What Is Retail 3.0?
"Retail 1.0" was the era of the national brands. It was supplier driven through mass media and lasted until the mid 1990s when Walmart entered the grocery business.
"Retail 2.0" saw power shift to the retailers with data drawn from card-based loyalty programs. At the same time, chains applied sophisticated marketing skills to their private brands.
Now there is "Retail 3.0" for the age of the shopper.
"Retail 3.0 is the next-generation retail eco system, driven by relevant marketing to the individual
shopper, and supported by real-time marketing and supply chain synergies, all built on a foundation of shopper-identified transaction data," explains Gary Hawkins, president of the Center for Advancing Retail Technology.
Connecting all the digital retail systems to create more relevant, individualized marketing for shoppers will boost efficiencies for everyone in the supply chain, says Hawkins, also president of Green Hills Market in Syracuse, N.Y.
Shoppers are "bombarded" by irrelevant marketing messages and an abundance of information on the Internet, including social networking. So marketers are looking to retail with relevant individualized marketing as a way to cut through the clutter...
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