Living News!
ENIL - European Network
on Independent Living
Nothing about us without us!
Editorial Team Update |
Welcome to another issue of Independent Living News! with a special focus on Eastern Europe.
We still need volunteers to help us translate the ENIL Resolution on Cuts into their language. If you think you can help, please contact us at |
ENIL Mission to Bulgaria - Report
 | Training in Burgas - photographer Sara Hamrin |
ENIL with the representation of the Executive Director Jamie Bolling was on a mission in Bulgaria, from 1st to 8th October 2011.
The main purpose of the mission was to contribute to a project for activecitizenship of young leaders in the IL movement in Bulgaria and to influence various actors regarding the elections to take place on October 23rd on the importance of Independent Living.
Meetings were arranged with Candidates, the public through the round table, members of IL, DPOs, the Office of the Ombudsman, with people living in the Institution in Stara Zagora, newspapers, TV, radio and the staff of the CIL Sofia.
Opening of a new regional CIL in Kragujevac (Serbia) |
 A new regional CIL was established and officially registered in Kragujevac, Serbia on 18 January 2011.
Guided by the idea that everyone has the right to choose how he or she wants to live, CIL Kragujevac represents and advocates for social approach to disability and is working on providing facilities for Independent Living of disabled persons in the city of Kragujevac.
Read more... |
New book: 'Theses for the theory and culture of handicap'
 On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Prague conclusions, adopted at the International seminar about Independent Living, YHD would like to present to you the new book on with the title 'Theses for the theory' and culture of handicap written by Ph. D. Dusan Rutar.
The turning point in our lives that charted our course and that we made sure to stay on was meeting Dusan Rutar Ph. D., who came to work as a psychologist at the Institution for Enabling Handicapped Children and Youths, where we had lived since our childhood and where we went to secondary school. Read more...
Role model: Meet Alexandra Aleksova (Bulgaria)
 | Alexandra Aleksova (Bulgaria) |
Read the Role model here
AER Press release: Lets' change our perception of disabilities!

The working group "Equal Europe for People with Disabilities" of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) met in La Rochelle (F) to the kind invitation of Segolène Royal, President of Poitou-Charentes, and Michèle Sabban, President of AER, to exchange views on successful strategies for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.
The choice of Poitou-Charentes is no accident: disability is a political priority since 2004 and it is the first French region to have adopted an Agenda 22 on 15 December 2008.