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Pittsburgh SCORE BizSuccessTips
September 2011
BizSuccess Tips

Getting Back to Business

It's time to take charge of your business. Get expert advice at SCORE to help you succeed!
 Visit Your Local Chapter Today. 

From SCORE Chapter Name Here

Success Secrets: All Systems Go!
Resources for You: Growing Stronger

Expert Insight: Why Businesses Fail

Success Secrets 
Back to Business
All Systems Go!

back to businessIs your business plan up to date? Do you need to hire more employees? For entrepreneurs, transitioning into Autumn usually means getting back to business. Learn how to take control.

Get It In Writing 
Don't expose your business to unnecessary misunderstandings and potential lawsuits. Take a workshop and learn how to protect your business with contracts. Sign up today.

Begin With the Basics 
Ready to start your business but have no clue where to begin? Find out the steps to get your business up and running from small business expert Steve Strauss. Learn the steps.


Resources for You

cairnsGrowing Stronger. As founder of BCM Group, Bill Cairns has more than 35 years of experience helping entrepreneurs build stronger businesses.

Subscribe to SCORE's ExpertAnswers newsletter today to find out what successful business owners know that you don't.


Get the Marketing Tools You Need.

Project REV is a year-long marketing lab that provides small businesses with up to $15K in marketing services and assistance from SCORE mentors. Find out how you can participate. Apply now.


Expert Insight
Dave Lavinsky, GrowThink

Dave Lavinsky

Get back to business with guest blogger Dave Lavinsky, co-founder of GrowThink. Find out why most business fail, the reasons entrepreneurs struggle to raise money and a two-step plan to sell your business. 

Learn more in this month's Small Business Success Blog.



Upcoming Events



October 15th,  and December 3rd, 2011 

Pittsburgh SCORE Workshop: Small Business Basics



Location:  PNC YMCA, 

               236 Fifth Ave. 2nd Floor ( in downtown Pittsburgh)  

               Pittsburgh, PA   


Get the basic information you need to put your new

small business on the path to success at the SCORE

Small Business Basics Workshop.  Local finance,

accounting, legal, and marketing professionals

together with SCORE Counselors will provide you

with information about how to start a small business.

What they all have in common is the desire

to help you succeed!  


  Register Now!   



Tony SignorelliSeptember 8, 2011
Free Live Webinar: New Rules of Personal Productivity.

Looking to power up your and your employees' productivity levels? Learn innovative ways to boost your energy from sales expert Tony Signorelli.

Sign up today for his free webinar.


September 15, 2011, Washington, DC. SCORE Awards.

SCORE and representatives from the Administration and Congress will gather September 15 to celebrate small business excellence in America at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. 

Learn more about the SCORE Awards today.  



Success Stories
School Rocks!

Rachel Weeks started her college clothing manufacturing business while i
n Sri Lanka on a U.S. Fulbright Grant. With very limited access to resources and mentors from her base in Colombo, cRachel Weeksonnecting with a U.S. SCORE counselor helped her navigate the difficult terrain of early-stage decisions.


"It was amazing to be collaborating with someone from 10,000 miles away who had such a commitment to helping me get my apparel business off the ground. Three years later, our company has 100 university customers across the United States and Canada and supports more than 2,000 American jobs through our Made in America supply chain. I will always be grateful to SCORE, my counselor Jim Fields, and to the Small Business Administration for making this important program possible." Find out more.


Rachel Weeks, School House, LLC 


Pittsburgh SCORE  

SCORE Mentors

Pittsburgh SCORE

411 7th Ave, Suite1450
Pittsburgh PA 15219
412 395 6560 ext.130

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SCORE Foundation

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Has SCORE helped your business? Then give back to SCORE to help entrepreneurs succeed. Donate today.


BizSuccessTips Editor Rieva Lesonsky is founder and CEO of media company GrowBiz Media. A nationally recognized small business expert, Lesonsky has appeared on hundreds of radio shows and numerous local and national television programs. Read more of her insights and buy her books at her website SmallBizTrendCast to get the scoop on business trends and sign up for free TrendCast reports. 

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Brought to you by SCORE, America's free and confidential source of small business mentoring and coaching. SCORE is a nonprofit association of more than 13,000 business experts who volunteer as mentors. SCORE offers free mentoring and low-cost workshops nationwide. A resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration, SCORE has helped more than 9 million entrepreneurs since 1964. Call 1-800/634-0245 for the SCORE office near you or visit online at

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