In This Issue
Editorial Update
Welcoming a New Decade with Jamie Bolling
ENIL's 2011 General Assembly
Freedom Drive 2011
Save the dates!
SOLVINDE ENIL's first good example for 2011
ULOBA; Teasers and Inspiration
Latest additions to ENIL's Role Models
ECCL will participate in the DREAM project
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Independent Living News! Editorial team
Jamie Bolling
Marisol Fojas

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     27th January, 2011

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Living News!

European Network
on Independent Living

Editorial Update

Dear Reader,

As you may have noticed our newsletter has been delayed for sometime due to migration of our server which is still undergoing and for this we apologise.

We present ENIL's first newsletter of the year where you find information from all the Regional Teams, important dates to mark on your calendar and key events related to the Independent Living Movement.

From the Editorial Team we would like to ask for your opinion on how to improve and enrich the newsletter so please send your suggestions, comments and changes you would like to see to the following mail address:

We are looking forward in receiving your mails!
2011 a New Decade
Jamie Bolling Executive Director of ENIL
Jamie Bolling; Independent Living Activist and ENIL's Executive Director takes this opportunity to talk about her expectations for the new decade ahead and reflects on the challenges.

In this article she takes outlines the key events that will mark the pace of ENIL's activities during 2011 and talks about demands, hope and more.

To read the article click here

ENIL's 2011 General Assembly


strasbourgENIL the European Network on Independent Livinig celebrated its General Assembly in September 2010 and will be having its next General Assembly in September 15th again in Strasbourg after the Freedom Drive.

The General Assembly will then take place every other year along with the Freedom Drive allowing more people to attend.

GA Strasbourg

More information to follow in coming newsletters and on the website  regarding the procedure, issues at hand and the election of new Board Members, so stay tuned.


Please do not hesitate to contact us at the Secretariat if you require more information.

Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2011
nothing about us FDDon't miss ENIL's fifth Freedom Drive which will be held in Strasbourg September 14th, 2011.

Since 2003, ENIL has been organizing the Strasbourg Freedom Drive ervery other year. The Drive provides an opportunity for members of the Independent Living Movement to meet for inspiration and to let their voices be heard by MEPs from all over Europe.

Read all the details here
Important Events
Save the dates!
This year ENIL regional Teams are packing their agendas and we would like you to be a part of the events.

If you want to know what is cooking in ENIL have a look at the guidelines and the key dates of the Independent Living Movement.

Below you will find the guidelines for the East and North Regional Team and Save the dates!
Western and Southern Regional Teams and plans will be presented in future newsletters.

Save the dates!

And if you do not know which ENIL region your country belongs to contact Marisol Fojas; ENIL's Secretary at

ENIL's First Good Example of 2011
SOLVINDE, a tool for Independent Living
SolvindeMeet SOLVINDE a company that works to ensure that people with disabilty enjoy the same right to travel all over Spain and the world.

This company created  in Spain three years ago by José Luis Moreno and Mamen Nájera makes sure that  people with disability and their families are able to enjoy holidays wherever and whenever they want. SOLVINDE was conceived due to the difficulty to find accessible transport for holidays and leisure activities in Spain. Their dream is that companies like SOLVINDE will no longer be needed in the future.

Choose your next destination, SOLVINDE will take you there!

Solvinde volvi



Teasers and Inpiration

 ULOBA logoULOBA is not a club or a special interest association, nor it is a private company.

ULOBA is a non-profit making co-operative society.

We do not represent a form of privatisation, the opposite is in fact the truth. Through the co-operative "member owned" model, ULOBA is the <<third alternative>>. Our co-operative is owned by we who actually use the assistance          

ULOBA pic 2.



Meet ENIL's latest Role Models

Gisele CaumontIn 2008 ENIL started a new section called Role Models on the website.
This section is a tribute to commemorate the amazing achievements of key people in the Independent Living Movement. It demonstrates that Independent Living is more than just a philosophy or a dream; it is a reality that can be achieved.

Latest Role Models of 2010:

And if you want to propose someone you know for this section please send us their contact details to


ECCL will join the DREAM project

A Pan-Europen Doctoral Research Project in the Area of Disabilities will be Implemented with Funding From the EU Framework 7 Programme


Galway The Centre for Disability Law and Policy at the National University of Ireland Galway has been awarded an EU Framework 7 grant  to develop and lead a Pan-European doctoral research project over 4 years.


The ECCL logoproject is called DREAM - Disability Rights Expanding Accessible Markets and ECCL will join the project as an associated partner.