A Note from President Julia Hejduk
to impersonate Athena (Make My Dea Law), so here I am, slightly disheveled after battling Austin traffic, at a book signing for Rick Riordan's Son of Neptune. I did get the last parking space.
I'm happy to report that the program for this year's annual meeting is incredibly rich. There were 383 individual abstract submissions, shattering the previous record of 349 (Minneapolis 2009; last year in Grand Rapids, by comparison, 316). Because there is simply not space in the hotel for more than six concurrent sessions, I had to be far more selective than my predecessors: the final acceptance rate was about 74% (Minneapolis 85%; Grand Rapids 95%). It was extremely difficule to have to be so draconian, and I offer my sincere apologies to those who are disappointed this year. (Letters will be mailed by Thanksgiving, once the program has been triple-checked.) But with just a couple of exceptions for special panels, I have adhered to a strict principle of FAIRNESS, while striving to make this festival as enjoyable as possible for everyone:
- No Thursday night paper sessions. Instead, LSU students will be performing a short PLAY in the hotel at the comfortably postcenal hour of 9:00 p.m.
- All sections at a given time have the same number of papers. This should allow for easier movement between sections.
- All papers get 20 minutes (15 for presentation, 5 for discussion), plus 5 minutes per session for introductions, etc. Have you ever been listening to a paper and thought, "If only this were longer"?
- No session has more than 5 papers. I just can't focus on that 6th or 7th one.
- There's at least an hour-and-a-half break between morning and afternoon sessions. One of our primary goals, after all, is to enjoy one another's company.
I'm also happy to report that Baton Rouge is one of the loveliest CAMWS venues I can remember. The hotel is charming, with a glass ceiling built over an old-fashioned city block, so there's lots of space and sunshine. They've offered us FREE BREAKFAST (along with free in-room WiFi and coffee), so making those 8:15 a.m. sessions should be less of a challenge! The meeting and book display rooms are all together on one hall, and there's a nice bar and restaurant, a spacious central atrium, a stage for Thursday's play, and plenty of little nooks to sit and chat. There's also a casino attached to the hotel, a rather large river across the street, and a great strip of restaurants within a 7-minute walk. The beautiful LSU campus is just an 8-minute bus ride away, with a food court and several restaurants nearby. And they've promised perfect weather. Aloha attire recommended!
News From the Secretary-Treasurers--Both of Them!
The sharing of responsibilities during this transitional year has been going well.
Jevanie Gillen |
Although Secretary-Treasurer Anne Groton is still in charge until June 30, 2012, Secretary-Treasurer Elect Tom Sienkewicz has gradually been taking on more duties. At the start of October he hired a new CAMWS Administrative Assistant, whose smiling face you can see in the photo. Here is an autobiographical blurb that she has kindly provided:
"My name is Jevanie Gillen. I am 43 years old and have lived in Monmouth, Illinois my entire life. I am a graduate of Monmouth High School and attended Carl Sandburg College and Western Illinois University. I married my high-school sweetheart 20 years ago, and we are raising four very active children (2 boys and 2 girls) that range from 7 to 17. After I got married, I worked and owned my own travel agency for 10 years until our fourth child came along, and then it was time for me to be a stay-at-home-mom. I was blessed to have 6 years at home being the family "bus driver" and what seemed to be a full-time parent volunteer at Immaculate Conception School. In those 6 years, I worked and helped organize six annual auctions for ICS, which I feel was a wonderful experience and tool for this job with CAMWS. I have been at Monmouth College for one year, and I currently work as a part-time Academic Assistant for 4 departments in the mornings. I am excited to be working for CAMWS in the afternoons and look forward to working with an outstanding customer service-oriented association."
Back at St. Olaf College, Sue Newland is now the Academic Administrative Assistant for the Sociology/Anthropology Department, but she is still on the CAMWS payroll and graciously continues to help us out in her spare time. She has especially enjoyed training Jevanie over the phone. Our plan is for Sue and Jevanie to run the registration desk together at the meeting in Baton Rouge.
Thank you for your patience as we shift CAMWS headquarters from Minnesota to Illinois. We are optimistic that the rest of the school-year will go smoothly.
--Anne Groton & Tom Sienkewicz Return to Top |
CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity in the Schools
To support programs and activities in primary and secondary schools, the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL) annually recognizes with a plaque and a certificate the group which develops the most outstanding and effective activity for promoting Latin in CAMWS territory during each academic year (including the preceding summer). The winner of this award is announced every spring at the annual CAMWS meeting.
Any group wishing to compete for this award must be sponsored by a current CAMWS member and must submit a letter of application to the CPL chair by February 3, 2010. (Applications for CPL grants may be combined with applications for this award.) The application letter must include a 100-word summary of the project and a more detailed project description not to exceed 500 words in length. Applicants are encouraged to attach supporting materials such as photographs, flyers, pertinent newspaper articles, etc.
Please send all inquiries and applications to:
Dr. Nicoletta Villa-Sella Foreign Language The Linsly School 60 Knox Lane Wheeling, WV 26003 304-233-3260
Manson A. Stewart Scholarships
Teachers of undergraduate students should remember to nominate their most outstanding young Classicists for the 2011-2012 CAMWS Manson Stewart Scholarships. Every year CAMWS awards $1,000.00 scholarships to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university. Nominees are expected to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek (normally at least one per quarter or semester) during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held.
Students are to be nominated by a department or program; no institution may nominate more than two students per year. The individual who fills out the nomination form on behalf of the department must be an individual member of CAMWS. Each nominee must fill out an application form, write a brief essay, and submit a college or university transcript and two letters of recommendation. Those who write the two letters of recommendations do not need to be CAMWS members.
All applications and their corresponding applications must be received by February 3rd, 2012.
If you represent a department wishing to nominate a student, please download the Nomination Form (pdf). You should complete the nomination form yourself and forward the application form to the student.
Mailing instructions are provided in each form; please direct any inquiries to Robert Sklenar.
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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards
The Classical Association of the Middle West and South sponsors two Manson A. Stewart Awards for primary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers. Recipients must be members of CAMWS.
Teacher Training Awards: Designed to provide some financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level, whether the specific courses are needed in Latin or in Education. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the training, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs (primarily tuition and travel), the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Previous awards have been as high as $1175. Travel Awards: Designed specifically to assist teachers of Latin with a cash award to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the travel, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs the travel will entail, the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Awards for travel to annual meetings have ranged from $300 to $700; for travel to the Southern Section meeting, somewhat less.
Apply for the 2011-2012 awards:
NB: All application materials for the 2012 CAMWS Meeting in Baton Rouge and Teacher Training Award must be received by February 3rd, 2012. Please note that this is a receipt deadline and not a postmark deadline.
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Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper
Beginning in 1996 the Executive Committee of CAMWS authorized a new prize, the Presidential Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student Paper at the Annual Meeting. Eligible are graduate students whose paper is accepted on the program and who will not have received their Ph.D. by the time it is read. The text of the oral talk is submitted at least one month in advance of the meeting and an ad hoc committee selects the winner. The award (with a prize of $200) is presented at the annual business meeting, even though the winner may not yet have read it by the time of the meeting.
There are two criteria for evaluation: (1) the quality of the scholarly argument, including the importance of the topic, the originality of the treatment, and the quality of mind displayed; (2) the effectiveness of an oral presentation, including the quality of the writing, good organization, and interest to an audience. Any graduate student whose abstract has been accepted by the program committee may submit a complete text of the paper for consideration for this award.
Those wishing to be considered for this award should submit their completed paper to Julia Hejduk no later than midnight, March 4, 2012. Papers should be sent as email attachments to Julia_Hejduk@baylor.edu.
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Semple, Grant, and Benario Awards
- The Semple Award is a $3,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
- The Mary A. Grant Award is a $4,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American Academy in Rome.
- The Janice and Herbert Benario Award is a $2,500 fellowship that the recipient may apply to the summer travel program of his or her choice.
1. To be eligible for a Semple, Grant, or Benario Award, one must be a current member of CAMWS who either:
- holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or secondary school within CAMWS territory; or
- is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting Classics program within CAMWS territory.
2. Priority for the Benario Award will be given to applicants interested in summer programs other than those of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the American Academy in Rome, which are normally funded by the Semple and Grant Awards.
3. No individual who wins a Semple Award or a Grant Award may receive a Benario Award in the same year.
To apply please complete the 2011-2012 Application. Application materials must be received by February 3rd, 2012.
Special Service Award
This award formally acknowledges exceptional promotion of classics and/or accomplishments for the profession in CAMWS territory. The award is given pro re nata.
Eligibility: CAMWS membership is not required. Recipients can be classicists or non-classicists who have made special contributions to the promotion of Latin and Classical studies, especially at the state and local level, in CAMWS territory. Ideal candidates include people involved in our field who do much for their local communities or classics in general, but do not interact frequently, if at all, at large meetings. Nevertheless, these people make MORE than a difference. Suitable candidates for this award also include parents or community members who support local Latin programs in notable ways; companies that donate money or other resources for the promotion of Latin; school administrators who help Latin teachers by giving access to school rooms or supplies or extra funds; newspapers or magazines that give free advertising for events; benefactors who give money for books or scholarships; or students who have promoted Latin in an original manner.
Nomination and selection process: Please submit to the address below a signed statement of nomination, 500-600 words in length, that describes the nominee and his/her work. The postmark, fax, or e-mail deadline for submissions is January 19, 2012, Supporting documents are not required, but they may be solicited if questions arise. The chair of the Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships with advice from the five subcommittee chairs will then determine the winners. Announcement of the results will be made at the spring meeting.
Alice M. Sanford, Chair of the CAMWS Steering Committee on Awards and Scholarships Hume-Fogg Academic School 700 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203
Telephone: (615) 291-6300, ext. 1410; Fax: (615) 291-6304
e-mail: alice dot sanford at mnps dot org
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CAMWS Teaching Awards
Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary Teaching:
Named for CAMWS benefactor Eunice E. Kraft, this award recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included) within CAMWS territory. The honoree will receive $500, airfare to the Annual Meeting, and two nights' accomodation at the convention hotel. Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years.
CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching:
The winner of this award will receive $500. The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS, teaching classical subjects fulltime at a college or university.
To Apply: The application deadline is February 3, 2012. We encourage electronic submission of as many materials as possible. Nominees who have not already been recognized through a national teaching award will be given preference. No sitting member of the CAMWS Executive Committee or of the CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards is eligible for this award.
Candidates should submit:
1. current CV, typed, no more than three pages and no smaller than 12-point.
2. A maximum of three letters total from administrators and/or peer colleagues, typed or hand-written. If typed, no smaller than 12-point. Each letter should not exceed two pages.
3. A maximum of three letters from students (preferably past students) or parents, typed or hand-written. If typed, no smaller than 12-point. Each letter should not exceed two pages.
4. A teaching statement, typed, no more than two pages and no smaller than 12-point.
5. For college candidates: applicants may send up to two pages summarizing their student evaluations (ideally including comparative statistics on others at their institution, if such materials are available), and a complete set of all student evaluations from one class taught in the last three years. The complete set of evaluations should not exceed 20 pages.
6. For college candidates: syllabi of courses taught in the last one to two years, the total altogether not to exceed ten pages.
Send Applications and Supporting Documents to:
- Dr. Debbie Felton
- Department of Classics
- 524 Herter Hall
- 161 Presidents Drive
- University of Massachusetts
- Amherst, MA 01003
- Phone: (413) 545-0512
- E-mail: felton@classics.umass.edu
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Forthcoming in
 The following articles will be included in CJ 107.1:
- "Am I Not the One...?" (Sophokles' Phil. 114): Neoptolemos and the Allure of Kleos," Arlene L. Allen
"Paying Archaic Greek Mercenaries: Views From Egypt and the Near East," Benjamin M. Sullivan -
"The Serpent in the Augustan Garden: Horace's First Epode and the Ara Pacis," Peter E. Knox -
"Imperial Representation and Reciprocation: The Case of Trajan," Gunnar Seelentag -
FORUM: "Making Assessment Work for Us," Emily Blanchard West
Note from the CJ editor: Emily West, in the preceding article, presents some practical approaches for addressing assessment, a growing presence on college campuses. Because this is such a timely discussion of a topic to which we will all need to pay increasing attention, CJ invites thoughtful responses to Dr. West's article. Such responses should be contributions to our greater ability to address assessment at our own institutions and especially in our own departments and classes. Please log on to http://camws.org/CJ/forum_article.php?file=West.pdf if you would like to respond to this article.
New in Teaching Classical Languages

CAMWS is pleased to announce the latest issue of Teaching Classical Languages is now available at www.tcl.camws.org. This issue features two articles and a review article. The first article asks us to consider the broader question of how do we teach, using the metaphor of genre to frame our reflections. And the second article explores how we teach Latin to students whose first language is Spanish and second language is English. Finally, the third article reviews eight new Latin readers published as part of the Bolchazy-Carducci new Latin Readers series.
This issue lets readers take advantage of TCL's electronic publication. Readers now have the opportunity to download each article to an e-reader so that they can read TCL in the comfort of their home or favorite coffee shop. And through the advice and hard work of CAMWS webmaster Alex Ward, readers can make comments on the articles and join in a conversation with other readers (and the author) about ideas raised in each article.
In this issue:
"Classroom as Text: What Genres Do We Teach In?," Yasuko Taoka
"Third Language Acquisition: Spanish-Speaking Students in the Latin Classroom," Tracy Jamison Wood
"Aliquid Novi: The New Series of Bolchazy-Carducci Latin Readers," Judith Lynn Sebesta
To read the articles in this issue, download them to their e-reader, or to comment on an article, click on www.tcl.camws.org<http://www.tcl.camws.org> and then go to Current Issue.
Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek.
John Gruber-Miller Editor, Teaching Classical Languages Classical and Modern Languages Cornell College 600 First St SW Mount Vernon, IA 52314 /webmail/src/compose.php jgruber-miller@cornellcollege.edu http://www.tcl.camws.org/
News from the Graduate Student Issues Committee
Greetings from the Graduate Student Issues Committee,
GSIC's goal is to represent the interests and concerns of graduate students to CAMWS. In addition to acting as a graduate student voice in CAMWS, each year we organize a panel on professional concerns and hold a pre-conference pedagogical workshop. We have updated our website. You will find a link on the main page to the Graduate student forum, which will help students to organized rides and find roommates for this year's CAMWS meeting.
This year's GSIC panel at Baton Rouge will be devoted to pedagogy. Panelists will be presenting on a variety of different classroom situations that graduate students or new professors might encounter. Topics include methods for teaching big lecture classes and small seminars, how to develop a transitional intermediate Latin course, and the benefits of teaching Latin using the spoken method.
Also, CAMWS attendees in all stages of their academic careers are welcome to join our pre-conference workshop on Wednesday evening. This year we will focus on classroom management. The workshop will discuss skills like integrating new classroom technology, helping students with learning disabilities, and developing time management techniques. Participants should come prepared to talk about at least one of their more unusual past classroom experiences, either as a student or as an instructor.
GSIC has many plans for future activities. Most importantly, we hope to create a listserve that student members will be able to join so that it will be easier to share information about conferences and future events. GSIC also hopes to begin archiving its panels so that they will be available for future reference.
If you are especially interested in CAMWS and our activities, you should consider joining the committee. The responsibilities are seasonal and being a part of GSIC is an excellent way to get involved with CAMWS. If you would like to become a member of GSIC, contact Krishni Burns at ksburns@buffalo.edu by December 15th. Please include your graduate institution, your stage in your graduate program, and why you would be interested in taking on a committee position. More information about our activities can be found here.
We are eager to hear your suggestions for future panels and workshops. If you have any suggestions about how we can be more helpful to the graduate students of CAMWS, send us an email.
Krishni Burns
State University of New York at Buffalo
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Report from 2011 Semple Award Recipient Buddy Hedrick
Buddy Hedrick on the Acropolis |
Thanks to the Semple Award, I spent 6 weeks touring Greece as a member of the
American School of Classical Studies in Athens summer session. Over the course of
the summer, I enjoyed several weeks in Athens in addition to traveling for a week or more to Crete, the Peloponnese and northern Greece. It was an amazing and very educational experience. One of the great things about the American School is that members are granted special access to sites throughout Greece. In Athens, my
favorite back-stage visit was when I not only was allowed into the Parthenon, but
actually got to climb the stairway inside and view the temple from the height of the
roof. We also got to go into the Erechtheon, blocked off areas of the Propylaia and
the temple of Nike. Seeing the sites up close made a huge impression and helped fill in gaps in my knowledge about architecture, art, and archeology, which I'll
certainly draw upon in my future scholastic endeavors.
Another great aspect of the summer session is that many archeological professors
who dig in Greece acted as our guides at the places we visited. John Camp led us
through the Agora excavations on several occasions, Jeffrey Hurwitt guided us
through the Propylaia, Guy Sanders took us on an fantastic tour of Corinth. In
all, more than 40 scholars led us through sites which they know intimately,
making the learning experience far more memorable. As students, we also gave two site reports throughout the term (mine were on the temple of Zeus at Olympia and the battles of Chaironea) which gave me a chance to delve into the scholarly
resources available at the Blegen Library and gain a deeper understanding of
several locations. The summer session in Greece was an amazing experience and
one which I'll always remember fondly and certainly would not have been possible
for me without the help of the Semple Award. Most of all, it provided me with a
far deeper and more intimate knowledge of Greece and ancient Greek culture which is already benefiting me in my studies.
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Report from 2011 Grant Award Recipient Kenny Draper
Kenny Draper in Rome |
When I first saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was standing in front of the Arch of Constantine, which I'd read about and seen pictures of for years. But here it was, in the round, where I could view it from any angle I wanted. This ability was thrilling, and I kept circling and looking, over and over, before I even thought to take a picture. This may have been the time I felt this feeling most intensely, but throughout my time with the AARCSS, I got to experience it again and again--in the imperial fora, at the Ara Pacis, in the Capitoline and Vatican Museums, etc. Somehow, no matter how many times I'd already felt it, it caught me off guard each time and gave me a pleasant reminder of why I'd wanted to make the trip. The Grant Award from CAMWS was truly the gift that kept on giving.
Our director, Susann Lusnia, and our assistant, Seth Bernard, both worked tirelessly to make our experience of Rome as full as it could be. At every site, they treated us to a well-researched, enlightening presentation, and their senses of humor added to the fun of discovery. It was always rewarding, both in "class" and out of it, to experience the city with my fellow program participants. Spending literally all of my time with a group of people equally interested in Roman culture was an entirely new experience. Alongside my memories of the sites, I have countless memories of hilarious dinner conversations, in many of which the material we were learning in class re-emerged as we forced it into incongruous unions with pop culture, the mundane, and the downright lowbrow. And being able to strike out into the city in small groups during our time off to experience the food, the churches, the limoncello, the gelato, to breathe in the smog and try not to get run over, this was as much of an adventure as the rest.
I'm so grateful for the Mary Grant Award from CAMWS, without which this rich experience would not have been possible.
American Academy in Rome
The 2012 Classical Summer School of the American Academy in Rome under the direction of Professor Susann Lusnia, FAAR '96 (Tuland University) is taking applications for next summer's session. The program seeks qualified graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and secondary teachers in the areas of classical studies, ancient history, Latin, and archaeology. Participants may take the course for graduate credit; details will be supplied to those interested in this option. Numerous scholarships and grants are available for use in this program. Check with local classical clubs and teaching organizations, as well as the AAR website. The deadline for applications is January 13, 2010. For more information, please see the AAR's website, under summer programs or contact Professor Susann Lusnia. |
Roman Comedy in Performance
An NEH Summer Institute for College and University Faculty, "Roman Comedy in Performance," will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina from June 24th through July 20th, 2012. Co-directed by Professors Sharon L. James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Timothy J. Moore (University of Texas at Austin), the NEH Summer Institute will give NEH Summer Scholars (twenty-two university of college faculty members and three graduate students) the opportunity to learn about the performance practice and social significance of Roman Comedy from leading experts in the field and to practice scholarship through performance, producing their own performances of scenes from the plays of Plautus and Terence. The NEH Summer Scholars for this Institue will include non-classicists as well as classicists. Applications are due by March 1, 2012. For more information, consult http://nehsummer2012romancomedy.web.unc.edu/ or write to either co-director sljames@email.unc.edu or timmoore@mail.utexas.edu.
Vergilian Society Study Tours, 2012

Roman Jordan, July 7-18, 2012
(Directors: Phillip Stanley, Professor Emeritus; George Perko)
Jordan is a bridge between sea and desert and East and West and is a land of mesmerizing beauty and contrast: from the mountains around Amman to the Dead Sea below sea level. Our tour begins in Amman, then we travel north to the Roman city of Jerash, one of the best preserved Greco-Roman cities with its theaters, temples, churches and colonnaded streets. We journey down to the Dead Sea, visiting Mt. Nebo, where Moses saw the Promised Land before dying and we visit sites built by Herod. From here we go to Petra, entering through the narrow pass to gradually see unfold the mysteries of the Rose Red City with its spectacular treasuries, royal tombs, burial chambers, and high places of sacrifice. Afterward we journey south to visit the Wadi Rum Desert and explore its moon-like landscape. This is where Lawrence of Arabia stayed and where the movie was filmed. From the desert we travel to Aqaba on the Red Sea. For a sneak preview visit the virtual reality web site at http://www.virtualworldproject.org/vr/core/toc.html. $2,325.
"In the Footsteps of Poets and Painters, Proletarians and Princes: Rediscovering the Bay of Naples in Greek and Roman Times" July 2-14, 2012
(Directors Ann Koloski-Ostrow, Brandeis University; Steven Ostrow, M.I.T.)
Residents of Naples Bay hailed from slave and freedman circles, from the ranks of the free-born poor, from middling traders, artisans and municipal worthies, and ranged upward to top aristocrats, and not a few Emperors themselves. We shall meet many of these souls at home, at work, and at Campanian play. Sites include Sperlonga, Terracina, Cumae, Lake Avernus, Solfatara, Pompeii, Naples, Paestum/Poseidonia, Puteoli/Pozzuoli, Beneventum, Saepinum, Herculaneum, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata), Capri, Baiae, Bacoli, Misenum. $2595.
"The Italy of Caesar and Vergil: A Workshop for Teachers" July 12-23, 2012
(Directors Amy Leonard, Walker School; Steven Tuck, Miami University)
This workshop for high school Latin teachers will combine classroom sessions in successful pedagogical practices with fascinating and relevant site visits that illuminate the lives and works of Caesar and Vergil. Morning study sessions will provide ideas and skills to enrich both beginning and advanced courses, with a focus on the readings and abilities required by the revised Advanced Placement syllabus. Afternoon site and museum visits will contextualize the writings of our authors elucidating the common themes of Caesar's commentarii and Vergil's Aeneid. While new and veteran AP teachers stand to gain the most from this experience, all teachers are welcome. Sites include Rome, Cumae, Lake Avernus, Pompeii, Lavinium, and Vesuvius. $2,595.
"The Archaeology of Identity in Coastal Campania" July 30-August 11, 2012
(Directors Anne Haeckl, Kalamazoo College; Christopher Gregg, George Mason University)
In Rome's march from isolated village to world domination, Campania and the Bay of Naples were early and influential laboratories for forging a Roman imperial identity. Through a reciprocal process of "Romanization," many formerly hostile peoples of the area (Latins, Etruscans, Volscians, Samnites, Lucanians and Greeks) came to accept a new Roman identity, even as their own cultural contributions enriched and transformed what it meant to be Roman. At spectacular archaeological sites, numinous landscapes and world-class museums, we will explore the full spectrum of Roman self-representation (ethnic, social, political, artistic, religious and individual). $2,595.
Graduate Course Credit & Continuing Education Units are available for all tours.
For further information, scholarship & tour applications and detailed itineraries,
see the Vergilian Society website: http://vergil.clarku.edu/
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Gabii Project 2012 Volunteer Field Program
The Gabii Project will offer a field program for students and volunteers in 2012; the program will run from June 24 until July 28, 2012. Applications will be accepted online via the project's website and the deadline for applying to the program is February 28, 2012; all qualified students are eligible to apply, not just those associated with the University of Michigan. Notifications of acceptance will be made by March 16, 2012, and accepted volunteers must submit their payment in full by April 2, 2012, in order to secure their spot. No volunteer may participate in the program if the program fee has not been settled in full. The cost for the 5-week program, inclusive of accommodation in Rome, Italy, insurance, equipment, and local transportation, will be $3,600 (USD) in 2012. At this time the possibility of receiving academic credit for participation in the field program is still being negotiated. A final decision will be reached before the application deadline. A credit option might involve an additional fee.
For more information, please download this file or visit http://sitemaker.umich.edu/gabiiproject/2012_field_program.
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Conventiculum Dickinsoniense July 6-12, 2012
The Conventiculum Dickinsoniense is a total immersion seminar in active Latin. It is specifically designed for all cultivators of Latin who wish to gain some ability to express themselves ex-tempore in correct Latin. A wide range of people can benefit from the seminar: professors in universities, teachers in secondary schools, graduate students, undergraduates, and other lovers of Latin, provided that anyone who considers applying has a solid understanding of the grammatical essentials of the Latin language. A minimum requirement for participation is knowledge of Latin grammar and the ability to read a Latin text of average complexity, even if using a dictionary often. But no previous experience in speaking Latin is necessary.
Sessions will be aimed at helping participants to increase their ability to use Latin effectively in spoken discourse and to understand others speaking in Latin. After the first evening reception (in which any language may be spoken), Latin will be the exclusive language used throughout the seminar. Participants will be involved in intensive activity each day from morning until early evening (with breaks for lunch and mid-afternoon pauses). They will experience Latin conversations on topics ranging from themes in literature and art all the way to the routines and activities of daily life, and will enjoy the benefits of reading and discussing texts in the target language. Activities will involve both written and spoken discourse, both of which engage the active faculties of expression, and each of which is complementary to the other. The seminar will not merely illustrate how active Latin can be a useful tool for teachers, it will show how developing an active facility in Latin can directly and personally benefit any cultivator of Latin who wishes to acquire a more instinctive command of the language and a more intimate relationship with Latin writings.
Prof. Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky
Prof. Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky
We can accept a maximum number of 40 participants. Deadline for applications is May 1, 2012. The participation fee for each participant will $300. The fee includes lodging in a single room in campus housing (and please note that lodging will be in a student residence near the site of the sessions), two meals (breakfast and lunch) per day, as well as the opening dinner, and a special cookout at the Dickinson farm for one night. That also covers the facilities fee, which allows access to the gym, fitness center, and the library, as well as internet access. The $300 fee does not include the cost of dinners (except for the opening dinner and the cookout at the Dickinson farm), and does not include the cost of travel to and from the seminar. Dinners can easily be had at restaurants within walking distance from campus. Please keep in mind that the participation fee of $300, once it has been received by the seminar's organizers, is not refundable. This is an administrative necessity.
For more information and application instructions write to:
Professor Terence Tunberg / email: terence.tunberg@gmail.com
Act 48: The Dickinson Department of Classical Studies is an approved provider of professional development opportunities under Pennsylvania Act 48. Those who complete this workshop will receive approximately 60 hours of Act 48 credit.
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Dickinson Summer Latin Workshop
July 13-17, 2012
The Dickinson Summer Latin Workshop is intended for teachers of Latin, as a way to refresh the mind through study of an extended Latin text, and to share experiences and ideas with Latinists and teachers. Sometimes those who are not currently engaged in teaching have participated as well, including retired teachers and those working towards teacher certification.
In 2012 we will read Book 3 of Propertius' Elegies in its entirety.
Prof. Meghan Reedy (Dickinson College)
Prof. Christopher Francese (Dickinson College)
Participants must have a firm grasp of the basics of Latin grammar and a solid working vocabulary. But we aim at a mixture of levels and experience.
Deadline for applications is May 1, 2012. The participation fee for each participant will $300. The fee includes lodging, two meals per day (breakfast and lunch), as well as the opening and final dinners. That also covers the cost of the textbook, which will be provided, the facilities fee, which allows access to the gym, fitness center, and the library, as well as wireless and wired internet access while on campus. The $300 fee does not cover the costs of dinners apart from the opening and final ones, or the cost of travel to and from the seminar. Dinners can easily be had at restaurants within walking distance from campus. Please keep in mind that the participation fee of $300, once it has been received by the seminar's organizers, is not refundable. This is an administrative necessity.
Lodging: accommodations will be in a student residence hall near the site of the sessions. The building features suite-style configurations of two double rooms sharing a private bathroom, or one double and one single room sharing a private bathroom.
TO APPLY: please contact Mrs. Terri Blumenthal, blumentt@dickinson.edu by the application deadline May 1, 2012. The fee for 2012 is $300, due in a check made out to Dickinson College, by the fee deadline June 1, 2012. The fee includes housing (single accommodations in college-owned housing), all meals, and access to Dickinson facilities, including library, gym, and internet access. Participants are responsible for their own travel and book expenses.
Act 48: The Dickinson Department of Classical Studies is an approved provider of professional development opportunities under Pennsylvania Act 48. Those who complete the workshop will receive approximately 35 hours of Act 48 credit.
For more information please contact Prof. Meghan Reedy (reedym@dickinson.edu).
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CFP: Flavian Literature and its Greek Past Η Λογοτεχνία της εποχής των Φλαβίων και οι ρίζες της στην Ελληνική αρχαιότητα
An international conference at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece, July 5-7, 2012.
After a series of recent conferences on Flavian literature and Flavian epic in particular, hosted in the US, Europe, and Australia, we would like to invite all participants of the Flavian community to an international conference to be held in Delphi, Greece, the omphalos of the earth celebrated as a place of inspiration throughout Flavian literature. Flavian Literature and its Greek Past will address the intimate relationship of the Flavian Greek and Roman authors with their Greek literary predecessors, but also the meaning of this interaction within the socio-cultural context of the Flavian age more broadly.
Dating to 1960, the Conference Centre at Delphi is a typical example of architecture of the Modern Movement designed by Architecture Professor A. Kitsikis and architect A. Lambakis. Spread over an area of 100,000 square metres, the complex is composed of a Conference Centre, a Guest House and an Open-Air Theatre. The E.C.C.D. is also responsible for the Museum of Delphic Festivals (Angelos and Eva Sikelianos Residence).
Titles of papers (20-30 min.) with abstracts of about 300 words should be submitted by December 20th, 2011, to Antony Augoustakis (aaugoust@illinois.edu). Participants will be notified by January 20th, 2012. The conference registration fee of €250 will cover the accommodation (from Thursday night, July 5 to Sunday morning, July 7), as well as lunches, dinners, and coffee breaks.
Please feel free to contact the organiser with any questions or requests:
Antony Augoustakis, Associate Professor
Editor of Illinois Classical Studies
Department of the Classics
FLB 4054
707 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
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Deadline for submissions: 5 November 2012
Coordinators: Jean E. Howard (Columbia Univ.) and Helene Foley (Barnard Coll.)
How does tragedy speak to the critical and the creative imagination today? As a dramatic genre, tragedy has an ancient lineage in the West, connected to some of the most moving documents of the Greek theater; yet its persisting theatrical forms diverge from practices developed by the classical Greek dramatists. New forms of tragedy often coalesce at particular historical moments: Elizabethan England, late-seventeenth-century France, mid-twentieth-century America. But each incarnation of the tragic form has concerned itself with questions of limits (of expression, endurance, and capacity); of human transcendence, sacrifice, and annihilation; or of ethical responsibility to self, others, and the universe.
In the face of the present precariousness of life and new forms of hubristic self-assertion over and against the common good, what resource does tragedy provide for meaningful analysis, critique, and change? Does a traditional focus on the tragic protagonist preclude ideas of collective tragedy? Can the genre encompass experiences of ecological disaster, genocide, and poverty?
The PMLA Editorial Board invites essays that reflect on tragedy's critical capacity to address urgent political, philosophical, and aesthetic questions. Potential contributors are encouraged to think about tragedy expansively, not only as a dramatic form or a Western invention but also as a mode that exceeds the stage and that might be challenged, paralleled, or rewritten by other literary traditions. Submissions may, for example, consider the contemporary restaging and rewriting of early tragedies, explore tragedy in the context of current political crises and postcolonial politics, and examine the relation between scholarly understandings of tragedy and colloquial, everyday uses of the notion in domains such as news reporting and talk TV.
Submissions must be by MLA members and meet the other requirements in the statement of editorial policy, printed in each January, March, May, and October issue of PMLA and posted at www.mla.org/publications/pmla. Manuscripts should be submitted by the deadline to the Managing Editor, PMLA, Modern Language Association, 26 Broadway, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10004-1789. 
CFP: First Annual University of Tennessee Classics Undergraduate Research Conference
The University of Tennessee Department of Classics is pleased to announce its first annual undergraduate research conference: Senators, Soldiers, and Slaves: Perspectives on Life in Antiquity. The conference will take place on the campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, on March 2, 2012. We are currently calling for submissions from interested undergraduates throughout North America. This conference will focus on analyses of Greek and Roman lifestyles, whether idealized or factual. Abstracts will be considered from any discipline within classical studies (archaeology, historiography, philology, etc.). Examples include the lifestyle of a Roman woman, the Roman education system, presentation of ideals in poetry, character sketches from ancient sources, and roles of archaeological evidence in illuminating ancient habits (this is not an exhaustive list).
Papers should take no more than twenty minutes to present (with five additional minutes for Q&A). Audio-visual equipment will be available for presenters. Electronic submissions of abstracts of no more than one page, whether single- or double-spaced, are due by November 30, 2011 to conference organizer, Elizabeth Cross, at ecross4@utk.edu. Travel grants will be provided to select students.
In addition to the Department of Classics, this conference is also sponsored by the University of Tennessee's Chancellor's Honors Program, Department of History, and
Department of English.
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The Hogan Prize in Classical Studies
The College of William and Mary announces the continuation of the Hogan Prize in Classical Studies, made possible by a bequest by William Johnson Hogan, distinguished alumnus of the College. For the academic year 2012-2013 there will be available a grant of $1,000.00 for an entering student who will have completed with distinction at least three years of Latin or Greek at time of graduation. Application forms can be downloaded from the Web at http://www.wm.edu/classicalstudies/hoganapplication.pdf. These application forms should be sent to:
Dr. John F. Donahue
Department of Classical Studies
College of William and Mary
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
Deadline for application is March 1, 2012. The successful applicant will be notified around April 1, 2012. This award is, of course, contingent upon successful admission to the College. The grantee will be expected to enroll during his or her freshman year in at least three courses offered by the Department of Classical Studies (two of these must be in Greek or Latin). The grant may be continued during the sophomore year and beyond if the student earns a grade of "A" or "B" in courses taken in the freshman year and elects to continue the study of Greek or Latin after that. Preference will be shown to the applicant who contemplates a concentration in the Department of Classical Studies.
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Got Latin? Got Greek?
Loyola University Chicago
Post-Baccalaureate in Classical Studies
Linguistic preparation is crucial for success in many fields of graduate study. Students must command the languages of their primary sources in order to pursue valid research. But the opportunity to establish the competence in Ancient Greek or Latin needed for graduate work in Classics or related fields doesn't always open up early enough within undergraduate programs. The Department of Classical Studies of Loyola University Chicago now offers a Post-Baccalaureate program so that students who have completed bachelor's degrees may build the proficiency their further careers demand. Coursework at the post-baccalaureate level also introduces some of the scholarship of Classical texts in which graduate study engages. Post-Baccalaureate students become able to clarify their professional goals while they sharpen their technical skills and become better qualified to advance on the path they choose.
Loyola's Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program in Classical Studies is shaped in terms of competence attained, rather than a fixed period of study. The Certificate will be awarded to students who successfully complete two semesters totaling 18 "target" credit-hours at the 300-level in both Classical languages with a GPA of 3.0 in the program. "Target" study in these two semesters should include at least 6 credit-hours in 300-level ancient Greek author-courses and at least 6 credit-hours in 300-level Latin author-courses. We recognize some students will have attained intermediate or advanced competence in both languages before their post-baccalaureate study and will need only two semesters of target-level work; some may have had the opportunity to become proficient in one Classical language but have weaker preparation in the other; some may need to begin their study of both languages and will need additional coursework to complete the Certificate. Our program will meet you where you are in your own career of study, and work with you to bring your skills and knowledge up to the next stage.
Faculty in the Department hold Ph.D.s in Classical Studies from top-ranked North American and British universities. Their research specialties include Greek and Roman literature, history, religion, and archaeology; papyrology; textual criticism; feminist approaches to the Classics; and literary theory. Individual students' curriculums will be determined in collaboration with the Department's Post-Baccalaureate Program Director. To learn more, please visit our web-pages at www.luc.edu/classicalstudies. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Greg Dobrov, the Post-Baccalaureate Program Director (gdobrov@luc.edu).
Candidates for the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Classical Studies should have:
- Bachelor's degree in hand at the time of matriculation in the program
- normally, minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0
They should submit in their applications:
- official transcripts for all undergraduate-level study pursued to date
- a well-thought-out statement of purpose explaining how the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate fits in their projected career of study
- list of courses taken at the undergraduate level in Classical Studies or related fields, forming a basis for their projected career of study
- two letters of recommendation from instructors in Classical Studies or related fields who have worked with them
- in the case of candidates for whom English is not a first language, TOEFL results
On-line applications can be submitted at www.luc.edu/gpem; inquiries GradApp@luc.edu.
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SCRIBO, a Latin Creative Writing Contest!
Changes for 2011-2012: Revisions to cost, deadlines, and rules, thanks to feedback from last year's participants.
Goals: This contest is designed to spur interest and excitement in using Latin for creative writing, provide teachers with high quality materials in Latin that they can read in their classes, and honor and recognize top work in Latin creative writing!
Entries: Original short stories, comics, and poems are accepted. Illustrations are encouraged but not required. Entries have a maximum of 1,000 words and a maximum of 10 pages. See our website for sample entries.
Eligibility and Levels: Students of Latin in any grade, from kindergarten through college, may participate. Entries will be sorted into the following levels, which are based on length of time studying Latin and content of the course: exploratory, lower, and upper.
Classroom Integration: SCRIBO is designed to be as flexible as possible for easy classroom integration. You could offer a contest, assignment, or project from which you could choose and submit the best entries. This could be open-ended, connected to a cultural unit, or connected to your text's storyline! See our website for sample project ideas.
Benefits: Participation in SCRIBO has the following benefits -
- high quality certificates for all participants
- medals with ribbons for the top 20% of scorers
- press release plus letter to the principal recognizing medal winners
- free CD of the top entries, including multiple entries per level
- ability to purchase full-color bound books of the collected top entries (plus inclusion in a raffle to win a free copy of this book)
- knowledge that your school is supporting the mission of Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute to bring Latin and Classical Studies to our youngest scholars
Scoring: All entries will be judged by Latin teachers and professors who have training in Latin composition and/or oral Latin, using the following categories: grammatical and syntactical accuracy, choice of vocabulary, quality of work, audience appeal. Entries in the running to be in the top 20% will be scored by at least one additional judge. (Contact SCRIBO to apply to serve as a judge.)
Cost: $5 per student (max of 25 students per school) plus a $20 school fee.
Discounts for Title I schools, home schools, and teachers paying out of pocket.
Registration & Submission: Once you register for the contest, you may pay (online via PayPal or by mail) your registration fee. You may also submit your students' entries (electronically, in PDF format) at that time. Note that your school must register, pay, and submit entries no later than January 15, 2012. Entries must be submitted within three days of registration. Results, awards, and CD's should be in the mail by April 21, 2012!
Visit www.ascaniusyci.org/scribo for more information and to register!
Sponsored by Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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Classics in the News
In May Sarah Bond wrote a New York Times op-ed piece comparing an Egyptian court's decision to remove the image and name of former president Hosni Mubarak from public spaces to similar ancient practices, such as the Roman damnatio memoriae.
In September the Associated Press reported on the discovery of a Roman gladiatorial school in Austria.
In September the BBC reported on acts of vandalism against monuments in Rome, including one by an American student who scaled the walls of the Colosseum to remove marble as a souvenir.
In August Ted Scheinman wrote a piece for Slate magazine sharing his adventures in Rome this past summer at the Paideia Institute's "Living Latin" program.
In August The Guardian reported on the fortuitous "discovery" of two ancient Greek urns by Vladimir Putin while scuba diving in the Black Sea. The paper revealed in October the admission by Putin's spokesman that the discovery had in fact been staged.
In August Stephen Greenblatt, author of The Swerve, a 2011 National Book Award finalist on Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, wrote a piece on Lucretius for The New Yorker.
In July The Telegraph reported on the insights into ancient medicine revealed by a Roman-era shipwreck off the coast of Tuscany.
In July the Voice of America reported on the unveiling of a statue of Caligula recently discovered near Rome, which smugglers had previously tried to sneak out of the country.
In June the website College Humor put up a mock facebook page outlining the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Perhaps this will make a useful teaching tool!
In June The Telegraph reported on the insights into the Roman diet uncovered by studying the contents of the ancient Herculaneum sewage system.
In June the London Evening Standard reported that actress Gwyneth Paltrow and musician Chris Martin were advertising for a Classics tutor for their daughter Apple. As always, we Classicists get to hobnob with the rich and famous!
In August Inside Higher Ed reported on plans to convert the Loeb Classical Library to a digital format.
If you come across any articles on the Classical world that would be of interest to our readership, please send them to the newsletter editor!
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CAMWS VP & Comittee Lists
For a full list of CAMWS State, Provincial, and Regional Vice-Presidents please click here. Links to lists of CAMWS Committee members can be found by clicking here. |
Membership Information & Forms
Individual Membership in CAMWS
Individual membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, may be purchased for $45 ($25 for student, retiree, first-time teacher, or new CAMWS member). Joint spouse/partner membership is available for $70, retired spouse/partner membership for $40. A life membership costs $900 for an individual, $1300 for joint spouse/partner.
N.B. As a special deal, any first-time teacher who joins CAMWS in 2011-2012 will receive the discounted $25 rate not just this year but also in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
Please pay with a check in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank or a bank that uses U.S. routing codes. The check should be made payable to CAMWS and mailed, along with a completed membership form, to:
CAMWS, Dept. of Classics Monmouth College 700 E. Broadway Monmouth, IL 61462 U.S.A.
Payment by credit card is possible if subscriptions are requested via the CAMWS website. A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.
A membership includes a subscription to Volume 107 of The Classical Journal. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would prefer to receive CJ electronically (via JSTOR, with access to all current and back issues) or in print. For an extra $4 you may receive the journal in both formats.
The CAMWS Newsletter is sent electronically to all members with e-mail addresses. If you would like to receive a print version in addition, you may indicate that on the membership form.
You may use the CAMWS membership form to join ACL or SALVI, subscribe to any of nine other scholarly journals, order 6-inch 'Roman' rulers or a copy of Herbert Benario's CAMWS: A History of the First Eighty Years, and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to CAMWS.
Please visit http://camws.org/membership/memberinfo.php for more information and to become an Individual Member.
Institutional Membership in CAMWS
If your educational institution wishes to show its support of CAMWS by paying an annual fee of either $50 (for a K-12 school or an institution offering a B.A. or M.A. in Classics) or $100 (for an institution offering a Ph.D. in Classics), it will receive the following benefits:
- One CAMWS award for an outstanding student to be chosen by your institution. The student will receive a congratulatory certificate stating that your school has designated the student as a recipient of a CAMWS Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Classical Studies for the 2011-12 academic year, plus a free membership in CAMWS for the following (2012-13) academic year.
- The option to purchase the right to choose up to two additional student award recipients ($25 each). Payment required by May 1, 2012.
- A certificate stating your institution's support of CAMWS
- Publication of institutional announcements free of charge in the CAMWS Newsletter
- K-12 Institutional Members: complimentary registration for one person at the CAMWS Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge (March 28-31, 2012).
- Inclusion on the list of CAMWS Member Institutions, which will be
- printed in the program of the 2012 CAMWS Annual Meeting
- printed in the CAMWS Newsletter
- posted on the CAMWS Website
Please fill out an Institutional Membership Form and submit it, along with payment, to the CAMWS Office no later than March 1, 2012. Your institutional membership will be acknowledged, and you will receive an award designation form for your student honoree(s), to be submitted no later than May 1, 2012.
Payment by credit card (both for your institutional membership and for up to two additional student honorees) is possible through the CAMWS web site: http://www.camws.org/membership/institutionform.php. A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.
Affiliated Membership in CAMWS
If your organization or company supports CAMWS by paying an annual fee of $50 (if yours is a not-for-profit organization) or $100 (if yours is a for-profit company), it will receive the following benefits:
- A certificate stating that your organization or company is an affiliated member of CAMWS
- Complimentary registration for one person at the CAMWS Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge (March 28-31, 2012)
- Inclusion on the list of CAMWS Affiliated Members, which will be:
- printed in the program of the CAMWS Annual Meetin
- printed in the CAMWS Newsletter
- posted on the CAMWS Website
Please fill out an Affiliated Membership Form and submit it, with payment, to the CAMWS Office no later than March 1, 2012.
To pay by credit card, go to: www.camws.org/membership/affiliateform.php. A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.
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New @camws.org E-mail Addresses
CAMWS officers can now be reached at new, easily remembered @camws.org e-mail addresses. These include:
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Sarah W. Black, a retired Latin teacher who lived in Fayetteville, TN, passed away on May 4, 2011. An obituary can be found here.
Archie Joseph Christopherson, emeritus professor of Classics at the University of Cincinnati, passed away on September 20, 2011. A remembrance of Professor Christopherson can be found here and an obituary here.
Andrew Adams, professor emeritus of Classics at North Central College in Naperville, IL, passed away on September 30, 2011. A remembrance of Professor Adams can be found here and an obituary here.
Norma W. Goldman, who was a long-time professor of Classics at Wayne State University, passed away October 1, 2011. A remembrance of Professor Goldman can be found here and an obituary here.
Lillie Belle Hamilton, who taught Latin for many years in the Fulton County, GA school system, passed away on October 2, 2011. A remembrance of Mrs. Hamilton can be found here and an obituary here.
Robert E. Neslund, a long-time Latin teacher at Shattuck-St. Mary's School in Faribault, Minnesota, passed away on October 9, 2011. A tribute can be found here.
Dorothy A. Coyne, who taught Latin for many years at Green Valley, Fairbury and Pontiac Township High Schools in Illinois, passed away on November 5, 2011. An obituary can be found here.
To view the necrology blog, where you can leave remembrances of those we have lost, go to http://camwsnecrologies.blogspot.com.
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The CAMWS Newsletter is published three times per year, in the fall, winter, and spring. The deadline for the winter edition is February 15, 2012.
Send submissions by e-mail to : samccart@sewanee.edu
Send submissions by regular mail to:
Stephanie A. McCarter
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classical Languages
Sewanee: the University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37383
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