The NOP Organic Insider, USDA National Organic Program

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AnnouncementJanuary 19, 2012


The National Organic Program (NOP) recently posted the following new training modules to its website:

Part I & II Label Review & Exercise
Adverse Action Notices Review & Exercise
Review of NOP 2024
Review of NOP 2608

Review of NOP 2005

Review of Procedures to Submit Questions to the NOP

GMO Review 


Additionally, the NOP has added new documents to the Program Handbook:


Accreditation Section

NOP 2024 Information Submission Requirements for Certifying Agents

NOP 2024-1A Work Instruction - Annual Report Review
NOP 2608 Instruction - Responding to Noncompliances 

Appendix Section
NOP 2005   Accreditation Assessment Checklist
NOP 2005-1 Certification File Review Worksheets
NOP 2005-2 Certification File Review Checklist
NOP 2005-3 Certification File Review Checklist Supplement for Grower Groups

NOP 2005-4 Witness Audit Checklist
NOP 2005-5 Witness Audit Checklist for Grower Group
NOP 2024-1 Annual Report Checklist


The NOP will present these modules and several of the NOP 2000 series documents to USDA-Accredited Certifying Agents at its upcoming training on January 24, 2012, in San Antonio, Texas. The NOP will not be providing hard copies of the modules or NOP 2000 series documents at the training and recommends that certifying agents that have registered for the training either copy or download the material prior to attending the session. 


About the National Organic Program (NOP)

The NOP facilitates trade and ensures integrity of organic agricultural products by consistently implementing organic standards and enforcing compliance with the regulations throughout the world. Learn more.

About the NOP Organic Insider

The NOP Organic Insider is intended to inform the organic community on a wide range of NOP functions, including organic standards, accreditation and international activities, compliance and enforcement, the National Organic Standards Board, training events, and the Cost Share program.


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