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Southeastern Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God's work. Our hands. 

E-News Weekly

Issue: #294

November 9, 2011

In This Issue
By the way, who are you?
Immigration Laws 'Shortsighted'
ILAG Update
LTSS President to Retire
Munch and Learn
Talking Together
World Aids Day
Book of Faith Brief
The Legacy of Luther
RCC Survey
News from LLMI
Around the Synod
Quick Links

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By The Way, Who Are You?

by Dr. Everett Flanigan
Director for Evangelical Mission/Assistant to the Bishop
ELCA Southeastern Synod


I remember quite vividly our first visit to Grace Lutheran Church in Yorktown, NY. While it was our first time worshiping in a Lutheran church, my wife had visited with the pastor along with a new found friend a few days before.


"Pastor would you and this congregation be willing to sponsor a new Cub Scout pack?" The reply was yes, and he signed on the bottom line, as easily as he said yes.


"By the way, who are you?" asked Pastor Tim...

Read the rest on the synod blog
2010 Synod Yearbook Available

The 2012 Southeastern Synod Yearbook (Resource Book) is now available online at


For a hardcopy, email your request to

ELCA Bishops Call State Immigration Laws 'Shortsighted'

From the ELCA New Service


CHICAGO (ELCA) - Nearly 60 of 65 synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) expressed their concern over new state immigration laws in Nov. 2 letters to President Barack Obama and members of Congress. In their letter, the synod bishops asked that both Congress and the administration work together on a complete federal overhaul of the U.S. immigration system and offered provisions for what the reform should entail.


Read more.

ILAG Update

Click this link for the newletter and update from the Lutheran Church in Guatemala (Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatmala--ILAG.)  The newsletter is in .pdf format for easy printing and distribution!

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary President to Retire

MillerCOLUMBIA, S.C. - The President of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, the Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Miller, will retire next year after leading the seminary since 2006.  Miller plans to work through August of 2012.

"I continue to value the depth of President Miller's faith, wisdom, and grace," said the Rev. Dr. William B. Trexler, chair of the seminary's Board of Trustees, "and know that he will be fully engaged in the seminary's mission until his final day of service."

Under Miller's leadership the seminary has experienced a deepening in mission and is positioned at the leading edge of 21st century theological education in the United States. The seminary's reach in the region has expanded under his leadership by continuing to honor its Lutheran heritage, but also experiencing a growth in non-Lutheran enrollment. Last year, the seminary announced the intent to merge with Lenoir-Rhyne University, a Lutheran university located in Hickory, N.C.  The new partnership, still in development, will create a new model for graduate theological education by linking the seminary and its Columbia campus with the capacity of a Lutheran liberal arts university system.

"It is time for the seminary to have new leadership with a different set of gifts, and it is time for me to move to a new chapter in life," said Miller. "I have been honored to get to know students and see them grow in their leadership ability and their understanding of Christ during their time at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. "

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, one of eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was founded in 1830 and has been located at its current campus in Columbia, S.C., since 1911.  The seminary offers graduate theology degrees to Lutherans and multiple other Christian denominations, fulfilling its mission to teach, form and nurture servant leaders for public ministry and service to the church.


A Munch and Learn Event at Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta

Tuesday, Novmber 15, 2011


in the Interdenominational Theological Center Dining Room

 Slave Routes



In Recongnition of the United Nations International Year for People of African Descent

Special Guest:  Producer Dr. Sheila Walker


This film: 

  • Presents the diverse histories and heritages stemming from the global tragedy of the slave trade and slavery.
  • Highlights the African presence across continents, the significant contributions of the African Diaspora to the host societies in various fields (arts, religion, knowledge, gastronomy, agriculture, behavior, linguistics, etc.), and the racism and discrimination inherited from this tragic past.
  • Moves beyond the trauma of slavery and emphasizes slave resistance and resilience and the role of religion in surviving such a dehumanizing system.Year of AF

Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta at the Interdenominational Theological Center

700 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr SW

Atlanta, GA 30314

Talking Together as Christians Cross-Culturally

Setting the Table -- Register Now!


Join others from around our synod November 18-19, 2011 at Christ Lutheran Church in Nashville, TN for an evening and morning of conversation, cross-culturally, as Christians. This meeting is the next step in working toward our synod goal of a Missional Work Plan focused on welcoming people in each congregation.  We are on a journey together as we look to find effective ways to connect with our communities and to share, learn, and proclaim God's oneness among people of every racial, ethnic and class background. 

This gathering is a time for listening and learning.  Participants will hear from one another and share helpful resources available through the synod and churchwide organization.


To know more about the specific schedule and to register for the event, please go to

World Aids Day Service 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

World Aids Day

The Southeastern Synod Trinity Conference will welcome Bishop Mark Hanson as the preacher for the ELCA's World AIDS Day service on December 1st to be held here in Atlanta. 


Bishop Hanson,along with Bishop Ambrose Moyo, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe, will lead a panel discussion at 5:30 p.m. with an evening service of Holy Communion following at 7:30 p.m.  A light supper will be provided by the ELCA World Hunger Program and Redeemer Lutheran Church. The event will be held at Redeemer, 731 Peachtree Street, 30308.  For more information, please contact Conference Chair Meredith Hendricks,  Come for either event or for the whole evening.

Book of Faith Brief


Book of Faith 

You are Invited!


Join your friends and neighbors in the Southeastern Synod as we gather for a Bible study of the book of Ruth led by Dr. Diane Jacobson, ELCA Book of Faith Initiative

Director. This education activity is sponsored by the Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta in partnership with the Southeastern Synod Book of Faith Initiative.


Two opportunities:

Saturday, December 3, 10:00 am, Shepherd of the Hills in Birmingham, AL

RSVP 205-995-9673

Sunday, December 4, 3:00 pm at Good Shepherd in Woodstock, GA

RSVP 770-924-7286


Dr. Jacobson is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Luther Seminary and Director of the ELCA Book of Faith Initiative. She will lead an interactive discussion on the book of Ruth.  
We are excited to have her with us in the Southeastern Synod and invite all members of our congregations to attend. Bring a neighbor or friend along!

Click here to download an event flyer.





Announcing the third title in the "Making Sense" series from author David Lose!  Set for release on December 1, you can now pre-order "Making Sense of the Cross" at the special pre-publication price of $9.99 through November 30th, 2011! 






 Little LutheranLittle Christain


The Little Lutheran 


 send your child 10 issues a year filled with art, stories, prayers, songs, activities and much more.  Check 'em out.
Moltmann Comes to Candler to Explore the Legacy of Luther

Martin Luther taught that faith alone was enough to garner a sinner's forgiveness from God, but he did not go far enough, according to J�rgen Moltmann, one of the most celebrated theologians of modern times, who spoke recently at Emory University's Candler School of Theology.

To read more:


Regional Council of Churches in Atlanta Seeks Input


The Regional Council of Churches (RCC) in Atlanta is doing a study to determine the feasibility and desirability of a Center for Congregations for Atlanta. The mission -- To get the best resources into the hands of individual congregations to meet needs they identify. This is a time when church needs are great and issues are complicated. The Center would offer some matching grants and other funding and do occasional educational or training events. It would not compete with established organizations or judicatories rather, work with them. There would be no charge for its work, established with foundation support, and would be open for use by any congregation. 

SurveyPlease participate in a survey designed to help with this study. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete and all information is kept confidential.  (The congregation's names are just to help the consultant be sure the RCC is reaching a wide variety of churches.) Your opinion is important.  Thank you.


Take the survey.

News from LLMI

ADVENT 2011 - A New Ancient Harmony


December 4-8, 2011 (Sunday-Thursday)

From Awakening Soul - join us for "A New Ancient Harmony" with John Philip Newell and Judy Brown for three days and four nights of teaching and reflection...

  • The Ancient  Harmony: There is a tune resonating in the center of all matter.
  • The Broken Harmony: We have moved so far away from paying attention to what is good inside us that we have lost the melody.
  • The New Ancient Harmony: The tune is already within. It has always been there.


When we add our voice, there is a new harmony with the addition of our voice. Come for...

  • Sanctuary: a time and place set apart from the world where sacred work can be done;
  • Sustenance: on offering of nourishment for the hungry soul;
  • Inspiration: wisdom teaching that challenges and calls us to reconnect to the beauty of our deepest identity.


Visit for more information or to register.



SKI RETREATS at Lutheridge and Lutherock
Both Sites: January 13-16 (Friday-Monday), 20-22, 27-29, February 3-5, 10-12 and 17-19(Friday-Sunday).

Additional dates available at Lutherock: February 24-26 (Friday - Sunday).

Enjoy a weekend of fellowship, faith-building, and SKIING! Let Lutheridge do all the work of coordinating ski rentals and lift tickets and enjoy our group rate discount! They'll also supply group building games, an evening campfire, and youth-friendly worship. Come on Friday evening. Enjoy an early breakfast and all day Saturday on the slopes. End the day with supper, fun, and worship and have a good breakfast on Sunday before traveling home. Adults must accompany and supervise youth. Groups are responsible for transportation to and from ski slopes. Lutheridge guests ski at Wolf Ridge. Guests staying at Lutherock will ski at Sugar Mountain. Contact the LLMI offices to set up your reservations today!!  828-684-2361

Leader for Lutheridge: Kara Ridenhour, Lutheridge LEAP Coordinator (

Base rate and Housing for Lutheridge: Whisnant - $115; Lakeside Cabins - $125

Leader for Lutherock: Van Van Horne, Lutherock Program Director (

Base rate and Housing for Lutherock: Moretz Lodge - $115

Base rate includes lodging for two nights, three meals, and some program costs.

**Rates do not include ski costs.**

Around the Synod 


A Poem Prayer 


As an ELCA representative, Pastor Bill Boys (Knoxville, TN) was asked to write a prayer for "40 Days of Prayer for the Mountains," Dec. 2 - Jan. 10, sponsored by LEAF (Lindquist Environmental Action Fund).  


A Poem Prayer (or Hymn*) Concerning Mountain-top Removal Coal Mining

by William E. Boys, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

God, whose voice breaks rocks asunder,

Spirit, brooding o'er the deep:

mountainsYour good world evokes our wonder,

Beauty that we long to keep. 

Yet, weak stewards, wielding thunder,

Blasting, moving, we debase --

With our knowledge oft we plunder,

Wanton, wasteful -- cure our ways. 

Mountain people's spirits plummet;

Hear our prayer; their needs be seen:

Peace be giv'n to mountain summits,

Let their streams run fresh and clean. 



* Could be sung to any familiar hymn tune fitting a trochee (but not iambic) foot, some examples drawn from Evangelical Lutheran Worship are: Galilee (Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult), Merton (Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding), Omni Die (For the Bread Which You Have Broken), Rathbun (In the Cross of Christ I Glory), Stuttgart (Crashing Waters at Creation), The Servant Song (Will You Let Me Be Your Servant).

Faith Comes to Life at Emmanuel, Atlanta


Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Atlanta, GA, is an active, thriving congregation, where faith indeed comes to life. At any given time, one might find the congregation involved in any number of projects, programs and activities aimed at serving the community. October however was a particularly busy month at Emmanuel. tutorial 

  • On October 9th, the church celebrated Family and Friends Sunday with a lively service in the church and a meal on the yard. One hundred and seventy eight members, family and friends enjoyed worship, fellowship and food together. Pastor Emeritus, the Rev. Larry Miller delivered the sermon.
  • On the 15th of October, the education team at Emmanuel held orientation for parents, students and teachers for the yearly Saturday tutorial. At least twenty students from L.O. Kimberly Electuary School will be tutored, beginning October 29th, in reading and math for the CRCT in April.
  • On the following Saturday (October 22), the Fall Festival brought out the community for food, fun and the opportunity to purchase from community vendors. Children had their face painted and created their own masterpieces in the craft hut. Caricatures were drawn by a local artist. WIP
  • October 30, along with St Mark Lutheran Church in East Point, Emmanual sponsored a "Worship in Pink" Sunday to raise awareness about breast cancer.  Survivors and those surviving were celebrated and those who succumbed were remembered.
  • On Halloween, members of Emmanuel popped decorated trunks and treated the children in the Cascade community.
  • Coming up in November, Emmanuel is partnering with Carter G. Woodson Elementay School and their Snack and Pack program that provides healthy snacks for the school kids on weekends and holidays. They also plan to serve Thanksgiving meals to students at the Atlanta University Center who remain on campus during the holiday

October 2011 was a busy month for Emmanuel, but it is not so unusual. They are a hardworking congregation. For Emmanuel Lutheran Church, life revolves around service, and for them, that is how faith comes to life.


Trunk or Treat
Synodically Authorized Minister Beverly Shaw--Trunk or Treat!


Synod Calendar Highlights

November 10-12

Candidacy Committee meeting, Synod Office


November 12

All Tennessee Youth Gathering


November 18

Talking Together Cross Culturally, Nashville, TN


November 24, 25

Synod office closed, Thanksgiving holiday


December 1

World Aids Day Event, Redeemer, Atlanta, GA  


View the entire Synod Calendar


Please note: 

There will be no regularly scheduled Southeastern Synod E-News

next week (the editor will be on vacation.)  

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 ELCA-Southeastern Synod 
100 Edgewood Ave. NE, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303
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