LWV Masthead_2
March 2012
Calendar of Events
Water Privatization Forum Sunday, March 4 with Three Great Speakers


The recent study focus for the Tulsa League has been privatization of government services, especially as it relates to wclean water pouring into glassater. You are invited to attend a General Meeting on Sunday, March 4, 2012, from 2 - 4 p.m. at the Hardesty Regional Library located at 8316 E. 93rd St. in Tulsa, OK. The meeting will be in the Maple Room at the library. The meeting is open to all of our members, but is also open to the public. A panel discussion of experts will be the centerpiece of the meeting.

Read about the panelists.
March Unit Meetings: Continued Focus on Privatization of Government Services

The March Unit meetings will continue our focus on privatization of government services. Please join these important discussions. government is closed

See the calendar  for unit meeting times, dates and locations. Click here for links to March study materials and relevant articles.

Super Tuesday is March 6: Presidential Primary for Democrats and Republicans  
Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, don't forget to go to the polls Tuesday, March 6. If you are a Republican, chances are you've been very engaged in the GOP presidential primaries since no candidate has yet taken a decisive lead.Vote Smart!


But, many Democrats may not realize there is a ballot for them too, even though incumbent President Barack Obama has no major primary opponent. Anti-abortion activist Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, is running as a Democrat and will be on the Oklahoma presidential primary ballot along with three other minor candidates.


Read on to see who's on the respective presidential primary ballots for Super Tuesday.   


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In This Issue
March Unit Meetings
Super Tuesday Voting
Register Voters
LWV Day at Capitol
Learn to Register Voters
register to vote
Want to help the League with it's voter registration efforts? Attend a League-led voter registration training
7 p.m., Wed., Mar. 14 at All Souls Unitarian Church, 2952 S. Peoria.
The training will be conducted by Tulsa Board Member Blanca Zavala, who leads our voter registration efforts. 


LWV Day at the State Capitol is March 15

 Oklahoma Capitol Dome

Join fellow League members from across the state in Oklahoma City at the capitol building on Thursday, Mar.15. An exciting day is being planned. Contact our office for details.
Join Us Today!

Invite your friends to join the Tulsa League of Women Voters! We're always looking for civic-minded individuals who want to help make a difference. Our membership dues is the best deal in town: $55 a year for an individual member and only $25 more for another member in the same household. Forward this newsletter to your friends. Ask them to be a part of something special. Ask them to help you make democracy work!
Read on for detailed membership information and to join online.