LWV Masthead_2
June 2012
Calendar of Events
June is Membership Month: Recommit Today!
June signals the end of our fiscal year, and the end of membership terms. If you haven't already, please renew your commitment to the League of Women Voters today! You can renew your membership online or by sending a check to the office. Dues are $55 a year for a single membership and only $25 more for a second member in the same household. Student memberships are $25.

When writing that check, please know that the Tulsa League keeps only a small portion of your dues. The per-member-payments to National increased this year, leaving Tulsa with only $9 out of every $55 membership to fund our local activities. Donations are what keep our office doors open and allow us to print our Voter Guides and Directory of Government Officials, as well as tackle many of our other projects. Every donation helps, so if you can round that check up to $60 it will make difference. If you can give even more, please consider doing so. Our work relies on it. Donate online.

Read on for reasons to renew, and to invite your friends!
City Charter Change on June 26 Ballot 


The League urges Tulsa residents to vote YES on the city charter change proposal on the June 26 primary ballot. This will correct a costly error in a proposal voters approved in November 2011.
City Council logo
Last November, a charter change provision was adopted by the voters that would change the timing of our municipal elections to coincide with state and federal elections. However, the ballot proposal was wrongly worded and, if allowed to take effect as written, would require the city to hire an outside elections firm to run our municipal elections because the primary date specified in the ballot language contradicted state law. The new charter change proposal on the June 26 primary election ballot would correct that error.   


Click here to read the ballot language. Don't forget to check the League's interactive Vote411.org for all your primary voting needs. We'll also post a Voter Guide at lwvtulsa.org.
Letter from the president:
It's Been A Great Year! Thank You For Making An Important Difference in Our Community! 
Heather Hope-Hernandez
It's been a busy and successful year for the Tulsa League of Women Voters. The League membership is a collection of smart and dedicated women and men whose efforts make positive changes in our community. Thank you each and everyone of you who have made a difference. Below are just a few of the headlines.

-Successfully Opposed City Charter Changes
-Voter ID Education Campaign Reaches Many Groups
-Pathfinder Award Gala Breaks Fundraising Record
-Membership Increases By 40%

-Intervened in Lawsuit Over Recount of Special Election for HD 71  

Please click here for a more complete accounting of our year.  
Join Our Mailing List!
In This Issue
Charter Change on June Ballot
Letter From The President
Congratulations, Ruth Richards!
Welcome New Members

Congratulations, Ruth!
Ruth_Saidie Award_5-2012
Linda Jordan with
 Ruth Richards
Our own Ruth Richards was honored in May with the Saidie Award, a coveted lifetime achievement award, from the Association for Women in Communications, Tulsa Chapter.

In accepting this award, Ruth mentioned her long membership in the League of Women Voters as one of the many experiences that has enriched her life and helped her achieve her goals.
Welcome New Members

 We are honored to welcome the following people into membership. Some are old friends who have rejoined, others have seen our work and want to get involved.

Ali Canada
Barbara Bannon
Val Fimbres
Jill Goff-Wenger
Barbara Purtell
Ruth Richards
Linda Sponsler
Carrie Tuck
Peter Wenger
Mandy Winton

Please welcome them. And, invite your friends!
Join Us Today!

Invite your friends to join the Tulsa League of Women Voters! We're always looking for civic-minded individuals who want to help make a difference. Our membership dues is the best deal in town: $55 a year for an individual member and only $25 more for another member in the same household. Forward this newsletter to your friends. Ask them to be a part of something special. Ask them to help you make democracy work!
Read on for detailed membership information and to join online.