Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Where Your Treasure Is
A monthly stewardship update from the CCCCAugust 2011
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This newsletter is developed by the leadership team of the Comprehensive Campaign, "Sharing His Vision - More Than We Can Imagine".

"Where Your Treasure Is" is an email devotional from the CCCC office to your inbox around the 15th of every month, to remind us of biblical principles of stewardship.  This initiative was launched because our Lord has said much about Stewardship, and all His people are to be listening.  I hope you find these devotionals helpful.   If you do, feel free to forward this publication to others, inviting them to join our mailing list to receive it directly in the future.  If you do not wish to receive this monthly devotional an unsubscribe link is provided on the bottom of this page. Today's devotional focuses on the connection between giving and love, and God's exhortation that like Christ His disciples would aim for this holy combination.

















Martin Luther once wrote that in coming to Christ, "there are three conversions necessary:  the conversion of the heart, the conversion of the mind, and the conversion of the purse." 



That's right, the third necessary conversion is the conversion of our pocketbooks, our wallets, our bank accounts!  And why?  It is because money is the most functional rival to God in this world.  It promises to provide us right now with everything that the Scriptures tell us to seek from God in our lives.  Money promises to provide a good life, a sense of well-being, security in the face of an unknown future, protection against life's misfortunes, not to mention power, pleasure, and peace of mind.


It is the ultimate irony that our own money in this country boldly proclaims, "In God we trust," when in fact it is really in money itself that most of us trust for life and health and peace.  It is money that quite practically provides food for our tables, a roof over our heads, clothing for our bodies, and security and hope for the future.  It's hard for any of us to avoid making an idol out of money.


So Luther rightly calls us all to conversion:  conversion of heart, mind, and purses!  And each of these conversions will involve repentance and faith.  They each involve turning away from idols, and turning in faith to the living God.  When it comes to the conversion of our purses, there is no better way to turn away from money as an idol, than by generously giving it in faith to God and for the work of His Kingdom.  The very act of giving it away sets us free from the power of the idol.  And giving it back to the living God is an outward sign that we are putting our trust in Him to provide for our needs according to His riches in glory.


So give generously to the work of God's Kingdom!  Don't give until it hurts.  Give until it stops hurting!  Give until it becomes a joyful act of freedom from idolatry, and a joyful response of worship to the God who has given everything for you.


Paul McPheeters 

CCCC President