, mặc dù chúng ta không thấy Chúa, song chúng ta biết chắc hai điều: sự chấm dứt của cuộc hành tŕnh trần thế, và vinh quang của Thiên Chúa. Chúng ta không biết đời ḿnh chấm dứt lúc nào và bằng cách nào, song chúng ta luôn luôn sẵn sàng.
Khi Đức Kitô tái lâm để làm vua và quan án, ta sẽ thấy Thiên Chúa thắng điều ác. Điều thiện sẽ c̣n lại, và Nước Chúa không hề tàn. Chúa sẽ xét xử con người trên căn bản họ sống đời họ như thế nào, họ đối với Chúa và người lân cận ra làm sao. Đức Kitô coi điều ta làm cho người khác là làm cho Ngài. Chúa phán, "Hễ ai làm điều ǵ cho những kẻ thấp hèn nhất trong nhà ta là làm cho ta." Là người theo Đức Kitô, chúng ta tin rằng Chúa sẽ thẩm định chúng ta trong ngày sau rốt.
Không phải phục vụ người khác là đủ. Chúng ta có thể t́m biết và yêu mến Chúa hơn nữa trong sự cầu nguyện hàng ngày và trong sự nhóm lại thờ phượng. Chúa gọi chúng ta ăn năn và trở về cùng Ngài. Chúa sẽ tha thứ cho chúng ta v́ ḷng nhân từ của Chúa.
V́ biết rằng sẽ có một ngày cuối cùng, khi Đức Kitô trở lại trong vinh quang để phán xét kẻ sống cùng kẻ chết, chúng ta hăy sống đời tốt nhất mà ḿnh có thể sống. Chúng ta được lựa chọn, và do đó chúng ta có thể chọn theo Đức Giêsu và làm theo ư muốn Đức Chúa Trời. Chúa biết chúng ta từng tên, và Ngài sẽ ban thưởng cho từng người. Chúa có mặt khắp mọi nơi: ở Âu Châu, Á Châu, Phi Châu, vân vân, và ngay ở mặt trăng cu~ng có Ngài. Sự vinh quang của Chúa ở trong những điều tốt lành mà Ngài làm cho chúng ta. Amen.