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Shopper Tech Update               November 21, 2011 - Volume 2, Issue 22

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In This Issue
ASSORTMENT PLANNING: Putting the Shopper at the Center of Retail Assortment Decisions
SHOPPER MARKETING: Five Keys to Success in Shopper Centricity
SHOPPER TECH WEBCAST: Develop Winning Strategies with Virtual Shopping Research
STI NEWS: STI Schedules Fourth Annual LEAD Marketing Conference
MARKET WATCH: Bashas' Implements Price Optimization Solution; Personal Shopping Experience at Big Y; Pepsi Offers New Promo on Facebook; Target Adds to REDcard Benefits; Cash Back at Piggly Wiggly Carolina; Mobile Shopping Boom in 2012; Deals Drive Brand Loyalty on Social Media


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Assortment Planning


Putting the Shopper

At the Center of

Retail Assortment Decisions


Many retailers are rethinking the notion of carrying massive amounts of SKUs on their shelves and are realizing that their stores have unique consumer dynamics. They believe that SKU reduction programs need to maintain a focus on the shopper. Retailers like Publix and other chains owe much of their success to such a shopper-centric approach.

Wal-Mart struggled to redefine the role of individual categories in their stores and the depth and breadth of product assortment choices. As a result, their (now-ended) SKU reduction initiative alienated many shoppers because Wal-Mart did not clearly understand the degree of loyalty for particular products...

read entire story



Shopper Marketing


Five Keys to Sucess

In Shopper Centricity 


Shopper centricity is one of the fastest growing and most proven strategies for manufacturers and retailers to increase their long-term competitive advantage through greater relevance.

"Companies that have implemented this holistically have been able to see a 5% or more sustained increase in sales and profit," says Brian Ross, president of Precima, a shopper-driven insight and strategy firm. 

From Precima's benchmark studies, the percentage of companies identifying shopper centricity as a top-three strategic imperative has grown from 75% to 90% in three years. Ross presented five keys to success in implementing a shopper-centric strategy... 

read entire story


Shopper Tech Webcast


Develop Winning Strategies with

Virtual Shopping Research


Marketers often have several choices to make in terms of planograms, displays, packaging and pricing. These choices are critical nowadays.

In addition, the final buying decision for many categories is made in the store, at the shelf, or at the end-cap. So, the in-store shopping experience remains a vital marketing opportunity.
How can marketers develop effective strategies to take advantage of this opportunity?


Request a Written Transcript of the Webcast 



STI News


STI Schedules Fourth Annual LEAD Marketing Conference  LEAD 2011


The Shopper Technology Institute (STI) will produce and host its fourth annual LEAD Marketing Conference October 1-3, 2012 at the Westin O'Hare in Rosemont, Ill. (Chicago).  LEAD is the industry's most comprehensive event focusing on all aspects of Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital Marketing applications. 

Topics on the agenda will include: shopper marketing, social media, mobile marketing, interactive promotion strategies, location-based marketing, demand-signal repositories, loyalty marketing, and related subjects.

The conference will consist of a blend of educational sessions and tabletop displays. Two workshops on topics to be determined will precede the start of LEAD. In addition, attendees will get a change to appraise new solutions privately at ShopperTech CONNECT. The program will consist of a series of pre-arranged 30-minute meetings in private conference rooms between consumer packaged goods manufacturers and retailers and top vendors offering new technologies and solutions that engage shoppers, analyze their behavior, and enable trading partners to improve their operations. The meetings will take place before the start of the LEAD Marketing Conference.

For more information, send an email to info@leadmarketingconference,or call



Market Watch


Bashas' Implements Price Optimization Solution


Personalized Shopping Experience at Big Y


Pepsi Offers New Promo on Facebook


Target Adds to REDcard Benefits


Cash Back at Piggly Wiggly Carolina


Mobile Shopping Boom in 2012


Deals Drive Brand Loyalty on Social Media



Shopper Technology Institute Sponsoring Members 




Henry Rak Consulting Partners

Decision Insight

Decision Insight





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Partners in Loyalty Marketing





Video Mining

KSS Retail

KSS Retail











Coupon Factory                        Incentive Targeting

Dassault Systemes                    Launch Creative Marketing

DataLogix                                 Loyalty Kiosk

DemandTec                              Newhook Marketing

DS-IQ                                        Relational Solutions

Gladson                                    Spire