In This Issue
Editorial Team Update
GA and FD Update
Disability WatchDog: Kineopolis Cinemas
World Disability Report by WHO
NCDP Greece Interview John Evans
Meet Corine Lassoile
Ed Roberts' Bio and CIL International Directory
Armon Ayura
New law approved in Iceland
Interview with Professor Robert Shalock
EDF Freedom of Movement Campaign
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Independent Living News! Editorial team
Jamie Bolling
Peter Lambreghts
Juan Benages
Marisol Fojas 

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    3rd June, 2011

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Living News!

European Network
on Independent Living
Editorial Team Update

The previous version of this newsletter had a mistake on the "In this Issue" column, it has been rectified and we apologise for any inconvenience it may have caused you.


Welcome to another issue of Independent Living News! with a special focus on countries from the West Region of ENIL.


If you have any comments regarding the newsletter or website or would like to share some information please do not hesitate to contact us at

Freedom Drive Update

Have you contacted your national MEPs to tell them about the Freedom Drive? If not; do so and ask them to save the date!

  • 13th September 2011, meetings with national MEPs
  • 14th Septmeber 2011, Freedom Drive March and meeting with Disability Intergroup and MEPs at EU Parliament. 


List of Disability Intergroup MEPs

List of MEPs by countries


Three Spanish MEPs have already booked a meeting with the Spanish participants on the 13th September. During the face to face  meeting Spanish representatives will have the chance to present the Freedom Drive demands and discuss the situation of Independent Living in their country as well as the implementation of the UNCRPD.


Do not miss this chance to meet your MEPs and explain to them why nothing about you should be done without you!


Disability WatchDog: Kineopolis Cinemas discriminates wheelchair users in Belgium

Mieke MonsieurThe movie theater chain Kineopolis has refused entrance to wheelchair users in some of their halls using safety regulations as an excuse.

Mieke Monsieur just found out at the begging of this year that she is no longer allowed to access 4 halls due to this new safety regulations so he has chosen to speak up and act! 




Launch of the "World report on Disability" by WHO

Unite Nations Building in New York, US

9th June 2011 


WHO logoOn the 9th of June at the UN Building in New York, USA the World Report on Disability will be launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank.  


Disabled people and organizations from all over the world have been actively involved in the process of making the report during all stages. The report quotes stories of people with disabilities that have submitted their stories to WHO.



The National Confederation of Disabled People in Greece interviews John Evans  

John EvansThis month the National Confederation of Disabled People in Greece (NCDP) interviewed John Evans, ENIL Advisory Group and Independent Living activists.

During the interview John was asked several questions related to the current situation of the Independent Living Movement and Philosophy in Europe.  


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Meet Corine Lassoile Independent Living activist in Wallonia, Belgium

Corine Lassoie

Meet Corine Lassoile Independent Living Activist from Wallonia, Belgium.


Know how she came in touch with the Independent Living Movement and realised she was already following its principles and values. 



Biography of Ed Roberts and CIL International Directory by Buddy Bougere 

Buddy BougereBuddy Bougere from New Orleans, USA is writing a biography on disability pioneer Ed Roberts and  working on a worldwide list of Centers of Independent Living. Read all about it and help Buddy complete the list.


Armon Ayura; Dynamic Arm Support System 

Eric Dynamic armENIL believes that disabled people should have the right to use every helping aid,adaptation or assistive technology they choose to lead an independent life. We are the experts in knowing what we really need. In reality we are often confronted with social workers or government functionaries who decide for us.  

They will pay us back certain wheelchairs, but maybe not the one that suits us best. Same story for respirators, personal lifts, hearing devices, ... Especially when you need more expensive technology it is often impossible to get it reimbursed.  

We spoke with Eric Celie, user of the Armon Ayura, a dynamic arm support system.


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New law approved in Iceland! 

Great News!

It was announced on 27th of May during the NNDR conference that the Icelandic Parliament passed today a great law.

Sign language has been accepted as the national language of the deaf! When asked about the costs the reply was:


"We first look at Human Rights and decide how to finance the law afterwards"


We hope all countries which as of yet do not have such a law will adopt one asap!

Interview with Professor Robert Shalock 

Prof Robert Shalock2In May 2011 the Expertise Centre Independent Living published a study on: Quality of life of Personal Assistance users and had the oppportunity to interview professor Robert Shalock and expert in the field of "Quality of life" 


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Freedom of Movement EDF Campaign 

Freedom of movement logoARE YOU FREE ENOUGH?




The European Union says it guarantees freedom of movement to all citizens but the reality is that disabled people across Europe face all sorts of barriers when travelling. Major difficulties arise not only when travelling by plane but also on the way to work, study and all the regular activities of every day life.