Living News!
ENIL - European Network
on Independent Living
Nothing about us without us!
Editorial Team Update |
Welcome to another issue of Independent Living News! with a special focus on Northern Europe.
Next year the JAG Association is having its 20th birthday. Of course we will celebrate this occasion but we already know that 2012 will be a test for the Swedish Independent Living movement. Read more about the situation in Sweden below. But let's start by looking at the contribution from the JAG Association in the Freedom Drive Road Movie Contest.
Country after country uses the economic crisis to cut the funding of reforms of personal assistance. In Sweden the savings proposals is threatening the world's best personal assistance legislation.
Due to recent figures from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (who is responsible for all matters of personal assistance in Sweden) about five percent of the assistance users now are losing their personal assistance after their needs have been reviewed. They are no longer considered to have at least 20 hours of basic needs per week, often because they are able to bring the spoon or fork to their mouth (not necessarily with food on).
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Artist challenges stereotypes by using models from "Funkisbyr�n"
We have previously written about the model agency for people with disabilities that JAG started three years ago. Two of the models, Stefan Nilsson and Frida Gustavsson, is currently present in a cross-border exhibition of photographs by famous Swedish artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin. The aim of the exhibition is to challenge norms. The title of the portrait is "... people come in all sizes and shapes." Read more...
Institutions and personal assistance in northern Europe
By Josefin Sterner, intern at the JAG Association
A charting of the existence of institutions and personal assistance in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland shows that though the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have been signed and soon ratified by all of these countries the result vastly varies between the countries.
Researching participation in the family for children with disabilities
Jenny Wilder, PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer in Special Needs Education M�lardalen University, and her colleagues started an inquiry in 2010 that will continue for three years, called PFA-CHILD, on how children with considerable disabilities participate in different family activities. The JAG Association in Sweden is collaborating with J�nk�ping University and two other organizations in this project. Read more...
DPAC Charter of Rights for Disabled People
Extract from the document:
"Disabled People demand Rights not Charity and we reject all cuts to our services and benefits.
Disabled people must have the right to live independently in society with the necessary levels of support to take a full and inclusive part in everyday activities their non-disabled peers take for granted.
To ensure this can happen disabled people must have full entitlement to free care and support services of their own choice with complete transparency in scoring and resource allocation for social care funding.
Recommended reading
'Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of Persons with disability: Guidance for HR Monitors'
Download it (PDF)
ENIL is looking for a Researcher
The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is looking for a Researcher to work on an FP7-Cooperation project entitled Social Platform on Innovative Social Services - INNOSERV. See the Terms of Reference