Southestern Synod Logo
Southeastern Synod
E-News Weekly
Issue: # 217
April  15, 2010
In This Issue
Reflection by Pastor Darrel Peterson
Nomination Forms due for Synod Assembly
A Gift from LLMI
Lutheran Days at ITC
2010 Bishop's School Participants
Report of Congreations Voting to Leave the ELCA
Global Mission Corner
Around The Synod
Upcoming Events
Assembly 2010
June 4, 5 & 6, 2010
Chattanooga, TN 
Assembly Logo 2010 
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Oh, How We Dislike Paying Those Taxes
A reflection by Pastor Darrel Peterson
Pastor Darrel PetersonPastors and CPAs have something in common. They both are under pressure in March and April. We might say that one is dealing with God and the other is dealing with Caesar. Both would like to spread the work out more evenly over the weeks and months. But events are events and deadlines are deadlines. Holy Week and Easter are the pinnacles of the Christian experience. Tax day is not only when the government gets paid; it is also the time accountants see checks roll in for services provided.

The Pharisees sought to trap Jesus by asking him if it was lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not. He deftly avoided the trap by asking them whose image was on a coin...
Click here to read the rest of this reflection on the Southeastern Synod Blog.
REMINDER: Nomination Forms due TOMORROW (April 16)
Tomorrow is the deadline to submit nomination forms to be considered by the synod's Nominating Committee as it formulates its nominations for the elections that will take place at the synod assembly in Chattanooga. Click here to go to the online form for this purpose.
Positions to be elected include: synod vice president; young adult (ages 18-30) synod council member; voting members of the 2011 churchwide assembly; and potential nominees for at-large synod council positions. Additional details about these positions are posted on the assembly website at 
A Gift from LLMI for Professional Church Leaders
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Through a Thrivent Grant for Health and Wellness, Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries is able to offer professional church leaders one-half off the registration fee to attend many programs designed to help participants experience renewal. "Professional Church Leader" is loosely defined as anyone who works 15 hours a week in a church setting, so this is not only an offer for you and your family but also other members of your church staff. The discount is for Professional Church Leaders and their family, as long as the Professional Church Leader attends the program. 
Programs include Create in Me, Family Camp at Lutheridge, Family Adventure Camp at Lutherock, Fall Color and Apple Festival. It is my belief that Professional Leaders need to take time for rest and renewal by themselves and with family to be healthy leaders. I encourage you to take advantage of this gift from Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries.
H. Julian Gordy 
H. Julian Gordy
ELCA-Southeastern Synod
Lutheridge+Lutherock Ministries
Lutheran Days at Interdenominational Theological Center April 28-30, 2010
"Alone, I am nothing; I have nothing. Together, we have power. But we will never know it, we will never see it work unless we come together to make it work."

"Abusua" is the Ghanaian term for family. A derivative from the word "sua", meaning to learn, members in the "Abusua" learn and are expected to learn and to play important roles in enhancing the family, the collective, the community, God's world.

Luther Rose

Lutheran Days @ ITC celebrate the Lutheran Family and the Lutheran presence on the campus of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta. This year's celebration will be held April 28-30.  Among its many activities, Lutheran Days @ ITC will include a Consultation on Theological Education for Persons of Color, during which we will explore the questions: How do we define theological education?  What should/could theological education look like for persons of color?
A series of workshops and worship services in diverse cultural contexts will be offered
 to help us engage in our particular worship of God
and then ultimately move us "Towards Abusua".    
I, on behalf of the Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta, cordially invite you to attend.
Wallace signature
The Rev. Beverly R. Wallace, Ph.D., Interim Director of LTCA
The Lutheran Theological Center in Atlanta @ the ITC
700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Atlanta, GA  30314
404-589-1977, ext 228
Congratulations to 2010 Bishop's School Participants
Congratulations to the 2010 Bishop's School Participants from the Southeastern Synod: 
Bishop's School 2010Ashlyn Neas, Salem Lutheran Church, Parrottsville, TN 
Isaac Taylor, Faith Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TN
William Halsey, Peace Lutheran Church, Knoxville,TN
Chandler Wright, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Woodstock, GA
Lizzy Boettner, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Birmingham, AL
Bishop's School is June 20-26, 2010 at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC.
Report of Congregations Voting to Leave the ELCA
Based upon information provided by synods to the ELCA Office of the Secretary, as of April 7:
308 first votes have been taken by congregations to terminate their relationship with the ELCA (some congregations have taken more than one first vote).  Of those 308 first votes, 221 passed and 87 failed. Synods also have informed the Office of the Secretary that 90 congregations have taken a second vote, 89 of which passed. 
This does not mean that all of these congregations have been removed from the roster of the ELCA; Synod Council approval is required for congregations established by the ELCA and former congregations of the Lutheran Church in America, and, in some cases, the vote is disputed because questions exist regarding the process.  
Global Mission Corner
ELCA Global Mission news at

Global Mission Breakfast at Synod Assembly
Saturday June 5, 2010
On Saturday, June 5, 2010, 7:00AM at the Chattanooga Marriott, the Southeastern Synod Global Mission team is sponsoring a plated breakfast to hear the latest on Global Mission efforts. The cost to attend this breakfast is $15 per person. 
You do not have to be registered for Synod Assembly to attend the Global Mission Breakfast!  To reserve your seat, simply go and click on the link for "Global Mission  Breakfast."   For those who are registering for Synod Assembly, keep in mind that registration for the Global Mission Breakfast is a separate form.  
If you have any questions regarding registration for this Global Mission Breakfast at Synod Assembly, please contact Elaine Schwartz at or 404-5891-977, ext 235

Invitation to the ELCA Global  Mission "Glocal" Gathering


Connecting Global and Local

Global Mission Gatherings

Friday, September 10, 2010 8:00 AM -
Saturday, September 11, 2010 2:30 PM
Zion Lutheran Church
226 Corley Mill Road
Lexington, SC 29072

The ELCA Glocal Mission Gathering brings together experience and resources in global and domestic ministry under one roof, for one weekend, in one convenient location--so leadership teams can build the skills needed to be a part of God's mission, no matter where service happens. Additionally, the dialogue initiated at this event will help ELCA Global Mission understand how to be of better service to you.

Register for an upcoming event. For only $35 per person and in only 1-1/2 days, your team can:
*  Enhance your connections with the local and global Lutherans
*  Gain practical skills for mission
*  Learn how churches are changing how they proclaim and serve
*  Lead inviting worship that includes global voices
*  Serve in a way that is sustainable, respectful, and cross-culturally sensitive
* Give, receive and serve in every facet of ministry
Click here to register.  If you have any questions, please call 1-800-638-3522 and stay on the line to speak with an ELCA Resource Information Specialist. 
As Food Crisis Looms in Haiti, Lutheran World Relief Responds
LWR logoBaltimore, April 13, 2010 - The "lean season" is approaching in Haiti - the time between planting and harvest when food supplies are at their lowest and the threat of hunger increases. To help rural communities affected by the January earthquake, Lutheran World Relief and local partners will distribute seeds to boost agricultural production and offset food shortages.

"During the lean season, families typically live off what little food they've managed to store for themselves. With the influx of urban migrants, even these meager stores are depleted. The threat of hunger for Haitians is very real and LWR must act now to help," says Michael Watt, LWR's Regional Director for Latin America.... (Click here to read entire article.) 

Five Years After Katrina, Volunteers Rebuild Bay St. Louis 
The April 13, 2010 USA Today published an article in the Bonus Section entitled "Sharing in the USA."  The continuing effects of Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and volunteer opportunities at LESM were featured.  Click here to read the article.
Please keep in your prayers those in need who continue to suffer the devastating effects.

USA Today Photo by Sean Gardner

James Burns of Concord, N.C., a volunteer from Elon University, removes debris from a home. He is one of more than 55,000 volunteers who have worked with Lutheran Episcopal Services.

Photo by Sean Gardner for USA TODAY
Upcoming Events
For more information on these and other events, visit the Synod Calendar 
9-11    SESYALL Spring Serve
14-16  Project Connect Annual Gathering
22-24 Candidacy Meeting
28-30  Lutheran Days @ ITC 
2         Social Ministry Sunday
4         Conference 5 Meeting
6         National Day of Prayer 
18-19   Pre-Retirement Seminar 
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ELCA-Southeastern Synod 
100 Edgewood Ave, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA 30303