In This Issue
Meet Peter Lambreghts
Breech of Human Rights in Europe
Norwegian Anti-Discrimination law on Disablity
Disability Watchdog: PAB campaign in Flanders
Reflections on being a disabled parent
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Jamie Bolling  
Marisol Fojas
Peter Lambreghts

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      10th February, 2011

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Living News!

European Network
on Independent Living

Meet Peter Lambreghts

ENIL's West Regional Team Coordinator 

PLENIL is happy to present Peter Lambreghts, Independent Living activist and researcher as ENIL's West Regional Team coordinator.

Please feel free to contact Peter in relation to ENIL's activities in the West.

Peter would like to thank Maja and Daphne for their collaboration in this newsletter.

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Human Rights breeches in Europe
During this month ENIL has been able to identify at least 3 cases of violation of Human Rights across Europe
UK disab cuts 
Norwegian Anti-discrimination law on Disability  

Stop Diskrimineringen, a Norwegian organization fighting against discrimination has written a detailed article about the Anti-discrimination law on Disability in Norway.


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Disability Watchdog
Personal Assistance Budgets in Belgium

Disability Watchdog: Campaign against waiting list for Personal Assistance in Flanders.
The Personal Assistance Budget (PAB) holders organization BOL-BUDIV organized the campaign "10 jaar PAB. En nu serious"  to denounce the long waiting lists people get into when applying for PAB.
Reflections on being a disabled parent
by Peter Lambreghts
Julie made a little poem for her dadīs Fatherīs day. In doing so she made her dad happy but also made him think.
Dad Peter shares with ENIL his reflections


PL and family

Download the poem Julie wrote here.