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Southeastern Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God's work. Our hands. 

E-News Weekly

Issue: #326

June 27, 2012

In This Issue
Take Time to Smell the Roses
You Asked For It
You Asked For It
Beth Birkholz to Preach on "Day 1"
Around the Synod
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Potlucks to End World Hunger

posted by Jonathan Trapp
member at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Atlanta, GA
Chair, Southeastern Synod Task Force on Hunger, Poverty and Justice

It is sad that in a society like ours that has so much, we can daily see the impact that hunger and poverty have on our neighbors.  We live in a land that produces enough food to feed us all, but people still go hungry.  If there is any good news about our current state, it is that there are lots of people who think change needs to occur.  In fact, based upon a recent survey done by the synod Task Force on Hunger, Poverty, and Justice, it seems like most of the congregations in the Synod are actively engaged in some form of ministry to alleviate hunger and/or poverty.  The work you are doing is truly impressive.


Read the rest on the synod blog.

Reminder: Our Blog Has Moved!

The synod blog has moved to


To follow our blog, click on the link above and then scroll to the bottom to subscribe. 



Want to view one of our older posts?  Go to

Funding Requests Now Being Accepted

Deadline: October 15

The Southeastern Synod's Budget and Finance Committee is now accepting proposals for funding in the 2014-15 Ministry Funding Plan. Agencies, institutions and other groups who wish to request synodical funding are invited to submit their requests online, using the following link:    2014-15 Funding Request


calculatorFunding for committees and task forces is approved on a different cycle and requires a different form. The most recent Synod Assembly approved lump sum funding for committees and task forces during the 2013-14 fiscal year. The Synod Council will allocate the approved total among the different groups, based on recommendations from the Budget and Finance Committee. Committee and Task Force chairpersons should submit their funding requests for the 2013-14 fiscal year, using the online form located at: Committee/TF Funding for 2013-14.


The deadline for submission of funding requests is Monday, October 15, 2012. Anyone unable to submit a funding request electronically may obtain a paper copy of the necessary forms by contacting the Synod Office (404-589-1977).

News from Lutheridge/Lutherock Ministries, Inc.  (LLMI) 


Update - Mountain Electric Transmission Line May Be Routed Through Camp Lutherock


In late May 2012, staff of LLMI learned that Mountain Electric Cooperative (electric utility) was planning to run an electric transmission line from the Banner Elk Substation to establish a new substation for the Town of Sugar Mountain. One of the potential routes enters Camp Lutherock in the saddle area, passes near the Alpine Climbing Tour and goes down the valley to the north until it leaves the Camp Lutherock property.


If the route selected for the transmission line runs through Camp Lutherock, it would adversely affect the camp in several ways:

  1. it would significantly detract from the scenic beauty of the site;
  2. it would negate the strategy of acquiring land to buffer the site from encroachment and urbanization;
  3. it would compromise the "Lutherock Natural Area" (identified by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program as one of the top ten areas in the state for protection and preservation--it supports two globally endangered ecosystems, High Elevation Rocky Summits and three globally endangered species);
  4. it could pollute the riparian zones on the section of the site that serve as the headwaters of the Watuga River; and
  5. it would detract from Lutherock as a remote wilderness site.


Staff have been working with adjacent property owners, Dr. Ed Hauser, chair of LLMI's Environmental Stewardship Advisory Council and the North Carolina Synod Caring for Creation Task Force to identify the environmental issues that would occur if Mountain Electric Company selects such a route. 


Friends and supporters have rallied around Camp Lutherock against the proposed route for the electric transmission line. The South Carolina, North Carolina and Southeastern Synods unanimously passed resolutions at their assemblies in opposition to the route; dozens of congregations have also passed resolutions encouraging a route outside Camp Lutherock and the Lutherock Natural Area.


The Lutherock website,, will have information updated as it becomes available under "News and Information."  The website has a sample letter and resolution that can be used to express opposition to the proposed route. There are also maps which show the Lutherock Natural Area and the proposed route through Camp Lutherock.


Even though the date of June 15, 2012 has passed wherein Camp Lutherock could present its case to Pike Electric, it is important they know the extent of the concern from interested individuals and congregations. It is expected that Pike Electric will suggest a primary route to Mountain Electric Cooperative in July or early August.


For additional information on how you can help, please contact Keith Johnson, LLMI Executive Director, 28 Spruce Drive, Arden, NC 28704, 828-684-2361,







An open house is planned for Sunday, November 18, 2012, to tour site improvements and see future plans at Lutheranch.

                    3:00 pm-Site tours and bluegrass band

                    4:00 pm-Special program featuring Bishop H. Julian Gordy

                    5:00 pm-BBQ Dinner


More information to come!

Synod Council Minutes Available

Preliminary minutes of the Synod Council's May 31st and June 3rd meetings are now available on the synod website. Click HERE to go directly to the minutes page.


Although these minutes have not yet been officially approved, they are being made available so that all interested persons may know the decisions that were made. If you have any questions about the minutes, please contact the Synod Secretary, Pastor Terri Stagner-Collier.

Do you ever wonder...
  • How can young people get more involved in hunger and global ministries?
  • How are other synods raising funds for the ELCA Malaria Campaign? What are some early successes in the fight against malaria?
  • How can we use accompaniment principles in all our ministries, both global and local?
  • How can we interest and inspire more people in the mission of the wider church? 

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, our partners in ELCA Global Mission, World Hunger, and the ELCA Malaria Campaign invite you to attend this year's Global Gathering! 

September 14-15, 2012

Friday 1 p.m. to Saturday noon

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia SC

Special features this year include:


  • Pilot programs for youth groups 
  • New developments in the ELCA Malaria Campaign 
  • A new Bible study on Human Dignity and Hunger
  • Using accompaniment values and behaviors in your synod global and hunger ministries
  • A process to increase the number of globally-informed Lutherans

If you are interested in attending, please contact Pastor Darrel Peterson in the synod office who will have information regarding registration.


You can always find current information on this year's and prior gatherings at


Vacancies on Synod Committees & Task Forces

Three synod committees/task forces have immediate openings for additional members. Groups actively seeking new people include:

  • Nominating Committee. This committee recruits and recommends nominees for elections at each synod assembly. Most of the work takes place from January through April. There are currently two openings for lay persons.
  • Social Ministry Organizations Allocations Committee. This group makes recommendations to the Synod Council about synod grants to social ministry organizations. There is a current vacancy for someone who lives in Alabama for a term through June 2013.
  • Care for the Troops Task Force.This task force is implementing a program to help congregations address the psychological and spiritual needs of military veterans, civilian contractors, and their extended families. The task force is authorized through December 2012. 

If you would like to be considered for possible appointment to one of these committees or task forces, please fill out the synod's online Volunteer Form. You will be contacted to confirm your interest and availability prior to any official appointment.

"Walls" Video from Synod Assembly

Now available on YouTube.


Many thanks to John Thomas at Redeemer, Atlanta, GA, who produced this video.

Serious Talk About Vaccination to Prevent Two Bacterial Infections - Part 1  

Connie Pearson, Team Leader

Health Ministries Task Force


It has only been a couple of months since I wrote about vaccination, but the recent death from meningitis of a young college coed and a recent pertussis epidemic in nine states brought my attention to the need for discussion of these two diseases. Part 1 is about Meningococcal Meningitis; Part 2 (coming soon) highlights pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough. 

While as few as 1,000-1,200 individuals in the U.S get meningococcal meningitis each year, it can be deadly. Of those who contract the disease, 10-15 % die even when treated with antibiotics,. Of those who live, another 11-14%lose their arms or legs, have problems with their nervous systems, become deaf or mentally retarded or suffer seizures or strokes. The disease also causes blood infections.   

Meningococcal disease is a bacterial infection of the brain and spinal cord. It is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children ages 2 through 18 in the U.S and is most common in infants less than one year of age and young adults ages 16-21. Anyone can get meningococcal disease. Among those at the greatest risk are children and adults with immune system disorders, college freshmen living in dormitories and anyone traveling to or living in a part of the world where the disease is common, such as parts of Africa.



The bacteria that cause meningococcal disease are spread through the air with sneezing and coughing. The disease is also spread by direct contact with an infected person such as kissing or sharing a drinking glass. Though the disease initially feels like a bad case of influenza, it can turn deadly within hours of the initial symptoms. Symptoms can include  sudden onset of fever, headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity and altered mental status.  


The best protection against meningococcal disease is vaccination. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends meningococcal vaccination for all children beginning at age 11, with a booster dose no later than 18 years of age. Younger children with immune system disorders may receive the vaccination earlier based on physician recommendation.



So why is it important that we talk about vaccination? Something as simple as a trip to a health care provider for vaccination can prevent a deadly illness and save a life! Insure your family's health by talking with your health care provider and insisting that you and your loved ones are up to date on all recommended vaccinations! Be sure to have your child vaccinated for meningococcal disease before he/she leaves home for college.




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 

National Association of School Nurses (NASN),

2013 "Little Red" Appointment Book



            Click here to order.                                        Click here to download

Around the Synod 






On Monday, June 25, at noon, over 70 members and friends of Christ Lutheran Church gathered in 100 degree heat in Cullman, AL, to witness the groundbreaking ceremony for a new building.  Many may recall, this congregation lost everything, including their building, in a devastating tornado on April 27, 2011.  Members and friends of Christ, Cullman currently worship at the Sacred Heart Monastery of the Benedictine Sisters in Cullman.





Congratulations, Zane! 




Zane Dukes, member of St. John's, Knoxville, TN, was awarded one of this year's ELCA Fund for Leaders seminary scholarships.  The full-tuition award is for each "tuition-bearing" year during his seminary work.  Zane plans to begin his study for ordained ministry at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) this coming fall.









VBS raises $5000 for education

VBS kids from Christ Lutheran Church of Marietta, GA raised over $5000 in 2011 and 2012, toward education, clothing and food for two Columbian students.  The church is working in partnership with Shakira's Barefoot Foundation.


To raise awareness for the project, Dr. Rusty Edwards, senior pastor, offered to have his head shaved if the kids raised enough money. They did, and he did!






Lutheran Pastor from ITC in Atlanta to Appear on Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters (AIB-TV) "Religion Roundtable"


The Rev Dr. Mark Ellingsen, Professor of Church History at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta (home of the Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta) will appear in an upcoming episode of AIB-TV's "Religion Roundtable."  


In a wide-ranging 30-minute interview Dr. Ellingsen, along with other Roundtable members, deal with topics of abiding evangelism interest.  Ellingsen says, "The dialogue can provide evangelism tools and will be an excellent Christian Education tool."


Atlanta area residents, check your cable provider for the AIB-TV channel number.  After July 22, the episode will available at


Thursday 7/19 @ 6:30 PM

Friday 7/20 @ Noon

Saturday 7/21 @ 7:30 PM

Tuesday 7/24 @ 10:00 AM

Upcoming Celebrations






All Saints Lutheran Church 

722 Rockbridge Road SW

Lilburn, GA 30047

You are cordially invited to
A Service of Holy Communion
Rev. Kim Alan Stover
Sunday, the Eighth day of July, 2012
at Four o'clock p.m.


Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Darrel Peterson, Officiating

Rev. Kim A. Stover, Presiding


A reception in honor of Pastor Stover and

his family will immediately follow the installation service.

The offering designation is for God's Global Barnyard.


All rostered people are invited to vest, process, and participate

 in the laying on of hands. 

Green is the color of the day. 


View the entire Synod Calendar


June 28

Installation of the Rev. Chip Lingle

Good Shepherd, Garden City, GA


July 4

Independence Day

Synod Office closed


July 8

Installation of the Rev. Dr. Susan Montgomery

Christus Victor, Ocean Springs, MS


Installation of the Rev. Kim Stover

All Saints, Lilburn, GA 


July 14

Ordination of Laura Stancher

St. John's, Knoxville, TN


July 18-22

ELCA Youth Gathering

New Orleans, LA


July 28

Ordination and Installation of Beverly Shaw

St. John's, Atlanta, GA


July 29

Installation of Tim Poston

Holy Cross, Hiram, GA


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100 Edgewood Ave. NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303
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