The Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Spring Edition 2010
In This Issue
Report on the Annual Meeting
Photo Highlights from Oklahoma City
Special Service Award
Outstanding Publication Award
Presidential Award
CAMWS Teaching Awards
CPL Awards
Manson A. Steward Scholarships
Manson A. Stewart Training and Travel Awards
CAMWS Latin Translation Contest
Semple, Grant, & Benario Awards
News from Classical Journal
Teaching Classical Languages
Committee for the Promotion of Latin
American Academy in Rome
Jerry Clack Lectureship (CAAS)
The Women's Classical Caucus
Meetings and Calls for Papers
Fashion-forward, Stylish, Timeless: Toga
Review of "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief"
Submitting to the Newsletter


Status Quo and Novae Res

 The 106th Annual Meeting of CAMWS took place on March 24-27, 2010, in Oklahoma City.  Comfortably housed in the Renaissance Hotel, 430 CAMWS-ians enjoyed Sooner hospitality and a wide-ranging program featuring more than 350 presentations.  We were honored to have with us Nigerian classicist James Eezzuduemhoi, whose work was a focus of the Presidential Panel; the theme of Black Classicism continued to resound in President Michele Ronnick's after-dinner address.  Our hosts from the University of Oklahoma had everything superbly organized, and the student guides in their matching t-shirts ensured that no one wandered too far astray.  Special thanks go to Sam Huskey, who chaired the local committee so ably.  Kudos also to Tyler Jo Smith for singlehandedly raising more than $2000 from her relatives and friends in Oklahoma City; those generous donations helped pay for meals and snack breaks.  And how could I fail to mention Latin Orator Jim May, whose singing of "Oklahoma!" delighted the audience at the banquet--and nearly burst the eardrums of Master of Ceremonies Chris Craig!


At the business meeting we congratulated the many winners of CAMWS awards and scholarships; you can read about their honors elsewhere in this newsletter and on the CAMWS website.  We also thanked Douglas Olson, Editor of The Classical Journal, for his five years of stellar service and welcomed Laurel Fulkerson as the new editor of CJ.  John Gruber-Miller announced the good news that Teaching Classical Languages (, an online pedagogical journal sponsored by CAMWS, has been launched-a credit to John's vision and determination and to the computer skills of Webmaster Andrew Reinhard.  In addition the CAMWS Newsletter has moved to an electronic platform and is in the capable hands of Stephanie McCarter.  One last announcement:  Tom Sienkewicz has gallantly agreed to take over the job of Secretary-Treasurer two years from now.  The move of the CAMWS office from St. Olaf to Monmouth will be made gradually during the course of the academic year 2011-12.


Meanwhile we are looking forward to two CAMWS gatherings in 2010-11:  the 90th Anniversary Meeting of the Southern Section, October 28-30, in Richmond, Virginia, hosted by the University of Richmond, and the 107th Annual Meeting of CAMWS, April 6-9, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, co-hosted by Calvin College and Grand Valley State University.  June 1, the deadline for Southern Section abstracts and panel proposals, will be here soon; to complete the online submission form, go to:  


We are grateful to the 75 schools that chose to become institutional members of CAMWS for 2009-10; your support means a lot.  To Michele Ronnick, whose dynamic leadership contributed so much to the success of the past year, and to all the other officers, committees, subcommittees, and individual members who cheerfully devote their time and talents to CAMWS-including Sue Newland, my administrative assistant extraordinaire-thanks a million!    

-Anne Groton, St. Olaf College


Anne Groton (top center) and Sue Newland (bottom left) making sure the registration process goes smoothly


Tyler Jo Smith (center) with her parents at the Donors' Reception. 
U. of Oklahoma helpers
The helpful University of Oklahoma students who made sure we found our way around campus and who were easily identifiable by their cute red shirts!
Reception pianist 

The reception at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art

   Jim May
CAMWS orator James May delivers the Ovationes 
Benario and Baragwanath
Honorees Herbert W. Benario and Emily E. Baragwanath enjoy the reception


Marilyn Skinner realizes that she is receiving an ovatio 
Douglas Olson
Michele Ronnick and Douglas Olson, who received warm thanks for his editorship of Classical Joural
Ronnick and Tandy
Michele Ronnick passes the official presidential gavel to David Tandy


 Ovationes winners
Carin M.C. Green (The University of Iowa)  
Marilyn B. Skinner (The University of Arizona)
John Henry Hanson (The University of Oklahoma)



Herbert Benario, Michele Ronnick, Janice Benario, and Alice Sanford

The recipients of the 2009-2010 CAMWS Award for Special Service are life members Herbert W. and Janice M. Benario. 


Herbert attended City College of New York (B.A.), Columbia University (M.A.), and Johns Hopkins University, where he completed his Ph.D. in Classics.  After serving in Korea he taught at Columbia and Sweet Briar before coming to Emory University in 1960.  He stayed at Emory until his retirement in 1987.  He continues to be an active and prolific scholar, with nearly 300 publications to his credit, the majority of them focused on the Roman historian Tacitus.


While attending Goucher College in the early years of WWII, Janice enrolled in a cryptology course and eventually joined the WAVES, whose top-secret work involved breaking German U-Boat codes.  After the War she went on to earn her M.A. and Ph.D. in Classics from Johns Hopkins University.  She taught for 25 years at Georgia State University, then part-time at Emory and Agnes Scott College.  In 1982 she was honored with the APA's Award for Excellence in Teaching.


Both Benarios have been longtime supporters of CAMWS, and both have received ovationes, Herbert in 1979, Janice (delivered by Herb himself) in 1986.  In addition to serving as CAMWS Orator for more than a decade, Herbert was President in 1971-72 and wrote a history of the first 80 years of CAMWS.  The association is especially indebted to Herbert and Janice for endowing the Benario Award, a $2500 scholarship that defrays the cost of participation in a summer study/travel program.  


With deep appreciation for all they have contributed to the Classics profession over the past half a century, CAMWS is pleased to bestow this Special Service Award upon Herbert W. and Janice M. Benario.   

BaragwanathEmily Baragwanath's book, Motivation and Narrative in Herodotus (Oxford, 2008), has been selected to receive the CAMWS Award for Outstanding Publication for 2010.  This exceptionally intelligent work has already received recognition; in 2008 an earlier version was awarded the Oxford Conington Prize for the best Classical dissertation. Baragwanath examines the 'representation of human motivation' in Herodotus' Histories, in particular 'how the narrator articulates people's thoughts'. She makes a strong case that Herodotus has a deep interest in the problem of historical causation. The book combines the best qualities of close reading with a broader theoretical framework, offering a new method of reading Herodotus.


Baragwanath employs to great interpretative effect modern literary analysis, in particular, 'reader response criticism' and 'narratology'.  At the same time, Plutarch's writings are shown to be valuable for clarifying the subtlety of the Herodotean narrator.  She also shows how indebted Herodotus was to Homer's narrative techniques.


The book succeeds in its aims, and in the process, sheds considerable light on Herodotus as narrator and manipulator of discourse. Rescued from the impression that he is na�ve, thanks to Baragwanath we can see in Herodotus an author similar to the tragedians of the Fifth Century, determined not only to show human motivation, but also preoccupied with complicating simple judgments about why people do the things they do.  This Herodotus is deeply mindful of the contested nature of the past and the opposing views it provokes.


Baragwaneth suggests that Herodotus empowers his readers to contribute to imputing meaning to his Histories, and so draws them into a deeper engagement with historical problems. Reviewers and readers of Baragwanath's book all emphasize its power to inspire a desire to reread and re-evaluate Herodotus from this new perspective. I cannot think of a better measure of success than that.  I am pleased to present her with the 2010 CAMWS Book Award.


-K. Sara Myers, Chair, Subcommittee on the CAMWS Award for Outstanding Publication

First Prize: Patrick G. Lake (Fordham University), "Plato's Quarrel with Homer's 'Divine Bard': Implied Censorship in Republic 389d2-3 & 390a10-b2"
Second Prize: Hunter L. Nielsen (University of Arizona), "Civitas Terrena et Civitas Dei: Orosius and Augustine on Temporal Power, Roman Society, and Divine Will"
Honorable Mention:
  • Elizabeth M. Greene (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), "Roman Military Wives in Latin Epigraphy"
  • Daniel J. Griffin (Duke University), "Ovid's Vertumnus and the Elegaic Fantasy"

Presidential Award Winners

     From left to right: Michele Ronnick, Patrick Lake, Hunter Nielsen, Elizabeth Greene,& Daniel Griffin

CAMWS Award (College Teaching): Tyler Jo Smith
McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia
 Dr. Smith is a dynamic lecturer and an exceptional communicator, with an ability to make even the most complex topics intelligible. Her infectious enthusiasm and passion for all aspects of Greek art are immediately apparent to her students.  Many of them rate her 'Greek Art and Religion' and 'Greek Vase Painting' as among the most engaging and valuable courses of their college experience.  Dr. Smith enjoys helping her students in any way possible, and her door is always open well beyond office hours. She is also an invaluable resource and mentor for her students. She often provides information about specific grants, conferences, and important books or articles relating to their individual research. Moreover, she quickly returns submitted material with either constructive criticism or praise. When asked for recommendation letters, she usually has them completed by the end of the day.  Students are appreciative of her "tough love" and the high standards she sets for them; as one recalled, "She treated us as scholars, a very refreshing relationship."  Several of her students have been inspired by her to become field archaeologists or to enter related professions.  An exemplary teacher, Dr. Smith has the best interests of her students at heart and challenges each of them to strive for excellence.
Kraft Award (Secondary School Teaching): Michele P. Bertaud
Carmel Catholic Latin School; Libertyville, Illinois
 Ms. Bertaud has all the marks of an outstanding teacher. First and foremost is her expertise in Latin.  Regardless of the ability level of her students, she communicates and challenges them in a positive classroom environment that makes learning enjoyable. Her ability to balance control and discipline with humor and individual freedom is impressive and most beneficial to her students. When her department required students who go on to a fourth year of language to move into an honors class, she recognized that many of her students in Latin III had the desire to continue, but the ability to meet honors expectations was beyond their grasp.  In response she created a class that combined standard and honors standards with different expectations for each group, even though this required that she spend extra time on class preparation. Classroom opportunities beyond the confines of the school day are another way in which she engages her students. Numerous field trips to the theater and the opera, participation in the regional certamen, and her moderation of an active Latin Club are other ways in which she invigorates the program. Increased enrollments over the course of her employment at Carmel testify to her dynamism, dedication, will, and pedagogical intelligence.


Winner: Maureen Stover 
Maureen Stover organized "a fun Saturday" for the students attending the AFLTA festival at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas in February.  The participants had the opportunity to combine workshops and games like Jeopardy, Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortune), Roman Twister, Mythological bingo, certamen and other Latin related activities.  The meeting was made possible thanks to the support and participation of Dr. Daniel Levine and Dr. Charles Muntz of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and their students who conducted some of the activities and the workshops.  Additional thanks are owed to Pam Gibson who comes every year and leads the students in Latin songs to the accompaniment of the harp.
Dr. Daniel LevineLatin Scrabble
Honorable Mention: Sherri Madden
The Latin students of Master's Academy hosted an ancient art booth at the 45th annual Festival in the Park in Charlotte, NC.  During the four day event Sherri Madden's students helped about 1,800 students from various area schools experience the ancient art of mosaic making by facilitating the making of book marks using a rainbow of tesserae.  An explanation of the technique and photographs of actual ancient mosaics accompanied the work the students werre doing.  Eight posters also helped illustrate other forms of art known in the Roman world.  The laborious preparation and commitment of teacher and students are worthy of praise.
Mosaic-makingMosaic-making 2
  • Mary Carp, Northwestern University
  • Ryan Clarke, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Kathleen Kidder, University of Texas
  • Andrew Lund, Grand Valley State University
  • Erika Valdivieso, University of Michigan
  • Amelia Wallace, University of Michigan
Honorable Mention:
  • Stephen Miller, University of Georgia
  • Katharine Neff, Indiana University
Winners of the Teacher Training Award for 2009-2010 were:
  • Ryan G. Sellers, Memphis University School
  • Daniel N. Ristin, Regina Dominican High School
  • John T. Young, Browning School
  • Lindsay S. Herndon, Spotsylvania High School
  • Rebecca Westgate, St. Vincent's Academy
  • Andrew M. O'Brien, St. Paul's Episcopal School
Winners of the Travel Award for 2009-2010 were:
  •  Julie E. Smith-Condor, Collins Hill High School
  • Ginny T. Lindzey, Dripping Springs High School
  • Mark R. Miner, Independent Poet
  • Jennifer S. Starkey, University of Colorado at Boulder
Michele Ronnick with Travel Award Winners Ginny Linzey and Mark Miner 
Cash Award Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)
  • Jennet Dickinson, St. Catherine's School, VA (Lee Perkins)
  • Nathaniel Goldberg, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
  • Sidhi Gosain, Brookfield Academy, WI (Ruth Osier)
  • Pat Killian, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Dennis DeYoung)
  • Arthur Lau, Homeschooled, TX (Caedmon Haas)
  • Sarah Leonard, Shaker Heights HS, OH (Robert White)
  • Adam Sadick, St. Stephen's & St. Agnes School, VA (Ian Hochberg)
  • Vivaek Shivakumar, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, VA (Christine L. Conklin)
  • Charles Stone, University School, OH (Darren Keefe)
  • Natahsa Thondavadi, Barrington HS, IL (Chris Condrad)

Book Prize Winners (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Amith Ananthran, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, VA (Christine L. Conklin)
  • John Appledorn, St. Ignatius HS, OH (Joseph V. Zebrak)
  • Spencer Brown, Shawnee Mission East High School, KS (Dr. Athanasia Worley)
  • Emma Burd, Yorktown HS, VA (Kevin Gushman)
  • Quinton Burks, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Dennis DeYoung)
  • Kenneson Chen, Flint Hill School, VA (Howard Chang)
  • Anne Marie Creighton, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology, VA (Christine L. Conklin)
  • Caroline Gill, Charlotte Latin School, NC (Karen McQuaid and Lawrence Wall)
  • Ratna Gill, Flint Hill School, VA (Howard Chang)
  • Laura Hogikyan, Greenhills Schools, MI (Michael Powers)
  • Sam Howes, Barrington HS, IL (Chris Condrad)
  • Nora Kassner, Greenhills Schools, MI (Michael Powers)
  • Melissa Luttmann, St. Mary's Episcopal School (TN)- Patrick McFadden
  • Lauren MacGuidwin, Flint Hill School, VA (Howard Chang)
  • Thomas Moore, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Dennis DeYoung)
  • Grace Paquelet, Brookfield Academy, WI (Ruth Osier)
  • Stephanie J. Ralston, Clarke Central High School, GA (Ellen Harris)
  • Max Ramage, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
  • Naomi Wills, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
  • Marshall Kelly Winchester, Master's Academy, NC (Sherri Madden and Dr. Bruce A. McMenomy)

Letters of Commendation (alphabetically, with school and teacher)

  • Ashley Aycox, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
  • Joe Bailey, The Lovett School, GA (Kenneth Rau)
  • Charles Baker, St. George's Independent School, TN (Tonia Anderson)
  • Caroline Christian, St. George's Independent School, TN (Tonia Anderson)
  • Dallas Denny, The Lovett School, GA (Kenneth Rau)
  • Sarah Edwards, Durham Academy, NC (Edith Keene)
  • Hannah Everett, St. George's Independent School, TN (Tonia Anderson)
  • Patrick Ford, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
  • Alayah Glenn, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
  • Will Henry, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN (Edward Gaffney)
  • Spencer Hobson, Hawken School, OH (Nick Fletcher)
  • Ralston Medouze, Eastside HS, GA (Eric Adams)
  • Clint Montgomery, Memphis University School, TN (Trey Suddarth)
  • Farrar Pace, St. Catherine's School, VA (Lee Perkins)
  • John Patterson, Summit Country Day, OH (Larry Dean)
  • Zach Schaffer, University School, OH (Darren Keefe)
  • Will Taylor, Memphis University School, TN (Trey Suddarth)
  • Austin Wheeler, St. George's Independent School, TN (Tonia Anderson)
  • Avery Wiens, The Lovett School, GA (Kenneth Rau)
  • Stephen Wood, St. Catherine's School, VA (Lee Perkins)
Semple Award:  Ted Gellar-Goad (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), to attend ASCSA Summer Program
Mary A. Grant Award: Kristina Neumann (University of Cincinnati), to attend AAR Summer Program
Janice and Herbert Benario Award: Mary Jo Behrensmeyer (Mount Vernon High School, Mount Vernon, OH), for the Vergilian Society's "Alexander the Great from Troy to Gordion/Issus" program
 Geller Goad
Michele Ronnick presents the Semple Award to Ted Geller-Goad

Laurel Fulkerson, Associate Professor at the Florida State University will be taking over as editor of The Classical Journal as of July 1, heading up a team that includes Jeanne Neumann at Davidson College as Forum editor and John Marincola at Florida State as Book Review editor.  She is eager to continue CJ's tradition of publishing cutting-edge scholarship, and is hoping to broaden the base of authors who submit manuscripts.  She is particularly pleased that the Classical Journal's current content will soon be available on J-STOR, and worries that her experience as high school yearbook editor will be of much less use than she thought it might be when she agreed to the position.  She is extremely grateful to the out-going editor, S. Douglas Olson, for

much-needed advice, for negotiating the deal with J-STOR, and for

ensuring a seamless transition.


Marcia Lindgren, Life Blumbert, and Joshua Langseth, "From Literal to Literary: A Translation Project for Latin Poetry Classes"
Ariana Traill, Francesca Tataranni, Laurie Jolicoeur, and Krisanna Zusman, "Building Ties Between College and High School Latin Programs"
Special Section: Perspectives on the new Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation
      -Perspectives by Ronnie Ancona, Erik Collins, and Cathy Daugherty,  
      Cory Holec, Ken Kitchell, Robert Patric, and Lee Pearcy
To access the spring issue, go to and click on Current Issue. 
Teaching Classical Languages welcomes articles offering innovative practice and methods, advocating new theoretical approaches, or reporting on empirical research in teaching and learning Latin and Greek.  Contact John Gruber-Miller, Editor, Teaching Classical Languages, Cornel College, Mount Vernon, IA 52314, [email protected].



Classicae linguae vivant! With this motto in mind the Committee for the Promotion of Latin (CPL), and certainly other classical related endeavors, supported a few projects in the course of this year. Some CAMWS members received funds to help making the classics a bit more known. The projects are a testimony of the vitality and the scholarly engagement of our members.

Sherri Madden, a veteran in the promotion of Latin arena, held a booth at the September Festival in the Park in Charlotte, NC. During the four day event Ms. Madden's students helped about 1,800 students from various area schools making book marks with a rainbow of mosaic pieces as the Romans did. The explanation of the technique accompanied the work the students were doing. Some posters also helped illustrate other forms of art typical to the Roman world. The laborious preparation and commitment of teacher and students are worthy of praise.

In the fall the students of the Northeast Christian Academy, Kingwood, TX, attended a Day in the Forum. All dressed in toga, the elementary and middle school students and their families tasted some foods (dates, cheese, fruit, etc.), saw Minimus and Vibrissa, the characters of the Cambridge Latin elementary curriculum, act in a brief play and enjoyed first hand the experience of the forum activities. We commend Fayee Czarnik for organizing this experience for her students.  

A fun Saturday was organized for the students who attended the AFLTA festival at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. The participants had the opportunity to combine workshops and games like Jeopardy, Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortune), Roman Twister, Mythological bingo, certamen and other Latin related activities. The meeting was made possible thanks to the support and participation of Dr. Daniel Levine and Dr. Charles Muntz of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and their students who conducted some of the activities and the workshops. Our congratulations to Maureen Stover for organizing these activities for the students!

Towards the end of March Case Western Reserve gathered college and high school faculty and students from the Greater Cleveland area to honor Vergil during the Vergil Week. The activities included the reading of the Aeneid in its entirety, a lecture series, an exhibition of original art by faculty and students and footrace. The lecture series included three presentations and the key note address of Sarah Ruden on "The Beauty of the Land in the Aeneid." A Latin recitation contest based on memorized parts of the 6th book of the Aeneid received a good response of the high school students. An art exhibition and contest was organized in cooperation with the University's Art Studio. The Vergilian Footrace concluded the celebration. We encourage Tim Wutrich and his colleagues to keep up with this event.

Ascanius, the Youth Classical Institute, is committed to bring the classics in the elementary schools.  Through a series of fun and meaningful activities, the students get a taste of the ancient world which will hopefully help them to fan the flames of interest in Classics.  This summer the institute will be represented at the NJCL Convention in Fargo, ND.  Suzanne Heinrich, a member of Ascanius Board of Directors, will hold two training sessions to which all high school students are invited.  May these sessions be well attended and may we see more interest in the Classics from an early age. 

CAMWS is also cosponsoring Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky, and Terence Tunberg, University of Tennessee, as co-presenters at the TNFLTA fall 2010 meeting. The Latin teachers of the state of Tennessee will have the opportunity to attend a workshop specific to their field for the first time in three years, according to Christopher Craig and Diana Tomayko, who requested the grant. We wish the Tennessee classicists a good meeting.

All these projects could not have been made without the enthusiasm and the commitment of our dedicated colleagues.

The 2010 CPL Award for Outstanding Promotional Activity in the Schools was granted to Maureen Stover and the honorable mention went to Sherri Madden.

The CPL is encouraging the CAMWS members to apply for the grants by following the directions found on line. The committee members are also asking all members to help create a database with a much needed accurate census of the classical programs within CAMWS territory. The info will be gathered soon and we ask that you start taking notes on the classic related programs in your area or regions.

 -Nicoletta Villa-Sella, CPL Chair   


 Susann S. Lusnia
Photograph: Derek Toten, Tulane University

Professor Susann S. Lusnia, FAAR'96, has been appointed to a three-year term as the Director of the Classical Summer School of the American Academy in Rome, starting in 2011. She will succeed Professor Gregory S. Bucher of Creighton University, Director of the Classical Summer School for the years 2008-2010.

An Associate Professor of Classical Studies at Tulane University, Dr. Lusnia teaches courses in Roman art and archaeology, topography of ancient Rome, architecture of the Roman Empire, Pompeii, and ethics in archaeology. She has excavated at Carthage and Troy.

Before coming to Tulane University in 2000, she taught at Randolph-Macon Woman's College (1999-2000, now Randolph College) and the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (1998-99).

"Precious few know Rome, the Academy, and its Classical Summer School as well as Susann Lusnia," remarked AAR Mellon Professor T. Corey Brennan (FAAR'88) of the appointment. "Susann taught for two years in Rome at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, had two additional years in the city as a Rome Prize Fellow, and also is a past Assistant Director of the Academy's Summer School. And for almost a decade, she has taken on leadership roles - Secretary, Vice-President, and most recently as President - in the Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, the organization that provides crucial scholarship aid to students in the Summer School. Susann Lusnia is an expert on a dazzling range of topics in Roman studies, and has won Tulane's top undergraduate teaching award. The Academy is genuinely blessed to have her as Greg Bucher's successor."

In addition to the two-year Pre-Doctoral Rome Prize (The Frank Brown-Samuel H. Kress Foundation, 1994-6), Dr. Lusnia has received a Fulbright Grant for research in Italy (1991-2), a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society (2005), and the Suzanne & Stephen Weiss Presidential Fellow award for excellence in undergraduate teaching at Tulane University (2007).

Dr. Lusnia is the author of the forthcoming book, Creating Severan Rome: The Architecture and Self-Image of L. Septimius Severus, published in Collection Latomus (Bruxelles). She has published articles and reviews in American Journal of Archaeology, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Classical Journal, Latomus, New England Classical Journal, and Traumatology, as well as a chapter contributed to the volume Representations of War in Ancient Rome, edited by Sheila Dillon and Katherine Welch, published by Cambridge University Press in 2006 and just released in a paperback edition in 2009.

Dr. Lusnia received her B.A. in Latin from Mary Washington College (now University of Mary Washington) in 1985. She earned her M.A. (1990) and Ph.D. (1998) in Classics, with a concentration in classical archaeology, at University of Cincinnati.

The Classical Summer School of the American Academy in Rome was established in 1923 for high school teachers and graduate students of Latin, ancient history and the classics, but its audience has become more varied over the years, including college teachers and those working in related fields. It is designed to provide participants with a well-founded understanding of the growth and development of the ancient city of Rome and its immediate environs from the earliest times to the age of Constantine through a careful study of material remains and literary sources. For information on the upcoming 2010 program, please visit 

The Classical Association of the Atlantic States in 2002 established a lectureship fund named in honor of Jerry Clack.  Professor Clack was one of the foremost leaders of the Association, editing Classical World from 1978-1993 and serving as the first Executive Director of CAAS from 1993-2000.  Further information about Jerry Clack and the Clack Lectureship can be found on CAAS's website at  Contributions to this fund are designed to build up principle, the income of which will be used to bring a distinguished lecturer each year from outside the CAAS region - the rest of North America, Europe, or beyond - to speak to the membership about the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome.  We are now more than 80% of the way toward completing the original fundraising goal of $10,000.  Contributions are earnestly solicited.  Checks may be made out to CAAS, with "Jerry Clark Lectureship Fund" written in the memo line, may be sent to our treasurer,
Professor Donald H. Mills
203 Radcliff Rd.
Dewitt, New York 13214
We are happy to announce that the first Clack Lecture will be delivered on Friday, October 8, during our fall conference.  The lecture and reception for Professor Clack will begin at five o' clock at the Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey.  Professor W. Robert Connor of the Teagle Foundation will speak on "We Must Call the Classics Before a Jury of the Shipwrecked: What Classics Can Do Now."  His theme is inspired by a passage of Ortega y Gasset's Revolt of the Masses.  Further information about the conference is available on CAAS's website at


Formally, the Women's Classical Caucus advances feminist and gender-informed scholarship and promotes equality and diversity in professional matters.  Informally, the WCC is a great source of collegiality and friendship, and it is this intangible service which can be the most powerful benefit of all.  If you think that the WCC is not for you because you do not attend the annual meetings of the APA, please think again.  The WCC is there year round, maintaining an e-mail list of contacts, sponsoring events at regional meetings, providing outreach through its newsletter Cloelia, and providing human contacts for help and information.  We want teachers from all levels to become a part of the discussion, for our strength comes from our members.  Students and teachers, men and women, K-12 teachers and university faculty are all welcome.  Please consider joining today!  Contact Keely Lake ([email protected]), K-12 Liaison, for more information, or visit our website at
  • SCOLT:  The Southern Conference on Language Teaching is seeking to develop a strand of Latin presentations at its 2011 Conference in Baton Rouge, La on March 10-12, 2011.  Perspective presenters may submit a proposal online at
  • The 90th anniversary meeting of the Southern Section of CAMWS will take place on October 28-30, 2010, at the invitation of the University of Richmond and in conjunction with the Centennial Meeting of the Classical Association of Virginia. The Richmond Omni Hotel will host the meetings. Click here to read the full Call for Papers and to submit your abstracts online.
  • CAMWS 107th annual meeting, 2011 April 6-9; Grand Rapids, MI, at the Amway Grand Plaza at the invitation of Grand Valley State University and Calvin College.
  • The Classical Association of New England (CANE) will hold its 2010 Summer Institute at Darthmouth College from July 12-17. Click here for more information and to register.
  • Call for Papers: "Adaptation in the Ancient World." The 2011 meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians will be held at Mercyhurst College, Erie PA, May 5-8, 2011. Papers are solicited in the following areas: Maritime interconnectivity in the Mediterranean (Chair, E. Green, Brock University), Greek and Roman Historiography (J. Marincola, Florida State University), Ancient Political Theory (R. Balot, University of Toronto), Tyranny and Response (S. Lewis, University of St. Andrews), New Directions in the History of War (L. Brice, Western Illinois University), Swords and Sandals: The Ancient World in Modern Media (R. Goldman, CUNY), Religious Innovation and Empire (R. von Thaden, Mercyhurst College), Women and Religion in Greece and Rome (M. Salzman, UCLA), Egypt (C. White, Slippery Rock University), The Ancient Near East (C. Nimchuk, Mercyhurst College). Send one page abstracts and recent Vita by email to the chief organizer, R. S. Howarth, by November 1.
  • The Brackenridge Classics Symposium will be held on November 5-6 at the University of Texas at San Antonio, on the theme of "Language, Myth and Society in the Ancient World". Participants are invited to examine and reflect upon the interconnectedness of language, myth and society in the ancient world from any disciplinary perspective-art, archaeology, linguistics, philology, philosophy, anthropology or any other area of study within Classics-above all in ways that combine multiple such perspectives to bring innovative and fresh understandings to this theme. Papers that take an "emic" approach, to cast light on how the Romans and Greeks themselves conceived these categories and their interrelation, are particularly encouraged. The keynote speaker will be Maurizio Bettini, Professor of Classics at the Universit� degli Studi di Siena (Italy) and Director of the Center for Anthropology of the Ancient World. Please send abstracts of no more than one page (bibliography may be added on a second page) to classics at by Tuesday, June 15th, 2010. More information is available here. Questions may be directed to Dr. Joal Christensen or Dr. William Short.
  • Ancient Drama in Performance: Theory and Practice will coincide with the 2010 Randolph College Greek Play: Euripides' Hecuba, an original-practices production. The play and response to it will be the culmination of a day of scholarly and practical exchanging of ideas on ancient theatre on October 9, 2010. We are inviting proposals from scholars and practitioners of all levels for papers on topics to do with ancient drama in performance, including but not restricted to the staging, texts, design, repertory, personnel, and the social impact of plays in the ancient Greek and Roman world, as well as of plays as re-performed in the modern world. Papers will be delivered in an outdoor Greek theatre (or a round indoor space if it rains), which means that papers that deal with original practices in some way would find a comfortable setting, but all topics concerned with the plays as a practice are welcome. Presenters who would like to demonstrate their performance ideas will be provided with student actors (with or without masks), with whom arrangements can be made prior to the meeting. Papers are limited to 10 minutes (presentation without actors) and to 13 minutes (presentations with student actors). Presenters should be aware that they will hear the sound of a drum when two minutes remain and will exit pursued by a Fury when time is out. The conference will feature a keynote address by Kenneth Reckford, and a response to Hecuba by Mary-Kay Gamel. Please submit a 300 word abstract and a short bio to ancientdrama at randolphcollege dot edu by 21 May 2010. A longer description of the conference is here
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 by Christopher M. McDonough
 Sewanee: the University of the South

It was a blustery February day, but we were all a-buzz as we drove to the Regal Cinema 8 in Tullahoma (TN) to see the premiere of "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief."  My boys are huge fans of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books and, judging from how full the theater was for an afternoon screening, so were many of the kids in the region.  In fact, grade-schoolers all over the country love Percy Jackson, and the series has now been on the New York Times Bestseller List for Children's Literature for 147 weeks.  I had been reading the books aloud to my sons since Thanksgiving, and never had I come to the end of a chapter without their begging me to go on.  So it was with high expectations that we made our way to the theater to see "The Lightning Thief," the movie version of the first book of the series.


The plot of "The Lightning Thief" begins with the premise that the Greek gods are real and still alive today, living in their headquarters, which has moved from Mt. Olympus to the 500th floor of the Empire State Building.  The story does not center on the gods, though, but on their semi-divine children, of whom Percy, i.e., Perseus, Jackson is our unwitting protagonist.  The series is not without its flaws, of course:  perhaps most obviously, it's pretty closely patterned after Harry Potter, complete with supernatural adventure, bosom buddies, budding romance, and of course the eponymous misfit messiah. "Percy Jackson" hovers somewhere between homage and rip-off, though this can hardly be a fatal criticism for classicists who remember Virgil's statement, facilius esse Herculi clavam quam Homero versum subripere.  And truthfully, there's more of Homer and Hercules than of Harry in Riordan's books.


Like other "half-bloods," Percy is troubled.  He has never met his divine parent and has been bounced from one school to another due to ADHD-related problems, although, as it's explained to him later when he arrives to Camp Half-Blood, his impulsiveness is connected to "his battlefield reflexes," and his dyslexia comes from the fact that his "mind is hard-wired for ancient Greek."  It's eventually revealed to him that he is the child of Poseidon, that his friend Grover is a satyr and that another, Annabeth, is Athena's daughter, that his teacher is none other than Chiron, that Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, that Percy himself is the prime suspect, that the theft is in fact a cover-up for a much larger plot to unseat the gods and place Kronos in charge of the universe again, and that, of course, it's all up to Percy to stop it.  Along the way, Percy and his friends encounter the Minotaur, the Laestrygonians, Furies, Cerberus, etc., as well as three old ladies who (as one of the chapters is entitled) "knit the socks of death." 


My bald summary hardly does justice to the genuinely engaging, witty, and even learned tone of the series, and alas, neither does Chris Columbus' film.  Not that "The Lightning Thief" is without its charms.  For those of us in middle Tennessee, there was the frisson of local interest in seeing the Nashville Parthenon used as set (a few cheers went up in the Tullahoma Regal), although the decision to replace Alan Lequire's enormous painted Athena Parthenos with a more "traditional" white statue rankled at least one classicist in the audience.  To my mind, however, the movie's true highlight was seeing Uma Thurman as the Medusa.  (And why not Uma?  Hadn't Ovid praised Medusa's clarissima forma, Met. 4.794?)  As I watched Uma as Medusa-Umedusa?-I couldn't help thinking of her in Terry Gilliam's "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen," where she played Venus to Oliver Reed's Vulcan; her dea ex machina arrival, via an enormous ascending clamshell, still strikes me as one of the finest entrances in film.  In this update of the legend, Umedusa runs a garden gnome emporium that sells amazingly life-like yard statuary, and she is undone in a suitably 21st century manner, with Percy looking not into a mirrored shield but rather the silvery flipside of his Ipod.


But, all in all, the movie was a disappointment, and my 7-year old son Daniel grumbled throughout it.  "Her hair's supposed to be blonde," he complained of Annabeth.  "Where's his scar?" he objected of another character, not so sotto voce.  And with deep frustration he groaned when Percy's mother instead of his best friend Grover was left behind in the Underworld.  "That's not what happened in the book," he kept saying.  Yeah, I wanted to reply, now you know how I felt when Briseis killed Agamemnon in Wolfgang Pedersen's "Troy."  But I held my tongue.  It's a wearisome fact of life that even good movies stray from the books on which they're based, and the frustration is worst when it happens with books we love.  What's frustrating about this movie is that, where it follows the book, it's very good.  So, for instance, the movie's depiction of the Lotus Casino (a clever adaptation of the Homeric way-station) is deftly handled:  Percy is deep into an absorbing video game when he realizes that the hippie-ish guy beside him is at a very retro-looking pinball machine.  "What year is it?" he asks him, and the response-"1974"-jolts Percy out of his stupor.  It's a pleasing visual sequence, as is the sight of Grover, Percy's satyr friend, stomping away on the dance-floor to Lady Gaga's "Poker Face."  So, so far so good.  But where in the book Annabeth had spent her time at the Lotus engrossed in "this huge 3-D sim game where you build your own city and you could actually see the holographic buildings rise on the display board," in the movie she is simply playing the same old video game everybody is, hardly a fitting activity for the daughter of Athena.


It's this flattening of the characters, ultimately, that is what's wrong with "The Lightning Thief."  To begin with, the actors are all just a little too old for the parts, and they seem to have been cast less for how they might portray Riordan's characters than how they might look in Tiger Beat magazine.  Again and again, the tendency is to pitch the film not to the books' grade-school fans, who want swashbuckling heroes, but rather to a teen and 'tween' audience, who seem to prefer emo vampires.  As a friend joked on the drive home from Tullahoma, "Lightning Thief" perhaps should have been called "Twilight of the Gods."  But still more fundamentally, the movie utterly fails with Percy.  Riordan's books, it must be pointed out, are all told in the first person, by Percy.  He is not just a hero, but also a twelve-year old boy, one who has grown up without a father, who is just coming to some self-awareness and find himself giving voice to complicated interests that he barely understands, especially when he is the object of them.  It is not too much to say that the demons he is fighting throughout the books are not those just drawn from Greek mythology, but none of this is really captured in the film.


So, the summer is now upon us, and if you are looking for some beach reading, you could do worse than to pick up a few of the Percy Jackson books.  Better still, read them aloud to your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, or neighbors of elementary school age.  They will have many questions about the mythology which readers of the CAMWS newsletter are uniquely qualified to answer.  You may find yourself breaking out images of monsters and heroes from classical vases, and working through the complexities of mythological genealogies.  But be forewarned:  if you later decide to show these kids the movie (the DVD will be released June 29th), be prepared for the muttering.



1. WHEREAS all of us who have been in attendance at this meeting where the wind has only threatened to sweep us down the plain, where the inhabitants, like the Romans, have raised a magnificent city of marble, while preserving a town of brick, in the birthplace of shopping carts and parking meters, a place where work truly conquers all things;


WHEREAS, in this O.K. City, we broadened, widened, and deepened our intellectual horizons as should be the case in an assemblage of this many learn�d holders of B.A.s, M.A.s, Ph.D.s, and perhaps yet other degrees, by listening to and commenting on each other's presentations;


WHEREAS all the members, helpers, and supporters of the local committee, under the leadership of Sam Huskey, whose labor has overcome all obstacles, have made this meeting of CAMWS at the invitation of the University of Oklahoma a booming success; and


WHEREAS the staff of the Renaissance Convention Center Hotel offered their gracious hospitality and proved by their friendliness that they, like Will Rogers, have never met a person they didn't like;


BE IT RESOLVED that we tender sincere thanks to all and sundry concerned.


2. WHEREAS, at this meeting, we were enlightened by means of a wide variety of papers and panels, ranging from Attic Greek to Greek in Africa, and encompassing philology, history, literature, culture, and above all reception;


BE IT RESOLVED that we extend our appreciation and gratitude to all speakers, presenters, and discussion participants.


3. WHEREAS James May, the "Living Zeugma," not only delighted us with his spirited rendition of the ancient Hymn to Oklahoma but also rendered appropriately Ciceronian praise in his ovationes, honoring the accomplishments of Carin Green, John Henry Hansen, and Marilyn Skinner;


WHEREAS our President Michelle Valerie Ronnick revealed to us a hitherto little-known chapter of our own history, the res gestae of African-American classicists;


WHEREAS President and President-Elect, the Executive Committee, and all members of all committees have labored to make this meeting a success, thereby reminding us all of the benefits of membership in this our Association; and


WHEREAS Anne Groton, our tireless Secretary-Treasurer, who has once again rendered services far beyond any call of duty, can as of this meeting look forward to otium cum dignitate at her suburban villa in the wooded hills of Northfield;


BE IT RESOLVED that we offer all those mentioned or referred to our profound gratitude and appreciation.


4. WHEREAS we have indulged in the delights offered by the State, City, and University of Oklahoma, which we would be happy to enjoy again-sooner rather than later-in a land of farmers, cowboys, wildcatters, and above all, Five Civilized Peoples; and


WHEREAS CAMWS as a distinguished institution of long standing is ever dedicated to furthering the careers of students, scholars, and teachers on all levels by inviting them as members, by maintaining a stimulating environment, and by encouraging them to present their teaching and research;


BE IT THEN FINALLY RESOLVED that, having been intellectually enriched and collegially gratified by this year's meeting, we agree to continue our ancient and ongoing conversation next year at our 107th meeting, travelling from a land which is grand to the rapids of a grand river, in the Great (Lakes) State of MICHIGAN.


Webmaster Andrew Reinhard has created a new necrology blog that includes biographies and a comments section for members to leave remembrances of those whom we have lost.  The blog can be found here.
Oliver C. Phillips, II (the University of Kansas) passed away at the age of 80 on February 20, 2010 in Lawrence, Kansas. 
Jean M. D'Amato-Thomas (Northwestern State University) passed away following a brief illness on March March 9, 2010 at the age of 64.
Kathryn A. Thomas (Creighton University), who had the unique distinction of being the longest serving president of CAMWS from January 1, 1994 through 1995, died in Omaha on March 10, 2010.
Colin M. Wells (Trinity University, San Antonio) passed away surrounded by his family in Bangor, North Wales, on March 11, 2010.
The CAMWS Newsletter is published three time per year, in the fall, winter, and spring.

Send submissions by e-mail to: [email protected]

Send submissions by regular mail to:

Stephanie A. McCarter
CAMWS Newsletter Editor
Department of Classical Languages
Sewanee: The University of the South
735 University Avenue
Sewanee, TN 37375
