Awakening Message

February 7, 2011

Healing in Haiti
Strengthening the Human Heart through Healing Hands

Doctor and father of three, Christian Gagne, went to Haiti in January to provide medical aid and training. What he received in return was priceless. 

"I met a man who lost his wife and 8 children and is a paraplegic, yet he had a smile on his face and was working hard to rebuild his life," he states in awe and admiration.

"We can't turn our backs on them now, progress is being made." 


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Welcome to the Awakening Message. This week's message is about bringing our gifts and passions out through our work. When we do this, not only do we help to heal the world, but we heal and strengthen our own heart.



Pure Work 


You are answering your calling when you pursue labor that is befitting your soul.


Performing labor that is pure to your soul renews your love of life.


Pure work is love made tangible. 


Touching others with your gifts sparks in them the urge to answer their calling.


Your Life's Purpose is fulfilled by shedding light on the world.


Honor those who heal through pure work as their efforts have a priceless impact on the human condition.


Allow your healing and creative gifts to flourish and you will be rewarded with a sense of awe and wonder.


Take your rightful place as a co-creator with the divine.


When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. 
- John Ruskin 

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
- William James


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