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Elliott II On-Line
Major Expansion of the MGA-Troy Hydraulic Durability Lab
Mike Miller - Troy, MI (mike.miller@mgaresearch.com)
Over the past few years, MGA has continually expanded the facilities and array of services offered for real-time simulation durability testing. Typically, these facilities include systems and expertise related to Multi-Axis Simulation Tables (MAST), Electro-Dynamic (ED) vibration systems, and multi-channel fatigue capabilities. This fall, MGA has made its largest expansion yet into this area of testing technology. This expansion is part of a multi-year plan to convert the Elliott campus of buildings, purchased in 2005, to specialized test laboratories serving the needs of the automotive industry.
Previously, MGA started with two MASTs and various component-level fatigue testing stations at the Executive Laboratory facility. In 2006, four additional MASTs, a 4-post simulation rig, and two ED shakers were brought on-line. For personnel, experts in dual MAST simulation and data editing/processing were added to our staff. The new laboratory, referred to as "Elliott II", represents one of the biggest investments that MGA has made in the Michigan-based labs. Facilities added this summer include:
The Battle Continues
Craig Peterson - Akron, NY (craig.peterson@mgaresearch.com)
As winter approaches, and preparations for snow begin, visions of vehicles turning from a nice shade of royal blue, to a two-tone blue with shades of gray from the build up of salt and dirt begin to settle in. If this salt solution is not diligently washed off, soon the vehicle will become a lovely two-tone blue and rust. This little "battle" between vehicles, the elements, and salt leads one to consider the many products that are tested in this battle against rust and other types of corrosion.
The Technical Services Lab (TSL) in Akron, NY (and sister facilities in Michigan, Wisconsin, and South Carolina) routinely conducts corrosion tests on a wide variety of products for a broad range of applications including:
MGA Adds Pedestrian iDummy

Most people have heard of the iPod, iPhone, and iTunes, but how about the iDummy? MGA's iDummy is a system that integrates the typically large Data Acquisition System (DAS) and expansive sensor wiring all into the internal thorax cavity of a crash test dummy. Instead of a bulky dummy umbilical connected to a remote DAS, there is only one small external cable that allows for communication, trigger, and off-board power functions. With the absence of the umbilical, the iDummy is allowed to move freely, which makes it ideal for occupant ejection and pedestrian impact testing. MGA worked with First Technology Safety Systems to create an iDummy that is a Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy upgraded with a pedestrian pelvis kit to allow standing, sitting, and other specialized applications. MGA's iDummy integrates 2 Diversified Technical Systems' G5 modules to allow for 64 channels of data acquisition that include accelerometers in the head, chest, and pelvis, along with upper neck, lower neck, femur and lower leg load cells. For more information on the MGA iDummy contact Jessica Gall ( jessica.gall@mgaresearch.com) at (262) 763-2705. |
Any Size, Any Type, Any Test
Have you ever had trouble testing an oversized or undersized vehicle or part? Do you have testing that you can't figure out how to set up for the best results? The professionals at MGA welcome you to experience a testing facility that does whatever it takes to get the job done with quality and efficiency, regardless of the component size. For example, recently we took on the task of conducting an FMVSS 207/210 sequential test on an operator's seat installed in a school bus. We also have the capability of conducting various custom static or tensile tests up to 200,000 lbs. Whether testing a single seat, multiple seats, a golf cart or school bus, MGA can get the job done. With over 20 years of experience in safety and custom testing, we are extremely familiar with testing equipment, proper procedures, and government and customer specifications. For more information on our vast array of testing services available, call (248) 577-5001 and speak with Kenney Godfrey, or send him an e-mail at kenney.godfrey@mgaresearch.com. |
CMVSS 223 Testing On-Line at MGA Troy
Fern Gatilao - Troy, MI (fern.gatilao@mgaresearch.com)
Throughout the years MGA has increasingly become a global company with representatives in several countries such as China and Korea. Testing done in the United States is certainly not limited to American specifications. MGA's Troy, MI facility is now capable of conducting the Canadian CMVSS 223 test method on rear impact guards. Similar to FMVSS 223, this method is required for trailers with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs or more with some exceptions such as low-chassis trailers, pole trailers, or trailers that inter-act with work-performing equipment. Three different loads are applied to three specific locations on the impact guard. Even though the load locations are consistent between the Canadian and US specifications, the third load and energy requirements differ greatly.
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Touching Base
with Dr. Patrick Miller - Akron, NY
Twenty Years Later
The recent economic situation has brought back memories of MGA's purchase of the American Motors Proving Grounds about twenty years ago. Today, American Motors Corporation (AMC) is a distant memory for most of us. However, at one time they were the fourth largest producer of light vehicles for the domestic automotive market. Chrysler purchased AMC when they fell on hard times in the fall of 1987.
One of the first changes, after the purchase, was to close the Proving Grounds and offer it for sale. All test activities were quickly transferred to Chrysler's Michigan Proving Grounds. The people working at the AMC facility were, for the most part, laid off, and significant equipment was relocated. As a result, what was once a thriving enterprise quickly became a non-productive situation.
Almost a year later, in the fall of 1988, MGA came to an agreement to purchase the facility from Chrysler. Initial inspection of the facility was almost eerie. Desks that once occupied by people were left with ash trays with cigarette butts in them, calendars turned to the date of the last work day, unfinished reports, etc. One could not help but feel empathy for those people who so quickly lost their employment.
After cleaning up the place, any feeling of despair quickly changed to optimism as a vision was put in place for what this operation could become. Initially, we focused on the crash testing operation, and equipment was obtained in order to bring the facility on-line. Within a year a new sled test facility was operational. Over the years, many other types of test equipment were developed in order to meet customer needs.
While these initial activities were going on, local technical people were hired and trained to operate the enterprise. In fact, it was primarily the dedication and enthusiasm of these people which has made possible the resurrection of this facility.
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