
I get asked all the time by agents if they can recruit.
Have you ever thought about making a little extra money by recruiting other insurance agents?
You don't have to be an IMO, MGA or big time recruiter to make a little extra money signing up insurance agents under you .
Step 1. Find a company that you like and think that others would like also.
Step 2. Contact your Home Office or IMO or Upline and get some blank contracts so that you can send them to other agents with your name on them and receive an override when they sign up. You can order blank contract directly from the Insurance Company.
Most Uplines and IMOs will also increase your commissions as your recruit other agents. All you have to do is give out commission levels lower then what you have and you get the difference in commissions.
How would you like to make 5% , 10% or 20% off of every policy another agent writes that you signed up under you. Depending on how much help you give your agents, you can negotiate different levels of commission.
We at R.F.S. also offer MGA training and can teach you how to find and recruit other insurance agents.
Simply ask us.
You can Call Matt, Mark or Greg Rosenthal at 770-968-5757 or 877-968-5757
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Let us help you make a little extra money. 

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