Pacific Personal Training
Pacific Personal Training
Summer '09 Newsletter
CrossFit Foundations Workshop
Mark Your Calendars!
Summer Recap
Register Now for 9/12 Foundations Workshop

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CrossFit Foundations

Are you ready to jump on the biggest fitness bandwagon since the ThighMaster?  Just kidding, but seriously, if you haven't heard of CrossFit, it's time you learned.  Click here for more info.  We are holding our next Foundations course on 9/12.  If you have been considering enrolling in CrossFit classes, it is mandatory that you first attend the Foundations course.  Click here to register!
Mark your calendar!
Help us celebrate our first year in business! 
Save the date for the evening of Saturday, October 10th.  More details to follow.  We're planning a rockin' party full of fun, food, and possibly...FRAN!
CrossFit Hillsboro
CrossFit Hillsboro logo
CrossFit Hillsboro has a new logo, courtesy of our friend, Jen Levo.  We love it and think it's a great representation of who we are.  Thanks, Jen!

Watch this
Awesome video of our CrossFitters in action!

You know you want in on this!  Come in and try out a class for FREE.

We are now taking orders for t-shirts, hoodies, and tanks.  Please let us know what you want (sizes, colors, slogan, etc...) and we'll get it back to you asap.  Please specify whether you prefer a zip-up or pullover hoodie.

Join us for Hillsboro's ONLY female exotic dance class. 

Shelly has taught this hugely successful dance class for years to many very happy women.
Women of all ages (18+), shapes and sizes are welcomed and encouraged to attend this sassy, playful, fully-clothed class.  Held in the evening at our private studio, you'll feel comfortable to let loose with the girls.  Bring your friends,
have a glass of wine (on us!) and get ready for an evening of dancing, laughing,
and encouragement.

Classes will be held on two Saturday nights in October (dates/details to follow shortly).

Stay tuned!

Chantal's First Year
Chantal Baird
Chantal has been with us our entire first year in business.  She has been a wonderful asset to the PPT team and we are lucky to have her.  Here's to many more years together.  Thank you, Chantal!

June/July/August 2009
Greetings friends!
     It is with such joy and gratitude that we send out this summer newsletter.  We're in the midst of an absolutely gorgeous Oregon summer:, filling up on fresh berries, soaking in the sun at the farmer's markets, wearing flip-flops to the park and splashing in the sprinklers.  We hope you are experiencing all the joys the season has to offer and reaping the benefits of having a strong, fit body to propel you through the season!

Happy Birthday and Welcome!
We'd like to start off this newsletter wishing a very happy birthday to our valued clients:

Harry Walters- 6/3
Steve Batt- 6/5
Zane Carpenter- 6/8
Harold Freeman- 6/11
Mary Lou Parker- 6/14
Janal Cummings- 6/16
Dahli Schulberg- 6/23                   We'd also like take this opportunity
Tiffany Schumacher- 6/28             to recognize a very special client
Lisa Kaufmann- 7/5                       of ours, Mr. Steve Batti.  Steve has
Linda Diller- 7/13                           been a loyal client of Chuck's for 3
Kathryn Tillman 7/25                     years now, and has provided us with
Angela Lorenzo- 8/3                      an immense amount of support and
Dorain Tanase- 8/15                      encouragement along our journey of
Julie Flood- 8/18                            opening and growing our business.
Lisa Nimmo- 8/23                          Thank you, Steve!

...and welcoming our newest clients.
(because, after all, it IS all about you!)

Maria Cuevas                                         Sarah Truher
Tiffany Schumacher                               Geneva Houx
Marta Turner                                          William and Beth Unger
Dawna and Andrew Graham                 Julie and Dan Flood
Leon Goldgeisser                                  Julie Craig                                Scott Day                                               Atlanta Jordan                           Debbie Medina                                      Cian Montgomery
Brooke Watterson                                  Rod Haines
Max Ginsburg                                        Martin Tromblee
Peter Torelli                                           
Janal Cummings                                   
Sara and Nick Sader

Our business is built on referrals. 
Recommending us to your friends/coworkers/family is the highest compliment you can pay us. 
If you know of someone you feel could benefit from our services, please send them our way.  We will take great care of them (and REWARD YOU!)
 Thank you!
Mark your calendar!

September 8- One year in business!
September 12-
CrossFit Foundations
October 10- Save the date for our 1 year    anniversary celebration!
October 16 & 23-  Uninhibited
October 17-
CrossFit Foundations
October 31- HALLOWEEN
November 14- Program Design for              Metabolic Conditioning workshop

       (more info to come soon)
Summer Recap
4th of July ParadeWith summer coming to an end, let's recap the past 3 months at Pacific Personal Training:

We had a great turnout for the 4th of July parade in downtown Hillsboro.  Thanks to all the gang who came out to carry medicine balls, swing kettlebells and flip the big tractor tire along the 3-mile parade route in 100 degree weather.  We decorated the truck and the kids' bicycles and scooters, loaded the kids up with healthy snacks to toss (raisins, granola bars, etc.) and armed them with super soakers (thanks, Andrea!).  Afterwards we congregated back at the studio for a bbq with the participants and their families. 

Friday nights turned into impromptu bbq's at the studio with anyone who could make it.  It was a lot of fun to share a beer with good friends
on hot summer nights.
Penny and ChuckButch/Chuck/Gabe on treadmill
Penny and Chuck dance to Marty    Chuck and Butch thought it would
Robbins' "El Paso".                          be a smart idea to hop on the
                                                         treadmill with Gabe. 

We ran the Starlight Run 5k in downtown Portland, and once again, let Chuck talk us into carrying heavy items and doing crazy things for 3.1 miles before thousands of balloon-hatted, squirt-gun-wielding, popcorn-eating Portlandians overjoyed to see any sort of a show.  That was super fun!

On August 7th we hosted 'Wake Up! Hillsboro' a signature networking event with the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce.  It was a great opportunity to meet with many business men and women from the Hillsboro area.  We had a great time, made some new friends, and were in the spotlight for a little while!
ShellyWake Up!

Highlights in Pictures
Scott Day
 Here's what we've been up to:

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Another Satisfied Member
     " I never thought I was one to do group work outs.  In the past I avoided most class related exercises because I was uncomfortable with the atmosphere but I was talked into checking out PPT by a friend.  I have not regretted a minute of that decision.  The instructors inspire me to achieve results that I never would have strived for on my own, the results are shaping my body faster than anything I did on my own, & the instructors take a personal interest in each client to achieve their own goals, big or small.  I couldn't be happier with my choice & have become addicted!"
Heather Russell
Tax Analyst and busy mom to 5 yr. old triplet boys!
(lost pants size and 8 lbs. in first month)

*Heather has been so pleased with the results she has experienced at PPT, she has referred 8 of her co-workers to us!

Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend and we'll catch up in the fall!

Chuck and Shelly Gonzales
and the Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro team

Contact us at:
(503) 747-7317

2074 NW Aloclek Dr. Ste. 411
Hillsboro, Oregon  97124

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