In This Issue
Editorial Team Update
Freedom Drive and General Assembly Updates
Meet Magnus Andén
ALS/MND Meeting in Latvia
Airline company Norwegian discriminates PWD
Universal Design workshop in Riga
Importance of User-Led organizations
Meet your MEPs at home
Cuts on accessible transport in Iceland
Access to Justce in Europe report by FRA
Group Homes in Sweden
TUC March for the Alternative 26th March
Making taxis more accessible
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     24th March, 2011

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Living News!

European Network
on Independent Living
Editorial Team Update

Welcome to a new edition of Independent Living News!

In this issue, with a special focus on the Nordic and Baltic countries, you can read about a boycott of the airline Norwegian initiated by ULOBA, cuttings in the transport service in Iceland, a presentation of Magnus Andén and much more!   


Kerstin Sellin 

ENIL North Region Team Coordinator  

Freedom Drive Update

General Assembly Update 


ENIL round logoWe are still having technical problems with ENIL's website but
in the meantime you can find information about ENIL's events on Facebook 
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you want more information about ENIL 


Meet Magnus Andén Independent Living Activist in Sweden 


Magnus Anden JAGMagnus Andén has been the chairman of JAG since the association started in 1992, nearly 20 years ago. In that role - as in life itself, as in this interview - Magnus needs support to communicate. This support is given to Magnus by his legal representative that functions both as a decision aid and interpreter.


Read more...   

Meeting in Latvia
12-14th Agust 2011
Services for persons with ALS/MND 

Through the International alliance of ALS/MND associations, partnership program, we are helping our friends in the Baltic States to organize a Nordic meeting in Latvia in August 2011 about service for persons with ALS/MND. We are supported by both families and professionals. The meeting is held under the name "the Baltic bridge" and hopefully we can learn each other and exchange important experience. We expect that the conference will have a positive impact to the development of diagnostics and rehabilitation of ALS/MND patients in Latvia.


Time and place of the conference: 12-14 August 2011 at State Agency "Sociālās integrācijas centrs", Dubultu prospekts 71, Jurmala, Latvia.


For more information, please contact Valery Rakovs, chairman of the board, Organization of People with Special Needs MOTUS VITA, or 


You can also find information at 


Gudjon latvia August 2011

Gudjon Sigurdsson

Chair of the MND Association in Iceland

Chair of the International Allaince of ALS/MND Associations

New policy discriminating disabled people that want to fly with Norwegian
The Norwegian airline company called Norwegian issued last Fall a new policy which violates the rights of disabled people.
If you are planning to travel by plane do not choose Norwegian!


Universal Design Workshop in Riga
15-22nd May 201

"Apeirons" from Latvia, an organization of people with disabilities and their friends, is organizing a Grundtvig workshop about universal design.  

The workshop will take place in Latvia, most likely in its capital Riga from 15-22 May, 2011


  • Download the registration form here
  • Download the Agenda of the workshop here 



Click here for more information or visit Apeirons' website by clicking in the image below


Apeirons logo   

The benefits and importance of User-Led Organizations
Recent studies conducted in different countries of Europe state clearly that user-led organizations and user-led services are the best option for many reasons.
If you want to know more read the articles below:
Meet your MEPs at home
15-20th May 2011
Green Week

EC16-20th May  the members of the European parliament are free from meetings in the parliament to instead meet the voters at home. Why not take the opportunity and invite your MEPs to a meeting about Independent Living?

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Cuts on accessible transport in Reykjavik
At the begining of the year Icelandic municipalities were made responsible of the implementation of Disability Policies and budgets. Little did the people know that the first measure they would take would be to cut down on accessible transport.
If you want to support the Disability movement in Iceland contact the Major of Reykjavik to ask him the reasons behind this decision.

Access to Justice in Europe FRA report
23rd March 2011

FRA logoOn 23 March 2011, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) will release its report; "Access to justice in Europe: an overview of challenges and opportunities".

The report provides a comparative analysis of access to justice across the EU Member States and finds that there are many obstacles that make it difficult for victims to enforce their rights


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Group Homes

By Magnus Andén and Kerstin Sellin 

In Sweden we have personal assistance. Sympathetic enough, the law makes no difference whether you have intellectual disabilities or mobility impairments, or if you can supervise your assistants or not. 

The members in JAG react to the fact that people with intellectual disabilities - although they can get personal assistance - often are forced to live in small institutions, known as group homes.


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Disabled People Against Cuts - DPAC

March against cuts in the UK

26th March 2011 

DPAC logoDPAC was formed by a group of disabled people after the 3rd October mass protests against cuts in Birmingham, England.
The next protest will take place 26th March under the name: "March for the Alternative"
If you cannot make it to the physical demo send your online protest to
Making taxis more accessible
Joint initiave from International Road Transport Union and EDF
In Europe, taxi services are the most important means for ensuring spontaneous transport for many persons with disabilities or reduced mobility.
The International Road Transport Union (IRU) knows this and has issued in collaboration with  EDF a guide for taxi drivers to improve the quality of services provided to customers with disabilities and reduced mobility.