LWV Masthead_2
September 2012
Calendar of Events
Pathfinder Online Auction Open For Bidness

We launched our first on-line auction on August 26, Women's Equality Day, to augment our fundraising efforts in support of the annual Pathfinder Award Gala.  


We arebid_mouse pleased to offer a wide variety of items from wine baskets to vintage graphic arts to sculpture and theater tickets.  


We hope you will enjoy the excitement of watching your bids in action!  Bid often and stay tuned for new items that will be available throughout our auction period.   


The auction will remain open through the Pathfinder dinner honoring Nancy McDonald on Tuesday, October 2.


All bids will be final on Friday, October 5th. Secured items can be picked up at the League office, during office hours, unless otherwise noted in the bid specifics. 


Should you have any questions about the bidding, please call our Auction Chair; Christy Hays at 918-645-5905.


Good Luck!  


Proposal Extending Sales Tax on November Ballot  


Vision2 is on the November 6 ballot. The proposal would extend the 0.06 percent Vision 2025 sales tax through 2029. The current tax is due to expire the first of January, 2017. Tulsa County Logo  


A portion of the funds raised by Vision2 would be used for economic development improvements at industrial sites at the Tulsa Airport. Another portion would be set aside for what Tulsa County Commissioners have termed "quality of life" improvements for selected sites in the county and for each of the cities within Tulsa county.


Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett has scheduled a series of town-hall meetings for citizen input regarding the improvements to be made within the City of Tulsa.


All League members are encouraged to attend at least one of the forums. Click here for dates, times and locations. 

Oklahoma Public Education: Return on Investment

The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma is hosting an Education Forum, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15, in the Aaronson Auditorium at the Central Library in Tulsa. Nancy McDonald, our 2012 Pathfinder honoree, will be one of the featured speakers. Arnold Hamilton, publisher of the Oklahoma Observer, will be the keynote speaker. Leigh Goodson, Tulsa School Board, and David Blatt, Oklahoma Policy Institute, will also speak.

Cost is $20 and includes lunch. Registration deadline is Sept. 10. Click here for more information.
League Steps Up Voter Registration Efforts, Wins LWVUS Grant  

The upcoming elections have prompted a flurry of requests for help with voter registration events. Luckregister to voteily, the Tulsa League was recently awarded a grant by the LWVUS Education Fund to pursue at least five voter registration events focused on first-time voters at community colleges and alternative/vocational schools in underrepresented communities or at naturalization ceremonies. This was a natural fit, especially since we have a long history of registering new citizens at naturalization ceremonies. Once we received notice of the grant award, the committee, chaired by Lynn Rivers, got to work preparing for the events which will be held between September 9, 2012 and October 12, 2012.
Click here for a list of current voter registration events. Additional events are being discussed. Want to be part of this important work? Contact us.
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Vision2 on Ballot
Education Forum
Voter Registration
Cherokee Unit Formed
Join the League
Pathfinder Award Gala is October 2    
Nancy McDonald  
Make your reservations today for the 9th annual Pathfinder award Gala on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

This year we honor long-time League member Nancy McDonald.
Rarely has a community volunteer been a part of so many worthy organizations as has Nancy. Her service has touched many lives from public education to scouting to equality.

Please plan to be part of this celebration. Sponsorships are still available. Individual tickets are $75.

for more information.
Cherokee Unit Underway
LWV logo
Welcome new members joining the Cherokee Unit.  Co-leaders are Bill Pearson of Oologah and Cheryl Brown of Muskogee.
LWVUS has approved this unit be formed with a focus on voter registration and elections both within the state of Oklahoma and Cherokee Nation.


Become a Member
LWV 20s poster The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference. Dues is only $55 a year for individual members and just $25 more for another member from the same household. Forward this to your friends. Invite them to help you make democracy work!