





The Classical Association of the Middle West and South



Fall Edition                                                                                        2010

In This Issue
A Message from Our President
CAMWS Award Information
Calls for Papers
SCRIBO Latin Composition Contest
Coffin Fellowship for Travel in Classical Lands
Rome 2011 Workshop and Tour
Mediterranean Society Seminar
Bologna University Greek and Latin Summer School
Vergilian Society Tours
The Randolph College Greek Play
Kay Neal Brings Latin to Boys & Girls Club
Classics in the News
CAMWS VP & Committee Lists
Membership Information & Forms

TandyA Message from Our President 


Greetings from Knoxville!


As I watch the leaves fall to the ground, I do not think of Glaukos in Iliad 6, but rather of how grateful I am to be president of an organization that can count on so many of its members for the administration of its programs.  There is so much to do, so many prizes and awards to be decided, and CAMWS depends heavily on its members to do the committee work essential to its wellbeing.  The State and Regional Vice Presidents are the organization's troops on the ground; through them the Committee for the Promotion of Latin plies its trade.  Anne Groton, our tireless Secretary-Treasurer, keeps it all together; her administrative assistant Sue Newland makes sure everything happens in the right ways.  I hope that every member of CAMWS will consider volunteering for future committee assignments.  It is a great way to help CAMWS and a terrific way to learn more about the field and the great variety of people that make up the Classics community in thirty-one states and three Canadian provinces. 


It was my pleasure to be CAMWS's representative at the 100th anniversary celebration of the Classical Association of Virginia, held in Richmond in conjunction with the Southern Section meeting. The association is a model of collegiality between secondary school educators and university faculty members.


Planning for the 107th meeting of the Association has long been underway. Over three hundred abstracts were received, eleven panels already accepted; there will be a nice mix of pedagogy, reception, history, art and archaeology, and philology. Our co-hosts in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are Calvin College, where the Friday afternoon sessions will happen, and Grand Valley State University, who are hosting the Friday reception at their downtown campus overlooking the rapids of the Grand River. The local committee, chaired by Peter Anderson and populated by Classics faculty members from both host institutions, is on top of the logistics of the meeting. You will find the Amway Hotel an excellent venue. 


My best wishes to all for a good conclusion to the semester and for a restful break after it.


David Tandy


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 Manson A. Stewart Scholarships


Teachers of undergraduate students should remember to nominate their most outstanding young Classicists for the 2010-2011 CAMWS Manson Stewart Scholarships.  Every year CAMWS awards $1,000.00 scholarships to a limited number of undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university.  Nominees are expected to take a minimum of two courses in Latin or Greek during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held. 


Students are to be nominated by a department or program; no institution may nominate more than two students per year.  The individual who fills out the nomination form on behalf of the department must be an individual member of CAMWS.  Each nominee must fill out an application form, write a brief essay, and submit a college or university transcript and two letters of recommendation.  Those who write the two letters of recommendation do not need to be CAMWS members. 


All nominations and their corresponding applications must be received by January 31, 2011.


If you represent a department wishing to nominate a student, please download both the nomination form and the application formYou should complete the nomination form yourself and forward the application form to the student.


Please direct any inquiries to Rebecca Edwards (


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Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training and Travel Awards


The Classical Association of the Middle West and South sponsors two Manson A. Stewart Awards for primary-, middle-, and secondary-school teachers.  Recipients must be members of CAMWS.


Teacher Training Awards: Designed to provide some financial assistance to those who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level, whether the specific courses are needed in Latin or in Education. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the training, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs (primarily tuition and travel), the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Previous awards have been as high as $1175.
Travel Awards: Designed specifically to assist teachers of Latin with a cash award to offset the costs of attending CAMWS meetings. The award is not intended to cover all costs of the travel, and the size of the award varies according to the actual costs the travel will entail, the size of the committee's budget, and the number of applications. Awards for travel to annual meetings have ranged from $300 to $600; for travel to the Southern Section meeting, somewhat less.


Apply for the 2010-2011 awards:

Stewart Travel Award Application for CAMWS Meeting in Grand Rapids

Stewart Teacher Training Award Application


NB: All application materials for the 2011 CAMWS Meeting in Grand Rapids and Teacher Training Award must be received by January 31st, 2011. Please note that this is a receipt deadline and not a postmark deadline. 


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 Semple, Grant, and Benario Awards


         The Semple Award is a $3,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

         The Mary A. Grant Award is a $4,500 fellowship for attending the summer session of the American Academy in Rome.

         The Janice and Herbert Benario Award is a $2,500 fellowship that the recipient may apply to the summer travel program of his or her choice.




1.  To be eligible for a Semple, Grant, or Benario Award, one must be a current member of CAMWS who either:

               holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or  

            secondary school within CAMWS territory; or

               is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting Classics program

            within CAMWS territory.


2.  Priority for the Benario Award will be given to applicants interested in summer programs other than those of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the American Academy in Rome, which are normally funded by the Semple and Grant Awards.

3.  No individual who wins a Semple Award or a Grant Award may receive a Benario Award in the same year.

To apply please complete the 2010-2011 Application. Application materials must be received by January 31, 2011. 


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 CAMWS Teaching Awards


Kraft Award for Excellence in Secondary Teaching:


Named for CAMWS benefactor Eunice E. Kraft, this award recognizes outstanding teachers of Latin in public or private schools (middle schools included) within CAMWS territory.  The honoree will receive $500, airfare to the Annual Meeting, and two nights' accommodation at the convention hotel.  Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years. 


CAMWS Award for Excellence in College Teaching:


The winner of this award will receive $500.  The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS, teaching classical subjects fulltime at a college or university.  


To Apply:  The application deadline is January 31, 2011. We encourage electronic submission of as many materials as possible. Nominees who have not already been recognized through a national teaching award will be given preference. No sitting member of the CAMWS Executive Committee or of the CAMWS Subcommittee on Teaching Awards is eligible for this award.


Candidates should submit:

1.  current CV, typed, no more than three pages and no smaller than 12-point.

2. A maximum of three letters total from administrators and/or peer colleagues, typed or hand-written. If typed, no smaller than 12-point. Each letter should not exceed two pages.

3. A maximum of three letters from students (preferably past students) or parents, typed or hand-written. If typed, no smaller than 12-point. Each letter should not exceed two pages.

4. A teaching statement, typed, no more than two pages and no smaller than 12-point.

5. For college candidates: applicants may send up to two pages summarizing their student evaluations (ideally including comparative statistics on others at their institution, if such materials are available), and a complete set of all student evaluations from one class taught in the last three years. The complete set of evaluations should not exceed 20 pages.

6. For college candidates: syllabi of courses taught in the last one to two years, the total altogether not to exceed ten pages.


Send Applications and Supporting Documents to:


Dr. Margaret W. Musgrove

Department of Humanities and Philosophy

University of Central Oklahoma

100 N. University

Edmond, OK 73034

Phone: (405) 974-5852

Fax: (405) 974-5900



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CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity


To support programs and activities in primary and secondary schools, the CAMWS Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL) annually recognizes with a plaque and a certificate the group which develops the most outstanding and effective activity for promoting Latin in CAMWS territory during each academic year (including the preceding summer). The winner of this award is announced every spring at the annual CAMWS meeting.


Any group wishing to compete for this award must be sponsored by a current CAMWS member and must submit a letter of application to the CPL chair by February 15th, 2011. (Applications for CPL grants may be combined with applications for this award.) The application letter must include a 100-word summary of the project and a more detailed project description not to exceed 500 words in length. Applicants are encouraged to attach supporting materials such as photographs, flyers, pertinent newspaper articles, etc.


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  Call for Papers: "Tradition: Vergil's Legacy in Literature and the Arts," a Symposium at Case Western University


As part of Case Western Reserve University's Vergil Week 2011 celebration, the Department of Classics will sponsor a symposium April 22-23, 2011 on the topic "Tradition: Vergil's Legacy in Literature and the Arts."  Professor Jan Ziolkowski (Harvard University) will make the keynote presentation. Papers are invited from any academic perspective including but not limited to Classics, History, Archaeology, English, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Theater, Art, Music, Dance, Film Studies, and Women's Studies. Those interested should send both (1) a brief cover letter that includes the author's name, affiliation (university, school, arts organization, or independent), contact information, and paper title and (2) a 250-word abstract that includes the abstract or paper title but no other identifying information. Send both documents by e-mail in portable document format (pdf) to Professor Timothy Wutrich ( by noon on December 31, 2010.

Women and challenge logoWomen's Research Conference CFP at the University of South Dakota


Women and Challenge will be the focus of The University of South Dakota's Biennial Women's Research Conference, to be held on the USD campus in Vermillion, SD on March 24 and 25, 2011. Organizers seek proposals for individual papers or panels of three or four presenters on the challenges that women have faced, or perhaps continue to face, and on women's responses to such challenges, whether those challenges are specific to their status as women or prompted by other circumstances. Challenges may be physical, aesthetic, environmental, economic, psychological, ethical, or social (to name a few); they may be the result of war, legal inequity, colonization, ethnic/religious conflicts, or other factors. Also of interest are papers connecting women with challenge in other ways: women offering challenge, women joining in (or in response to) challenge, etc. The conference is entirely interdisciplinary, and welcomes perspectives from anthropology, art, business, film, history, law, literature, medicine, music, philosophy, politics, religion, and sociology. Judy Mahle Lutter, author of The Bodywise Woman and Of Heroes, Hopes, and Level Playing Fields and founder of The Melpomene Institute for Women's Health Research, will deliver the keynote.


Please submit a one-page abstract or panel proposal with abstracts by December 6, 2010 to Susan J. Wolfe, Chair, Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Philosophy, The University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark, Vermillion SD 57069,  Proposals may be submitted electronically, and submissions will be evaluated by mid-January 2011.

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scriboSCRIBO, an International Latin Composition Contest


  • Spur interest and excitement in using Latin for creative writing;
  • Provide teachers with high quality materials in Latin that they can read in their classes;
  • Honor and recognize top work in Latin creative writing!

Entries: Original short stories, comics, and poems are accepted. Illustrations are encouraged but not required. Entries have a maximum of 1,000 words and a maximum of 10 pages.


Eligibility and Levels: Students of Latin in any grade, from kindergarten through college, may participate. Entries will be sorted into the following levels, which are based on length of time studying Latin and content of the course: exploratory, lower, and upper.


Classroom Integration: SCRIBO is designed to be as flexible as possible for easy classroom integration. You could offer a contest, assignment, or project from which you could choose and submit the best entries. This could be open-ended, connected to a cultural unit, or connected to your text's storyline!


Benefits: Participation in SCRIBO has the following benefits --

  • Certificates for all participants
  • Medals with ribbons for the top 20% of scorers
  • Press release plus letter to the principal recognizing medal winners
  • Free CD of the top entries, including multiple entries per level
  • Ability to purchase full-color bound books of the collected top entries (plus inclusion in a raffle to win a free copy of this book)
  • Knowledge that your school is supporting the mission of Ascanius to bring Latin and Classical Studies to our youngest scholars


Scoring: All entries will be judged by Latin teachers and professors who have training in Latin composition and/or oral Latin, using the following categories: grammatical and syntactical accuracy, choice of vocabulary, quality of work, audience appeal. Entries in the running to be in the top 20% will be scored by at least one additional judge. (Contact SCRIBO to apply to serve as a judge.)


Cost: $25 for 1 entry (or homeschool groups); $45 for 2-5 entries; $75 for 6-10 entries.


Registration & Submission: Register and pay by mail/online, including names, ages, and levels of student participants, no later than December 15, 2010. Receive an email from SCRIBO with identifying codes for all your participants, no later than January 1, 2011. Then the teacher submits all entries electronically in PDF format no later than January 15, 2011. Results, awards, and CD's should be in the mail by April 15, 2011!


Visit for more information and to register!

David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for Travel in Classical Lands 

In 2011 the American Philological Association (APA) will again award the David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for study and travel in classical lands.  The Fellowship was established in 2004 by the friends and students of David and Rosemary Coffin to honor the skill, devotion, learning, and kindness with which they educated students at Phillips Exeter Academy for more than thirty years.


The Fellowship is intended to recognize secondary-school teachers of Greek or Latin who are as dedicated to their students as the Coffins themselves by giving them the opportunity to enrich their teaching and their lives through direct acquaintance with the classical world.  It will support study in classical lands (not limited to Greece and Italy); the recipient may use it to attend an educational program in (e.g. American Academy, American School) or to undertake an individual plan of study or research. It may be used either for summer study or during a sabbatical leave, and it may be used to supplement other awards or prizes.


Candidates for the Fellowship must have been teaching Latin or Ancient Greek at the secondary level (grades 9-12) in North America as a significant part of their academic responsibilities for three years out of the five prior to the award. Membership in the APA is not a requirement for application, although it is expected that applicants will have demonstrated an active interest in the profession and in their own professional development.  Selection will be made on the basis of written applications by the Coffin Fellowship Committee.  The amount of the award for 2011 will be $2,500.  Recipients of the award will be expected to file a written report on their use of the Fellowship, which the Association may include in one of its publications.


Applications should consist of a) a curriculum vitae; b) a statement of how the Fellowship will be used and how it will further the applicant's teaching; c) three letters of recommendation, at least one of them from the applicant's chair or principal, and at least one from a former student.  Applicants should send four copies of the c.v., the statement, and the letters of recommendation to the APA Office so that they arrive in the Office no later than Monday, January 31, 2011. 


American Philological Association

University of Pennsylvania 220 S. 40th Street Suite 201E

Philadelphia, PA 19104-3512

Telephone:  215-898-4975 FAX:  215-573-7874


Web Site:


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ParthenonRome 2011 Workshop & Tour


A two week summer technology workshop/ study tour of Rome and Campania will be offered by the American Classical League and its Technology Committeefrom July 3 to July 17, 2011. Accommodations and a computer lab will be provided in partnership by the American University of Rome while in Rome and the Villa Vergiliana while along the Bay of Naples. Excursions include many of the most significant sites in Rome and Campania.


The course alternates days between those spent visiting museums and archaeological sites and those spent in the computer lab. Participants will learn what factors to consider in documenting sites with digital tools and the latest methods of incorporating digital media into their curriculum.


This workshop-tour is designed for 30-50 teachers of Latin, Greek, History, Classical Studies, and related fields. Travel companions (adults only) are welcome to attend and participate in all activities except computer lab workshops at a reduced rate. Scholarship funds are available from the ACL and other sources.  For more information, visit us online or contact the American Classical League, 422 Wells Mill Dr., Oxford OH 45056 USA, tel. 513-529-7741.

Mediterranean Society logoThe Mediterranean Society 


The Mediterranean Society is planning a "Seminar in Romania and Bulgaria:  Ancient History, Modern Memory" for May 19-June 4, 2011.  The seminar will begin in Bucharest and end in Sofia.  Included in the itinerary are Greek, Roman, and Byzantine archaeological sites and museums, art museums, monasteries, churches, and castles, as well as sites made famous by Bram Stoker's Dracula.  Participants will visit Histria and Constanta (the former Greek colony of Tomis, the site of Ovid's exile) in Romania, Varna and Plovdiv in Bulgaria, among other cities.


The complete itinerary and other information are at, or you may request the brochure by writing   


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Bologna University Greek and Latin

Summer School


The Department of Classics ( ) of Bologna University welcomes applications to its intensive Greek and Latin Summer School.  The courses will be held in Bologna from 27th June to 15th July 2011 for a total of three weeks. The school offers Greek courses (for beginners only) and Latin courses (at different levels; beginners and intermediate) and the possibility of combining two courses (Latin & Greek) at a special rate.

The teaching will be focused both on language and on literature; further classes will touch on moments of classical history and history of art, supplemented by visits to museums and archaeological sites (in Bologna and Rome).


Participants must be aged 18 or over.  All Tuition will be in English.


For further information and to register, please visit:



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villa vergilianaVergilian Society Tours, 2011


Roman Gaul: 

 June 25-July 9, 2011, directed by Timothy Wutrich and Annie Pecastaings.


Drama, Illusion, and Realities: Roman Life on the Bay of Naples: 

 June 27-July 8, 2011, directed by Eugene P. Baron.


Vergil, Aeneas, and Augustus: A Workshop in Italy for AP Latin Teachers:  July 18-29, 2011, directed by Steven Tuck and Amy Leonard.


In the Land of the Sybil: Greeks & Romans Along the Bay of Naples:  August 1-13, 2011, directed by Steven Tuck and Lorina Quartarone.


Additional information can be found at


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The Randolph College Greek Play: Innovating Traditions with Hecuba
Greek Play
Photo by Amy R. Cohen

October 8-10, 2010, saw the Greeks-and Trojans and Thracians-come alive in the Mabel K. Whiteside Greek Theater on the campus of Randolph College in Lynchburg, Virginia.  This year's production of Euripides' Hecuba continues a tradition begun in 1909 by Professor Whiteside and her students (when the college was Randolph-Macon Woman's College).  Whiteside was an innovator in teaching Greek conversationally, and she and her Greek students produced the plays in their original language.   Over the years Miss Mabel (as she was affectionately known) led forty productions of tragedies and comedies by all of the great Greek playwrights, culminating in 1954 with Aeschylus's trilogy The Oresteia-it was the first time the trilogy had been staged as a whole in Greek in the new world.


Hecuba was the eighth play in the new series under the direction of Amy R. Cohen. Like all the plays in our new series, we perform the plays in English.  But in other respects, we adhere as much as we can to the original practices that governed theatre in the time of the great tragedians, believing that the best plays will emerge from the conventions for which they were written.  Our chorus performs songs with live music and new choreography; our three actors play all the parts; the productions are outdoors in a Greek theater with only the sun for lighting; and we use full helmet masks.  Those masks are the result of research we've done at Randolph that has proven that linen masks not only maintain the volume of the actors' voices, but that they also allow the actors to be heard clearly even if their backs are to the audience (as must often be the case in a Greek theater).


Hecuba was also the occasion for a new conference-Ancient Drama in Performance: Theory and Practice.  With Kenneth Reckford as keynote speaker and Mary-Kay Gamel as a featured respondent to the play, we enjoyed a variety of papers on different aspects of ancient theatrical practice, by both scholars and practitioners in both Greek and Roman drama.  Speakers delivered their talks in the Greek Theater, and some illustrated their points with actors, which underscored the importance of embracing the performance context in thinking about dramatic texts.  We hope this was first of many productive gatherings on the topic.


For information about the conference, go to 


For information about the Randolph College Greek Play, go to


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  Kay Neal Brings Latin to Illinois

Boys & Girls Club

The Illinois News-Gazette recently featured an article on Kay Neal's project of brining Latin to the boys of the Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club in Champaign, Illinois.  The program is part of Neal's work to design a Latin curriculum for use by parents or after-school program leaders with no knowledge of Latin themselves.  The article can be found at  If you would like to get involved, you can contact Neal at

Classics in the News


On November 8, CNN reported that the House of the Gladiators in Pompeii had collapsed.  The story can be found here.  


On November 11, an essay by Daniel Mendelsohn on Oscar Wilde and the Classics appeared in the New York Review of Books.  The essay can be found here


In July, Smithsonian Magazine featured an article on the graffiti of Pompeii, which can be found here.


On October 7, that august source of satirical news, The Onion, reported that the ancient Greeks were in fact the elaborate invention of a group of historians working tirelessly from 1971-1974.  The amusing piece can be found here.

If you come across any interesting articles on the Classical world that would be of interest to our readership, please send them to the newsletter!

CAMWS VP & Committee Lists


For a full list of CAMWS State, Provincial, and Regional Vice-Presidents for 2010-2011, please click here.

For a full list of CAMWS committees for 2010-2011, please click here.

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Membership Information & Forms

Individual Membership in CAMWS

Individual membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, may be purchased for $45 ($25 for student, retiree, or first-time teacher). Joint spouse/partner membership is available for $70, retired spouse/partner membership for $40. A life membership costs $900 for an individual, $1300 for joint spouse/partner.

Please pay with a check in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank or a bank that uses U.S. routing codes. The check should be made payable to CAMWS and mailed, along with a completed membership form, to:

CAMWS, Dept. of Classics
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55507-1098 U.S.A.

Payment by credit card is possible if subscriptions are requested via the CAMWS website. A $3 processing fee will be added to each credit-card transaction.

A membership includes a subscription to Volume 106 of The Classical Journal. Please indicate on the membership form whether you would prefer to receive CJ electronically (via JSTOR, beginning on January 1, 2011, with access to all back issues as well as the most current issues) or in print. For an extra $4 you may receive the journal in both formats.

(JSTOR now offers libraries the opportunity to subscribe electronically to current issues of CJ as well as all back issues of the journal. It is expected that most libraries will eventually choose this option.)

The CAMWS Newsletter is sent electronically to all members with e-mail addresses. If you would like to receive a print version in addition, you may indicate that on the membership form.

You may use the CAMWS membership form to join ACL or SALVI, subscribe to any of nine other scholarly journals, order CAMWS pens, rulers, or histories, and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to CAMWS.


Click here for the individual membership form.


Institutional Membership in CAMWS

Institutional membership in CAMWS for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, may be purchased for $50 (B.A. or M.A.-granting institution or K-12 school) or $100 (Ph.D.-granting institution). For more information click here.

All questions concerning CAMWS memberships should be directed to Sue Newland, CAMWS Administrative Assistant (telephone 507-786-3238; fax 507-786-3732).

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Herbert M. Howe, 98, who taught Classics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for 34 years, passed away on June 29, 2010.  An obituary can be found here.


George Harris, 78, who spent 35 years teaching Classics at Calvin College, passed away on July 3, 2010.  For an obituary, please click here. 


Lloyd L. Gunderson, 78, who spent his career teaching Classics at Saint Olaf College, passed away on July 4, 2010.  An obituary can be found here.


Louise Price Hoy, 89, who taught in the Classical Studies Department at Marshall University, passed away on July 4, 2010.  Click here for an obituary.


Richard E. Prior, 47, who taught Classics at Furman University since 1994, passed away on August 24, 2010.  For an obituary, please click here.

To view the necrology blog, where you can leave remembrances of those we have lost, click here.



The CAMWS Newsletter is published three time per year, in the fall, winter, and spring.

Send submissions by e-mail to:

Send submissions by regular mail to:

Stephanie A. McCarter
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classical Languages
Sewanee: The University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37375


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