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Shopper Tech Update                November 7, 2011 - Volume 2, Issue 21

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In This Issue
DIGITAL MARKETING: Capitalize on Three Search Trends to Enhance CPG Marketing
SOCIAL MEDIA: From Social Brand to Social Business
MARKET WATCH: Stop & Shop Expands SCAN IT!
STI NEWS: LEAD Marketing Conference Posts Executive Summary of Key Presentations
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Digital Marketing


Capitalize on

Three Search Trends

To Enhance CPG Marketing


Now that Google has defined pre-purchase online consumer research as the "Zero Moment of Truth," the company is promoting several new search trends contributing to information gathering. Consumers are using smartphones, online video, and social media to map their path to purchase.


"Keep your eyes open and follow your consumers. That is going to guide you. Understand where your consumers are spending their time, and make sure you are there with that message," says Catherine Roe, head of industry for CPG for Google.


Here is a look at these search trends...

read entire story


Social Media


From Social Brand to Social Business


Many organizations today spend a lot of time, resources and financial investment trying to understand the social landscape and engaging externally their customers and prospects. They are on a quest to become a social brand. They are investing in Facebook applications, branded communities and blogs; many are using online monitoring solutions to listen and see what people are saying about the brand. And, from this perspective, many companies today are doing a decent job.


Friends, fans and followers are important, yes. And brands increase their social equity by engaging in two-way dialogue with their constituency, yes. And transparency is key to these external engagements, yes.


While many organizations are trying desperately to humanize their brand, they are failing to understand that they need to humanize their business first...

read entire story



Market Watch


Stop & Shop Expands SCAN IT!


Facebook Highlights Coupon Factory


Three Grocers Join Cellfire Network


DemandTec Expands Cloud-Based Capabilities


Social Networking on the Go


Facebook Fans 'Like' Coca-Cola


Goodbye Wine Kiosks in Pennsylvania


Generation Gap in Smartphones


Go Viral with Brands on Video 



STI News


LEAD Marketing Conference Posts

Executive Summary of Key Presentations


An Executive Summary of key presentations at the third annual LEAD Marketing Conference, produced and hosted by the Shopper Technology Institute, is now available on the conference website: Click on the "2011 Summary" tab atop the home page.


The conference drew a record number of attendees and sponsors Sept. 19-21 in Chicago. The focus of the event is on Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Digital applications.


More than 200 CPG, retail and related executives attended the conference which was sponsored by 18 solution providers, including IBM (Marquee sponsor) and Ipsos Loyalty (Gold sponsor). Silver sponsors included Inmar, VideoMining Corp., and KSS Retail (a dunhummby company).


"LEAD is all about outstanding content and networking opportunities. The feedback from attendees and sponsors is that we absolutely delivered both," said John Karolefski, executive director of STI.


The next LEAD Marketing Conference is scheduled for October 1-3, 2012 in Chicago.



Shopper Technology Institute Sponsoring Members 




Henry Rak Consulting Partners

Decision Insight

Decision Insight





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Partners in Loyalty Marketing





Video Mining

KSS Retail

KSS Retail











Coupon Factory                        Incentive Targeting

Dassault Systemes                    Launch Creative Marketing

DataLogix                                 Loyalty Kiosk

DemandTec                              Newhook Marketing

DS-IQ                                        Relational Solutions

Gladson                                    Spire