June is Membership Month: Recommit Today!
June signals the end of our fiscal year, and the end of membership terms. If you haven't already, please renew your commitment to the League o f Women Voters today! You can renew your membership online or by sending a check to the office. Dues are $55 a year for a single membership and only $25 more for a second member in the same household. Student memberships are $25. When writing that check, please know that the Tulsa League keeps only a small portion of your dues. The per-member-payments to National increased this year, leaving Tulsa with only $9 out of every $55 membership to fund our local activities. Donations are what keep our office doors open and allow us to print our Voter Guides and Directory of Government Officials, as well as tackle many of our other projects. Every donation helps, so if you can round that check up to $60 it will make difference. If you can give even more, please consider doing so. Our work relies on it. Donate online. Read on for reasons to renew, and to invite your friends!