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Jamie Bolling Kerstin Sellin Juan Benages Marisol Fojas
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Living News!
ENIL - European Network
on Independent Living
Nothing about us without us!
Editorial Team Update |
Welcome to another issue of Independent Living News! with a special focus on countries from the South Region of ENIL.
We hope you are all enjoying your holidays!The ENIL newsletter is the voice of the ENIL Members so send us articles and stories from your vacations!
- How accessible were the places that you visited?
- What activities you engaged with?
- Would you reccomend the experience?
Send your stories to ENIL's Secretariat
Freedom Drive Update
| If you want to know the latest developments on the Freedom Drive week download the letter from Jamie Bolling, ENIL Executive Director here.
Registration for the Freedom Drive week is still ongoing so:
REGISTER NOW! Help us spread the word about the Freedom Drive by wearing the Freedom Drive Facebook Badge! |
Human Rights Breech! Act Now!
Defend Elaine McDonald and Disability Rights in the UK
Source of the news DPAC and letter from The Scotsman
Earlier this month Elaine McDonald was robbed not only of her rights but her dignity due to a reassesment of her needs done by the Kensignton and Chelsea Council.
DPAC and other DPOs organized a protest
against this decision 27th July 2011 in front of the Kensington and Chelsea Council to show that they are not afraid to fight back and take action in order to defend Elaine McDonald and Disability Rights.
Disability Watchdog: Personal Assistance decree in Valencia, Spain | After many meetings and negotiations with the Regional Ministry of Social Wellfare of the city of Valencia and the support and assistance of members of the Independent Living Forum of Spain ( FVID ) a new decree regulating Personal Assistance has been published.
The decree is not completely in accordance to the UNCRPD and needs to be improved and modified but for the first time in Valencia, Personal Assistance is regulated and recognised by law. Read more...
After the Independent Living Conference in Rome: What lies ahead?
The International Independent Living Conference in Rome was held during two busy days and was a comparison between the international and national experiences with the main topic of Personal Assistance as a means of inclusion of people with disabilities.
This meeting was strongly supported by ENIL Europe, through the coordination between the Secretariat of Valencia, ENIL Italia, Agenzia Vita Indipendente di Roma and the Associazione Consequor di Grugliasco (Torino).
Role models
| Katja Villatoro,
Valencia (Spain) |
| Pilar O'Connor,
Valencia (Spain) |
European Platform of Self Advocates conference: Hear our Voices!
From the 30th of September to the 3rd of October the European Platform of Self Advocates will host a conference in Peniche, Portugal.
This event will gather self-advocates from all over Europe, to discuss about the UNCRPD and share their knowledge and experience in order to come up with statements aimed to raise awareness amongst policy makers and politicians.
Meeting between EDF and the Vice President of the European Commission about the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020
On 13th of July, the European Disability Forum (EDF) met with Vice President of the European Commission, Viviane Reding, responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. The discussion focused on 2 important topics: -UN Convention: the inclusive treaty -European Accessibility Act: the driving force for a strong legislation Read more... |
Children's Rights for All!
There are around one million children with intellectual disabilities throughout the European Union. These children often find themselves subject to discrimination and exclusion from society, and are frequently denied the right to good quality education, healthcare, recreation and services. In many cases, their families are also subject to discrimination and are denied access to adequate financial and emotional support.
Rio came to Stockholm for one afternoon
One afternoon in late June, the members of JAG took over the streets of Stockholm. Together with an authentic samba orchestra, we offered a carnival procession, which exuded pride, joy and self-esteem.
About 200 people, members in JAG, personal assistants, relatives and supporters, participated.
Monitoring the UN CRPD in Montenegro
On May 26th a Coalition for monitoring the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was established in Bar, Montenegro.
This Coalition is composed of 24 local and national DPO-s. The Montenegrin Government has signed and ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability - UNCRPD and are now under the obligation to write and publish a report on the implementation of the UNCRPD inMontenegro. DPO-s decided to commit themselves to work together in order to monitor the implementation of the CRPD and to write and present the Shadow Report based on the information acquired during the monitoring process.
FRA Symposium Report
Using indicators to measure fundamental rights in the EU
Source of the news FRA
The 2011 Fundamental Rights Agency Symposium brough together the experts and stakeholders to discuss the development and use of indicators as a tool to measure progress in the implementation of fundamental rights in the EU.
A working paper on fundamental rights indicators and the Agency's role in the area will follow within the next twelve months.
During the first day of the Symposium 5 working groups were established, being Persons with Disabilities one of them with a focus on monitoring of the UNCRPD.
Read more..
I. L. and the difference between Social-Medical care and Personal Assistance.
University of Psychology,Valencia (Spain)
ENIL Valencia Team was invited by the professor of the MA Degree in "Social-Medical Care for Disabled People", at the University of Psychology of Valencia, to hold a Conference for students and faculty about Independent Living and Personal Assistance.
On June 22nd, ENIL's Regional Coordinator of the South of Europe and Pilar O'Connor, an active member of the Forum for Independent Living and Diverty (FVID), went to the university and talked to the students and faculty about Independent Living, Personal Assistance and the difference between this role and a social-medial carer.