Christ Church Parish News

October, 2010                                                      Christ Church Parish, Kensington Maryland

The Rev. Dr. William Hague
    From the Rector
Dear Friends
Thank you for your thoughts and comments about our new identity statement and strategic plan. A number of you have phoned and visited about your reactions to the outcome of our visioning process. Considering that over 100 people were involved in formulating the thoughts and words that evolved into the plan it is definitely a community effort.
A number of newcomers have joined our church in the last three months because they have been attracted by the identity statement on our Connecticut Avenue banner:
We are a community of Doubters, Seekers and Believers pursuing and offering HOPE.
These are words that embrace our Christian identity while speaking to people of different faiths and no faith. The words reflect our attempt to reach out to a multicultural, multi faith and secular world that is searching for meaning and purpose in life. Christ Church has a lot to offer the people of our 21st century, and we are continuing to find words and ways to relate the good new of Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs to hear this news. Our job is to become clearer.
                            What do we mean by Good News?
                            What do we mean by Jesus Christ?
This is our exciting, challenging task for the church in the 21st century. A number of you are coming forward and offering prayers that express ancient thoughts in new and imaginative ways. We are publishing your prayers in our weekly bulletins under the title: Prayers to take Home. Thank you. Please keep those prayers coming.
Barbara Brown Taylor, a renowned Episcopal preacher, teacher and author offers the following identity statement for the church: "The church exists so that God has a community in which to save  people from meaninglessness, by reminding them who they are and what they are for. The church exists so that God has a place to point people toward a  purpose as big as their capacities, and to help them identify all the ways they flee from this high call. The church exists so that people have a community in which they may confess their sin- their own turning away from life, whatever form that destructiveness may take for them- as well as a community which will support them to turn back again. The church exists so that people have a place where they may repent fear, their hardness of heart, their isolation and loss of vision, and where- having repented - they may be restored to the fullness of life."
(Speaking of Sin, pg.85)
What do you think? What are your words to describe our faith and mission?
If you would like to explore your faith more deeply please join Gini and I in October and November for our course,
We believe............ I doubt that!
Seeking faith in our Creeds: Asking your questions, exploring your doubts
                                               Faithfully  yours, Bill
                           ADULT FORUM
                        10:30 - 11:10: UNDERCROFT
3 Oct. - All Parish Coffee.
10 Oct. -
Ministry Fair Film - Our own Hollywood producer, The Rev. Gini Gerbasi, will present a film celebrating the various ministries, organizations and committees at Christ Church.Those interviewed will describe why these activities are meaningful to them and how their ministries feed their souls while supporting the life of our parish community. This promises to be a fun and informative overview of our parish life - a great introduction to newcomers as well as a celebration for our long term members.
17 Oct. -
This forum begins a new series entitled, BEING A CHRISTIAN IN THE 21ST CENTURY, which will end on Nov. 21st. Today's forum will be led by the Rector and is entitled, WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A CHRISTIAN? The series will explore the changing attitudes about faith.  Why are so many people saying they feel more comfortable being spiritual than religious? What does this mean for our church?  How are we being invited to think about our faith in new ways while celebrating our rich heritage and traditions?
24 Oct. -
BEING A CHRISTIAN IN THE 1ST CENTURY - Led by Dr. Anthony Tambasco, professor of  theology at Georgetown University and former chair of the Theology Department, this forum will reflect on the emergence of Christianity and the guiding principles that were shaped by the controversies and struggles in the birthing of a new faith in the 1st century.
31 Oct. -
BEING A CHRISTIAN IN THE 21ST CENTURY - Professor Tambasco will examine Christianity today and compare our emerging faith with the similarities in issues and struggles in the early church of the 1st century.
In This Issue
From the Rector
Adult Forum
New:Weekday Group
Children's Christian Formation
Vacation Bible School
From Our Seminariam
Stewardship News
Music Notes
Vestry Vibes
Outreach Update
Outreach Of the Month
October Birthdays
October Anniversaries
Other Groups
Church Calendar
Quick Links
Join our Mailing List!

                                    NEW:WEEKDAY GROUP

                                                 Weekday Group Discussions     
                                                    October and November
                                                       Tuesday Evenings
                                                       Thursday Mornings
                                                             10:00-11: 30

                                               We Believe... I Doubt That!
                                             Seeking Faith in Our Creeds: Asking
                                           Your Questions, Exploring Your Doubts

The clergy will examine elements of our Creeds, providing historical and theological background, and inviting opportunities for questions and doubts to be explored in small group discussions. The Bible will guide us, and Joan Chittisters book, In Search of Belief will provoke questions.
Oct 5th or Oct 7th- "I Believe" -
A brief history concerning the history of the emergence of the creeds and their necessity in formulating and consolidating Christian Faith. The struggles with belief  vs. belief  and doubt vs. faith.
Oct 12th or Oct 14th- "Creator"- The Concept of a creator God and our connection with our source and all creation. Our  search for wholeness.
Oct 19th or Oct 21st- "God's only Son"- The revelation of a personal, caring, giving God and the idea of God as "Daddy" or "Mummy".
Oct 26th or Oct 28th- " Born of the Virgin Mary" The miracle of the incarnation and the power of God's indwelling Spirit in humankind.
Nov 2nd or Nov 4th- "
Suffered"- The place of suffering in the human condition why do bad things happen to good people?
Nov 9th or Nov 11th- "His kingdom will have no end"- God's Kingdom here and now - daily glimpses of eternity.
Nov 16th or Nov 18th- Forgiveness/Resurrection- the healing balm of forgiveness and its blessing of new life.


Children's Christian Faith Formation:  Living the Good News in October!  Throughout the five Sundays of October, our children in Grades 1 through 5 will meet Jesus in the Gospel as He teaches about faith and prayer. Through storytelling  activities, art, music and Bible Study, our children will share their personal responses to Jesus' words and deeds. Listed below are each Sunday's Gospels, content, and focus so that you may continue the conversation at home.
Oct.3   Luke 17:5-10: Jesus tells his followers to expect great results from a small amount of faith. The impossible made possible.

Oct. 10   Luke 17:11-19: Jesus heals 10 men, but only one returns to thank him.Return to wholeness.

Oct. 17   Luke 18:1-8: Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow, and encourages us to persevere in prayer. Prayerful perseverance.
Oct. 24
   Luke 18:1-8: Jesus contrasts the humble faith of a repentant tax collector with the               self-righteous pride of a Pharisee.Openness before God.
Oct. 31   Luke 19:1-10: Jesus invites himself to dinner at the house of  Zacchaeus. Invitation to Change.
Children's Christian Faith Formation:  Godly Play News in October!  Our children in PreK and Kindergarten, ranging in age from three-six years old, will be experiencing the beauty and holiness of several Old Testament stories.As they learn about God's Great Family, they will witness the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Ruth.  Through story and crafts, they will have learned about these saints of the Old Testament who, through faith and prayer, experienced 
the impossible made possible.
October 24th: Children's Chapel Kids Sing the Offertory!  Our children will have been practicing an Offertory song familiar to us all.  They will have learned some simple sign-language and look forward to teaching the congregation so that we may sing and sign together!  This is an important day for our children and we ask that they please come to Children's Chapel at 9:15 so that they may prepare together. After singing the Offertory, they will remain for Holy Communion and then will follow the cross back to Children's Chapel.Classes will meet as usual.Thank you, parents, for your cooperation and support!
October 31st:  On this morning of All Hallow's (Holy) Eve, our children in Godly Play and Grades 1-5 will enjoy classroom enrichment activities to learn about the saints who attained holiness through prayer and faith as they strove to remain open before God and accept Jesus' invitation to change.  This celebration of saints is a wonderful culmination of the Gospel themes the children will have explored in October.  Parents, please watch for notices from your child's teacher about special saint celebration ideas, which include the invitation to come to church dressed as a favorite saint.  Please email Ann Enkiri, if you would like to pick up information on the saints from the office: [email protected].
                                VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
                Christ Church 
              1st Annual
Vacation Bible School
Was a great Success!!!
We will see you Next Year.

     August 15th-August 19th 2011.


April B 2010


FROM OUR SEMINARIAN                                                              CLINICAL PASTORAL  EDUCATION                      

This month, we are going to take a little break from our "Lift Up Your Hearts" series.  Father Hague has asked me to share with you my experiences in the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program in which I participated this past summer.  I am delighted to do so as it was a rich and rewarding experience for me.
Clinical Pastoral Education began in the mid 1920s.  It is a program that combines  clinical experience, which can occur in acute care facilities, retirement communities or long-term mental health hospitals, with theological and interpersonal reflection. From its inception, it has been an ecumenical and interfaith endeavor.
My own experience of CPE took place at Goodwin House, Inc in Bailey's Crossroads.  Goodwin House is a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), which means that over 85% of the residents at Goodwin House are housed in independent living apartments.  They continue to go about their daily lives, including employment for some.  When the time comes that they may need additional assistance, Goodwin House has an assisted living floor.  Further medical assistance for long term care or rehabilitation can be provided in the health care center, and assistance with living with cognitive or memory impairments (such as severe Alzheimer's disease) can be provided in a secure floor called "The Terrace."
Most of my time during the program was spent with those residents in assisted living, the health care center and "The Terrace."  Basically, I was one of their chaplains.  I led Bible studies.  I assisted with chapel services including preaching twice.  But mostly, I spent a lot of time listening.  For example, I would knock on a resident's door and ask if I could come in and talk with them.  If invited in, I would sit down and just spend time listening.  Sometimes, the residents would talk about spiritual issues or questions in their lives. Oftentimes, they would talk about their families, both those still with them and those who have gone on before them.  I was reminded in this program of the healing power of compassionate listening.
Another important piece of CPE is theological and interpersonal reflection.  So, beyond my clinical training time with the residents, I also engaged in group reflection with my CPE supervisor and peers.  My group was both ecumenical and interfaith. Four of us were students at Virginia Theological Seminary.  One person in the group was a Baptist. Another was with the United Church of Christ, and another was Jewish. Thus, our theological reflection took on richness through engaging with the multiple lenses each of us brought with us.
In addition to our religious heritages, we all also brought with us our various personalities, life experiences and, well frankly, quirks.  Our group time was a kind of interpersonal relationship laboratory.  With the very adept facilitation of our supervisor, we could explore in greater detail some of our interpersonal strengths and challenges with each other.
With this combination of clinical, theological and interpersonal experience and reflection, I gained a much greater degree of confidence in my role as a minister.  Not only did I learn to be a better pastoral care provider, I feel that I learned how to be a better person.I am truly grateful for this rich and rewarding experience.  If you would like to know more about my experiences, please feel free to ask.  And if you ever need a listening ear, please let me know.
                                                                                                          Thanks, Shaw Strout
                                          STEWARDSHIP NEWS
                                                   An Act of Gratitude and Hope
It's Stewardship month or should I say????? month. It seems like Stewardship and Pledging are or can be such loaded words. It can bring about some anxiety, guilt and sweaty palms as we grapple with how much or if we can at all give a financial gift to the church.
This year we have decided to take a "softly softly catchy monkey" approach. For those not familiar with this phrase it basically means to play it carefully and gently in order to get your reward. It was a tough year financially for many people and this year probably hasn't changed an awful lot. But there is always good news and despite a very difficult past year we managed to install a beautiful new floor in the Nave, replace the boiler, new floors in the corridors and offices, resolved the leaking with new guttering and drainage channels, created wheelchair seating in the Nave, a handicapped accessible ramp and installed a hearing impaired system. Amazing!
So we know we have an incredibly generous congregation that love and care about our church and church community and want to see it grow and flourish. I am confident with thoughtful prayers and reaching deep into our faith we will manage to have a successful campaign this year. We want to strengthen the three legs of the stool. Time, Talent and Treasure is what signifies a successful Stewardship campaign. Since our visioning in the spring we have crystallized what is important to us as a faith based community. When you receive your packets this year and the new cards you will see just how much Christ Church has to offer as a place for faith, learning, socializing and being a presence in the community.
We dearly hope you will find somewhere or something you can be a part of, whether it be singing in the choir, helping with the education of our youth, volunteering in one of the outreach programs that we offer, or being part of one of the many groups; bible study, knitters and sewers group, men's group, mothers and others group. The list is almost endless. I would be very surprised if there wasn't something on this long list that you couldn't find yourself involved in and enjoying. It is a great way to learn more about our faith, be involved in the community and make great friends. We want Christ Church to be your sanctuary away from the worries of the world. Somewhere where you can be spiritually fed and nourished so that you are able to go out and use your God given gifts in the world.
Being part of the Christ Church community also means paying the bills. I have faith that we will all be able to come to a place and find the amount that we are comfortable with giving. Remember it is a gift of Gratitude for this wonderful vibrant community that you are now a part of. We hope that you come to share your Time, Talent and Treasure with us this October
You should have received the calendar for Stewardship month and what takes part each Sunday. We hope to finish the month off on October 31st with an offering of our prayers for the coming year. You will find prayer cards in your packet and also in the Sanctuary. Think about what your hopes are for Christ Church in the coming year, they can be individual prayers for yourself, your family or for the whole community. We will then offer up our prayers at the offertory by placing them in a basket at the altar. I hope the offering of our prayers as a community will deepen our connection to each other and God.
I will leave you with a thought. St Francis of Assisi said "Stewardship is everything I do after I say I believe" Everything? Then stewardship is not a program, it's a way of life. It must be at the core of our identity, our very purpose for being in the world. Is it?
                                                                                                                   Julianne Clarke


                MUSIC NOTES
Dear Parishioners:
It was with great joy that I heard Doug Smith say during announcements a few Sundays ago,  that our financial underpinning for the new organ is  solid- and that our parish should take pride in what we have done,  and are continuing to do to make our church home one of beauty:  visually and aurally.   Bill and I have also spoken about how better to introduce our Kensington community to Christ Church on an ongoing basis, and also how to welcome the same into our parish life in that spirit, rather than focus on the new organ- at this moment, I want to talk about how moved I am with what one man who loves his parish has done: Calvin Smith.
The first impression that you get of Christ Church in traveling up Connecticut Ave, is what a wonderful tower/steeple it has, and how handsome those Episcopalian red doors are.  Now probably there is no paint store in the country that stocks "Episcopalian Red" -but where I grew up, it was only the Episcopal Church that had red doors in  contrast to the stone.  Calvin, as many of you might know, is basically in charge of our physical plant.  What you probably don't know is that the replacement costs of the main doors facing out on Connecticut Avenue alone have ranged between  8-10,000 each.  Over the past many months, Calvin has worked very hard at not only repairing the doors but also painting them afresh with the right undercoating to allow them to give us many more years of use.  And if you walk around the church you see that the other entrance doors have gotten just the same treatment. I have heard Calvin say "that when you love what you are doing, it really is not work." while pride is not the best of qualities, I do feel a fair amount of it driving past the  steeple and its gorgeous "new" doors.... and knowing that I work there.   Thank you, Calvin.
James R. Catlette
Organist and Choirmaster.
                                             VESTRY VIBES
                                         Pr�cis August 25, 2010 Vestry Meeting
At its August 25, 2010 meeting, the Vestry took the following actions:
Established a guideline that we should always have an operating reserve that is at a minimum equivalent to two months of non-pass through monthly operating expenses, and at a maximum four months of operating expenses.
Approved the establishment of a capital reserve fund for use for capital and equipment upgrades on an as needed basis and the establishment of a building maintenance committee to evaluate the capital equipment and building needs and to produce a replacement schedule.This committee would make recommendations to the Vestry regarding the use of this fund going forward. The hope would be that the capital reserve fund would grow and that we could begin to fund this reserve annually out of annual giving and fund raising.
Approved the following designations for the Newell Bequest: $112,822 of the Newell Bequest be used to supplement the existing operating reserve of $56,925, providing a total operating reserve of $169,233, or three months of non-pass-through operating expenses; an additional $13,000 of the Newell Bequest be used to fund the budgeted 2010 operating deficit; $40,000 of the Newell Bequest be used to establish the capital reserve fund; and the remaining $9,178 from the Newell Bequest be directed to the existing capital campaign to help give the "organ drive" a boost.
Approved the Organ Purchase Agreement with Jordan Kitts for the purchase of the Allen Organ specified in the contract.
Approved all committee members as stated in the 2010 ministries guide.
Welcomed the Baltimore Symphony and approved in principle their holding of small concerts at Christ Church.
Approved a blood drive sponsored by the American Red Cross at a date mutually convenient.
Approved adding a digital camera to the wish list
                                     OUTREACH UPDATE

                                                                                                      The Parishioners
                                                                           Christ Church USA.
Dear Parishioners of Christ Church,
I wish to thank all of you on behalf of the Ceylon School for the Deaf and Blind for your very generous donation received to help the deaf and blind children of the above school. We are happy to inform you that 17 impaired children will be  sponsored using your very big donation. We appreciate the fact that such a huge amount was collected as you were interested in improving their standard of  education.
                                                                                                                                                      Then these children will not be a burden on others and will learn to be independent citizens. The Christ Church Parishioners have been friends of the deaf and blind school children for the past so many years. Your support has given a lot of encouragement to the  students to carry on their studies and vocational  training. They depend on people like you to help them to overcome their difficulties. Thanking all of you once again for your continued support to the impaired children.
May God bless you With kind regards.
                                                                                                         Nilanthi Jinasena
                                                                                                (Member of the Board of Trustees)


                                                                                                          Rockville, Maryland
                                                                                                          September 8, 2010
Dear Christ Church Parishioners:
Herewith is a letter of heartfelt thanks from  Nilanthi  Jinasena of the Board of the Ceylon School for the Deaf & Blind - for your very loving and generous monetary contributions to this School in May, 2010.She also included 21 special documents with the names of the 21 particular children we were able to sponsor for the year.  
                                                                                                                                                       These I have - and hope fully Father Hague will let me know when I can bring them to our Church Services - so any of you who are interested may peruse them. When I think of your so blessed response to these children in Sri Lanka so abject due to the current global recession - I am humbled and strengthened in faith.  Surely, you have heeded Our Lord Jesus Christ's words,
"I was hungry and you gave me to eat; thirsty and you gave me drink; sick and in prison and you visited me, naked and you clothed me." God bless you 'hearers and doers' of His word!    
                                                                                               With Affection in Christ, Ruki Willis
 Diocesan Hunger Walk 2010 at Lake Artemsia -Sunday, October 17th, 1:30pm
It's October, must be the Hunger Walk. Yes folks, hard to believe we are here again. This will be our third year participating in the Hunger Walk. The last couple of years the numbers of people participating have been disappointing and this is not only because it is such a beautiful time of year to be out walking and enjoying the cooler temperatures and the fall foliage but that it is for such a worthy cause. Maybe we haven't given you enough notice, so we will try to communicate the event and what is involved a little better. The Diocesan Hunger Fund has been a constant in the Diocese for 35 years and a lot of people around our region have been helped by the fund in those years. Sadly the number of people in need of food in this area has not decreased. With harsher economic times the need has greatly increased.
This is where we can help by participating in the Hunger Walk. The Hunger Walk usually brings in enough money to fund one, possibly two of the grants given out each year. The goal this year is to increase the income from approximately $4,000 to at least $6,000. This income comes from several of the participating churches in the Diocese of which we are one.The Fund gives grants to organizations that are providing food to those in need in the Diocese.
The money may only be spent on food and disposable serving implements. No part of the grant goes towards the organizations administrative or other costs. Some of the  organizations receiving grants are:  Charlie's Place at St. Margaret's,  Washington, DC; Joe's Place of Christ Church, Old Durham Parish,  Nanjemoy, Maryland;Mid-County United Ministries/Captain Joseph A. Mattingly Food Pantry, Wheaton, Maryland. So why not join us on the walk Sunday  October 17, 2010. The walk starts at 1.30pm at Lake Artemesia, College Park, Maryland. The walk is an easy one around the paved paths that circle the lake. You can choose to do the 5 K (3.1miles) or 10 K (6.2miles) loops. You can walk or run. You can bring your family, young and old and why not bring the dog as well.  It is a wonderful way to spend a beautiful fall afternoon, walking and chatting with friends. You can also choose to be  sponsored or give a donation to the fund. 
                                               Hope to see you at the Lake. Julianne Clarke.


                      CHRIST CHURCH  ANNOUNCEMENTS
It's a fact of life: Finals week for college students is always stressful. To give our college students a welcome boost before final exams, we send prayers and packages with home baked goods to our parish's college students. We need your help! If you have a child in college, send his or her full name and mailing address to Kathy McKay by emailing [email protected] or leaving a message at 301-652-7517. At the end of November, we'll be looking for donations of baked goods. If you would like to make a monetary donation toward postage, please let me know. Thanks ,Kathy McKay.
ANGLICAN  PRAYER BEADS - Wednesday, November 3rd
Please join us in the undercroft after dinner on Wednesday,November 3rd for an evening of making and praying with Anglican prayer beads.  Come learn this ancient practice of quiet prayer and reflection.  We'll have kits available so you can make beads for yourself, your family, or to be distributed to people who are in the  hospital, homebound, or otherwise in need.  Join us and learn about this fun and spiritually rewarding ministry! There will be a materials fee of $12 for each set of prayer beads.If you have any questions, please contact Mother Gini at (301) 942-4673 or Pam Prindle, at (301) 933-5427.
A Re-Visioning Older Adult Ministries workshop is set for September 25 from 10 to 3 at Springvale Terrace Retirement Community, 8505 Springvale Rd.,Silver Spring. Participants will discuss the gifts and concerns of older Adults. The workshop is free and lunch will be provided.  If you're interested, please contact Annie Shaw at Seabury Resources for Aging (formerly Episcopal Senior Ministries) at 202/414-6314 or [email protected] by Sept. 20.
On November 6 from 2-4:30 pm at Collington Life Care Community,parishioners from throughout the Diocese will gather to find common ground between youth and senior ministries. The speakers for this afternoon include Mr. Woody  from the Bishop Walker School, the Rev. Rondesia Jarrett of Transfiguration, and Mr. Ty Jones, pastoral care at St. Andrew's College Park.Please RSVP to Annie Shaw from  Seabury Resources for Aging (formerly Episcopal Senior Ministries) at 202-414-6314 or [email protected].
SENIOR MINISTRIES -- Outstanding Opportunities in our Diocese
If you are interested in ministries for seniors at Christ Church, a lot of support from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington is available. If you're interested in any of these events, please contact Diane Mand from Christ Church: [email protected].  Thank you!
The annual Bishop's Tea for people in our diocese who care for  seniors will be on October 14, from 3:30-5:30 at the Cathedral. You must RSVP by October 7 to Annie Shaw at  202/414-6314 or [email protected].
#1 Help Wanted
Job title: Senior  Ministries Coordinator
Job description: You can make the job want you  want.
Hours: Work as many hours as you want.
Salary: No pay, but your reward is even greater: a guaranteed spot in heaven! Do  you care about the elderly? The In Reach Committee is  looking for someone to be  a coordinator for seniors.
If you're interested, please contact Diane Mand: [email protected]
#2 Cooking  up Kindness
When one of parishioners is sick or in crisis, we  pray. At Christ Church, we also cook.
We have a core group of about a dozen parishioners who are committed to the casserole ministry at Christ Church. They bring goodness in the ingredients, the preparation, and the delivery. We're looking for someone new to coordinate this important ministry. Please consider serving your parish in this special way.Contact Kathy McKay 301-652-7517 or [email protected]
# 3 Wanted Sandwich Maker's
As many of you know, Christ Church provides sandwiches to Bethesda Cares the first and second Saturday of each month. We still have openings and would welcome new families into our "Sandwich Brigade." If you have a few hours once a month (and once a year!) to prepare sandwiches and deliver them to Bethesda Cares,please contact Liz Quinn at 301-949-3372 or [email protected].  Instructions are provided! Give back to your community with this great family project!
 # 4 Prayer Tree
The Prayer Tree - The Prayer  Tree is a quiet intentional ministry of people committed to praying for the  needs and concerns of others. On average we pray for two to four people  per week. Many are parishioners, while others are persons for whom parishioners ask prayers. Often these people are undergoing traumatic events  in their lives.The Prayer Tree is kind of a spiritual Red Cross. As one  persons aid, "This really works!" Indeed it does.The group communicates  primarily by email and (occasionally by) telephone. If you or someone you know  needs prayer or if you would like to be part of this rewarding ministry call  or  email:Suzanne Shaw ([email protected] or  301-588-1285).

# 5 Outreach: Make a Difference With a Starfish Grant
What could you do with a seed money grant to leverage hands-on participation and other contributions to help meet a community need?  Starfish micro-grants (nominally $100) are available now to parishioners to do just that.Submit your idea to the CCPK Office on the simple form on the information table or contact Kathy Cowan ([email protected] ) 301-933-9599 or Phil Padgett([email protected]) 301-949-0564.
# 6 In Reach Committee  Meeting
The In Reach Committee is comprised of parishioners who coordinate ministries that focus on caring for our fellow parishioners. Please join us on August 18 at 7:30 pm at the church, for our next  meeting.  Questions? Contact: Diane Mand: [email protected] or Kathy McKay [email protected].
Looking for a way to give back to your church and be part of the future of our parish? Then please volunteer for....

When?  One Sunday every 4-6 weeks for 20 minutes during the Sermon and Prayers. 
Task?   Assist the Clergy in sharing the Gospel and Prayers.
             Sing with the children. 
               (Musical talent not a requirement, but must be able to smile and  Laugh!)

TEACHERS(Godly Play through 5th Grade)
When?  Two-Three months - each Sunday during Education Hour.  
Task?    Read and supervise the children. Everything supplied, you bring the smile!  
Liz Quinn would like to retire as the Director of the Children's Pageant.She is looking for someone with energy, loves children and has a lot patience!  She will write the pageant and be available to help.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above,please email [email protected] or call 301-775-2545.
A party will be held for newcomers at the Rectory on Friday evening, Oct. 29th at
This should be a relaxed, informal way to meet other  newcomers and members of the vestry and get a feeling for our Christ Church family. Children are welcome, and please let us know if child care will be necessary so that we can make the appropriate arrangements.The Rectory is next to the church parking lot  between the lot and Connecticut Ave.(3902 Everett St.)Please RSVP at 301-942-4673   Hope to see you then!

Deacon Invites All Manner Of Animals to The Annual Blessing of the 
Animals  Service.October 3rd at 4pm in the Courtyard.  Please bring your humans.
Our own gifted choir, clergy and liturgical leaders will be joined by the   members of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital in Jerusalem to offer a   traditional service of   lessons and carols.  This service of music and prayer promises to be a delightful way of preparing for the Christmas season while centering us in the power and majesty of the message of Good Tidings.  Proceeds will benefit the hospital and our own music ministry  (which intends to produce our second CD from this  sacred occasion.


will meet in the undercroft at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, October 18th.Please bring a sandwich or salad for lunch.  We'll have a "picnic" as we watch "Julie & Julia."

Last's year's event was so much fun we've decided to do again - but we need your help to make it a success. Please sign up to help plan the event, chair a booth, work before, during and after festival, or bring baked goods on the day of the festival. It's a great opportunity to clean out your  closets - bring your donations to the "Apple Festival" box in the   Undercroft - anytime after Labor Day!

What type of donations are needed?
� Books- in good condition-novels, crafts, coffee table books, no magazines, textbooks or  encyclopedias, please.

� Jewelry-costume jewelry, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pins

� Kitchen Items- equipment, gadgets, cookbooks

� White Elephant-small household treasures, collectibles, lamps, china, silver, crystal,

� Wedding or other gifts you no longer need, artwork, etc

� Holiday Items- especially for Christmas or Thanksgiving
� Toys-in good condition
� Sports Equipment- All sports equipment welcome: examples: tennis racquets, Lacrosse sticks, baseball bats & gloves, clean cleats, hockey sticks, etc.
Baked goods needed on the day of the festival
We will have hot dogs, apple pocket pies, crepes and caramel apples, hot and cold apple cider.  We will be having a bake sale table, and would love to have apple baked goods, such as apple pies, apple cakes, apple muffins, apple cookies.
Any and all baked goods are welcome!
For more information, contact:Betsy Robbins, 301-738-0076 or [email protected]  Or Winnie Holbrooke,301-962-9050, [email protected]


                           Christ Church Wednesday night  community dinner 
                                                        Wednesday 6th
                                       Chicken and Rice w/Bell Peppers & Cumin
                                                  With a Mixed Green Salad


                                                        Wednesday 13th
                                                      Vegetable Lasagna
                                                      Garlic Bread
                                                      Caesar Salad
                                      Wednesday 20th
                                     Blackened Tilapia w/ dry Tomato Relish
                                                 Grilled Vegetable Couscous
                                                   Saut�ed Garlic Spinach

April B 2010        

Josephine Farwell 10/03
Michael Parsons 10/03
Mark Bryfogle 10/04
Tam Bryfogle 10/04
Mary Evans 10/04
Monica M. Grandy 10/04
Emily McDonell 10/04
Karen Ramsepaul 10/04
M. Hill Carter 10/05
Cassie Hart 10/05
Kathy Slack 10/06
Katherine Smith 10/06
Karma Willis-Lara 10/06
Florence Crozier 10/07
Ferrand Prindle III 10/07
Elaine Schoemer 10/07
Frank Shull, III 10/07
Tom Willis III 10/07
Edgardo Zuniga 10/07
Ann F. Hartlieb 10/08
Corry Hoffeditz 10/08
Isabella Ann Martin 10/08
Sylvia Eliot 10/09
James Aylor 10/10
Sydney Rose 10/10
Hannah-Ainslie Tisdale 10/10
Philip Nicholson 10/11
Lisa Albright 10/13
Mike Brickman 10/13
James Hague 10/13
Natalie Haykin 10/13
Elijah LuBanga 10/13
Matthew Merz 10/13
Susanne Mitchell 10/13
Kyra Reed 10/13
Amanda King 10/15
Alfred Morris 10/15
Christopher Scott 10/15
Quinn Simpson 10/16
Lori Boers 10/17
Nicholas Raithel 10/17
EhiAkhigbe 10/18
Francesca Macri 10/18
Gayle Boyd 10/19 
Daniella McGill 10/19
Joyce Neave 10/19
Grace Zeitlin 10/19
Andrew Coe 10/20
Karen Puente 10/20
Cristen Rose 10/20
Cameron Lett 10/21
Donald Roberts 10/21
Sarah Villemarette 10/21
Jim Woodward 10/21
Tobie Collins 10/22Megan Israel 10/22
Robert W. Kramer 10/22
Scott Peters 10/22
Lisa Rickard 10/22
Linda Cooney 10/23
Conner Doyle 10/23
George Reese 10/23
Marty White 10/23
Christopher Wykofl 10/23
Julia Carson 10/25
Lynn H. Keith 10/25
Ames Latta 10/25
Meg Stallings 10/25
Raymond Barry 10/26
Mary Butkiewicz 10/26
Lenord Hawkins 10/26
Rose Yun 10/26
Kevin Phelan 10/27
Robert Vigderhouse 10/27
Katherine A. Anderson 10/28
Kevin Carlsen 10/28
John Eliot 10/28
Richard Finney 10/29
Peter Borlo 10/30
Fern Nicklaw 10/30
M. Cathleen Peters 10/30
Evan Reese 10/30
Joan Edler 10/31
Ben Haskell 10/31
Austin St. George 10/31

April A 2010        

Scott Harris 10/01 & Lindsey Harris 10/01
William Steel 10/02 & Lori Steel 10/02
Stephen Buck 10/03 & Sallie Buck 10/03
Prescott Bullard 10/03 & Erica Bullard 10/03
Peter Carson 10/04 & Mary Lou Steptoe 10/04
Mike Etherton 10/05 & MaryBeth Etherton 10/05
Eric Smith 10/06 & Carrie Smith 10/06
John Hartz 10/07 & Barbara Hartz 10/07
Mario Lara 10/09 & Karma Willis-Lara 10/09
Karen Puente 10/10 & Demetrius Puente 10/10
Roscoe Reeves Jr. 10/10 & Patricia Reeves 10/10
Doug Slotten 10/11 & Elm Wackernagel-Slotten 10/11
Peggy Tumey 10/13 & Robert Waechter 10/13
Duane Boniface 10/14 & Shannon Finn 10/14
Kathleen Du�helle 10/17 & Doug Smith 10/17
Richard Nunn 10/18& Elspeth Nunn 10/18
Linda Smith 10/18 & Earl Smith Ill 10/18
Brian Swartz 10/18 & Barbara Swartz 10/18
Dan Carney 10/19 & Eliza Carney 10/19
Eva Marie Nye 10/19 & Lee Puricelli 10/19
James Saunders 10/19 & Billi Saunders 10/19
Kathryn McKay 10/20 & Thomas McKay 10/20
Alan Zampella 10/21 & Lee Zampella 10/21
Robert Atkinson 10/29 & Susan Atkinson 10/29
Other Groups Meeting at Christ Church 
WHOW-Women Helping Other Women
Tuesday 7:30pm -Room 3
Women's Al-Anon- Monday 7:15 pm-Undercroft
Al-Anon (ACOA)-Monday 8:30 pm-Undercroft
Women's Al-Anon-Tuesday 9:30am-Youth Room
Women's Al-Anon-Tuesday 10:30 am-Undercroft
Women's Al-Anon-Tuesday 11:45 am-Youth Room
Liberty AA-Tuesday 8:30 pm-Youth Room & Room 2
Terrapin AA-Thursday 10:30 am-Undercroft 
Church Calendar 
Please view the church calendar by CLICKING HERE