LWV Masthead_2
August 2012
Calendar of Events
We're Moving! Same Building, New Suite.

On Monday, August 13, the Tulsa League will be in Suite 4 of the Granada Building. Our landlord made an offer we couldn'tLWV logo color box url refuse and  we think you'll like the new space as much as we do. Our new office is still easily accessible from the main parking lot; it's just a few offices to the west, closer to the library. We'll plan an open house to celebrate in September.

All our contact information will stay the same, but our address will be slightly different:
3336 E. 32nd St., Suite 4., Tulsa, 74135.
League-Arranged Forum in SD 33 Run-Off is August 14  


Vote Smart! On Tuesday, Aug. 14, the two Republican candidates for Oklahoma Senate District 33 will meet in a forum we've arranged. The forum will be held at 6:30 p.m. in a meeting room at the Broken Arrow Library at 300 W. Broadway. The run-off election is on August 28. The winner will become the new State Senator for most of Broken Arrow and far-South Tulsa County, as well as parts of Southeast Tulsa. The candidates for SD33 are Nathan Dahm and Tim Wright.  


Thank you Connie Seibold and new member Barbara Purtell who made this happen. Only Republicans can vote in the election, but all residents of the newly-drawn Senate District have a stake in this election. Please attend and support our efforts to inform Tulsa-area voters.


Click here for our voter guide to the August 28 run-off elections. 

Oklahoma Public Education: Return on Investment

Mark your calendars for the League of Women Voters of Oklahoma Education Forum, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15, in the Aaronson Auditorium at the Central Library in Tulsa. Nancy McDonald, our 2012 Pathfinder honoree, will be one of the featured speakers. Arnold Hamilton of the Oklahoma Observer will be the keynote speaker. Leigh Goodson, Tulsa School Board, and David Blatt, Oklahoma Policy Institute, will also speak.

Cost is $20 and includes lunch. Registration deadline is Sept. 10. Click here for more information.
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In This Issue
Senate District 33 Candidate Forum
LWVOK Education Summit in Tulsa
Online Auction Goes Live Aug. 26
Online Auction Debuts 
August 26    
2012 Pathfinder STD cover
As part of our Pathfinder fundraising efforts, the League will debut an online auction on August 26, Women's Equality Day. The auction will be live through our Pathfinder Gala honoring Nancy McDonald on Oct. 2.

Look for items like spa days, wine baskets, Gilcrease Museum pass and basket, wardrobe consultation, gift certificates and more.  There will be something for everyone at lwv-auction.org. 

We'll send out an e-mail blast when it's time to get online for a good cause.
Join Us Today!

Invite your friends to join the Tulsa League of Women Voters! We're always looking for civic-minded individuals who want to help make a difference. Our membership dues is the best deal in town: $55 a year for an individual member and only $25 more for another member in the same household. Forward this newsletter to your friends. Ask them to be a part of something special. Ask them to help you make democracy work!
Read on for detailed membership information and to join online.