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In This Issue
National Preparedness Month
Multicultural Candidacy
Understanding and Dismantling Racism
Ethiopia Companion Synod Taskforce
Career Crossroads
ELCA Foundation Gift Planners
Around The Synod
Upcoming Events
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Mobley Hope
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Issue: # 189 September/2009
National Preparedness Month
Lutheran Disaster Response

The first step towards being prepared for disaster is to Be Informed of the types of disasters that could impact your community.  One way to know how to prepare is to reflect on the types of disasters that have impacted your area in the past.  So, if you live in "Tornado Alley," you should know where to go in the event of severe weather.  Or if you live in a flood plain, you should know the options for Federal flood insurance.  Or if you live along the Gulf Coast or other areas vulnerable to hurricanes, you should understand the various evacuation routes from your home.


September is National Preparedness Month, a helpful reminder that all of us could be better prepared for the unknown and the unthinkable.  This year, Lutheran Disaster Response encourages you to be the ReadyChurch, and it takes all of us working together.  Take time this month to prepare your family, your friends and neighbors, and your congregation by following the three simple steps -- 1) Be Informed, 2) Make a Plan, and 3) Get a Kit.  Get started today by visiting


This week, talk as a family, or with your friends and neighbors, about the types of disasters that might affect your community and how you can be better prepared to face those uncertainties.  And stay tuned for more information coming throughout the month about how you can be Lutheran Disaster Response for your community by preparing today for what might happen tomorrow.

Multicultural Candidacy
Multicultural Candidacy by Dr. Anne Fottrell

There is an old story about the devil going on vacation. He interviewed three candidates for the job of "interim devil" while he would be away. He asked the first candidate what he could think of to thwart Christians. The candidate stated he would tell Christians there was no God. "That won't work," snorted the devil with contempt. "Even I know there is a God." He asked the second candidate what he would do and the reply came, "Tell them that while Jesus is a historical figure, He is not the Messiah." "That won't work either," the devil replied tiredly. "I've done that for years. What is your idea?" he asked the third candidate who had, by now, had time to consider the responses of his peers. Very slowly the third demon said, "I would tell Christians they had all the time in the world." Needless to say, he got the job.
It is projected that in twenty years, the demographics of the southeastern United States will change to consist of one-third Caucasian, one-third African descent, and one-third Latino. Already, the Latino population of Mississippi has tripled since Katrina and is also the fastest growing population in South Carolina. Twenty years ago, even those most optimistic and dedicated to racial reconciliation would probably not have predicted an African-American taking up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Twenty years ago- 1989 - I was beginning my psychiatry residency at Vanderbilt. I was quite confident that medicine would change, but was grossly unprepared for the way that insurance companies, hiding behind the facade of financial responsibility, would seize the power to make medical decisions that heretofore, would have been practicing medicine without a license.
Twenty years is a very, very short time. Ask anyone who has just sent a child to college. How often I hear that it seems like they were babies just a few months ago. We were going to T-ball games and buying towels for the heads of shepherds and wise guys in Christmas pageants just yesterday. So I've made my point. We, as Christians, and specifically ELCA Lutherans, don't have the luxury of lots of time to change our mental image of what the Southeastern Synod looks like. We must begin now to actively consider how we can welcome and incorporate all the various ethnicities which do live or will live in our towns and in our neighborhoods. Can you envision your own congregation as multicultural?

Click here for entire article.
Understanding and Dismantling Racism
Understanding & Dismantling RacismThe Interracial Interfaith Community, Inc. presents Understanding and Dismantling Racism.  A book signing and workshop with the Rev. Joseph Barndt.

Joseph Barndt is a Lutheran pastor, community organizer, teacher and writer in the field of race relations and racism.  He is the co-founder and director emeritus of Crossroads Ministry, an interfaith ministry that provides training and develops organizing strategies and skills to dismantle racism.  Pastor Barndt has served parishes in Tucson, Arizona; Oakland, California; The Bronx in New York City, New York; and Chicago, Illinois.  He has written a number of books and articles on racism and race relations. 

Reading and signing of Rev. Barndt's book will be September 11, 6:00 PM at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Savannah, GA.  There will be a workshop and discussion titled "Who is helping white Savannah to understand racism?" on September 12 from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM at the University Hall, Armstrong Atlanta State University.  Pr. Barndt will be preaching during the 11:00 AM Sunday worship service on September 13 at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Savannah.
Ethiopia Companion Synod Taskforce
The ELCA-Southeastern Synod Ethiopia Companion Synod Taskforce
invites pastors and lay leaders Africato join us on Tuesday, October 6 at 6 pm at Redeemer in Atlanta to learn more about our growing ministry partnership with our brothers and sisters in East Africa. 

We will hear stories from two recent trips and dream together about future possiblities for our relationship in Jesus Christ.  Contact Pastor Brian Goke for questions at
Career Crossroads
LTSSCareer Crossroads
October 16-18, 2009
Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
Are you or is someone you know going though a career crisis?  Many people are unhappy in their vocation and aren't sure which steps to take to find work that fits their gifts and mission in life.  Career Crossroads is a spiritual retreat that can help with these difficult decisions.   
For questions, please contact Sandra Holland, Associate Director for Ministry, Region 9 at 803-461-3263 or  The deadline for registrations is September 17th. 
ELCA Foundation Gift
ELCAby Pr. Mark Scott

Acts 2:17: And your young shall see visions and your old shall dream dreams.

During the last few months as I have visited with people in South Carolina and Georgia on behalf of the legacy work of the Church, I have often thought of that verse in the Book of Acts.  Dreaming dreams is one of those acts of faith that truly gains meaning as you grow older.  As you look at the expanse of your life, you think of those things you might have achieved or the things you might have done better.  Then you dream dreams relating to the future.

During the last few weeks, that future has grown a little cloudy.  Many people in the church in all of its expressions wonder how we can manage in the face of economic and spiritual uncertainty.  That's the difficult news.

The good news is that in my work as a gift planner with the ELCA Foundation I meet people nearly every day who still have dreams for the church.  Recently, I met someone who had dreams for the church.  And as my visit with him concluded, he gave me a substantial check to fund ministry into the future.

His action was a "show and tell" of Acts 2.  And his ability to still dream dreams will energize many church causes at some point in the future.  If you are still dreaming dreams or know someone who wants to care for church ministries through a planned gift, please contact Pr. Mark Scott, Pr. Paul Summer or Christine Post-Duncan, your ELCA Foundation gift planners.  Calling the Synod office for contact information will change your life and the lives of people you care about.
Around The Synod
Around The Synod
CommunionSoutheastern Synod Mission
Receives Unexpected Gift
Sometimes you just don't know what might arrive in the mail!  This week, Pastor Developer Ed Wolff, from Cross of Grace Lutheran Church in Jonesborough, TN, was sent a wonderful gift.  He says, "Yesterday, I was totally awestruck.  I received, from the ELCA, a beautiful handcrafted communion ware set.  The chalice is from Palestine.  The pitcher is from Bangladesh, the basket is from Uganda, and the basket liner is from Guatemala.  It is stunning.  These vessels were used during the 2009 Churchwide Assembly."

United Methodist pastor preaches and presides at Lutheran Holy Cross HiramEucharistic service

The Churchwide Assembly votes were barely counted, when the Rev. Kendall Taylor, a United Methodist pastor and friend of Holy Cross Lutheran in Hiram, GA. presided at the worship services when Pastor Earl Schafer was on vacation, August 23rd.

Ready, set, go back to schoolReady, Set, Go Back to School
The Rev. W. James Nelson, pastor of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church and the president of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance in Savannah, GA along with a team of volunteers organized a county-wide "Ready, Set, Go Back to School" event that was held at the Savannah Civic Center on Saturday, August 15.  The goal of the event was to lend a helping hand to 2,500 children and families during this tough economic time as they prepare for the 2009-2010 school year.  The team of volunteers filled 2,500 bags with school supplies.  By 12 noon, 2,500 filled book bags and backpacks had been distributed while several other parents and children still waited in long lines.  One of the participating churches helped to save the day by sending a truck load of school supplies for the nearly 1,000 waiting individuals.  The community event was able to assist over 3,000 children.

Upcoming Events
11-12    Synod Council
14-15    Ethiopia Trip
18-20    WELCA Convention
19         Conference 8 Meeting
22         Conference 3 Meeting
22         Conference 5 Meeting
26         Conference 7 Meeting
26         Leadership Program for Musicians

3          Conference 1 Meeting
9-11     SESYALL - Young Adult Event
10        Conference 2 Meeting
12-13   Deans Meeting
12-13   First Call Meeting
13-15   Leadership Convocation at Lutheridge
16-17   Institute for Missional Church Leaders
18        Appalachian Awareness Sunday
23-24   Grow N Grace
24        Leadership Program for Musicians
24        Conference 9 Meeting

For more information on these and other events visit our synod calendar.