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LSG Golf Outing
Looking for a unique bulletin cover?
Same Acronym - New Meaning! SESYALL
The Vision for a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Racial ELCA
Volunteers Needed for New Committees and Task Forces
Upcoming Events
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Mobley Hope
Director of Communications

100 Edgewood Ave, Suite 1600
Atlanta, GA  30303
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Issue: # 195 October/2009
LSG Golf Outing
Lutheran Services of Georgia planned to celebrate 15 years of bringing hope, healing and strength to people in need by "Playing for Hope" at the Atlanta Golf Classic on Monday, October 12.  However, due to inclement weather we had to reschedule our golf outing for Monday, November 23, at the Golf Club at Bradshaw Farm in Woodstock, Georgia.  This presents an opportunity to support the vital services of Lutheran Services of Georgia.  For the past 15 years this event has strengthened and reinvigorated Lutheran Services of Georgia's mission to bring hope, healing and strength to vulnerable children and families in need.  Join us as "We're Hoping to Play" Monday, November 23.

Registration begins at 8:30AM, with a new shotgun start at 9:30AM.  For a fee of $100, you'll still get breakfast, lunch, golf cart, green fees and a hamburger and hot dog cookout at the 19th Hole Party.  We have reopened registration so spots are still available.  You can also visit our website at to register or for more information.
Looking for a unique bulletin cover?
MartinKessler Reformation Collection at Emory University in Atlanta has a digital archive available and free for your use. As your congregation approaches various festivals in the church year, these woodcuts are a great resource to help teach the Bible and the history of Christianity from Luther's time. Use your favorite search engine to look up the "Kessler Reformation Collection" or simply click here to connect. 
Same Acronym - New Meaning!
SESYALL RetreatSESYALL - From Southeastern Synod Young Adult Lutheran Leaders to Southeastern Synod Young Adults LIVING LUTHERAN!
Nine Young adults (ages 18 to 30) from across our synod met Oct 9-11, 2009 at Lutheranch for a  "Looking Ahead" Retreat with Kristen Glass, ELCA Director for Young Adult Ministries. Kristen gave models of other synod young adult ministries in the ELCA as well as retreat ideas, characteristics and statistics of young adults in the ELCA. Pastor Nathan Hilkert, a young adult from Epiphany Lutheran in Conyers, Georgia led the group in the weekend's worship.  Rachel Alley provided Synod Staff support.  For three years Southeastern Synod young adults have gathered for mission trips to Daphne, AL  (Katrina Relief), we helped with landscaping at St. Luke's in Thunderbolt, GA, and a had weekend fellowship ski retreat.  Atlanta area young adults meet occasionally for dinner, play kickball at Piedmont Park, and worship at Redeemer.

Click here to read entire article
The Vision for a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Racial ELCA
Sherman Hicks LTSS invites you to campus for a guest lecture given by The Rev. Dr. Sherman G. Hicks, Executive Director, Multicultural Ministries/ELCA, entitled "The Vision for a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Racial ELCA."  The lecture will be held Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 10:00AM in the Stavros Lecture Hall.  For more information, visit or call 803-786-5150.
Volunteers Needed for New Committees and Task Forces
At its September meeting, the Synod Council authorized the future formation of the following new committees and task forces:
Campus Ministries Committee
Global Mission Committee
Great Commission Grants Committee
Poverty, Hunger, & Justice Issues Committee
Youth Committee
African Descent Strategy Task Force
Book of Faith Initiative Task Force
Care of Creation Task Force
Communication / Mission Interpretation Task Force
Health Ministries Task Force
Senior Ministry Task Force
If you or someone you know would like to be considered for membership on one of these new groups, please complete the online volunteer form. Additional information regarding new and existing committees is available on the synod web site, under the "Resources" tab.
Upcoming Events
4-7      CYCLOPS
9         Compensation Guidelines Committee Meeting
12-14  Candidacy Meeting/Retreat
14       Conference 6 Meeting
21       Global Mission Summit
21-22  All-TN Youth Gathering
26-27  Synod Office Closed

For more information on these and other events visit our synod calendar.